genius evil

Chapter 691 I, Jiang Chen, Are the King

Chapter 691 I, Jiang Chen, Are the King
"Jiang Chen, are you still being reasonable?"

"Jiang Chen, Tiannan City is your territory. We have nothing to say if you let us get out of Tiannan City, but letting us get out of Jiangnan Province is too much."

"Jiang Chen, you behave like this, I hope you can bear the anger under our public anger."

Jiang Chen said that one is one, and there was no room for negotiation at all. He said it would be 10 minutes, and immediately took out his mobile phone to start counting. This clearly did not take any of them seriously.

Everyone gritted their teeth with resentment.

His temper was a little hotter, and he wished he could tear Jiang Chen up with his hands, so that Jiang Chen could understand what would happen if he committed public anger.

But no matter how resentful they were, no matter how much their teeth were about to be gritted, everyone could only watch Jiang Chen counting down with his mobile phone, and no one dared to act rashly.

Facing such accusations, Jiang Chen was indifferent and didn't take it to heart.

However, Jiang Chen didn't take it to heart, but Mei Hongyi couldn't listen anymore.

"All of you, do you still have the face to tell Jiang Chen to be reasonable? Let me ask you, when you bullied the weak and harmed innocent people, did you ever make sense?"

"Jiang Chen, I just told you to get out of Jiangnan Province. It didn't threaten your personal safety. If you don't know what's good, Jiang Chen must kill you all one by one."

"Is it the public outrage? In my opinion, it is you who are the ones who have caused public outrage. Ever since you flooded into Tiannan City, people's grievances have been boiling, and various vicious cases have emerged one after another. Don't just let you get out of Jiangnan Province, even if you are all If you kill them all, you are the one who waits, and you are to blame.”

Mei Hongyi spoke extremely fast. She said this, on the one hand, she was defending Jiang Chen, and on the other hand, it was because of the shocking case files, which made her feel difficult to calm down for a long time this week.

Jiang Chen's method of dealing with it was considered gentle, it only hurt Zhuang Mingxing, and Jiang Chen had no intention of killing the rest of them.

From Mei Hongyi's point of view, Jiang Chen was very benevolent. These people kept saying that Jiang Chen was unreasonable and that Jiang Chen was too much.

"Beauty, you are really sharp. Could this be the reason to drive us out of Jiangnan Province, but you are too absolute. It is true that some of us have done evil, but I didn't do it." It's a bad thing." A person stood up and said.

"Yes, neither did I."

"I haven't done anything."

This person's words immediately got some responses.

"Beauty, did you hear that we people have never done anything bad, but we still want to get out of Jiangnan Province, isn't that too unfair?" asked the speaker.

"You still have 8 minutes." Jiang Chen raised his head, glanced at the speaker, and said slowly.

"Jiang Shao, we need an explanation." The man also looked at Jiang Chen and said.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Jiang Chen asked.

"What?" The man was puzzled.

"Your body smells like perfume, don't tell me, you like to spray perfume on your body." Jiang Chen said expressionlessly.

"I have a habit of this." The man said evasively.

"Then, can you tell me why you have two different scents on your body?" Jiang Chen's voice sank suddenly.

"This—" The man's face suddenly changed.

"Idiot." Jiang Chen said coldly, moved his feet, and appeared in front of that person, slapping him to death.

"There are still 7 minutes." Jiang Chen slapped one person to death, and said calmly as if nothing had happened.

The rest of the ancient martial arts practitioners looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Shaohong, let's go." Yu Shaohua laughed and said to Shaohong.

"Alright." Yu Shaohong nodded.

"So anxious?" Jiang Chen grinned, but he was quite surprised.

With so many people present, Jiang Chen didn't pay attention to anyone, including Zhuang Mingxing, but Jiang Chen was quite concerned about the twins.

One is that the cultivation of these two people is the highest among this group of people, and the other is that the twins advance and retreat together. Obviously, it is not easy to practice some kind of combined attack technique.

"Jiang Shao, to be honest, we have no intention of conflicting with you." Yu Shaohua said.

"This Tiannan City is just a temporary foothold for my two brothers. It doesn't matter whether we stay or leave," Yu Shaohong said.

"You two are very good." Jiang Chen said.

Yu Shaohua smiled and said: "Of course, the most important thing is that Tiannan City is not the battlefield of our two brothers. I look forward to the Guwu Alliance Conference and see you again."

"We will wait for you at the ancient martial arts alliance meeting." Yu Shaohong said.

Two brothers, you can say something to me, be straightforward, and after hearing what they said, even if they leave, no one will have a word of criticism.

"Alright, see you later." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Goodbye." Yu Shaohua said.

"Goodbye." Yu Shaohong said.

After saying this, the two brothers got up and left soon.

