genius evil

Chapter 683 I Changed My Mind

Chapter 683 I Changed My Mind

Jiang Chen patted it down with his big hand, and with a muffled sound, Song Lao Er suddenly turned into a puddle of mud and collapsed on the ground, his eyes, ears, mouth and nose were all covered with bright red blood, spilling out, and he died in an instant!

"Jiang Chen, you--" The accident happened suddenly, even if Boss Song wanted to stop it, it would be too late.

Or rather, simply powerless.

Jiang Chen killed as soon as he said that he would kill, and the speed was extremely fast. Song Laoer was like an ant in front of Jiang Chen, and he didn't even have the slightest strength to resist. He was slapped to death by Jiang Chen with ease.

Witnessing this scene, Boss Song's expression changed drastically.

Just now, he had stated with certainty that Jiang Chen had no chance of making a move in front of him.

Not only did Jiang Chen make a move, he slapped Song Laoer to death right under his nose.

In this situation, it was as if a slap had been slapped heavily on his face, making Boss Song's old face ache.

"Come here, let me shoot you to death." Jiang Chen beckoned, lazily talking nonsense to Boss Song.

"Boy, you are too presumptuous. I came here with Song Laoer today just to ask you for an explanation. You are so indiscriminate in killing people, it's abominable." Song Boss's eyes flickered, and he said through gritted teeth.

"Are you talking about cross talk?" Jiang Chen looked at this guy like an idiot.

"What I said is all the truth. You are so arrogant and treat human life as nothing. Sooner or later, there will be retribution." Boss Song said angrily.

"You don't have to wait for another time, just come and take revenge on me now." Jiang Chen urged.

"Boy, I, Boss Song, have always been kind and charitable all my life. I have never had any grudges with others. In your case, there will be someone who will uphold justice for us." Boss Song said righteously.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to take action against Jiang Chen. The death of Song Lao Er was a lesson from the past.

Although his strength was much stronger than that of Song Laoer, there was no doubt that he could not be Jiang Chen's opponent at all. If he made a move, he would be the next to die.

The most urgent thing, Boss Song felt that he wanted to stand on the commanding heights of morality and use this to condemn Jiang Chen, making it difficult for Jiang Chen to do anything to him.

"Girl in red, what do you think?" Jiang Chen couldn't understand Boss Song's plan, and asked with a half-smile.

"Kill it." Mei Hongyi said expressionlessly.

If Boss Song was a bit more manly and insisted on avenging Song Lao Er, even if he was not Jiang Chen's opponent, and died at Jiang Chen's hands in the end, Mei Hongyi felt that she would look up to him.

Unexpectedly, this guy is too clever. Could it be that he naively thought that Jiang Chen would spare his life if he played some tricks?

Such an antics, not to mention Jiang Chen can't stand it, even she can't stand it.

"What, you still want to kill me? I, Boss Song, although I am a kind person, can't be bullied by anyone." Boss Song said loudly.

"Then I'm sorry, I'm going to bully you today." Jiang Chen chuckled lightly, the words he said were without smoke and fire, but the shots were extremely violent.


With one punch, Boss Song flew upside down like a cannonball, blood spurted wildly, and his internal organs exploded to death.

"Trash." Jiang Chen curled his lips and said disdainfully.

"The bodies of these two people, I will have someone deal with them," Mei Hongyi said.

"Hey, I killed two people one after another, shouldn't you blame me?" Jiang Chen asked strangely.

"It's true that you killed the person, but I asked you to kill them. The important thing is that these two people deserve to die." Mei Hongyi said indifferently.

It is not necessary to know much about Song Boss and Song Lao Er, from Song Lao Er's words of molesting her, Mei Hongyi is already clear enough, what kind of people Song Lao Er and Song Lao Er are.

This kind of person, relying on his identity as an ancient martial arts practitioner, is domineering everywhere, but when he meets someone stronger than himself, he becomes servile.

Jiang Chen said that Boss Song was trash, but in Mei Hongyi's view, that's right, he was just two trash.

Suddenly, Mei Hongyi somewhat understood Jiang Chen's attitude.

Why insist on driving ancient martial arts practitioners out of Tiannan City, and even out of Jiangnan Province.

It's not that there are no good people among ancient martial arts practitioners.

But such a group of people, once they lose effective restraint and control, they often cause greater disasters than ordinary people.

The only way to solve the problem is to control violence with violence.

"Girl in red, I feel relieved if you think so... Well, you ran out in such a hurry, do you have something to say to me?"

"No..." After hesitating for a moment, Mei Hongyi said.

Mei Hongyi originally wanted to tell Jiang Chen something, to be precise, she wanted to persuade Jiang Chen not to be impulsive, but Song Boss and Song Lao Er appeared too timely.

In other words, these two guys are too unlucky, the appearance of the two of them is completely delivering food to Jiang Chen.

"Then I'll go first." Jiang Chen smiled strangely, waved his hand, stopped the car and left.

