genius evil

Chapter 670 We are not boyfriend and girlfriend

Chapter 670 We are not boyfriend and girlfriend
"Xiao Tiantian, where did you play today? Why can't I understand?"

After the matter was over, Jiang Chen and Tang Tian left, and it was Jiang Chen who drove. While driving, Jiang Chen couldn't help but ask.

"Didn't you hear what they said? Being wise and powerful, I want to dominate the Jianghu, and I want to dominate the underground underworld in Tiannan City." Tang Tian waved her small fists, looking very excited and expectant.

"Is that why you are so busy?" Jiang Chen said.

"Yeah, you don't even know how busy I am these days, beating and killing, I'm almost exhausted... Oh, I'm so tired, you must serve her well tonight. " Tang Tian said pitifully, while speaking, she did not forget to wink at Jiang Chen.

"That's for sure. From my point of view, there's no need to wait until night. Otherwise, I'll serve you in a while. I'm sure I'll serve you so desperately that you can't stop." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I still have a lot of things to do during the day, so I don't have time to fool around with you." Tang Tian resolutely resisted Jiang Chen's temptation.

For a moment, Jiang Chen was speechless.

After a while, Tang Tian asked Jiang Chen to stop on the side of the road, and drove away by herself.

Jiang Chen was speechless for a while, and had to accept the fact that Tang Tian was really busy.

Because Jiang Chen was catching the earliest flight back to Tiannan City from Nandu City, it was still very early, Jiang Chen thought about it and decided to find a place to eat first.

Just seeing a big restaurant by the side of the road, Jiang Chen walked towards the restaurant.

On Jiang Chen's side, just as he walked to the gate of the hotel, he saw a figure walking towards him.

A head of smooth short hair, exquisite and picturesque facial features, walking in a hurry, when the two passed by, Jiang Chen faintly felt that the other party seemed so familiar.

After entering the restaurant, Jiang Chen suddenly came to his senses.

"It's her?" Jiang Chen murmured softly to himself.

Speaking of the other party, even though he had only met once before, Jiang Chen still had a deep impression on him. Otherwise, he would not have recalled the other party in such a short meeting.

"Woman, it's no wonder that when you walked past me just now, your eyes were flickering, you must have recognized me." Immediately, Jiang Chen smiled and said to himself.

However, even though he recalled who the other party was, Jiang Chen didn't chase him out.

It wasn't until nearly an hour later, when he was full of food and drink, that Jiang Chen wobbled and walked out of the restaurant.

But what surprised Jiang Chen was that he had just walked to the side of the road when he saw a taxi passing by in front of him. that woman.

"That's a bit interesting." Jiang Chen laughed.

It has been an hour since the woman left, but now she is passing by this road again in a taxi, which means that the woman has taken a long detour.

This situation naturally made Jiang Chen very interesting.

He stopped a taxi casually and got in. Jiang Chen said, "Master, do you see that taxi in front of you? Please follow up. It's best to get closer."

"Handsome guy, are you a policeman?" the taxi driver asked gossipingly.

"That's right, I'm a policeman, and now I've confiscated your taxi." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Officer, don't worry, I will definitely cooperate with you in handling the case." The taxi driver was in awe and drove the car very fast.

After a while, the driver couldn't hold back his gossip again: "Handsome guy, may I ask what case you are going to handle? I read the news two days ago, saying that there was a drug lord who sneaked into the city. Would you mind?" Are you going to catch that drug lord?"

"You know too much." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"It's my's my fault..." Cold sweat broke out on the driver's forehead, and he didn't dare to speak anymore.

After a while, Jiang Chen discovered that the taxi in front of him had indeed taken a detour, and the detour was ridiculous. He could have reached the place he could have reached with a right turn. Turn around at a fork in the road.

In this way, going around like this, two taxis, one in front and one behind, drove for nearly an hour. The taxi in front stopped, and the woman got out of the car.

Jiang Chen casually threw the fare to the driver, quickly opened the door, and got out of the car.

The woman not far in front obviously didn't notice Jiang Chen's existence. After getting out of the car, she walked a short distance and stopped another taxi.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Chen was puzzled, and walked a few steps quickly, and the moment the woman opened the door to get in the car, she also slammed her buttocks and got in.

"Who told you to get in the car, get out." The woman scolded unceremoniously.

"Both were born by the same parents, so the difference in how to behave is that big?" Jiang Chen sighed.

"Jiang Chen, it's you." The woman subconsciously glanced at Jiang Chen when she heard Jiang Chen's words.

"Have you eaten yet? If not, how about I treat you to dinner for the sake of being silly?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

This woman is none other than Ye Siran, the older sister of silly white sweet Ye Sichen.

