genius evil

Chapter 690 Get Out or Die

Chapter 690 Get Out or Die

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

That's what it said.

If the word Jiang Chen does not limit the circle, looking at Tiannan City, there may not be too many people who have heard of it.

But once the circle is limited, there is no doubt about what kind of meaning this name represents.

It's a pity that in Gu Wu's circle, Jiang Chen's name just happens to have a little deterrent power.

No, when Yu Shaohua reported his name, those other ancient martial arts practitioners who had heard of his name but had never seen him in person would have such a big reaction.

"Jiang Chen? Are you that Jiang Chen?" Zhuang Mingxing asked.

His time in Tiannan City was neither too long nor too short, but he had heard of Jiang Chen's name.

Even if they didn't deliberately inquire about some things about Jiang Chen, they could be regarded as having a certain degree of understanding of Jiang Chen.

"If these two words have no other meaning, then I am." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"What are you doing here?" Zhuang Mingxing asked again.

"Watching a play." Jiang Chen answered directly.

Hearing the sound, the corners of Zhuang Mingxing's mouth twitched.

Where there are other plays to watch, if Jiang Chen wants to watch, it is to see Zhuang Mingxing singing.

"That would be very boring." Zhuang Mingxing said, he would not be so naive as to believe Jiang Chen's words, if he really got to that point, he would be really brain-dead.

"It's really not interesting." Jiang Chen spread his hands, and said solemnly: "You can say that you are a person, pretending to be a celebrity is fine, and pretending to be a force all day long, it's really boring."

"Jiang Chen, are you provoking me on purpose?" Zhuang Mingxing said displeased.

The three words Zhuang Mingxing were just his name, but Jiang Chen actually wanted to laugh at his name, which made Zhuang Mingxing wonder if Jiang Chen was deliberately provoking him.

"Then are you angry?" Jiang Chen had a half-smile, he didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either.

"It turns out that you are really trying to provoke me on purpose. But I don't know, what good will this do for you?" Zhuang Mingxing said.

"It's no good, I just like watching movies." Jiang Chen said simply.

"Jiang Chen, don't you think your words are too much?" Zhuang Mingxing couldn't bear it anymore.

"Can't bear it anymore, can you? Then don't bear it anymore, do it, come over and shoot me to death." Jiang Chen said provocatively.

The other ancient martial arts practitioners were speechless when they heard Jiang Chen say such awkward words.

Someone secretly sympathized with Zhuang Mingxing.

Originally, Zhuang Mingxing was already arrogant enough. From the moment he appeared until now, he had been defiant, and no one had paid attention to him. How could he know that Jiang Chen was even more arrogant than him.

It was also very gloating.

Zhuang Mingxing was too arrogant, and many people couldn't get used to it. Finally seeing Zhuang Mingxing wanting to be deflated, these people even wished that Jiang Chen would hurry up and clean up Zhuang Mingxing.

Of course, there are also people who are thinking about why Jiang Chen appeared in their hearts, and what is the purpose of Jiang Chen coming here. However, for the time being, they don't quite understand it, so they can only look down slowly.

"Jiang Chen, don't force me, do you think I dare not?" Zhuang Mingxing's eyes flickered and his face was livid.

"Don't pretend to be in front of me, you just don't dare." Jiang Chen said mockingly.

"Looking for death." Zhuang Mingxing was furious, and as soon as he raised his hand, he patted Jiang Chen.

"Hey, I'm just kidding, why don't you have any sense of humor, you really did something to me." Jiang Chen yelled.

But while yelling, he shot quickly, raised his hand, and slapped him.


The two hands collided in the air, followed by the sound of bones breaking.

Hearing that sound, many ancient martial arts practitioners tensed up, and hurriedly looked intently, wanting to see whose hand was broken.

Zhuang Mingxing is arrogant, but his strength is unquestionable. In his 20s, he already possesses the seventh level of ancient martial arts.

This level of cultivation, at Zhuang Mingxing's age, the speed of Zhuang Mingxing's cultivation can be seen, he can be called a genius.

Geniuses are often arrogant, so Zhuang Mingxing's arrogance, even though many people don't like it, they can understand it.

What's more, there is another point that Zhuang Mingxing's status is quite prominent, and there are not too many people who are capable of provoking him.

Jiang Chen's name, to some people, can be regarded as thunderous.

But what is Jiang Chen's strength? Many people don't have an accurate judgment in their hearts. The reason for this is that none of them has seen Jiang Chen make a move with their own eyes.

This was the first time seeing Jiang Chen make a move.

Both of them can be regarded as young talents, who is stronger and who is weaker, it is extraordinarily eye-catching, even Yu Shaohua and Yu Shaohong, they also looked at them intently.


After a slap, a figure staggered back several steps one after another, it was Zhuang Mingxing.

