genius evil

Chapter 679 The Great Good Guy

Chapter 679 The Great Good Guy

"Handsome guy, you are so humorous." After the woman was stunned for a moment, she smiled charmingly.

"Am I very humorous?" Jiang Chen said to Zhou Ji and the others.

"No, it's not humorous at all." The three of them, Zhou Ji, were better than the other, and said in unison with a tacit understanding.

"Have you heard, I don't have a sense of humor at all." Jiang Chen said very seriously.

"You guys are really interesting." The woman smiled even more coquettishly. She put one hand lightly on Jiang Chen's shoulder, bent down, lowered her head, and attached it to Jiang Chen's ear, as only Jiang Chen could listen. The voice that came said: "Handsome guy, is it because I let you take advantage of me, so you are willing to let me take advantage of you? If this is the case, I don't mind at all. I am taken advantage of by you, little handsome guy. Who would let me take advantage of you? Handsome boy, you look so handsome."

"You are really cheap." Jiang Chen cursed.

This woman thought he was someone, did she think that Jiang Chen was someone who took advantage of him indiscriminately?
"You—" The woman's face changed suddenly, her brows and eyes were erected, and she couldn't smile anymore.

"Go away." Jiang Chen was just talking nonsense, and raised his hand to drive him away.

"Little handsome guy, don't give me face like this. Be careful when you walk at night tonight. If something bad happens, don't blame me for not warning you in advance." The woman said coldly, turned and left.

"Young master, isn't it?" Ji Feng frowned and made a gesture.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Zhou Ji patted Ji Feng's hand, and said angrily, "Ji Shao, the big beauty is just joking, what do you mind doing so much, maybe they say let the big girl Be careful not to walk at night, because you want to take advantage of the young master's inattentiveness and kidnap him back to be the husband of the village."

Speaking of this, Zhou Ji looked at Jiang Chen with envy and hatred, and said with emotion; "Young Master, I really envy you. You said that I am as handsome as you, but why no woman took the initiative to pick on me? Woolen cloth."

Zhou Ji was really envious of Jiang Chen. The last time he came to the MINT Bar, he was a beautiful woman in a red dress. This time, it was a sexy beauty.

Although the beauty in the red dress seems to be more beautiful, this sexy beauty has a better figure.

The problem is, I haven't seen Jiang Chen has any special way to pick up girls. Why do these beauties all fall in love with Jiang Chen one by one?

In terms of face, he is obviously very handsome, okay?

"Zhou Ji, don't make me vomit, okay?" Tong Zhi couldn't take it anymore, this guy was too self-conscious, I really don't know how he had the courage to compare himself with Jiang Chen.

Zhou Ji chuckled and said, "Tong Zhi, you are so ugly, you are destined to never understand the difficulties of handsome guys like us."

"Ouch!" Tong Zhi really wanted to vomit.

Jiang Chen didn't pay attention to the playfulness of these two bastards. He was drinking, and from the corner of his eye, he was always paying attention to the woman's every move.

Beautiful women are often born with unique advantages.

Especially, when a woman knows that she is beautiful, they often know better how to make full use of their own advantages.

That woman is undoubtedly a typical example of this.

Jiang Chen didn't intend to buy her a drink, but there are so many men in this bar, since the woman appeared, there were countless eyes fixed on her, ready to move at any time.

No, the woman who turned around and left just now has a man who wants to buy her a drink.

The woman seems to be a veteran of the night scene, she is very familiar with flirting and other methods, and it seems to be the kind that is easy to flirt with. However, to Jiang Chen's surprise, the two men who invited the woman to drink at the table, let He tried every means, but he didn't take advantage of this woman.

"It's kind of interesting." Jiang Chen saw it in his eyes and chuckled secretly, but he stopped looking and concentrated on drinking.

When Jiang Chen left the bar, it was around 11:30 in the evening, separated from Ji Feng, Zhou Ji and Tong Zhi. Jiang Chen stood at the side of the road to stop the car, thinking about where to spend the night tonight.

That woman Tang Tian seemed really busy, she was so busy that she didn't even have time to call him, and Shuang'er was not in Tiannan City, but in Yilan City to deal with other matters.

As for Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan, they are in Tiannan City, but at this time, they are probably already asleep, so it is not easy to disturb them.

"Poor handsome man like me, is he going to guard the empty bed alone tonight?" Jiang Chen said to himself.

"How about, I'll give you another chance." It was Jiang Chen's voice, just after falling, a voice rang in her ear.

Immediately, a woman, with her slender waist twisted, came slowly, walking towards Jiang Chen and winking at Jiang Chen at the same time.

"Even if I'm handsome, that's not why you depend on me, is it? You want me to take advantage of you like that?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly, this woman was none other than the one who hit him up at the bar earlier. that.

"Yeah, I really want to be taken advantage of by you, but I don't know if you have the guts." Blinking, the woman said playfully.

