genius evil

Chapter 689 Young people don't brag all day long

Chapter 689 Young people don't brag all day long
The location that Mei Hongyi pointed to was the one closest to the door.

Since Zhuang Mingxing entered the hall, he saw that position early in the morning, but it was absolutely impossible for him to sit in that position.

A person, sitting in what kind of position.

To put it simply, it is just a seat.

However, if we go deeper, the chair under the buttocks is definitely not just as simple as a chair, it represents the identity, and it also represents the right to speak.

This is also the reason why Zhuang Mingxing went straight into the hall when he saw the seat, and asked Mei Hongyi to arrange a seat for him.

Zhuang Mingxing thought that with his status, it was absolutely impossible to sit there, otherwise it would be a humiliation to him.

Moreover, even if he himself doesn't care about sitting there, if this situation falls into the eyes of others, what will others think and think?
When Zhuang Mingxing asked this question, the expression on his face was already very, very ugly.

"You're wrong, I'm not in the mood to play word games with you." Mei Hongyi shook her head and said, "We have counted the number of people invited today, one seat per person, not too many, and no more than one seat. Quite a few, those who come first sit first, those who come later sit behind, and there is no difference in the arrangement of each seat."

Having said this, after a pause, Mei Hongyi continued: "Among so many people, you are the last one to come, and you were late for an hour. Therefore, there is only the last seat left. Of course , if you don’t want to sit, no one will force you to sit down.”

Mei Hongyi's words were calm, serious and well-founded.

However, this does not mean that there is no resentment under the calm surface.

Isn't Zhuang Mingxing trying to play tricks of being late?

Yes, Zhuang Mingxing was going to be late, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. After all, it was impossible to tie him up, but just because Zhuang Mingxing couldn't be helped, didn't mean he couldn't be sick of him.

Mei Hongyi refused to admit it, but such an arrangement was indeed humiliating Zhuang Mingxing.

It is said that those who humiliate others should humiliate first, Zhuang Mingxing made it clear that he wanted to humiliate himself, and Mei Hongyi arranged it without any psychological burden.

"One seat per person, that's interesting." Zhuang Mingxing laughed strangely.

He wouldn't be so naive as to completely believe what Mei Hongyi said, but Mei Hongyi's explanation was impeccable, even if he was angry, he couldn't vent it on Mei Hongyi.

As he spoke, Zhuang Mingxing's eyes shot across the hall.

"Master Zhuang, sit here with me."

"Master Zhuang, if you don't mind, you can sit here with me."

"Master Zhuang, why don't you sit with me."

Zhuang Mingxing's intentions are already obvious.

It is impossible for him to sit on the seat arranged by Mei Hongyi. He wants a better seat. With such a glance, some people immediately understood and said one after another.

"No need." Zhuang Mingxing shook his head.

These guys are probably because they came later. Although the position is better than the last one, they are not for Zhuang Mingxing.

In the end, Zhuang Mingxing's eyes fell on the seat in the front row.

There are two seats there, and there are two people sitting there. It looks like a pair of twins, both in their 30s and 40s.

The expressions of these two people were indifferent. No matter before Zhuang Mingxing came or after Zhuang Mingxing came, they didn't say a word, and they didn't accept anyone's greeting.

The two seem to be very low-key, but the seats where the two of them are sitting are really too conspicuous. Even if they are low-key, they are definitely not really low-key.

"You two, who will give me a seat?" Zhuang Mingxing said after taking a look at the twins.

Either he didn't sit, or he naturally sat in the best seat.

And the best position was occupied by the twins, so Zhuang Mingxing could only play with the twins.

"Are you talking to us?" Among the twins, the one on the left finally spoke.

"If your ears are not deaf, you should be like this." Zhuang Mingxing said noncommittally.

"Go away!" the man said coldly.

"What did you say?" Zhuang Mingxing was stunned, apparently he did not expect that this person would be so shameless.

"Get out!" The man still said one word like this, and even said one more word, it was very unresponsive.

"Do you want to die?" Zhuang Mingxing said gloomily.

When he asked for a seat, he said an extra word of concession. He felt that he was very polite, but this person was so rude, which made Zhuang Mingxing very annoyed.

The man glanced at Zhuang Mingxing, he didn't know whether it was disdain or what was going on, but he didn't say anything, with an indifferent expression on his face.

"You two, what are you, you dare to speak to Mr. Zhuang like that?"

"Do you know who Mr. Zhuang is?"

"Be sensible, give up your seat as soon as possible, or you will regret it later."

Some people couldn't stand it anymore, and jumped out one by one to defend Zhuang Mingxing.

"My name is Yu Shaohua." It was the man on the right who suddenly opened his mouth and introduced himself quite inexplicably, then he pointed to the man on the left and continued to introduce: "My younger brother, Yu Shaohong. "

"What do you mean?" Zhuang Mingxing frowned, not knowing why.

