genius evil

Chapter 681

Chapter 681
Accompanied by the voice of those words, a figure walked out slowly.

It was a man in his forties, dry and thin, with a long face, not to mention his oily tone of voice, and he himself, at first glance, gave people a rather greasy and wretched feeling.

After walking out, the skinny man stared at Ye Siran and He Manyun several times, grinned, and laughed.

"Who are you, get out of the way." Maybe it was because the thin man's tone of voice sounded very uncomfortable, He Manyun glared at him and spoke very bluntly.

"Let me introduce myself, my second son Song." The skinny man said solemnly.

"I'm not interested in knowing who you are." He Manyun snorted coldly, a little impatient, where did this guy jump out of, and what's in his way?

"It doesn't matter if you're not interested, but I'm interested, two beauties, what are your two names?" Song Lao Er said with a smile.

His face already looked a bit obscene, but with this smile, the wrinkled skin on his face could kill flies, making him look even more obscene.

"It has nothing to do with you, go away, or we will beat you up too." He Manyun gave the skinny man a hard look.

"Don't, if you want to moleste, you can just moleste me alone... As for this little brother, since he doesn't want to, you can let him go." Song Laoer said with a kind look.


He Manyun was angry.

Finally, I know why this guy jumped out, it's because of such an idea.

What did you say to let her and Ye Siran let Jiang Chen go, and turn to disrespect him, how thick-skinned it is, not pissing and taking care of yourself, what kind of virtue is it?

"I'm serious. They say that the melon that is twisted is not sweet. The handsome guy doesn't agree with your molestation, so you can't force it, right? Also, molesting is not molesting. Feel free to moleste me, I am absolutely One hundred people are willing, and they will definitely not resist." Song Laoer said calmly.


Ye Siran, who hadn't spoken since Song's second child appeared, couldn't bear it anymore, and scolded in a low voice.

"The two beauties are very hot. It's no wonder they would do things against men in the street, but I like it." Sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, Song Laoer smiled evilly.

"My friend, the two beauties and the handsome guy are joking, what are you doing?"

"That's right, the young lovers are flirting and cursing, aren't you just looking for trouble?"

"Go away quickly, don't embarrass yourself here."


Of course, because of Jiang Chen's indecent voice, it caused many people to fantasize, but these people could tell at a glance that Jiang Chen, Ye Siran and He Manyun knew each other.

Even if they envy Jiang Chen's beauty, even if they have thoughts in their hearts, no one will stand up. After all, what is the difference between this and shame?
The actions of this guy who claimed to be Song's second child undoubtedly made many people can't stand it anymore. They helped each other and started talking.

"It's embarrassing, did you say that?" Song Laoer glanced at a young man.

"It's what I said, it's something disrespectful to old people." The young man said without any hesitation.

"Looking for death." Song Laoer's gaze sank, and with a movement of his feet, he appeared in front of the young man. He raised his hand and slapped the young man's face.

Song Laoer's speed was too fast, so fast that the young man didn't even have time to react.

Seeing Song Lao Er's slap in the face, the young man's expression changed quietly, and he closed his eyes subconsciously, but a lazy voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Ugly, you really want to be molested, don't you?"

It was Jiang Chen who spoke. At some point, Jiang Chen appeared in front of the young man, stretched out his hand, and slapped Song Laoer's right hand away.

"Little handsome guy, since you don't want to, I, Song Lao Er, am very willing to replace him." Song Lao Er looked at Jiang Chen a little strangely.

He didn't use much force when he made a move just now, but ordinary people are absolutely unable to stop it. Jiang Chen blocked his attack as soon as he made a move, which made Song Laoer a little curious.

But even so, he still didn't take Jiang Chen seriously, speaking in a very frivolous tone.

"I, Jiang Chen, have seen a lot of sluts, but to be honest, I have never seen a slut like you. I have to say, you are really, slut is quite different." Jiang Chen Said with emotion.

"Little handsome guy, let me remind you, it's best to pay attention to the way you speak, otherwise...hehe..." Song Laoer said, the threat was palpable.

"How else?" Jiang Chen asked with a faint smile.

"Otherwise, you will only have the chance to be molested by a beautiful woman in your next life." Song Lao Er said in a strange way.

"Really?" Jiang Chen smiled, raised his foot casually, and kicked Song Lao Er.

"Boy, do you still dare to fight with me?" Seeing Jiang Chen's kick, Song Laoer was immediately amused, and looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot.

Immediately, Song Laoer raised his right foot and kicked towards Jiang Chen's.

But soon, the smile on Song Laoer's face froze.

