genius evil

Chapter 688 Are you humiliating me?

Chapter 688 Are you humiliating me?

a week later.

Tiannan City, approaching the direction of the suburbs.

There is a small villa here, the name of the villa is quite interesting, it is called Juyizhuang.

However, in terms of management, this Juyi Village does not have too many characteristics. Normally, it can be described as bleak, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is empty.

But today, I don't know what happened, it's only eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and Juyi Village has become lively.

From time to time, one or two cars drove in through the open gate of Juyi Village.

There are good cars and bad cars, cheap and expensive.

The worst is a yellow card car that is about to be scrapped, and the cheapest is a second-hand mini car with a maximum value of no more than 1 yuan.

But the most expensive car is a Hummer H2, which can be regarded as relatively rare in Tiannan City.

Because Juyi Village was booked out today, the person in charge of the villa had received the news in this regard a few days ago, and was more prepared.

But the request made by the charter party is rather peculiar, that is, on this day, everyone in the villa must leave, including the boss, and even the chef must leave.

The boss of Juyizhuang was originally unwilling to accept this condition, but the price offered by the other party made him unable to refuse even if he wanted to, so he could only agree.

Time passed little by little, and around ten o'clock, a black car drove slowly.

This is an Audi A8, the rear seat, one side of the window glass is lowered, a young man dressed casually, leaning on the seat leisurely.

His right hand was resting on the outside, with a cigar on top of his fingers, he took a puff occasionally, and then flicked the ash outside, looking full of style.

As this Audi A8 entered Juyizhuang, after stopping inside, many people saw the appearance of this car, and their eyes were brightened.

Not counting the Hummer H2, which is not easy to buy, this Audi A8 can be regarded as the most expensive car among so many cars.

Some people just attracted attention because of the car, while some people, as soon as the car appeared, guessed who was sitting in the car, gathered together and started whispering.

The Audi stopped, and the driver got out of the car first, then trotted over, opened the rear door, and then, the young man smoking a cigar walked slowly out of the car.

"Zhuang Mingxing, right? I've been waiting for you for a long time." The cigar-smoking man got out of the car, and a smelly and dark face was caught in his eyes.

"What are you? You can call me my name?" Zhuang Mingxing smoked a cigar and sprayed it on the face of the person who spoke, and said displeasedly.

"I said, I have been waiting for you for a long time. I made an appointment to arrive at nine o'clock at the latest. Now, it is already ten o'clock, and you are an hour late." The face of the person who spoke became even darker. .

If Jiang Chen were here, he would find that that person was Lu Li.

"Wait if you love to wait, get out if you don't wait." Zhuang Mingxing said unceremoniously.

"You are too presumptuous." Lu Li was angry.

This Zhuang Mingxing didn't say anything when he arrived an hour late, and he didn't say hello in advance. Lu Li was deeply dissatisfied with such a bad attitude, so he got out of the car at Zhuang Mingxing just to show him face.

And Zhuang Mingxing's attitude instantly angered Lu Li even more.

"Presumptuous? So what?" Zhuang Mingxing said indifferently, looking at Lu Li contemptuously, as if Lu Li was just a joke in his eyes.

"A person who is too presumptuous will often pay the price." Lu Li reminded.

"Is it up to you?" Zhuang Mingxing laughed out loud.

"That's right, it's up to me." Lu Li said in a deep voice, and he was about to do something to teach this guy a lesson.

"Lu Li, calm down." But a figure flashed out, patted Lu Li's shoulder lightly, and said, it was Meng Xin.

"This person is too arrogant. There are so many people waiting for him alone, and he hasn't even apologized. This shows that we don't take our group seriously." Lu Li said with a cold face.

"What is the land group? I, Zhuang Mingxing, should I pay attention to it?" Zhuang Mingxing said leisurely, not knowing whether he deliberately provoked Lu Li or what was going on.

"You heard it too, I have to teach him a lesson." Lu Li wanted to do something again.

"There will be a lot of things today, you go to other things first, and let me take care of it here." Meng Xin was also a little helpless, and his tone of voice was quite calm.

"No." Lu Li was not happy.

"Go." Meng Xin just gave Lu Li a push.

Only then did Lu Li reluctantly walk away.

"Things without eyes dare to provoke me. I don't know how they will die sooner or later." Zhuang Mingxing said jokingly.

Meng Xin heard the words, but he was not angry, but said: "My friend, everyone has been waiting for a long time, so please come here?"

"Isn't it right for them to wait for me?" Zhuang Mingxing said casually.

"Should or shouldn't, I say it doesn't matter, it depends on their attitude." Meng Xin counterattacked without any trace.

Zhuang Mingxing smiled, glanced at Meng Xin, and said, "You are much smarter than that guy just now, but you are not qualified to play tricks in front of me. I want to see, who dares to do it in front of me?" Say the three words that shouldn't be."