"Someone said just now that we know what kind of person you are. I'm really sorry. We don't want to know at all. As for you, I advise you that it's best to remember the names of our two brothers." Yu Shaohua said.

"What do you mean?" Zhuang Mingxing still didn't understand.

"The meaning is very simple, that is, if you die at the hands of our two brothers, you will understand who killed you if you remember your name." Yu Shaohua said calmly.

"So brave."

"court death."

"You ungrateful animal!"

"You two, I have never heard of it. I don't know which corner of the garbage came out of it. You dare to act presumptuously in front of me, Zhuang Mingxing." Zhuang Mingxing was very annoyed.

"The two of us are trash, so aren't you even worse than trash?" Yu Shaohua was also quite sharp-tongued.

"Go away, go to where you should sit, and stop embarrassing yourself here." Yu Shaohong also said.

"So, are you planning to give up your seats?" Zhuang Mingxing asked.

"It seems that we are not deaf, but yours are deaf." Yu Shaohua said.

"Okay, that's really good." Zhuang Mingxing laughed back angrily, "Don't give up to shameless things, right? If you don't even give face to me, Zhuang Mingxing, you're getting impatient."

"Want to do it?" Yu Shaohua pouted.

"Let me do it, you are not qualified enough, get over here and die." Zhuang Mingxing hooked his fingers.

"Young man, it's better not to brag all day long. If you are not careful, a thunderbolt from the sky will strike you to death, it will not look good." Yu Shaohua and Yu Shaohong have not yet waited. In response, there was a lazy voice, which suddenly sounded.

"You're here." Hearing the voice, Mei Hongyi followed it and said.

"Looks like we came just in time, just in time for a good show." Jiang Chen touched his chin and said.

"Since you're here, I'll let you handle the affairs here." Mei Hongyi gave Jiang Chen a white look.

Others couldn't understand what Jiang Chen was saying, but she naturally understood it very well, because the arrangement of the seats was basically ordered by Jiang Chen.

In other words, Jiang Chen deliberately used the chair to make a fuss, even if the fuss was not made on Zhuang Mingxing, it would still irritate other people.

It can only be said that Zhuang Mingxing happened to be more unlucky.

However, this bad luck was also Zhuang Mingxing's own fault, who made Zhuang Mingxing put on airs so that he would be late.

And this gathering in Juyizhuang was called by the local group, and all the people who came were ancient martial arts practitioners.

In terms of the number of people, it's not too many, more than 30, less than forty, not the ancient martial arts practitioners in Tiannan City, all of them were called, but the three or two fish that slipped through the net, what happened here After solving it, it is doomed to be difficult, and there will be no waves, but no one cares about it.

Therefore, it can be said that this is a good show sung by the land team and Jiang Chen. Mei Hongyi had told Mei Lanting before that to cooperate with Jiang Chen, this is the greatest cooperation.

When Jiang Chen appeared, Mei Hongyi felt that she had almost done everything she wanted to do, and Jiang Chen would take care of it next.

However, after Mei Hongyi said this, she didn't lead the team to leave immediately, because she also wanted to see how Jiang Chen would deal with it.

"No problem, girl in red, just wait and watch the show." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Boy, are you talking to me?" Zhuang Mingxing stared at Jiang Chen with a gloomy expression, with an unkind expression on his face.

He was planning to deal with Yu Shaohua and Yu Shaohong, but Jiang Chen came out of nowhere and interrupted what he was going to do. How could this make Zhuang Mingxing look good.

"Yeah, I was just talking to you, you should feel very honored now." Jiang Chen said happily.

"Honour?" Zhuang Mingxing looked at Jiang Chen like he was crazy.

"That's right, it's an honor. Look, there are so many people here, and I'm the first to talk to you. Isn't this a great honor for you?" Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

"Are you brain-dead?" Zhuang Mingxing said speechlessly. He didn't think there was any honor in such a thing.

"Unfortunately, I am not, but you are." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

"Sharp-toothed thing, come here, let me slap you to death." Zhuang Mingxing couldn't listen anymore.

"Zhuang Mingxing, are you sure you want to shoot him to death?" Yu Shaohua said teasingly.

"Are you planning to tell me that you are together?" Zhuang Mingxing asked.

"I can only say that you are really stupid. You don't even know who the other party is, and you keep saying that you want to slap him to death. Don't you worry about being slapped to death?" What Yu Shaohua said was a yin and yang. .

"Is it necessary for me to know who he is?" Pointing at Jiang Chen, Zhuang Mingxing said dismissively.

"His name is Jiang Chen!" Yu Shaohua said unhurriedly.


Following Yu Shaohua's words, the sound of gasping for air-conditioning resounded one after another in the huge living room...

(End of this chapter)

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