Impressively, he saw Zhuang Mingxing's right hand twisting backwards along his shoulder in a strange posture, as if it might fall off at any moment.

"It's Zhuang Mingxing."

"Zhuang Mingxing is injured."

Seeing such a scene, many people were secretly shocked.

Although, they had thought that Zhuang Mingxing might not be Jiang Chen's opponent, but if Jiang Chen made a random move, he would destroy one of Zhuang Mingxing's hands, so how terrifying is his cultivation?
The peak of the seven-level ancient martial arts acquired?

Ancient martial arts acquired eight layers?

Or, the nine floors of the ancient martial arts?

No one thought that Jiang Chen already possessed the cultivation base of the ninth level of the ancient martial arts, and there was no other reason. Jiang Chen was too young, and it was a bit outrageous to be young.

You know, according to the information they know, Jiang Chen only graduated from high school not long ago.

If a high school student who has just graduated not long ago has the terrifying cultivation of the ninth level of the ancient martial arts acquired, wouldn't that make other geniuses smash to death one by one in shame?

But even if he didn't think that Jiang Chen had the cultivation base of the ninth level of the ancient martial arts, Jiang Chen directly destroyed Zhuang Mingxing's hand when he made a move. His strength is also very obvious.

Definitely a very difficult character.

"I really thought I was going to be slapped to death by you, I was scared to death." Jiang Chen stood there motionless, but he looked extremely scared, as if he had suffered a great panic.

Zhuang Mingxing was already injured, and after hearing what Jiang Chen said, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood under his panic.

And the other ancient martial arts practitioners were also very messy in the wind, saying that they were scared to death, and the one who was really scared should be Zhuang Mingxing, right?
"Although it's a bit scary, it looks like it's quite fun. If you make another move, come over and shoot me to death." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"Jiang Chen, you're bullying too much." Zhuang Mingxing was about to go crazy.

"No, I really think it's quite fun." Jiang Chen said innocently.

"You can play on your own." Zhuang Mingxing couldn't take it anymore.

"It's so boring for me to play by myself. Since you don't want to play with me, then I'll find someone else." Jiang Chen said.

As he spoke, Jiang Chen glanced at other ancient martial arts practitioners.

With Zhuang Mingxing's lessons learned, those people dare not look at Jiang Chen. When Jiang Chen saw it, he lowered his head and pretended nothing happened.

"Why don't you two play with me?" Jiang Chen pointed at Yu Shaohua and Yu Shaohong, as if he had discovered a new continent, and said happily.

"Feel sorry."

"Don't play."

Yu Shaohua and Yu Shaohong brothers said in unison.

"Uh, don't be nervous, you two, I will never bully you." Jiang Chen said kindly.

"Jiang Shao, what is your purpose for coming here, you might as well open it up." Yu Shaohua said.

"I just said that I'm just here to watch the play, but it seems that it's more interesting to find someone to play with me." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Shao, why do people with discerning eyes speak secretly?" Yu Shaohua said.

"You don't believe it, right? But, do you believe it or not, does it have anything to do with me?" Jiang Chen was a little puzzled.

Yu Shaohua was speechless and smiled wryly.

Jiang Chen said again: "There are so many of you, can't you even find a single person to play with me?

Naturally no one would answer Jiang Chen's words.

But Jiang Chen had no intention of asking others to answer the conversation, and said again: "Looking at Tiannan City, almost all the ancient martial arts practitioners are here, and only you have the strength to play with me. But, you guys Everyone seems to be unwilling, if that's the case, then don't blame me for turning my back."

Hearing this, many people were suffocated.

Jiang Chen was hesitant to say the purpose of his appearance, but the words reached a critical step. Many people pricked up their ears, wanting to hear what Jiang Chen had to say.

"Under normal circumstances, people who don't want to play with me have only two outcomes, either die or get lost. I won't give you a third choice." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"We can get out of here." Someone said immediately.

Can't afford to offend Jiang Chen, can't they afford to hide?
"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention it. When I said get out, I meant get out of Jiangnan Province." Jiang Chen said calmly.


Countless gasping voices sounded again and again.

They thought that getting out meant getting out of Juyi Village, but they never expected that Jiang Chen would be so domineering that he directly asked them to get out of Jiangnan Province.

Moreover, according to Jiang Chen, they only had two choices, which can already be said to be very strong.



"Jiang Chen, it's true that you are very strong, but are you sure you want to arouse public anger?"

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation and accused them angrily.

"10 minutes, start the timer now. I only give you 10 minutes to make a decision. After 10 minutes, whether to die here or get out of Jiangnan Province is entirely up to you. Can you seize the opportunity?" Jiang Chen said lazily. Said.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and started the timer...

(End of this chapter)

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