There was only a "click" sound, and the sound of bones shattering came out. Song Laoer clearly heard that it was his right calf bone, which was broken by Jiang Chen's kick.

His complexion changed drastically. Under the pain, Song Lao Er hastily withdrew his legs, but Jiang Chen kicked out the second time, kicking Song Lao Er's lower abdomen, kicking Song Lao Er to the ground like a football. Si Ran and He Manyun's feet.

Ye Siran and He Manyun reacted very quickly. They quickly kicked out one by one, up and down, one's chest, the other's head. With a muffled groan, Song Laoer only had time to make a dull sound, which was very direct, being kicked. Passed out.

"Molesting us, looking for death!" Nodding, looking at Song Laoer, He Manyun snorted coldly.

"Okay, the game time is over, we should go." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to signal.

To Jiang Chen, the appearance of Song's second child was just an insignificant episode, and he was too lazy to take a second look.

"Manyun, let's go." Ye Siran took He Manyun's arm, followed Jiang Chen, and walked away quickly.

"Hey, you still want to hate me." Until the three of Jiang Chen walked away, the young man who was almost slapped by Song Lao Er just now kicked Song Lao Er hard.

"A guy with a wretched face is not a good thing at first sight." Someone added.

"A lot of young people are still shameless for teasing other little girls?" Another person kicked Song Lao Er hard.

And soon, more and more onlookers, enraged by Song Laoer's behavior, joined in.

Poor Song Lao Er, who had passed out, had no power to resist. He didn't know how many times he was kicked. In the end, when the crowd dispersed, he saw Song Lao Er with a bruised nose and a swollen face. It's as miserable as it needs to be.

"Jiang Chen, that wretched-looking guy just now is an ancient martial artist, right?" Ye Siran asked after walking a while away from the bar.

"Almost." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Why are there more and more people like this recently? It seems that I have to be careful when walking at night in the future." He Manyun said narcissistically.

"You go back with me, and there will be no trouble." Ye Siran said along the way.

"Then you have to ask Jiang Chen whether you want me to go back with you." He Manyun pointed the finger at Jiang Chen.

"Does this have anything to do with me?" Jiang Chen quit, what is this woman doing so ambiguously?
It's true that he took advantage of He Manyun, but it's not to the extent that he can't see the light, right?
"As long as you don't struggle or resist, let Si Ran and I teach you a lesson, and I will go back with Si Ran. So, the initiative on this issue is in your hands." He Manyun said leisurely.

The appearance of Song's second son just now made her lose her appetite, but it doesn't mean that she has forgotten about it.

"Jiang Chen, how about..." Ye Siran decided to discuss it with Jiang Chen, at worst as compensation, if she had a chance in the future, she would say a few good words for Jiang Chen in front of Ye Sichen.


Ye Siran hadn't finished speaking when he heard a crisp sound.

Then, Ye Siran saw that Jiang Chen, who was walking in front, appeared behind her and He Manyun at some point. Not to mention, Jiang Chen put He Manyun on his lap, raised his hand, and On He Manyun's buttocks, she twitched hard.

"He Manyun, with your little ability, you still want to teach me a lesson?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Jiang Chen, you are taking advantage of me again." He Manyun said angrily.


Jiang Chen's lazy nonsense, he slapped He Manyun's butt again, and asked, "Are you still teaching me?"

"Jiang Chen, let me go, I will fight you." He Manyun struggled.

"Clap clap... clap clap..."

Jiang Chen then stopped talking, and pumped hard four or five times in a row.

Sensitive parts were attacked by Jiang Chen, He Manyun's face flushed red, and the pain from her buttocks swept her whole body, as if she had been electrified, making her body numb and numb.

"Jiang Chen, have you had enough?" He Manyun said, her voice changed, with a faint crying tone.

"..." Feeling the changes in He Manyun's body, Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback, but he didn't expect this woman to be so sensitive, so he let go of her.

"Si Ran, let's go." He Manyun stood up, feeling her legs were a little weak, glared at Jiang Chen in embarrassment and annoyance, pulled Ye Siran's arm, couldn't help saying, pulled Ye Siran and left .

"I'm still embarrassed, did the sun come out from the west?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself, lowered his head, looked at his right hand, and said to himself: "Well, it feels pretty good... ..."

He Manyun, who was walking, suddenly heard Jiang Chen's self-talk, her feet went limp, and she almost fell... Dragging Ye Siran, walking faster and faster...

"Manyun, are you okay?" Ye Siran asked.

"It's okay." He Manyun feared that Ye Siran would see the clue, and hurriedly shook her head, but secretly swore in her heart: "Jiang Chen, one day, when you fall into my hands, I will definitely make you look good!"

(End of this chapter)

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