genius evil

Chapter 671 You Are My Boyfriend

Chapter 671 You Are My Boyfriend

"I'm going to die." Ye Siran said to himself.

But after a while, the pain like every bone in his body falling apart after being hit by a car did not appear, Ye Siran couldn't help feeling strange, and slowly opened his eyes bit by bit .

As soon as he opened his eyes, Ye Siran saw a hateful smiling face at first sight.

Because the distance between them is too close, even Ye Siran can clearly see each other's long and thick eyelashes.

"This guy, why do he have such beautiful eyelashes." Ye Siran said secretly.

After finishing speaking, Ye Siran gave himself a big jump. Wasn't she hit by a car?Why does it seem like nothing happened?
"Woman, has anyone ever told you that your character is very bad?" But at this time, Jiang Chen's leisurely voice sounded, and that smile, which was already hateful, became even more hateful.

"Jiang Chen, you bastard!"

Ye Siran cursed loudly.

Only at this moment did she realize that she was not dead, Jiang Chen had saved her at a critical moment, to be exact, she was being held in Jiang Chen's arms right now.

But even if he was rescued by Jiang Chen, Ye Siran still hated Jiang Chen so much.

For one thing, if it wasn't for Jiang Chen's deliberate trouble, such an accident would never have happened. In that case, there would be no need for Jiang Chen to save her.

Secondly, she almost died, and she was still in shock. Jiang Chen didn't want to comfort her, but he even said that there was something wrong with her character.

Doesn't the implication mean that she deserves to be unlucky?

These words immediately stabbed Ye Siran's sensitive nerves.

"Woman, I finally understand. No one must have told you that you have a problem with your character... You are so pitiful." Jiang Chen said with great distress.

"Poor?" Ye Siran rolled the whites of his eyes.

If there is really someone, tell her that she has a problem with her character and she is pitiful, okay?

Ye Siran simply couldn't understand the logic of Jiang Chen's words.

"Yeah, it's just pitiful. After all, you don't have a single friend who is sincere to you... If you hadn't met me, you wouldn't know until now. In fact, your character is problematic." " Jiang Chen said pitifully.

"Jiang Chen, die to me." Ye Siran couldn't bear it any longer, turned his wrist, and pushed hard against Jiang Chen's chest.

"Haha..." Seeing Ye Siran's face turned into anger from embarrassment, Jiang Chen laughed out loud, and suddenly hugged his hands tightly, making Ye Siran unable to move.

"I'm joking, don't take it seriously." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Let go." Ye Siran said coldly.

"I'm really joking." Jiang Chen stated again.

"Let go." Ye Siran's voice became colder.

"Do you not believe that I'm joking or what? How about I apologize to you, so it's over?" Jiang Chen said.

"I told you to let go." Ye Siran almost cried out of anger at Jiang Chen, she believed it, isn't it okay if she believed it?
"Okay... okay... I let go..." Jiang Chen hurriedly said, and only then did he realize that his two hands were placed in the wrong place. Ye Siran would have such a big reaction.

"Woman, I have to explain, I didn't do it on purpose." Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

He really never thought of taking advantage of Ye Siran, this was purely an unintentional mistake.

"No need to explain, as long as you don't bother me." Ye Siran said indifferently.

Ye Siran felt that he was really unlucky, he was almost hit by a car, and Jiang Chen touched his chest, even if he touched it, it took so long.

You know, how old is she, she has never even talked to her boyfriend, and no one has ever touched that place except herself. Very messy.

If things go on like this, maybe something bad will happen.

As long as Jiang Chen doesn't bother her anymore, she will be thankful.

"How can I not explain, what should I do if you treat me as a pervert?" Jiang Chen said hastily.

"Aren't you?" Ye Siran sneered.

"Am I?" Jiang Chen was confused.

"Don't doubt it, you are." Ye Siran said with great certainty, walking away while speaking.

"Little girl, are you okay?" At this moment, the door of the out-of-control taxi opened, and the driver got out sweating profusely, and asked with a look of fear on his face.

"It's okay, drive carefully next time. Otherwise, if you really hit someone, it will be bad." Ye Siran said.

"Must... Definitely..." The taxi driver was obviously very frightened, and said repeatedly, seeing that Ye Siran didn't seem to care about it, after saying these two sentences, he drove away in a hurry.

But just as the taxi drove away, another car braked suddenly and stopped beside Ye Siran.

It was an orange Lamborghini. As soon as the car stopped, a figure jumped down from the car.

"Sister Ye." Running down was a young girl, dressed in a princess dress and dressed like a little princess, calling out to Ye Siran sweetly.

