genius evil

Chapter 684 Calculation without dead ends

Chapter 684 Calculation without dead ends
"Dad, the specific situation is clearly recorded in the two documents. After reading it for so long, you should understand that this is not coercion. I'm just speaking from the facts." Mei Hongyi disagreed with Mei Lanting's point of view. .

"I'm afraid, I have to think again." Mei Lanting said apologetically.

Although Mei Hongyi didn't say anything, Mei Lanting also understood that after the two separated in the morning, Mei Hongyi was probably busy working on these two documents for most of the day.

He has no intention of denying Mei Hongyi's achievements, but since the matter is too big and he has many worries, it is not so easy to make a decision.

"Dad, did you notice that the date of these two documents is not long, that is, it started a month ago." Mei Hongyi said.

At this point, there was a slight pause, and Mei Hongyi immediately continued: "In the past month, the Public Security Bureau has received a total of 23 cases of various vicious incidents, of which [-] were finally It’s nothing, why did it become like this? Because, within the scope of their powers and responsibilities, they have no right to hold ancient martial arts practitioners accountable.”

"The information collected by the ground group is more detailed, and many of them overlap with the information from the Public Security Bureau. If the overlapped information is selected, there are still eight vicious incidents left. These eight vicious incidents , all of which were caused by ancient martial arts practitioners... and the more important point, I don’t know if you have noticed, Dad, that is, these eight vicious incidents were not registered by the Public Security Bureau.” Mei Hongyi reminded.

"What do you want to say?" Mei Lanting asked.

"What I want to say is that the reason why these eight vicious incidents were not registered is not because the parties involved did not report to the police or because the police were negligent in their duties, but because the parties involved in these eight vicious incidents disappeared forever. They all disappeared...they are all dead." Mei Hongyi said, the last two words, Mei Hongyi almost gritted her teeth.

Since the ancient martial arts alliance conference was about to be held, and ancient martial arts practitioners appeared in the sight of ordinary people, Mei Hongyi's work pressure suddenly increased a lot, and so did the other people in the ground group.

However, although these data have been collected secretly, no one has ever made statistics... Mei Hongyi changed her usual position because she was touched by Song Boss and Song Lao Er's incident. Convincing Mei Lanting was the only way to do statistics on data.

The final statistical results are undoubtedly shocking.

Mei Hongyi didn't expect it to be so bad.

"Maybe you are sure?" Mei Lanting asked with a slight shock in his heart.

"I asked the other people in the local team to conduct a detailed investigation on these eight vicious incidents. The parties involved died without exception." Mei Hongyi said.


Mei Lanting slapped the table and stood up, his face was livid.

When he read the two documents just now, he felt that there was a discrepancy in the figures, but he didn't think about it deeply. After being analyzed by Mei Hongyi, Mei Lanting suddenly realized that under his nose, Such a horrible thing happened.

"Dad, are you willing to change your mind?" Mei Hongyi looked at Mei Lanting earnestly.

"How do you want me to cooperate with you?" Mei Lanting said with a sigh.

"Dad, you're wrong, you're not cooperating with me, but cooperating with Jiang Chen." Mei Hongyi frowned and laughed out loud.

Just at this time, Wu Junlan pushed open the door of the study room, and blamed her: "What's the matter with you father and daughter, you are slapping the table and giggling, have you finished talking? After the talk, we will have dinner, and we will eat later." It's cold."

"Okay, Dad, let's go eat." Mei Hongyi said sweetly.

After a while, the family of three came to the dinner table. Wu Junlan brought over two bowls of rice, while she drank lily and lotus seed soup.

"Mom, why are you drinking soup again?" Mei Hongyi said looking at the bowl of soup in front of Wu Junlan.

"Losing weight." Wu Junlan said lightly.

"Mom, your figure is much better than mine, why are you even more beautiful than me?" Mei Hongyi complained.

"This woman's love of beauty is not a matter of a day or two, but a matter of a lifetime. You look at yourself, you make yourself look like a tomboy all day long, and you don't know how to take care of yourself." Wu Junlan said dissatisfied .

"Okay, I shouldn't be talking about your old man." Mei Hongyi hurriedly begged for mercy.

She didn't feel that she was dressed like a tomboy, but felt that it was convenient and comfortable to wear, and it was enough for her to feel comfortable. If she lived in the eyes of others all day, she would not be able to bear it.

"However, even though you don't know how to take care of yourself, there is finally someone who has insight and can discover your inner beauty... You mentioned Jiang Chen just now, right? You and Jiang Chen have been in love for so long. When, How about taking it home for me and your dad to see?" Wu Junlan asked.

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Mei Hongyi was taken aback. Since when did she fall in love with Jiang Chen, why did she talk for a long time?

As the person involved, she herself didn't know anything about it.

"If you make a fuss over a trivial matter, Mom really taught you for nothing." Wu Junlan had a helpless look on her face.

"Mom, it's you talking nonsense, okay?" Mei Hongyi said with a mournful face.