"There are still 5 minutes, the time left for you is not much." Jiang Chen said lightly as he watched the two leave.

"Let's go, let's go too."

"That's right, there's no need to be angry, this is Jiang Chen's territory, we won't get any benefits."

"If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood. When the time comes for the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference, you will repay kindness and revenge."

After Yu Shaohua and Yu Shaohong left, many people's thoughts flickered. After weighing the pros and cons, they expressed their opinions one after another. After a while, more than a dozen people left.

Afterwards, more than a dozen people left silently even though they didn't say anything.

After a while, only Zhuang Mingxing and others were left in the huge hall.

"Jiang Chen, I need to remind you that if you drive so many people out of Jiangnan Province, you will be bad luck at the ancient martial arts alliance meeting." Zhuang Mingxing said.

"Which hand do you usually use to hold your chopsticks when you eat?" Jiang Chen asked inexplicably.

"Right hand, what's wrong?" Zhuang Mingxing asked.

"Right hand, that's fine, I was still thinking about abolishing your eating hand." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Zhuang Mingxing had a chill. Should he be glad that he is not left-handed and eats with his right hand, otherwise, would he lose both hands?

"Jiang Chen, you can threaten me, but it won't take long for you to regret it." Zhuang Mingxing said angrily.

"Thank you for your reminder." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"The last question, please answer me honestly, because I don't believe that people like you will stand up for the so-called justice. Why do you have to drive us out of Jiangnan Province?" Zhuang Mingxing asked.

Intuition told him that Jiang Chen was the same person as him.

Or it can be said that in some respects, Jiang Chen is more hated than what he did.

For such a person, it is simply a dream to ask him to speak up for justice.

"It's very simple, because here, I, Jiang Chen, am the king." Jiang Chen said lightly.

He is the king, so, relying on his own preferences, he has no scruples, and erases whatever he doesn't like at all costs.

Simple, rude!

"I understand." Taking a deep look at Jiang Chen, Zhuang Mingxing didn't feel that Jiang Chen's words were going too far.

After all, in Tiannan City, it was Jiang Chen who said he was the king. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the king.

Then, Zhuang Mingxing left. He took a dozen people with him. In the end, besides Jiang Chen and the members of the ground group, there was only one person left in the hall.

It was a white-haired old man, and he was also the oldest among a group of ancient martial arts practitioners.

"There are still 2 minutes." Jiang Chen glanced at the white-haired old man and said.

"Young man, old man, I am quite old. This person has one foot buried in the ground. Would you please do me a favor and let the old man live a stable life in Tiannan City for two days?" Bai The old man discussed with Jiang Chen.

"Do you think that your life is not stable?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Old man, I have spent most of my life traveling here and there, and have worked hard for most of my life. There is no security at all." The white-haired old man sighed.

"Then, you can die." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, how can you say such a thing." Mei Hongyi complained.

This white-haired old man was estimated to be in his 70s, close to 80 years old. When he pleaded with Jiang Chen, Mei Hongyi couldn't help feeling pity.

It was probably okay to let him stay, but Jiang Chen actually let the white-haired old man die, which made Mei Hongyi feel that Jiang Chen was going too far.

"Girl in red, did I say something wrong? Don't you think that death is the best destination?" Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

"Hehe, old man, I am very old, but I am afraid I will be years away from death." The white-haired old man said.

"It's okay, I can send you to die." Jiang Chen looked kind.

"Jiang Chen, you still say it." Mei Hongyi became angry.

"Young man, you really don't know how to respect the old and love the young at all." The white-haired old man said.

"After killing you, I will find a place to bury you." Jiang Chen said.

"From what you said, old man, even if I don't want to die today, I can't do it, right?" the white-haired old man asked.

"It seems that you haven't lost your mind yet." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"Jiang Chen, what's the matter with you." Mei Hongyi complained.

"Be careful." Jiang Chen shouted suddenly, raised his hand to grab, grabbed Mei Hongyi, and threw it aside. At the same time, Jiang Chen clenched his fist with his left hand, punched it quickly, and blasted it out.


A dull sound came out, Jiang Chen swayed, and took two steps back, while the white-haired old man looked at him with a smile on his face, stepped forward, bullied him again, and punched Jiang Chen again. .


After this punch, Jiang Chen retreated again.

And including Mei Hongyi, all the members of the ground team were stunned watching this scene.

Especially Mei Hongyi, it was so close, the eyeballs almost fell out of the eye sockets, it was unbelievable that this old man with white hair who looked rotten was actually so strong.

No wonder Jiang Chen said he wanted to send him to die. Undoubtedly, Jiang Chen had already seen through everything, but she was the only one who was so foolish as to beg for mercy for the white-haired old man. in hand...

(End of this chapter)

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