genius evil

Chapter 687 A Perfect Breakthrough

Chapter 687 A Perfect Breakthrough

Estimated, about half an hour.

Inside the villa.

Xu Anqi took a shower, put on a nightgown, and walked out of the room.

In the other room, Jiang Yanyan also just took a shower, also wearing a nightgown, and opened the door.

However, even though they are also wearing nightdresses, from the color and style of the nightdresses, it is easy to see that the two girls have completely different personalities.

The nightdress Xu Anqi wears is plain, dotted with tiny white flowers. The material of the nightdress is loose and soft, which looks exactly the same as her temperament, giving people a very soft and elegant taste.

It won't make people's eyes shine at the first glance, but when you look at her for the second time, your eyes will never be able to move away from her.

And the nightdress that Jiang Yanyan is wearing is red, embroidered with a few large black peonies, which is quite slim, and just right outlines the mature body curve, giving people a full of temptation and wild impact feeling.

This is not to say that Jiang Yanyan looks more attractive or attractive than Xu Anqi. In fact, the two girls have their own tastes. It can even be said that Xu Anqi is more pitiful than Jiang Yanyan. many.

"An Qi, did you find out?" Jiang Yanyan asked hurriedly when she saw Xu Anqi after pushing the door open.

"What's wrong?" Xu Anqi asked suspiciously.

"That's... That's right, when you took a shower just now, did you notice that your skin has improved?" Jiang Yanyan said.

"Yes." Xu Anqi nodded.

Just as Jiang Chen said, the skin became smooth and firm.

Xu Anqi originally wanted to ask Jiang Yanyan about this matter, and asked if Jiang Yanyan was the same as her. After hearing Jiang Yanyan's question, Xu Anqi understood that Jiang Yanyan must be the same as her.

"Oh my god, it's amazing. How did Jiang Chen do it? Why is he so powerful?" Seeing Xu Anqi nodding, Jiang Yanyan asked in surprise.

Such a small cup of medicine is only one mouthful.

After drinking the small cup of medicine, Jiang Yanyan not only found that her skin had improved, but also felt that every capillary hole on her body was stretched.

Never before, Jiang Yanyan felt that taking a bath was such a pleasant thing.

In comparison, those who spend money at every turn to get the so-called beauty injections, face-lift injections and uric acid-removing injections are nothing compared to the medicine Jiang Chen boiled.

Jiang Yanyan swears that once word of such a miraculous effect spreads, it will surely trigger the madness of many women.

That is to say, as long as Jiang Chen is willing, he is the most pleasing woman's friend in the whole world.

Inexplicably, Jiang Yanyan realized that she understood why Jiang Chen was so bothered. There was no special reason, it was just because Jiang Chen was such a weird existence, if he didn't care, he would be heartbroken for his fascinated woman. .

"Jiang Chen, he is already so powerful." Xu Anqi said proudly.

Jiang Chen was Xu Anqi's man.

How could the man she Xu Anqi chose be so bad?

"An Qi, I praise Jiang Chen, why are you so proud, as if I didn't know Jiang Chen was your man." Jiang Yanyan said speechlessly.

With a slight smile, Xu Anqi said: "I like it when you praise Jiang Chen, and I like it too. Others praise Jiang Chen."

"Stop boasting, if you praise your teeth, you'll laugh it off." Jiang Yanyan said, her eyes rolled around and said, "An Qi, do you think I'm pretty?"

"Pretty." Xu Anqi was stunned that Jiang Yanyan would ask such a question, but she still said.

"An Qi, do you think I can become more beautiful?" Jiang Yanyan said again.

"Yanyan, what do you want to say?" Xu Anqi asked in confusion.

"That is to say, I still want to become more beautiful. Since Jiang Chen is so powerful, he should have a way to make me more beautiful." Jiang Yanyan said with longing.

Women's pursuit of beauty is endless.

This is why there are many women who are already very beautiful, but still want plastic surgery.

In this world, there will never be any woman who will be completely satisfied with the status quo.

If there is a chance to become more beautiful, no woman will refuse such a good thing.

"Jiang Chen doesn't know how to have plastic surgery." Xu Anqi said dumbfounded, she didn't understand how Jiang Yanyan could be so whimsical.

Well, it seems that it is not whimsical.

After all, some of Jiang Chen's abilities are subversive to many people. Maybe Jiang Chen really has the ability to make Jiang Yanyan more beautiful.

"I don't want plastic surgery, I just ask Jiang Chen to prescribe some medicine for me." Jiang Yanyan said, went to hold Xu Anqi's arm, and said, "Anqi, in a while, in case your man rejects me, you can Be sure to say a few good words for me, Jiang Chen will definitely listen to you, if it doesn’t work, you will serve him according to family law.”

"Yanyan, you are already very beautiful." Xu Anqi was a little speechless.

"Thank you for the compliment, but I really want to be more beautiful." Jiang Yanyan said, not refusing to refuse, and dragged Xu Anqi downstairs.

"Jiang Chen...Where's Jiang Chen?" After going downstairs, she searched everywhere, but couldn't see Jiang Chen's figure, Jiang Yanyan said in confusion.

