genius evil

Chapter 686 Looks Delicious

Chapter 686 Looks Delicious

"Yanyan, what do you think is the possibility of Jiang Chen lying and deceiving people?" Seeing Jiang Yanyan's appearance, Xu Anqi asked with a wry smile.

"Theoretically speaking, he wouldn't lie to the two of us." Jiang Yanyan said hesitantly, a little uncertain.

I am not afraid that Jiang Chen will deceive people, but I am afraid that once Jiang Chen deceives people, he will not pay for his life if he deceives the dead!

"I think so too." Xu Anqi nodded.

"So, An Qi, are you going to drink that medicine?" Jiang Yanyan looked terrified, as if Xu Anqi didn't want to drink medicine, but poison.

"Jiang Chen has a good heart." Xu Anqi said.

"But, this is really hard to accept." Jiang Yanyan said helplessly.

"Good medicine should taste bitter." After thinking about it, Xu Anqi said.

"I'm not worried that Jiang Chen will be poisoned, but when I think about drinking such a strange thing, I feel uncomfortable all over my body." Jiang Yanyan said.

Xu Anqi smiled slightly and said, "Why don't you close your eyes and pinch your nose while drinking?"

"That won't work either." Jiang Yanyan shook her head and said, "It's impossible to pretend to turn a blind eye. I have already left a deep psychological shadow. Even if I force myself to tell myself that what I drink is good, I definitely won't be able to drink it. of."

"Jiang Chen said that the medicine can detoxify and nourish the skin, and it can also make the skin smooth and firm." Xu Anqi became worried, as if she really wanted to drink it.

"Oh, look at me, I forgot to ask Jiang Chen if he could lose weight." Jiang Yanyan said.

Xu Anqi laughed and said, "Why don't you go and ask now?"

"If I were to ask, Jiang Chen would tell me that the weight loss effect is very good in order to trick me into taking the medicine, and he would guarantee that I would lose ten catties within a day, so I wouldn't send it to his door to lie to him. " Jiang Yanyan deeply doubted Jiang Chen's character.

"I don't know why, but I actually want to try it. Yanyan, if you really don't want to drink it, forget it. I can drink it alone. I can't disappoint Jiang Chen's kindness." Xu Anqi said.

"I really want to try, are you crazy?" Jiang Yanyan yelled.

"I don't know why, I feel that my skin has deteriorated a lot during this time, probably because I haven't had much rest." Xu Anqi said worriedly as she touched her face with her hand.

"An Qi, just hit me, look at yourself, your skin is as smooth as milk, but mine is now so rough, like a middle-aged aunt, I'm so worried." Jiang Yanyan sighed stand up.

After sighing, Jiang Yanyan said with deep resentment: "An Qi, you say, if you can be sure that Jiang Chen is lying to us, then that's fine."

If it can be confirmed, Jiang Chen is lying.

Then, there is no need to worry about gains and losses, and there is no need to hesitate, otherwise, Jiang Chen's last few simple descriptions of the effects of the medicine can be said to kill 90.00% of the women in this world.

Just ask, which woman does not love beauty?
Everyone has the love of beauty.

Is it a kind of nature for women to love beauty?

Especially for young and beautiful girls, if there is any way to become more beautiful, no matter what the price is, there are many people who are willing to try.

Xu Anqi loves beauty.

There is no doubt that Jiang Yanyan also loves beauty.

"The only thing that is certain now is that Jiang Chen didn't lie to us." Xu Anqi reminded.

"I'm going to die." Jiang Yanyan howled and said angrily, "An Qi, you're going to try it, so I'll try it too, what's the big deal."

"Then let's try it together." Xu Anqi blinked.

She pulled Jiang Yanyan upstairs to avoid Jiang Chen, but she did it on purpose.

In fact, there was no need for Jiang Chen to say anything more. When Jiang Chen said that he had prepared a portion for her and Jiang Yanyan, Xu Anqi was planning to drink the medicine.

She pulled Jiang Yanyan upstairs just to persuade Jiang Yanyan. Fortunately, the result was good. She succeeded in convincing Jiang Yanyan.

Or, she succeeded in tricking Jiang Yanyan.

At night, around ten o'clock.

After dinner and another supper, Jiang Chen, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan sat on the sofa in the living room, watching TV.

"Jiang Chen, aren't you alright?" Jiang Yanyan didn't have the intention to watch TV. After watching it for a long time, she didn't even remember a single frame of the screen shown on TV.

"Hurry up, wait another 10 minutes." Jiang Chen said.

"You said that just now." Jiang Yanyan said weakly.

The reason why she ate another supper after dinner without feeling hungry at all was because she was worried that she would be nauseated and unable to eat for several days and nights.

Thinking of that happening, Jiang Yanyan shuddered, so she ate some more while she was still able to eat.

Waiting is undoubtedly very tormented.

Jiang Yanyan felt that she had already made plans to treat death as home, but Jiang Chen was lucky, he refused to kill her in one go, but hung her up and let her wait for death slowly.