"Dad, why did you come down?" Jiang Chen had just gotten into the car and left when Mei Hongyi saw Mei Lanting walking out of the teahouse.

"I saw what happened just now." Mei Lanting did not answer Mei Hongyi's words, but said.

"Dad, have you changed your mind?" Mei Hongyi asked.

Frowning slightly, Mei Lanting said: "In my position, some things are destined not to be done as one likes."

Not only did Mei Lanting see what happened just now, but he even heard what Song Laoer said, Mei Hongyi was his daughter, and Song Laoer's frivolous words and deeds made Mei Lanting furious .

These two died as soon as they died, and Mei Lanting would not have the slightest pity.

But... to change his mind, Mei Lanting had too many worries...or it could be said that he had too much involuntary control.

"Dad, I've changed my mind, and I'm confident that you will change your mind soon, too." Mei Hongyi said in a very serious tone.

Hearing this, Mei Lanting looked at Mei Hongyi in astonishment, and asked with a faint smile, "Really? So confident?"

"Yes." Mei Hongyi was not at all modest.


Around five o'clock in the afternoon.

In the urban area of ​​Tiannan City, an ordinary residential area.

A Hummer H2, under the watchful eye of the guard, drove in quickly.

Even though he saw this Hummer H2 many times, when he saw this car and drove in from under his nose this time, the guard still stared at it for a long time.

The car is naturally a good car. Such a big car is hard to see even in a provincial capital like Tiannan City.

But the reason why the doorman pays special attention to this Hummer is because the doorman knows that the driver is a super beautiful woman. However, that beautiful woman seems very cold, and she drives directly in every time, even the window glass of the car is damaged. , never let go.

The super beautiful woman driving the Hummer is Mei Hongyi. Of course, Mei Hongyi won't know about the resentment of a small guard towards her. Of course, even if she knows, Mei Hongyi won't take it to heart, let alone think that, A doorman will have the so-called illusion that as long as a toad is willing to work hard, one day, he will eventually be able to eat swan meat.

Mei Hongyi drove the car to Building 11, got out of the car, went upstairs, and knocked on a door on the 11th floor.

It was a woman who opened the door, her eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Mei Hongyi's, she was in her early forties, but she could easily see the charm of her youth.

"Hongyi, you're back, just in time for dinner." The woman said with a smile when she saw Mei Hongyi.

"Mom, where is Dad, is he in the study?" Mei Hongyi asked.

This woman is none other than Mei Hongyi's mother, Wu Junlan.

Wu Junlan and Mei Lanting are both gold-level members of the land group. The husband and wife are both one of the highest-ranking duo in the land group in Jiangnan Province.

However, if someone who does not know Wu Junlan's identity will be surprised to see her like this, because Wu Junlan does not have the slightest aura of a strong person, and even looks more like a housewife with a good temperament , The daily work in the day is to take care of the diet and daily life of her husband and children.

"Didn't you come back for dinner?" Wu Junlan asked.

"Wait a while after eating, I'll talk to Dad first, Mom, if you're hungry, you can eat by yourself first, Dad may have to delay for a while." Mei Hongyi said, and walked briskly to the study.

"This kid, really." Wu Junlan was a little helpless.

This time, Mei Hongyi didn't knock on the door, but directly pushed the door and entered the study.

In the study, Mei Lanting picked up the teacup and was about to drink tea when he saw Mei Hongyi coming in from the outside, put down the teacup and asked, "Why are you back at this time, just now your mother just said that you haven't seen me for a few days?" It's time to go home and eat, the meal is almost ready, let's have a meal together."

While speaking, Mei Lanting stood up.

"Dad, I have a document here, you can read it first." Mei Hongyi took out a document from the bag she was carrying and handed it to Mei Lanting.

"Watch it now?" Mei Lanting asked.

"Look now...Dad, do you remember what I said this morning? I will make you change your mind. After you read the information, I believe you will definitely change your mind." Mei Hongyi said sternly.

Mei Lanting smiled, of course he remembered what Mei Hongyi said in the morning, but his own daughter was always competitive, so he understood even more.

It was only because Mei Hongyi said such words out of anger, but unexpectedly, Mei Hongyi seemed to have planned it long ago.

"Okay, then I'll take a look first." Mei Lanting said with a smile, sat back, picked up the documents and read them.

I'm a little curious, Mei Hongyi's words are so firm, it doesn't seem like they are aimless, then there must be something special about this information, otherwise, with Mei Hongyi's character, she would not say such a thing.

There are two parts to the information, one part is the intelligence collected by the local group, and the other part is obtained by Mei Hongyi from the Public Security Bureau.

Mei Lanting first read the information from the Public Security Bureau. He turned to the first page and scanned a few lines. look at the information.

Ten minutes later, after reading this part of the information, Mei Lanting's face became obviously serious, and Mei Lanting opened the information collected within the ground group, and it also took more than ten minutes to read it carefully.

After the documents were closed, Mei Lanting picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, pondered for a while, and said with a wry smile: "Red clothes, you are trying to force me to marry you!"

(End of this chapter)

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