genius evil

Chapter 669

Chapter 669
A flight from Nandu City to Tiannan City passed through the clouds and landed slowly at Tiannan City Airport.

Following the flow of people and walking out of the airport, Jiang Chen immediately saw a pretty figure standing there, who else could it be except Tang Tian.

Different from the hot dress in the past, Tang Tian's dress today looks more conservative, but the black leather jacket and pants look like a queen, only a whip is missing.

Therefore, although this kind of attire is not hot, it is a bit too sexy. I don't know how many passers-by have their eyes stared.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen walked over, looked Tang Tian up and down several times, touched his chin, and muttered to himself.

"Stop talking nonsense and get in the car. I took time to pick you up because of my busy schedule," Tang Tian said.

"Amidst the busy schedule? How busy are you?" Jiang Chen asked with black lines, opened the door and got into the car driven by Tang Tian.

"I can't tell you clearly, I'm just busy anyway." Tang Tian said, followed by getting into the car and driving on the road.

"What are you busy with?" Jiang Chen kept asking with black lines all over his head.

"Don't ask me first, since you're back, just look at me for a while." Tang Tian ordered, and the car drove fast, heading straight for the downtown area of ​​Tiannan City.

After an estimated four to ten minutes, the car finally stopped in an inconspicuous urban village area. After getting out of the car, there were more than a dozen people running over quickly.


"Big sister."


Those guys are really dog ​​legs.

"Where's Wan Tenglong?" Tang Tian asked loudly.

"We're drinking, we've been staring at it all the time." Someone immediately responded.

"Drink a fart, tell him to get out and die." Tang Tian raised her eyebrows, as if she was about to explode immediately.

"Xiao Tiantian, did someone offend you? Tell him to come out, I guarantee that he won't be able to take care of himself for the rest of his life." Jiang Chen yelled.

"You don't need to do it for a while, I will clean him up myself," Tang Tian said.

"Oh, how do you want to deal with me?" came a playful voice.

Accompanied by the sound that came, dozens of people came out, and the one who walked in the front was a guy who looked very sloppy.

The hair is very long, but it has not been washed for an unknown period of time, and it is shiny. The suit that looks good is hardly recognizable in its original color.

Not to mention the pair of leather shoes under the feet, the dirty ones are probably thrown in the trash, and beggars will not pick them up.

The only thing that was clean were the guy's two hands. In one of them, he was holding a bottle of whiskey, drinking while walking, and his face was glowing red. I don't know if it was because he was excited or was about to drink. Drunk.

"Kill you, or you take the initiative to get out of Tiannan City." Tang Tian said bluntly, very domineering.

"Is there a third option?" Wan Tenglong said with a smile.

"Yes, you can choose to commit suicide." Tang Tian smiled.

"Actually, you still have a fourth option." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Tang Tian, ​​is this your concubine?" Wan Tenglong ignored Jiang Chen's words, but said in a joking tone with a look of great interest.

"I have a good eye." Tang Tian smiled even more happily.

"It's not good, but it's too bad. Even though fresh meat is very popular now, can this kind of man who has no masculinity at all be called a man?" Wan Tenglong said disdainfully.

"You say I'm not manly?" Jiang Chen stared.

"Being a person requires self-awareness. Maybe you have exercised your muscles in the gym, but in my eyes, you are still a useless waste." Wan Tenglong said mockingly.

"I never go to the gym or anything." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"You haven't even been to the gym, which can only mean that you are a waste of waste." Wan Tenglong said firmly.

"I have to say, you managed to piss me off." Jiang Chen was so angry.

what is this?
Getting shot while lying down?
Being handsome is not masculine?

"Why, do you want to fight with me? It's not that I look down on you, just like you, I can shoot ten of them to death with just one shot." Wan Tenglong chuckled after taking a big sip of wine into his mouth.

"Okay, I want to see how you beat me to death." Jiang Chen walked towards Wan Tenglong step by step.

"Boy, let me see clearly." Wan Tenglong faced Jiang Chen, stretched out his right hand, and slapped Jiang Chen with a slap.


There was a crisp applause, and then, a figure flew out.

"What about killing ten with one slap?" Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

Wan Tenglongfei fell out and fell heavily on the ground. His whole body was a bit dazed by the fall. He was obviously going to pat Jiang Chen, but how could he be patted by Jiang Chen?

The terrible thing is that he didn't even see when Jiang Chen made his move.

"Boy, don't worry, the fun has just begun." Wan Tenglong got up.


It was almost Wan Tenglong who got up, and Jiang Chen slapped him again, sending Wan Tenglong flying again.

