genius evil

Chapter 685 Are You Cooking Xiang

Chapter 685 Are You Cooking Xiang
After going downstairs, Jiang Yanyan and Xu Anqi ran to the door of the kitchen, poked their heads together, and looked into the kitchen.

Apparently, it wasn't just Jiang Yanyan who was surprised, Xu Anqi also had a troubled look on her face. What the hell was Jiang Chen cooking that made the room smell so strange and unpleasant.

"Boil the medicine." Jiang Chen said casually.

"What medicine smells so bad?" Jiang Yanyan obviously didn't believe it, so she simply dragged Xu Anqi and ran into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, the high-power range hood was turned on, but it was useless at all. In the small space, the smell was so strong that it made people breathe, and it almost made the meal that they had last night give up. Spit it out.

"It's disgusting." Jiang Yanyan quickly slapped her nose with one hand.

"It smells bad." Xu Anqi pinched her nose, her voice sounded a bit vague.

"Is it so exaggerated?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

He thinks it's okay.

The smell is a little bad.

But this is a unique attribute in the process of brewing the medicine. If it didn't have such an unpleasant taste, he would have to worry about whether he had met an unscrupulous profiteer and bought a fake medicine.

In that case, he will lose his temper, okay?
If it is not done well, it is possible to kill people.

You know, this medicine is very important to him.

"Jiang Chen, I swear, there is absolutely no exaggeration. I feel that my pure soul will be stained by this damn smell." Jiang Yanyan said with a painful expression.

"As long as you are still a pure soul, how can you lie to ghosts?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes contemptuously.

If Xu Anqi had a pure soul, Jiang Chen would still believe it, but the word "purity" clearly had nothing to do with Jiang Yanyan.

"Jiang Chen, are you really brewing medicine?" Xu Anqi felt the same way as Jiang Yanyan. Although it would not be exaggerated to the point that her pure soul would be stained, it was obvious that all the clothes on her body were stinky from the smell. The same goes for hair.

Even when speaking, the mouth can only be opened slightly, otherwise, if the taste enters from the mouth if one is not careful, it will definitely be spit out immediately.

"You'll know if you open it and have a look." Seeing the second daughter's reaction, Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"Jiang Chen, let's open it and have a look... But let me remind you first, if you are cooking other weird things instead of medicine, An Qi and I will definitely fight you hard." Jiang Yanyan said bitterly .

It was because she was too curious about what Jiang Chen was cooking that she suppressed the feeling of disgust and did not run away. Once Jiang Chen teased her, the consequences would definitely be very serious.

"I was originally brewing medicine, but after you read it for a while, if you insist on saying that I am not brewing medicine, then I have nothing to say." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"An Qi, open the lid." Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Jiang Yanyan urged.

On the gas stove, there is a black medicine jar, which is emitting hot steam. The strange thing is that the hot air is not white, but jet black.

What's even more weird is that the jet-black hot air is mixed with a light yellow.

For these two points, Jiang Yanyan didn't have any courage to take off the lid of the jar.

"Yanyan, come here." Xu Anqi took a step back, and there was a faint uneasiness on her small face, as if something strange would crawl out once the lid was lifted.

"An Qi, you are Jiang Chen's woman. Jiang Chen will not harm anyone if he hurts you. If I drive it, then it's not necessarily true. I can't say that next year today will be the day of my death. You wait until tomorrow today. If you pay homage to me, the grass on my grave will be full." Jiang Yanyan said.

"Student Yanyan, can you be more alarmist? Get out of the way, I'll drive." Jiang Chen was hit by [-] critical points in an instant, and strode over.

Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan hurriedly took two steps back to get out of the way.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to pick up a wet towel, wrapped it on the lid, opened it casually, and said, "Look, open your eyes and look carefully to see if I'm brewing medicine."

Jiang Chen was a little upset, no, not a little bit, but already quite upset.

Could it be that his character has deteriorated to this extent?
He said several times that he was brewing medicine, but neither Xu Anqi nor Jiang Yanyan believed it.

How bad is this character that the second daughter's trust in him has dropped to this level?

Jiang Chen thought for a while, it seems that he hasn't done anything degrading recently.

Following Jiang Chen's words, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan opened their eyes wide and looked into the jar. One glance, just one glance, the two girls retched instantly, and ran out of the kitchen as if fleeing famine.

Not to mention, when Jiang Yanyan ran out of the kitchen, she closed the kitchen door smoothly, and the sound of slamming the door almost deafened Jiang Chen's ears.



Afterwards, through the kitchen door, Jiang Chen heard the sound of retching.

Hearing that voice, Jiang Chen's head was covered with black lines, and he pushed the door open and walked out.

"Jiang Chen, are you cooking Xiang?" Jiang Yanyan retched for a long time, but couldn't spit out anything. Seeing Jiang Chen walk out of the kitchen, she asked angrily.

