genius evil

Chapter 678 I hate being taken advantage of

Chapter 678 I hate being taken advantage of

"Fuck you, get out!"

Hearing this incomparably crisp robbery, Qiao Yiqing was stunned for a while, and then jumped up, about to explode.

"Stop talking nonsense, you four, honestly hand over your money and your phone, or don't blame me for being rude." The voice was very cruel.

Qiao Yiqing looked sideways, and saw a huge and round bald head, which looked like a marinated egg.

"Death Bald, get the hell out of here, or I'll get angry. Don't blame me for not warning you, I got angry, it's terrible, really terrible." Qiao Yiqing was very angry.

"Ask you to hand over your phone and wallet, are you deaf? And you, and you two..." The bald man seemed not to have heard Qiao Yiqing's words. Bring the dagger, he waved the dagger and said viciously.

"Ah, I can't take it anymore." Qiao Yiqing ran away in an instant, raised her foot, and kicked the bald man.


Following Qiao Yiqing's kick, the bald man's rather robust body was kicked three or four meters away like a ball.

Landing on the ground, there was a dull sound, and the bald man's painful face was distorted.

"Boy, what's going on, why didn't you tell me that this woman is so powerful?" The bald man gasped and got angry at Qiao Dongqing.

"This trick again, slandering us for being addicted, right?" Qiao Yiqing ran away again, rushed forward, and kicked the bald man away with another kick.

"Help, help! Someone help me, I'm going to die!" The bald man only felt that his internal organs were about to be crushed by Qiao Yiqing, and the screaming was miserable.


So Qiao Yiqing kicked the bald man unconscious for the third time.

"Okay, it's finally quiet." After clapping her hands, Qiao Yiqing said triumphantly.

After the words fell, Qiao Yiqing realized that no matter whether Qiao Dongqing, Jiang Chen or Ye Siran, they were all looking at her like idiots.

"What are you doing looking at her like this... Is she too violent? In fact, she didn't do it on purpose. She is very ladylike." Coy, Qiao Yiqing said shyly.

"Yiqing, so you are so powerful." Ye Siran exclaimed.

Qiao Yiqing's impression of Ye Siran has always been like a little princess. In fact, Qiao Yiqing is sweet and greasy no matter how she dresses or speaks. Ye Siran never knew, It turned out that Qiao Yiqing had such a strong side.

"Sister Ye, don't praise me. I'm just average. My brother is the best. If you just stretch out a finger, you can crush that dead bald head." Qiao Yiqing was bragging about herself , Don't forget to brag about Qiao Dongqing.

While talking, Qiao Yiqing said again: "Brother, I should have let you do it. Maybe sister Ye will change her mind seeing you are so good."

"Yiqing, let's go." Qiao Dongqing said expressionlessly.

"Aren't we going to have dinner together?" Qiao Yiqing asked in confusion.

"Let's go." Qiao Dongqing didn't explain so much, she pulled Qiao Yiqing away, and after walking a few steps, Qiao Dongqing suddenly turned around and took a deep look at Jiang Chen. He didn't speak, and after a while, he took Qiao Yiqing into the Lamborghini and drove away.

"Woman, they don't want to eat, the two of us will eat, just to save me money." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Don't eat." Ye Siran sighed softly, the robbery happened twice in a row, it was inexplicable not to mention it, it also affected the mood, how could she still have the appetite to eat.

"It's okay if you don't eat, as the old saying goes, people are iron and rice is steel, if you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry..." Jiang Chen said in a rambling manner.

"Jiang Chen, can you stop pretending to be crazy?" Ye Siran said helplessly.

"Why can't I understand what you're talking about?" Jiang Chen blinked and said innocently.

"If you don't want to say it, then don't say it." Ye Siran smiled bitterly, turned around and left.

Now that the matter has come to this point, how can Ye Siran still not understand what happened.

Obviously, the first wave of robbers was called by Jiang Chen, and the second wave of robbers had an inseparable relationship with Qiao Dongqing.

Only Qiao Yiqing was stupid, but she didn't know that when she hit the bald man, it was no different from hitting Qiao Dongqing in the face.

The timing of the appearance of the two waves of robbers is very ingenious. It is not difficult to see that the first wave of robbers did not really want to rob people at all, but came specifically to disgust people.

The bald man who robbed in the second wave really came to rob. Unfortunately, Qiao Yiqing shot too fast, so he didn't have any chance.

Since the first group of people was called by Jiang Chen, there is no doubt about who Jiang Chen wanted to disgust.

This reminded Ye Siran vaguely of Jiang Chen asking her a question. Jiang Chen asked her if she knew Qiao Dongqing. Knowing some of Qiao Dongqing's arrangements, that's why she asked such a question.