"Do you want to continue?" Jiang Chen said calmly, shrugging his shoulders.

Wan Tenglong was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, just like the first time, this time, he still didn't see clearly how Jiang Chen made his move.

Wan Tenglong was a little unbelieving, and stood up again with a swipe, but unfortunately, in an instant, he was blown away by Jiang Chen again.

"Is it fun?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Boy, play the game of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger in front of me, you are dead." Wan Tenglong was furious. Even if he was an idiot, he was blown away by Jiang Chen three times in a row. out, so simple.

"Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger? You think too much of yourself." Jiang Chen shook his head, walked over, and kicked Wan Tenglong with one kick, then another kick, the third kick, and the fourth kick...

Wan Tenglong was kicked by Jiang Chen, and kept rolling on the ground, letting out howling ghosts and howling wolves. In the end, there was only air in and no air out, and Jiang Chen stopped his feet.

"Did I say that you have a fourth choice? This fourth choice is that I will beat you up so that you can't take care of yourself for the rest of your life." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" Tang Tian called out.

"Xiao Tiantian, did something happen?" Jiang Chen asked in astonishment.

"It's agreed to follow my wink." Tang Tian was speechless.

What she was most worried about was that Jiang Chen would fight as soon as he came over, so Jiang Chen had to follow her eyes and act. Originally, Jiang Chen slapped Wan Tenglong a few times, but it was nothing. Who made Wan Tenglong look bad? .

But, she didn't need Jiang Chen to beat up Wan Tenglong until she couldn't take care of herself.

"Xiao Tiantian, you have to understand that my patience has never been very good when facing this kind of bitch." Jiang Chen said with an innocent face.

"Then what should I do?" Tang Tian said.

"What should I do?" Jiang Chen was puzzled.

"You've already beaten people like this, isn't my preparation today in vain?" Tang Tian rolled her eyes.

"You mean, you're dressed like this to beat someone up?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"Otherwise, you think I'd like to dress like this, the sun is so hot, it's almost killing my aunt and grandma." Tang Tian said angrily.

"Uh, how about I give him a few injections, and then you beat him up?" Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

"Good idea." Eyeballs rolled around a few times, Tang Tian thought it was okay.

Ever since, Jiang Chen walked over, grabbed Wan Tenglong, and stabbed a few silver needles into Wan Tenglong's body.

When the silver needle entered his body, Wan Tenglong immediately felt a strange force filling his body, his waist no longer hurt, his legs no longer hurt, and the bones broken by Jiang Chen seemed to have been spliced ​​together.

"Okay." Putting away the silver needle, Jiang Chen signaled.

"Look at me." Tang Tian rushed over and kicked Wan Tenglong with a high foot. With a click, Wan Tenglong's jaw was crooked by Tang Tian.


With a twist of her slender waist and a light body, she turned 180 degrees. Tang Tian kicked Wan Tenglong to the ground with a side kick.


This was not enough, Tang Tian kicked Wan Tenglong's head for the third time.

Poor Wan Tenglong, he didn't even have time to let out a scream, but rolled his eyes and passed out on the ground.

"Have you enjoyed the beating?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"So-so, it's this guy, he's too easy to beat." Tang Tian was a little bit unsatisfied.

"How about I give him a few more injections?" Jiang Chen suggested.

"Is this really good?" Tang Tian was obviously moved.

"Just as long as you are happy." Jiang Chen said pamperingly.

"Forget it, it's boring." Tang Tian waved her hand, and then said to the group of people who appeared with Wan Tenglong: "You guys, who is here to let me beat you up?"

The group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, each of them was a little bit broken.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen and Tang Tian are too good at playing, this is the rhythm of forcibly playing Wan Tenglong to death.

Seeing Wan Tenglong's miserable appearance, these people were all terrified from the bottom of their hearts.

"Hey, how about talking to you?" Tang Tian urged.


Those people suddenly made an unexpected move, ran away, and disappeared in an instant. Looking at their posture, they seemed to hate their parents for losing two legs.

"A bunch of idiots, how dare they act presumptuously in front of my aunt like this." Tang Tian said triumphantly with her mouth curled.

"Missy deserves to be Missy, her domineering side leaks."

"Eldest sister is very wise and powerful, and dominates the world."


As soon as Tang Tian's voice fell, the dozen or so dog legs were flattering to their heart's content.

"Low-key, do you understand that you should be low-key?" Tang Tian said happily.

Hearing Tang Tian's words, Jiang Chen felt that goosebumps were about to appear all over his body, and he was very suspicious that Tang Tian brought so many people here not to beat people up, but to flatter her.

But when did Tang Tian have such a hobby?

(End of this chapter)

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