"Jiang Chen, close the door, close the door quickly." Xu Anqi's face was slightly pale, and upon seeing this, she hurriedly said.

Reluctantly, Jiang Chen had no choice but to close the kitchen door. Thinking that something was wrong, he immediately jumped up and down and cursed: "Student Yanyan, you are crazy."

Cook Xiang?

It's obviously just brewing medicine, okay, crazy.

He, Jiang Chen, worked hard for most of the day today, traveling here and there, spending nearly 200 million, traveling all over Tiannan City's large and small pharmacies, just to collect the medicinal materials he needed to buy.

I have been busy so far, and I haven't even taken a breath, and I haven't even drank a sip of water.

Is it easy for him?

"Okay, I was wrong, I shouldn't have said that." Sticking out her tongue, Jiang Yanyan said.

Seeing Jiang Chen lose his temper, Jiang Yanyan also realized that what she said was a bit too much.

After all, Jiang Chen said he was brewing medicine, and after the medicine was ready, he had to drink it.If she said that Jiang Chen was cooking Xiang, wouldn't Jiang Chen be... Well, the picture is so beautiful that Jiang Yanyan dare not think about it.

"Then you apologize to me." Jiang Chen said relentlessly.

"I'm sorry, don't be angry." Jiang Yanyan showed off her cuteness a little.

"It's more or less like this." Jiang Chen finally felt a little more comfortable in his heart.

"Jiang Chen, what kind of medicine are you brewing?" Xu Anqi asked curiously.

Originally, when Jiang Chen boiled the medicine, the color of the heat coming out of the jar was quite strange, and when the lid of the medicine boiling jar was lifted, the color of the liquid medicine was even more strange.

It was sticky and had a light yellow color, so it was no wonder that Jiang Yanyan had such an association.

"Miraculous medicine." Speaking of this, Jiang Chen chuckled and said, "You two won't understand the effect of this medicine after I tell you, but I can guarantee that the effect is absolutely miraculous. You were taking a nap earlier, I didn't bother you, now I'm down, just to let you two know, besides what I prepared for myself, I also prepared a copy for you two."

"Yanyan and I also want to drink medicine?" Xu Anqi couldn't help but turn paler, it was hard to imagine how to say it.

"The medicinal properties of this medicine are extremely overbearing. You two, take a small sip each, and it will be enough." Jiang Chen nodded and said.

"Don't drink, even if you die." Jiang Yanyan yelled loudly.

While she was talking, she looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously. She wondered if Jiang Chen was deliberately taking revenge on her and Xu Anqi. Who told her and Xu Anqi to react like this.

This must have made Jiang Chen sad, so Jiang Chen deliberately wanted to disgust the two of them.

Moreover, even if Jiang Chen didn't intentionally want to disgust the two of them, Jiang Yanyan would not drink it anyway, because the most important question is, how to say it?
"Student Yanyan, in normal times, even if you want to drink, you won't be able to drink it. I prepared one for you purely for An Qi's sake. I warn you, don't be ignorant. .” Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

"Thank you, you must not give An Qi face, I don't want to drink at all." Jiang Yanyan snorted coldly.

"Jiang Chen, I don't really want to drink, can I not drink?" Xu Anqi asked softly.

From what Jiang Chen said, she knew that Jiang Chen had good intentions, but if it wasn't necessarily good intentions, she would definitely accept it.

"Don't drink it, right? Then, you two, it's best not to regret it." Jiang Chen didn't force anything, and said leisurely.

"will not!"

"I don't regret killing it."

Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan shook their heads quickly and said to each other.

"I'm sure I never said that this medicine can detoxify and beautify the skin, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, just blow it, blow it vigorously." Jiang Yanyan obviously didn't believe it.

"I certainly didn't say that after drinking this medicine, the skin will be smoother and firmer in a very short period of time." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Is it so miraculous?" Even if Xu Anqi didn't believe it, she was a little shaken when she saw Jiang Chen's eyes.

"I'm sure I haven't said that these medicinal materials cost me more than 200 million, right?" Jiang Chen said immediately.

"Then you must have been tricked by profiteers." Jiang Yanyan said swearingly.

"I, Jiang Chen, have always been the only one who deceived people. No one has the guts to deceive me. Of course, even if they wanted to deceive me, they would not be able to deceive them." Jiang Chen said confidently.

"So, are you planning to trick me and An Qi?" Jiang Yanyan said very sharply.

"Not much nonsense, anyway, in a word, after passing this village, there will be no temple in the future. It just so happens that the medicine is ready, and it will take a few hours. In these few hours, you two, think about it first, really. After thinking it over clearly, I will definitely not force you two." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, I have to think about it." Xu Anqi felt embarrassed, and while talking, she dragged Jiang Yanyan upstairs.

After going upstairs, the door was closed, Jiang Yanyan finally took a deep breath, and said in a bluff, "God, I'm going to be smoked to death."

(End of this chapter)

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