genius evil

Chapter 682 Jiang Chen's Attitude

Chapter 682 Jiang Chen's Attitude
This night, Jiang Chen just found a hotel at random and stayed there.

Early the next morning, around eight o'clock, Jiang Chen was sleeping in a daze, when suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Who is it?" Jiang Chen said unhappily.

Come to disturb people's dreams so early in the morning, can they still have a sense of public morality?

"Jiang Chen, open the door, it's me." Outside the door, a female voice said.

A pretty figure in black, standing outside the door with a serious expression, was Mei Hongyi.

Almost as soon as the speaking voice fell, Mei Hongyi was shocked to find that the door opened, and then, a hand stretched out from inside, dragging her in.

In the next second, Mei Hongyi felt her feet leave the ground, flew up, and then, uncontrollably, fell onto the bed.

Immediately, Jiang Chen rushed over and pinned her down.

Jiang Chen's movements were so fast that Mei Hongyi didn't even have time to react.The body was pressed on the bed by Jiang Chen, Mei Hongyi couldn't help gnashing her teeth, "Jiang Chen, what are you doing?"

"Girl in red, you came to find me so early in the morning, didn't you just come to sleep with me?" Yawning, Jiang Chen hugged Mei Hongyi with both hands, breathing on Mei Hongyi, the fresh air It smells good, said lazily.

"Who is coming to sleep with you, get up quickly, I have something to do with you." Mei Hongyi pushed Jiang Chen.

"Don't make trouble, sleep obediently." Jiang Chen muttered.

"It's really something, my dad wants to see you." Mei Hongyi said.

"Your father wants to see me?" Jiang Chen came to his senses all of a sudden, and asked in bewilderment, all right, what does Mei Lanting want to see him for?
"That's right, my dad wants to see you. He is waiting for you to have breakfast together. Get up quickly." Mei Hongyi urged.

"Girl in red, it's fine for your dad to see me, but you have to tell me first, is there something good or something bad?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No comment." Mei Hongyi said.

"The tone is so shy, it must be a good thing, right?" Jiang Chen laughed, got up and walked towards the bathroom.

"Am I shy?" Mei Hongyi said speechlessly. She didn't want to talk too much nonsense with Jiang Chen, so she said no comment, okay? What messed up Jiang Chen was thinking.

Mei Hongyi's car was parked downstairs in the hotel. What she drove was the Hummer H2 that Jiang Chen had given her. After going downstairs and getting in the car, Mei Hongyi drove off directly.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen met Mei Lanting at a breakfast restaurant.

"Come on, let's sit down and have something to eat together." In the box, seeing Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi appearing, Mei Lanting smiled.

Jiang Chen was not polite either, he sat down carelessly, picked up the chopsticks, stuffed a crab roe bun into his mouth, took two bites, and praised: "It tastes good."

"Eat more if you like it." Mei Lanting said with a smile.

"Dad, why are you being so polite to him? Didn't you say you have something to tell him?" Mei Hongyi reminded.

"It doesn't matter, it's the same after we finish eating." Mei Lanting said after waving his hands, took a piece of pastry by the way, put it on the plate in front of Mei Hongyi, and said: "Hongyi, you can eat too."

"Not very hungry, I don't have much appetite." Mei Hongyi picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

"Then don't waste it." Jiang Chen stretched out his chopsticks, quickly picked up the pastry on Mei Hongyi's plate, and stuffed it into his stomach.

"Jiang Chen, are you a pig?" Mei Hongyi was a little embarrassed in front of Mei Lanting.

"It's really wrong to waste." Mei Lanting said, but he only took a few mouthfuls before putting down his chopsticks and watching Jiang Chen eat alone.

Jiang Chen's appetite has always been very good, and he swept away all the food on the table with a grunt, hiccupped, and said, "What's the matter, now we can talk about it."

"Actually, it's just a trivial matter. I didn't need to call you over." Mei Lanting said, and after a short pause, he continued: "However, since you are involved in this matter, I think it's better to talk to you face to face."

"You can order directly." Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"Do you still have any memory of Song's second son who was injured by you outside the MINT bar last night?" Mei Lanting asked.

"You're referring to that wretched-looking guy, of course I remember... But when I mention this, I have a question and I want to ask you." Jiang Chen said.

"Tell me." Mei Lanting gestured.

"Don't you think that there are too many ancient martial arts practitioners in Tiannan City, and even Jiangnan Province?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Chen, are you going to make trouble again?" Mei Hongyi asked vigilantly.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said: "I'm not trying to cause trouble, you know, I've always hated trouble the most, so in order to avoid trouble, I think it's better to let them come from where they come from and where they go back to." Better."

"It's not realistic." Frowning, Mei Lanting said.