But having said that, the reason why Jiang Chen had a deep impression on Ye Siran after only meeting him once was not because Ye Siran was Ye Sichen's sister.

Rather, Ye Siran is the most temperamental short-haired woman he has ever seen, bar none.

A beautiful woman with outstanding temperament is always easy to impress and forget.

"Haven't you eaten?" Ye Siran asked.

"So, if you hadn't pretended you didn't see me just now, I would have treated you to dinner a long time ago." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Ye Siran was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was being tricked by Jiang Chen, his face darkened, and he said: "I don't have time to talk to you now, get out of the car, I have something to do."

"It's okay, I'll just go with you." Jiang Chen said casually.

"No need." Ye Siran firmly refused.

"I said, two, do you still want to take a car?" the taxi driver asked with a dark face.

"Sit, Jiang Chen, get out of the car." Ye Siran unconsciously used a commanding tone.

"There are so many seats in the car, so what if I take one? You woman, you are just too rigid." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Beauty, the quarrel between you and your boyfriend is a quarrel, don't hurt your peace." The taxi driver advised.

"We are not boyfriend and girlfriend, you have misunderstood." Jiang Chen hastily explained.

"Jiang Chen, you..." Ye Siran almost ran away in anger.

The taxi driver misunderstood the relationship between her and Jiang Chen. Ye Siran felt that if he had to explain, he should explain it himself. What did Jiang Chen mean by explaining in such a hurry before her?
Could it be that she is too ugly?
Or, just like when the two met for the first time, Jiang Chen didn't treat her as a woman at all?

In the above two situations, no matter which one it is, Ye Siran is very angry.

No woman has ever admitted that she is ugly, let alone Ye Siran?

Even if it's really ugly, isn't there a saying that there are no ugly women, only lazy ones?
As for the second point, it was even more unbearable for Ye Siran.

No matter how unfeminine she is, she is still a woman after all. Jiang Chen is good. He directly denied her gender, which is a big blow.

"What's the matter, did I say something wrong? We are indeed not boyfriend and girlfriend." Seeing Ye Siran's reaction, Jiang Chen felt rather baffled, how could he know that such a sentence would make Ye Siran But there are so many associations.

"Did I tell you we are?" Ye Siran said angrily.

"You'd better not say it, or I will think that you are taking advantage of me. You may not know that I have one of the biggest problems, that is, I don't like others to take advantage of me." Jiang Chen said.

"I... took advantage of you?" Ye Siran pointed at himself, then at Jiang Chen, and said word by word.

"Could it be that I took advantage of you?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"I said, can you two stop arguing first? Handsome guy, why don't you get out of the car first, when will the quarrel be over, and when will you get in the car again?" the taxi driver said.

Jiang Chen took out two bills from his pocket, handed them to the taxi driver, and said, "Master, I definitely want to take this car today."

The taxi driver took the money and couldn't laugh or cry. I have never seen anyone who took the money for a taxi and didn't take the car, but quarreled.

"If you want to sit, sit by yourself." Ye Siran took a few steps back, reaching out to stop other cars.

"Miss, can you stop being so willful?" Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Jiang Chen, I warn you, if you keep talking, I won't be polite to you." Ye Siran warned.

"It seems that you haven't been polite to me, have you?" Jiang Chen said amusedly as he smacked his mouth.

Ye Siran just stopped talking to Jiang Chen and concentrated on stopping the car, but she didn't believe it. Could it be that there is only one taxi on this road?

Soon, a taxi drove over.

Seeing the taxi approaching, Ye Siran was overjoyed, and walked over quickly before the taxi stopped.

But when Ye Siran was walking towards the taxi, the taxi, whose speed was slowing down, did not stop slowly for some reason, but suddenly accelerated and rushed over.

Seeing the taxi speeding up, Ye Siran secretly thought something was wrong, and subconsciously tried to avoid it, but because she was in a hurry to get on the bus, she was already very close to the car, less than one meter away.

With the car accelerating, she had no time to dodge in such a short distance.

"Not good." Ye Siran's face changed drastically, and he closed his eyes subconsciously. At the same time, a thought popped up in his mind - that is, she hated Jiang Chen to death.

If it wasn't for Jiang Chen's refusal to get out of the car, she would have taken a taxi and left. How could such an accident happen?
After the idea came to mind, Ye Siran felt aggrieved.

"Jiang Chen, even if I die, I won't let you go." Ye Siran yelled.

Immediately, Ye Siran felt that his body lightened, and he flew up involuntarily...

(End of this chapter)

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