It's too uncomfortable.

"Yanyan, be more patient." Xu Anqi persuaded.

"I think I'm about to regret it," Jiang Yanyan said.

"If you regret it now, you will regret it for the rest of your life." Jiang Chen said unhappily.

"What I'm worried about is that if I don't regret it now, I will regret it for the rest of my life." Jiang Yanyan muttered in a low voice, but she didn't dare to make her complaint so obvious.

"Jiang Chen, go to the kitchen and have a look." Xu Anqi gave Jiang Chen a wink.

When Jiang Chen saw Xu Anqi's wink, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Think of Jiang Chen, what kind of person is he?

Leaving aside how powerful he is on the True Spirit Continent, even on the earth, his medical skills have conquered countless people.

But now, Jiang Yanyan had to trick Jiang Yanyan into drinking the medicine brewed by himself. It had to be said that it was a shocking thing.

"Okay, I'll go take a look." On the lips, Jiang Chen said, got up and went into the kitchen.

A few minutes later, when Jiang Chen came out of the kitchen carrying a large bowl of medicine and two small cups of medicine, Xu Anqi sniffed and looked astonished.

After Jiang Yanyan sniffed her nose, the expression on her face became extraordinarily wonderful.

"It doesn't seem to stink anymore." Xu Anqi murmured.

"Faintly, it seems to smell a faint fragrance." Jiang Yanyan also murmured.

Saying this, the two looked at each other, and looked at the medicine in Jiang Chen's hand in unison.

Impressively, he saw that the color of the liquid medicine was no longer that sticky light yellow color, but an extremely bright red color.

That color, it seems, is a bit like the color of tomato juice, but the color of tomato juice can't even compare with this bright red one-tenth.

"Jiang Chen, this is the medicine you boiled?" Xu Anqi was a little dazed, the change was so great.

"Hurry up, let me have a drink." Jiang Yanyan urged impatiently.

"Student Yanyan, what did I just say? Let me just say it. If you want to regret it, you are destined to regret it for the rest of your life." Jiang Chen said proudly.

Who is he, Jiang Chen?

How bad could the medicine brewed by him be?
The reason why it emits that strange stench during the boiling process is just because of the blind medicinal materials in it.

When the medicine was about to be boiled, the medicinal properties of the blind medicine were completely integrated, and the strange taste disappeared naturally.

"Jiang Chen, you are the only one who is good enough, don't waste your time here and give it to me." Jiang Yanyan said.

For some reason, Jiang Yanyan wanted to take a sip when she saw the color of the liquid medicine. She felt that it looked very delicious.

"Drink." Jiang Chen smiled, and handed the two cups of medicine to each of the two women.

As soon as she snatched the cup into her hand, Jiang Yanyan couldn't wait and drank it in one gulp.

Although Xu Anqi couldn't swallow the jujube like Jiang Yanyan, she drank it very quickly.

"How do you feel?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"It's so comfortable, it seems to be a little hot." Jiang Yanyan said.

"The palms and feet are sweating." Xu Anqi said.

"What else?" Jiang Chen asked further.

"I'm starting to sweat too, isn't this medicine too overbearing?" Jiang Yanyan asked.

Xu Anqi didn't speak, she lowered her head, looked at her bare arms, and clearly saw that there were layers of sticky black things overflowing from her fair arms.

"Ah——" Xu Anqi screamed, and ran upstairs in a panic, no, she needs to take a shower.

"What's the reaction, this is?" Jiang Yanyan was a little puzzled, and after she finished speaking, she could faintly smell a faint fishy smell.

Just when she was about to ask Jiang Chen why the smell came back, before she could say anything, Jiang Yanyan realized that the smell was emanating from her body.

"It's disgusting." Jiang Yanyan was about to cry, and rushed upstairs just like Xu Anqi.

Jiang Chen had expected the symptoms of the two of them, seeing the reaction of the two daughters, he couldn't help but smile.

Lowering his head, he glanced at the night's liquid medicine in the bowl in his hand, Jiang Chen said softly: "You two have drunk it, now it's my turn."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chen drank a large bowl of medicine in one breath, and then, his figure flashed and disappeared on the spot. Ten seconds later, Jiang Chen appeared on the roof of the building.

Today's weather is good, it's not too hot during the day, but at night, the breeze blows and it's exceptionally cool.

Jiang Chen took a breath of fresh air, and tore off the clothes on his body with his big hand. Afterwards, Jiang Chen fell cross-legged on the spot, calmed down, closed his eyes, and quickly entered the state of breath adjustment. among.

The wind is still blowing, and the leaves in the distance are whistling by the wind. A little further away, there are insects and birds, and the sound of cars driving. Not long after it started, it was very lively...

But these voices had nothing to do with Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen was in a sedation, isolated from outside objects, as if he had transformed into a sculpture, and any outside voice could not affect him in the slightest...

(End of this chapter)

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