"You and Jiang Chen are in love, everyone in the team knows, your father has met Jiang Chen a few times, it is indeed time to take him home and meet." Wu Junlan said earnestly.

"Mom, don't tell me if it's okay, if you spread the word, people will laugh at you." Mei Hongyi said dumbfounded.

"The men's college should be married, and the female college's should be married, who dares to laugh at it?" Wu Junlan said with a straight face.

"But the problem is, Jiang Chen and I haven't dated at all. If you don't believe me, ask Dad." Mei Hongyi said speechlessly.

"You took him to your place when you were not in a relationship? You went to a wedding with him when you were not in a relationship? Did you take a car from him when you were not in a relationship?" Wu Junlan asked repeatedly.

"I thought he was pitiful and had no place to live... He attended the wedding because he couldn't find a suitable female companion... a car... a car..." Mei Hongyi explained.

For the first two points, Mei Hongyi realized that she could explain them all, and both of them could be explained. However, after accepting the car Jiang Chen gave her, Mei Hongyi suddenly realized strangely that the problem was a bit serious. She racked her brains, but couldn't find a suitable explanation.

After all, she couldn't say that Jiang Chen bought a car for her because he was burning too much money, right?

Even, it is true.

However, such a fact has to be believed.At least, Wu Junlan will definitely not believe it.

"Go on." Wu Junlan looked like he had seen through everything.

"It's just that I'm not in love anyway." Mei Hongyi felt a little guilty for no reason.

"Girls, the most important thing is to love yourself. When you love yourself, a man will love you with all his heart. Letting you take Jiang Chen home has no other meaning than to show our family's attitude. Why don't you understand? ? " Wu Junlan said bitterly.

"Where do I not love myself?" Mei Hongyi said silently in her heart.

If she didn't love herself, she would have been eaten by that guy Jiang Chen long ago, and there wasn't even a scum left.

It's just that Mei Hongyi can only say these words in her heart, but can't tell Wu Junlan, otherwise maybe Wu Junlan will teach her what to say.

"Dad..." Mei Hongyi looked at Mei Lanting, hoping that Mei Lanting would rescue her.

"Today's braised fish is not bad. It's charred on the outside and tender on the inside. It's full of color and fragrance." Said the old god Mei Lanting.

"Dad, don't just eat fish." Mei Hongyi thought she didn't give enough hints, so she blinked vigorously.

"This fried pork with bamboo shoots is also very good. It's crispy and refreshing. I'll make more of it in the future. I like it very much." Mei Lanting picked up a chopstick, stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely.

"Mom, just tell me, what is going on, so you believe that I am not in love with Jiang Chen?" Seeing Mei Lanting's attitude, how could Mei Hongyi not understand, there is no hope at all.

"You just need to bring Jiang Chen back, and I'll ask him personally, isn't that all right?" Wu Junlan advised Mei Hongyi.

Mei Hongyi suddenly had black lines all over her head.

What is this situation?
If she really brought Jiang Chen home, it would definitely be her boyfriend, okay?
Otherwise, Wu Junlan asked Jiang Chen if she was in a relationship with Jiang Chen, or if she and Jiang Chen were boyfriend and girlfriend. If Jiang Chen said no, how should she deal with herself?

Mei Hongyi felt that her mother was too cunning. This was a 360-degree calculation with no dead ends. No matter what, she would fall into a pit.

"Or, if you give me Jiang Chen's contact information, it's the same if I call and ask." Wu Junlan said again.

"Mom, I'll take... take the head office with me." Gritting her teeth, Mei Hongyi said with a death-defying attitude.

Jiang Chen's contact information must never be given. There is no doubt that this is another hole that Wu Junlan dug for her.

After all, if Wu Junlan really wanted Jiang Chen's contact information, it was too simple, and he could get it in minutes, not to mention others, Mei Lanting had it here.

Wu Junlan didn't ask other people for it, but asked her for it. It has to be said that it is very intriguing. Naturally, Mei Hongyi would not hand over Jiang Chen's contact information in an idiot.

"You said this yourself. When the time comes, don't blame mom for forcing you." Wu Junlan happily drank the lily lotus seed soup and said leisurely.

Hearing the sound, Mei Hongyi wished she could just smash her head on the table and die.

If that's not forcing her?

So what exactly do you want to call forcing her?

This was obviously forcing her, okay? Mei Hongyi felt that she was very hurt, and her heart was bleeding silently.

"Jiang Chen, it's all good things you did, I hate you to death." Mei Hongyi was so annoyed in her heart that she put all the responsibility on Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen, who was far away in Xu's villa, suddenly sneezed, stretched out his hand, and rubbed his nose, Jiang Chen felt that his nose was a little smoother.

"Who is scolding me?" Jiang Chen asked inexplicably.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing in the kitchen? Why is the room filled with a strange smell?" It was Jiang Chen who finished speaking, and another voice rang out. Immediately afterwards, the two daughters Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan, Walked upstairs and down together...

(End of this chapter)

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