"It's a matter of human effort. It's not convenient for you. I'll take care of it." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"If you let me do it, you will only do bad things." Mei Hongyi curled her lips and said, "Do you know why I asked you to come here today to talk about Song Lao Er's matter? I'm afraid that if you can't control it, you will make a bigger mess I told you about it last time, but many people are staring at you."

"Whoever wants to dislike me, just let her come to me." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Jiang Chen, why don't you listen to me." Mei Hongyi was a little anxious.

"On this issue, my attitude will not change, you can think about it." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, I have a question. Have you ever thought that if you are really so domineering, you will become the target of public criticism if you go to the ancient martial arts alliance meeting in a while." Mei Lanting said in a deep voice.

"Whether others like me, whether they like me, does it have anything to do with me?" Jiang Chen asked back.

"This is a thankless task." Mei Lanting reminded repeatedly.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "I'm not very clear, who made the rules back then, the so-called ancient martial arts practitioners can have special privileges during the ancient martial arts alliance conference... But it doesn't matter, but no matter who made the rules He can't even force me to obey the rules."

"There is a price to pay." Mei Lanting sighed.

Why didn't he understand that this rule is unfair to ordinary people, even a disaster, but the price of breaking the rule is not something everyone can afford.

He can't afford that price.

Likewise, he didn't think that Jiang Chen could bear it.

"I won't try to convince you, but you just don't stop me from what I'm going to do." Jiang Chen said.

"I have to think about it again." After hesitating for a while, Mei Lanting said.

"It doesn't matter. You have plenty of time to think about it. The premise is that no one will appear in front of me without eyes." Jiang Chen smiled faintly, got up and left.

"Dad, how can you say that you think about it? You should directly deny Jiang Chen, he is a lunatic, a lunatic who does not care about the consequences." Mei Hongyi was bitter as she watched Jiang Chen leave the box.

"If I deny it, is it useful?" Mei Lanting smiled wryly.

"But at least, Jiang Chen showed his attitude, and you should also show yours." Mei Hongyi said.

"It's useless." Mei Lanting shook his head and said softly: "Actually, what Jiang Chen said is not wrong."

"It's one thing to say it, but another thing to do it. If he really does that, he doesn't know how many people he will offend... No, I have to talk to her." Mei Hongyi said, and quickly ran out box.


Here, just as Jiang Chen walked out of the teahouse, two people walked towards him.

"Boss Song, it's him." Among the two, one of them pointed at Jiang Chen at the first glance, and said viciously, it was Song Lao Er.

"Second Song, you are really cheap, fresh and refined, why, didn't you get abused enough last night?" Jiang Chen said mockingly.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant, I warn you, you will die today." Song Laoer said viciously.

While talking, Song Laoer said again: "The two women who are with you, I will give you a minute to call and ask them to come over."

Song Lao Er was not abused enough, but was abused too badly, so he missed Jiang Chen deeply, no, since he was taken away by Song Boss last night, he has been looking for Jiang Chen, Fortunately, they finally found Jiang Chen.

It's just that Song Lao Er regretted that he didn't see Ye Siran and He Manyun.

"That's right, you are indeed doomed." Jiang Chen said slowly.

He had just expressed his attitude in front of Mei Lanting. This Song Laoer brought someone to his door. Jiang Chen could only say that this guy's luck was too bad.

"Boy, I can't tell, you're quite stubborn, but I'm curious, is your bone as hard as your mouth?" Boss Song said jokingly.

"It seems that you can't trust my words, right?" Jiang Chen asked.

"In front of me, you won't have a chance to fight. Once you do, you will die." Boss Song said without doubt.

"Who are you?" Mei Hongyi just ran out, just in time to hear Boss Song's words, and asked.

"Who are you?" Song Lao Er's eyes lit up when he saw Mei Hongyi.

Meeting Ye Siran and He Manyun last night already shocked him into heaven, but he did not expect that now he saw a Mei Hongyi who was not inferior to Ye Siran and He Manyun.

Seeing Song Lao Er looking at her like that, Mei Hongyi felt disgusted from the bottom of her heart, and asked Jiang Chen, "Who are these two?"

"Second Song, what else is Boss Song?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"You are Song Lao Er?" Mei Hongyi took a look at Song Lao Er, and found that this guy was indeed very wretched.

"That's right, Song Lao Er is me...boy, you are really blessed, with so many beauties around you." Song Lao Er looked straight at Mei Hongyi, and from Jiang Chen talking to Mei Hongyi, he Understand, Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi knew each other, and they were very jealous.

Then, Song Laoer said: "Boy, give me this woman next to you, maybe I can spare you."

"Girl in red, do you think he deserves to die?" Jiang Chen ignored Song's second child's whims and asked Mei Hongyi.

"Damn it!" Mei Hongyi said angrily.

"Your words are enough." Jiang Chen chuckled, and instantly disappeared in place. The next second, Jiang Chen appeared in front of Song Laoer, raised his hand, and slapped Song Laoer's Tianling Gai. superior……

(End of this chapter)

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