"Provocative method?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"It seems that you have no courage, right." The woman provoked.

When Jiang Chen heard this, he became a little angry. He is big in everything, and even more courageous. This woman provoked him like this, and he didn't know how to write the dead word.

Ever since, Jiang Chen moved his feet, and in the next second, he appeared in front of the woman. He reached out and rubbed the woman's chest viciously.


Feeling the swelling pain in her chest, the woman immediately looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost. She was indeed aggressive, but she was just teasing Jiang Chen. Who told Jiang Chen to disrespect her like that and refuse to invite her? drink it.

But what the woman never expected was that Jiang Chen really took advantage of her, or took advantage so directly.

"Isn't it enough?" Jiang Chen smiled strangely, and suddenly stretched out his hand again, rubbing the woman's chest.

"You're dead." The woman hurriedly took two steps back, angry.

"Can't afford it? If you can't afford it, don't play it. Since you want to play it, but you are so twisted about Nini, it's your fault." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen had an innocent look on his face.

It wasn't that he wanted to take advantage of this woman, but it was this woman who seemed determined not to give up until he took advantage of her. In this way, Jiang Chen could only satisfy her once and take advantage of her a little bit.

Not to mention, it feels pretty good.

"Ah—" The woman was as angry as a lioness, kicking Jiang Chen heavily with her right foot.

"Damn it, you really dare to take advantage of me, I'll kill you." The woman was full of murderous intent, wishing she could fight Jiang Chen desperately.

"How can you say that I took advantage of you? It's obviously what you want, okay? In the final analysis, you took advantage of me." Jiang Chen was a grievance. When the woman kicked over, With a quick copy, he grabbed the woman's foot.

Then, Jiang Chen took advantage of the momentum, and the woman made a split in the air.

"Flying in the air, the flexibility is pretty good." Jiang Chen was amazed.

The woman's legs were slender and slender, full of elasticity, and her temper was a bit weird, but Jiang Chen's picky eyes would find it difficult to pick out the flaws in this pair of legs.

"Let go." One leg was held in Jiang Chen's hand, and the body was suspended in the air. The woman panicked and said hurriedly.

"Don't let go." Jiang Chen shook his head.

He's not an idiot, this woman is going to kill him, but if he lets go, isn't that creating a chance for the woman to kill him?How tired did he have to be to do such a stupid thing?

"Let me go." The woman whispered, her face livid.

"Unless you promise, don't kill me." Jiang Chen said kindly.

"You're dreaming." The woman snorted coldly, and with a movement of her right wrist, a silver light flickered under the light.

"Hey, silver needle." Jiang Chen was slightly surprised when he saw that piece of silver light.

But in an instant, the woman moved her right wrist again, and the silver needle stabbed straight at Jiang Chen.

"Woman, I am in very good health. I eat well and sleep well. My liver is good and my kidneys are good. How can you give me an injection?" Jiang Chen said with a playful smile. At the same time, his There was also an extra silver needle in his hand, and he said in a vague manner on purpose: "It seems to me that you have a little problem, I should give you an injection."

The speed of the woman's strike is considered fast, but Jiang Chen's speed is so fast. Before the woman's silver needle pierced, the silver needle in Jiang Chen's hand pierced her wrist. superior.

The woman suddenly felt a slight pain in her wrist, as if she had been bitten by an ant. After hurriedly withdrawing her hand, she stared at it, and the woman saw that on her right wrist, there was a silver stick sticking out impressively. Needle.

"Woman, my injection technique is good, right? It doesn't hurt or itch, and the injection is effective." Jiang Chen said triumphantly.


The woman looked at Jiang Chen in shock, lost her mind for a while.

The silver needle is her secret weapon, because the silver needle is almost as thin as a cow's hair, under normal circumstances, if the other party is tricked, they may not be able to detect what happened.

But Jiang Chen was good, she hadn't had time to give Jiang Chen an injection, so Jiang Chen gave her an injection first.

The most important thing is that she didn't know when Jiang Chen got a silver needle in his hand.

"Who are you?" The woman asked in a deep voice, taking a breath.

The woman is a bit messy, who would have thought that just picking up a random man in a bar would meet such a freak?

Is she very lucky, or is she too unlucky?

After thinking about it, the woman felt that her luck was too bad. After all, she just wanted to molest Jiang Chen, and never thought about being molested by Jiang Chen.

"Good guy, great guy, great guy." Jiang Chen boasted.

"Who cares if you're a good person or not?" The woman said with black lines all over her head, "I'm asking you, who are you?"

"You want me to take advantage of you, I fulfilled your wish, I took advantage of you, what is it if I am not a good person?" Jiang Chen joked and said lightly, as a matter of course.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, the woman couldn't help being very annoyed, and was about to strike again, when suddenly, a loud shout sounded.

"You two, what are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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