Jiang Chen was on the rooftop, so he naturally didn't know what Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan said.

However, Jiang Chen would be greatly relieved if he learned that because of his own medicine, Jiang Yanyan was willing to accept the fact that he was bothered.

Of course, as for giving Jiang Yanyan medicine to make her more beautiful, Jiang Chen would not do that.

A girl of seventeen or eighteen years old is the most beautiful age in her life. If you really give her medicine, it will be superfluous.

This situation is different from that of Sister Lan.

Although Sister Lan is not too old, but after giving birth to Xiaodie, she has to work hard to earn money to support her family and provide for Xiaodie to go to school. The hardships that ordinary people have experienced are unimaginable.

After another half an hour or so, Jiang Chen's tightly closed eyes slowly opened.

With his eyes opened, Jiang Chen suddenly took a deep breath.

Just saw that, following that breath into the body, Jiang Chen's chest cavity made a thunderous drumming sound, and even the muscle lines on Jiang Chen's chest followed the drumming sound. Agitate.

After a while, the color of Jiang Chen's skin gradually changed, from white to red, then dark red, and finally, blood red.

This change in skin color was due to the qi and blood in Jiang Chen's body.

Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan only drank a small cup of the medicine that Jiang Chen had boiled, and they were able to expel a large amount of impurities in their bodies. This was also the reason why the skin of the two of them would get better in such a short period of time.

And this, the second daughter, didn't know how to actively absorb the effects of the medicine, and most of the effects of the medicine were wasted.

Otherwise, the changes in the second daughter will be more obvious.

Jiang Chen, of course, would not allow the medicinal effects to be wasted in the slightest. All the medicinal effects were absorbed by his body bit by bit, completely integrated into his flesh and blood, and filled continuously. His qi and blood tempered his blood.

Such medicinal effect, after being absorbed by Jiang Chen, the effect is immediate.

If it wasn't for deliberate suppression, the capillaries on his body might burst.

After the skin turned into a blood-red color, he saw that Jiang Chen's hands were forming seals, one after another, slapping himself at an incomparable speed.

Every part Jiang Chen slapped was some key acupoints all over his body. He slapped extremely fast. In just a few minutes, he slapped hundreds of times.

After these hundreds of slaps, the color of Jiang Chen's skin changed again, from blood red to dark red, and then slowly returned to normal color.

"Very good." Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

But it didn't end yet. Suddenly, Jiang Chen jumped up, punched out, and blasted out.


The fist came out like the wind, blasting in the air, making a sound like an explosion.

The subordinates didn't stop, Jiang Chen punched one after another, dozens of punches, already sweating profusely, and then he saw that Jiang Chen's skin surface had a layer of light black impurities discharged.

Jiang Chen practiced from the beginning, from the first level of body tempering, to the sixth level of body tempering step by step. His body was always in a process of constant purification and perfection.

Therefore, even though the effect is overbearing, the impurities discharged seem to be less than those of Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan.


With the last punch, the bones of Jiang Chen's whole body cracked lightly, nine times in a row, Jiang Chen put away his fist, with a look of relief on his face.

"The seventh layer of body quenching, it's done." Said softly, Jiang Chen grinned and laughed out loud.

"However, it's not enough. We need to prepare some medicine and strengthen it." Jiang Chen then said to himself.

What Jiang Chen pursued was not just as simple as perfection.

To be precise, what Jiang Chen pursued was the ultimate.

The ultimate breakthrough is the ultimate way to squeeze out one's own potential. This is also the reason why he is often able to leapfrog and fight. Otherwise, he would be willing to be mediocre. Jiang Chen didn't have to work so hard along the way.

After the breakthrough, Jiang Chen stayed on the rooftop for nearly 10 minutes, until the sweat on his body was almost dried by the wind, and then he went downstairs.

"Jiang Chen, Yanyan is looking for you." Seeing Jiang Chen coming downstairs, Xu Anqi said.

"Jiang Chen, where have you been? You didn't bring your phone with you. I thought you went out to pick up girls again... Ahhh, where did your clothes go? You exhibitionist..." Seeing that Jiang Chen had no clothes on , Jiang Yanyan immediately screamed.

"What do you want from me?" Jiang Chen asked, ignoring Jiang Yanyan's screams.

"Jiang Chen, is there any way you can make me more beautiful?" Jiang Yanyan pointed to her face and asked expectantly.

As she spoke, Jiang Yanyan's gaze on Jiang Chen's upper body seemed to be inseparable, because she had never discovered before that Jiang Chen's figure was so good.

There are no exaggerated muscle lines, but there is no fat at all, showing an inverted triangle shape, which is perfect.

"You think beautifully." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes. After going downstairs, he entered the guest room. He wanted to take a shower first.

"Jiang Chen, you come out and tell me clearly, how can I think beautifully." Jiang Yanyan quit, will Jiang Chen still talk?
He can't say, you're already beautiful, is that the case?
"I've made it very clear, it's the beauty you want." Jiang Chen said lightly, and entered the bathroom.

"Ahh..." Then, a new round of screams rang out inside the villa...

(End of this chapter)

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