But what really made Ye Siran care about was not this, after all she was not harmed, just like what Jiang Chen said, just treat it as watching a play.

What bothered Ye Siran was that Jiang Chen didn't explain the whole thing from beginning to end, nor did he think about apologizing, which simply made Ye Siran feel like he was being played with.

"Hey, you really don't want to eat anymore." Jiang Chen yelled.

Ye Siran didn't reply, and walked faster and faster.

"Woman, even if you're crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, don't you do it so obviously." Jiang Chen said angrily.


At night, around ten o'clock, MINT bar.

Just as Jiang Chen got off the taxi, Ji Feng and Zhou Ji greeted him.

"Young Master Jiang, why is your face so ugly? Could it be a broken relationship?" Seeing that Jiang Chen's face was not very good-looking, Zhou Ji immediately felt the fire of gossip burning.

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who will fall in love?" Jiang Chen pointed at his face and said angrily.

He is so handsome, if he also falls in love, then wouldn't other men in the world have to spend every day in lovelorn?
Thinking about the situation, Jiang Chen felt a little pity for those men.

"Jiang Shao, do you want to look in the mirror? I swear, the three big words I'm broken in love are almost written on your face now." Zhou Ji said solemnly.

"It seems to be four words." Ji Feng reminded.

"Whether it's three words or four words, that's not the point." Zhou Ji said carelessly.

"The point is, I think anyone can fall in love, but Jiang Shao can't fall in love." Ji Feng said.

"Ji Shao, you are not good at flattering, it's disgusting." Zhou Ji said with disgust.

Talking and laughing, the three of them entered the bar, but someone was already waiting there, it was that guy Tong Zhi.

"Young Master, I came here to pay the bill on purpose tonight. The three of you just let go and drink, and don't be polite to me." Seeing Jiang Chen, Tong Zhi said with a smile, speaking in a casual, slightly With some respect.

"I didn't intend to be polite to you, otherwise why did I ask you to come over and pay the bill." Zhou Ji said as a matter of course, this guy is very relaxed in front of Jiang Chen.

While talking, he snapped his fingers, and a waiter immediately brought over drinks.

Tong Zhi picked up the wine bottle and poured wine, poured it for Jiang Chen first, then poured three more glasses, and said, "Young Master, if you have time, why don't you go to Tong's house? You don't even know, that kid Tong Zhen also wanted to If he wants to follow, I have to talk about it so that he can give up his mind."

"When you talk about Tongzhen, I just think that kid is too worthless." Zhou Ji rolled his eyes and said, "Why do you think that kid is so shameless? When did the youngest become his brother-in-law? ?”

"What about me?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"How could it be? I'm just curious. Do you have an affair with a fairy tale beauty?" Zhou Ji said with a smile.

"One leg?" Jiang Chen glanced at Zhou Ji.

"Oh, I said the wrong thing. What I actually want to say is, young master, are you dating a fairy tale beauty?" Zhou Ji hurriedly corrected.

Hearing this, Ji Feng and Tong Zhi also looked at Jiang Chen curiously.

Especially Tong Zhi, he knew that Jiang Chen didn't stay in Fairy Tale's boudoir last time, so he was very confused as to what the relationship between Jiang Chen and Fairy Tale was.

In the final analysis, whether it is him or the rest of the Tong family, they all hope that Jiang Chen can become the son-in-law of the Tong family.

But Jiang Chen never seemed to say that Fairy Tale was his woman, and the Tong family didn't want to ask too much about it. It just so happened that Zhou Ji, speaking without restraint, uttered the question he had always wanted to ask. , how could Tong Zhi not feel curious.

Jiang Chen smiled, and was about to speak, but before he could say anything, there was a charming voice in his ear: "This handsome guy, I'll give you a chance, how about buying me a glass of wine?"

The speaker was a rather revealingly dressed woman, with big breasts, slender waist, fat ~ hips, smoky makeup and big red lips. When she spoke, she smiled delicately, quite charming.

"Excuse me, are you talking to me?" Jiang Chen asked, turning his head and casually glanced at the woman who struck up a conversation.

"Handsome guy, you are the most handsome among the four. If I don't talk to you, who else can I talk to?" the woman giggled.

"You have a good eye." Jiang Chen was instantly happy.

"So handsome, are you going to buy me a drink?" The woman also looked very happy.

"No." Jiang Chen said.

"Why?" The woman was stunned, seeing how Jiang Chen Jiang Chen was exhilarated by her praise, why did she refuse to invite her to drink, this made the woman very puzzled.

"It's very simple. I hate being taken advantage of." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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