Who knows, it's okay if the girl doesn't yell, but when she yells, Ye Siran walks faster.

"Sister Ye..." Then, the girl called out even louder, with a sweet voice, and her words were full of sweet and greasy taste.

It was as if she had a candy in her mouth when she was talking.

No... No, even if it contains a sugar, it is definitely not so sweet, it must contain a saccharin.

Such a voice is obviously extremely lethal, no, Ye Siran can't even pretend that he didn't hear it, and turned around coyly.

"Yiqing, it's you." Ye Siran said awkwardly.

"Sister Ye, it's really you, I thought I misread the person." Seeing Ye Siran turn around, Qiao Yiqing was elated, ran over, and hugged Ye Siran tightly.

Qiao Yiqing's hug was too tight, Ye Siran pushed Qiao Yiqing several times before he pushed Qiao Yiqing away, and asked uncomfortably, "Yiqing, why did you come to Tiannan City?"

"I came a few days ago, sister Ye, my brother and I have been looking for you in Tiannan City for several days, if we can't find you again today, my brother and I will go back, fortunately, we finally I found you." Qiao Yiqing said with a smile.

"Yeah, I finally found you, Siran, this time, you won't be hiding from us anymore, right?" The Lamborghini's door opened, and another figure stepped out.

It was a young man, probably about 25 or [-] years old, and his appearance was five or six points similar to Qiao Yiqing.

The young man looked at Ye Siran and smiled slightly.

"Qiao Dongqing, I'm not hiding from you, I have a task to do." Ye Siran said.

"Sister Ye, don't explain yourself, you're obviously avoiding us, I'm so stupid, I can see it, not to mention my brother is so handsome, has such a good figure, has such good taste, and has such a high IQ." Qiao Yiqing said softly.

Hearing this, Ye Siran was speechless.

Qiao Yiqing praised Qiao Dongqing for being smart, but Ye Siran had no objection.

However, does smartness have anything to do with being tall, handsome, good-looking, and good taste?
"I do have a mission." Qiao Yiqing said that there was no need to explain, but Ye Siran continued to explain.

"Sister Ye, why are you still explaining, do you not like me?" Qiao Yiqing pouted.

"No." Ye Siran shook his head.

"Then why are you avoiding us?" Qiao Yiqing's small face was full of grievances.

"Yiqing, I didn't lie to you, I was on a mission." Ye Siran said helplessly.

"Well, I trust you, Sister Ye, but even if you have a task to perform, why don't you want to be my sister-in-law?" Qiao Yiqing said again in an aggrieved tone.

"This...things like feelings cannot be forced." Ye Siran said with a slight frown.

"Emotions can be cultivated slowly. You don't like my brother very much now, maybe you will like my brother very much in the future..." Qiao Yiqing said.

"Yiqing, I understand what you mean, so there's no need to say more." Ye Siran interrupted Qiao Yiqing.

"So, Sister Ye, you just don't like me, right? Is it because I'm annoying." Qiao Yiqing looked very sad.

"That's not the problem." Seeing Qiao Yiqing like this, Ye Siran was a little reluctant to hit her.

"Why is that?" Qiao Yiqing blinked, looked at Ye Siran and asked.

"Because... because..." Ye Siran didn't know how to answer for a while, and unintentionally, he caught a glimpse of Jiang Chen, and suddenly said, "Because, I have a boyfriend."

"Sister Ye, you liar, you obviously don't have a boyfriend." Qiao Yiqing was very angry.

"I do have a boyfriend." Ye Siran pointed at Jiang Chen and said, "See, he is my boyfriend."

"I'm not." Jiang Chen was startled. It's true that he likes to make jokes, but he doesn't like others to make fun of him.

When did he become Ye Siran's boyfriend, why didn't he know it?

"Jiang Chen, don't talk nonsense, you are my boyfriend." Ye Siran said in a firm tone.

"I'm really not." Jiang Chen firmly denied.

"Sister Ye, did you hear that the handsome guy said he wasn't your boyfriend anymore, how could you be so forceful? You couldn't rely on him because of his handsomeness, right?" Qiao Yiqing said.

"That's right, even if I'm so handsome that you can't help but want to commit a crime, you can't rely on me." Jiang Chen agreed with Qiao Yiqing's point of view very much.

"Jiang Chen, can you be more serious, don't always look serious." Ye Siran walked over, hugged Jiang Chen's arm, lowered his voice, and said, "Jiang Chen, help me. "

"It's not that I don't want to help you, but this favor is not easy to help. Of course, the most important thing is that I doubt that you are taking advantage of me. What if after I help you this time, you and I pretend to be The play is really going on, what should I do?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

(End of this chapter)

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