While speaking, under Meng Xin's guidance, Zhuang Mingxing entered the hall together with Meng Xin.

The door of the hall was wide open. From the inside, one could clearly see the situation outside. When getting off the bus from Zhuang Mingxing, many people noticed his existence.

At this time, he had already entered the hall, and even attracted everyone's attention.

"Master Zhuang, I didn't expect you to come too."

"The face of the Earth Group is big enough, you even invited Mr. Zhuang."

"Master Zhuang, sit here."

Those who knew Zhuang Mingxing greeted Zhuang Mingxing warmly one after another. At a glance, there were thirty or forty people in the hall, at least a dozen or so, who knew Zhuang Mingxing.

Those who didn't know Zhuang Mingxing secretly thought about his identity because of the greeting scene.

So many people greeted each other politely and enthusiastically, it was not difficult to imagine that this person was either of extraordinary cultivation or had an extraordinary background.

Of course, it is more likely that this person not only has a superior cultivation, but also has an extraordinary background.

And the reason for the third conjecture is because of Zhuang Mingxing's style, some clues can be seen.

Except for the Hummer H2 in the ground group, the car driven by Zhuang Mingxing is the most expensive and luxurious car. Not to mention, there is also a driver.

"The ground team can't invite me, I just come here to have fun." Zhuang Mingxing said lightly.

"Haha, Mr. Zhuang really has a real temperament, and he has something to say."

"Mr. Zhuang has strength, so he naturally speaks confidently."

"Mr. Zhuang doesn't even give face to the ground group, he is domineering enough."

Those people said with a smile.

"Have you finished talking nonsense? Sit down when you're done." It was an unharmonious voice that interrupted everyone's words.

Hearing the sound, Zhuang Mingxing frowned, feeling displeased for a moment, then looked up, to see who was so blind.


At a glance, Zhuang Mingxing's eyes could not help but light up.

It was a woman who spoke, wearing black clothes and black trousers, that is, the pair of boots under her feet, both were black, her hair was casually tied behind her head, looking casual and chic.

What caught Zhuang Mingxing's eyes was that this woman had an exceptionally stunning face, which was definitely enough to attract the attention of all men at first sight.

"Beauty, if you let me sit, you should arrange a seat for me." Zhuang Mingxing stared at the woman, looked him up and down, and said frivolously.

"Sit whatever you want, of course, if you don't want to sit, you can stand." The woman said bluntly, it was Mei Hongyi.

Mei Hongyi had always been aloof, and only in front of Jiang Chen would she occasionally show a bit of a girl's coquettishness.

This Zhuang Mingxing looked at her with such piercing eyes, which made Mei Hongyi feel disgusted for no reason, and the tone of his speech naturally seemed a little colder.

"So many people are all sitting, and you let me stand alone, isn't that good?" Zhuang Mingxing said with a smile.

"What do you want?" Mei Hongyi asked coldly.

"It's nothing, I just want you to arrange a seat for me, beauty. By the way, just tell me your name." Zhuang Mingxing said.

"Are you looking for death?" Qiao Yan, who was standing next to Mei Hongyi, said Hong Sheng.

"You kind of trash, I can slap a few of you to death casually with one hand, it's best not to say the word "death" in front of me, in case I'm not careful, I can't help but slap you to death, That would be bad." Zhuang Mingxing said dismissively.

"Mr. Zhuang is worthy of being Mr. Zhuang, he is domineering."

"Yeah, even the people in the ground group don't take it seriously. Who else has this domineering spirit besides Young Master Shezhuang?"

"Boy, you'd better shut up, otherwise, Mr. Zhuang might really slap you to death."

Some people booed one after another.

"Slap me to death, come on, I'd like to see how you slap me to death." Qiao Yan said, Lu Li's temper is not bad, but he can't stand Zhuang Mingxing every minute.

Not to mention, Qiao Yan's temper was notoriously bad.

Zhuang Mingxing's pretentious posture made Qiao Yan very unhappy. Besides, he dared to tease Mei Hongyi, which made Qiao Yan even more unhappy.

"Come here, I promise to slap you to death." Zhuang Mingxing waved his hand and said vowedly.

"Is that enough?" Mei Hongyi said with a cold face, how could she let them go on like this.

"Haha, the big beauty has asked enough, or I'll be merciful, and it's better not to be like this kid." Zhuang Mingxing said.

"Who told you to show mercy?" Qiao Yan said unconvinced.

"Shut up." Mei Hongyi couldn't take it anymore, waved to Qiao Yan, and said, "Stand aside."

Then, Mei Hongyi pointed to a seat and said to Zhuang Mingxing, "You, go and sit over there."

Following the direction Mei Hongyi pointed at, Zhuang Mingxing looked over, his face darkened, and he said, "What is this? Are you humiliating me?"

(End of this chapter)

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