genius evil

Chapter 692 Unparalleled Genius

Chapter 692 Unparalleled Genius
"Young man, where did you learn the skill?" After two punches, the white-haired old man no longer rushed to strike, and asked with a smile.

"Self-taught, learn blindly." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Although it's full of nonsense, it can't hide the fact that you are a world-class genius. I haven't seen a young man like you for decades." The white-haired old man laughed.

"The old man's eyes are as bright as a torch. I didn't expect me to hide so deeply that I was discovered by you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It would be a pity if a genius like you died at my hands." The white-haired old man said.

"This question is too simple. Wouldn't it be enough for you to die in my hands? In that way, you and I will be happy, everyone will be happy, what a wonderful thing?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"It's interesting, as long as you can kill me, it doesn't matter if I die in your hands?" the white-haired old man said.

"Don't worry, I will do what you wish." Jiang Chen said, and shot instantly.

The figure was like the wind, carrying a cold chill, Jiang Chen made a bold move and punched the white-haired old man.

Jiang Chen is not the kind of person who likes to suffer. The white-haired old man made two punches, and he suffered two consecutive losses in haste. If it wasn't because of his breakthrough in cultivation, he might have already been seriously injured.

Don't look at Jiang Chen's heartless smile on the surface, deep down, he is actually burning with anger.

"Young people are too impulsive." The white-haired old man said slowly.

The words were slow, but the moves were not slow at all. Facing Jiang Chen's punch, he punched away.


The wind blew in all directions, and the sound waves pierced the eardrums.

"Come again." Jiang Chen said in a cold voice, and before he stopped punching, he punched out again.

"Young man, you can't kill me, so you don't need to waste your energy here." The white-haired old man said leisurely, without dodging or evading, and punched Jiang Chen head-on.

"It's not that I can't kill you, but it's meaningless to hit you like this." Jiang Chen took the initiative to throw two punches, and said.

Then, Jiang Chen said to Mei Hongyi: "Girl in red, go and help me find a sword."

"You want a sword?" Mei Hongyi was stunned for a moment, and said, "It seems that the owner of Juyizhuang is a fan of martial arts. When I came here last time, I saw him dance swords. Wait a minute, I'll go find him." Look for it, you should be able to find it."

Mei Hongyi didn't know why Jiang Chen was looking for a sword, but she could tell that this white-haired old man's strength was extraordinary, even Jiang Chen might not be able to take advantage of it.

This kind of situation made Mei Hongyi a little anxious. She never thought that after leaving so many people, the only white-haired old man who remained was the strongest.

While talking, Mei Hongyi ran away in a hurry.

"Can you still use a sword?" the white-haired old man asked curiously.

"If you're afraid, get out early, or you won't be safe in the evening." Jiang Chen said provocatively.

Since he was reborn through Duoshe, Jiang Chen had only used the sword twice, the first time was when he taught Jian Yi a lesson, but that time, he didn't use the sword either, but used willow branches instead.

The second time, this time.

In normal times, Jiang Chen would never use a sword easily.


Carrying a memory of Jiang Chen.

It was Jiang Chen's obsession.

It can even be said that one thought becomes a demon.

But Jiang Chen, towards this white-haired old man, was already murderous. If he didn't use a sword, he was not absolutely sure that he could kill him, even if it was a cultivation breakthrough.

Therefore, Jiang Chen must use the sword.

"Using the mere aggressive method on me, the old man, is ridiculous." The white-haired old man said disdainfully.

"Then you just wait here to die." Jiang Chen continued to prod.

"It doesn't matter if you wait." The white-haired old man said unhurriedly.

Mei Hongyi moved very quickly, after a while, she found a sword and handed it to Jiang Chen.

"Can you make a move now? To be honest, I really want to see how you use the sword." The white-haired old man said when the sword was in Jiang Chen's hand.

"We've been waiting for such a long time, so let's wait another minute." Jiang Chen said indifferently, stretching out his hand to drive away, signaling Mei Hongyi and others to stay away.

Immediately, Jiang Chen moved his wrist, and three silver needles appeared in his palm.

"Huh?" Seeing the silver needle in Jiang Chen's hand, the white-haired old man was slightly surprised.

Jiang Chen didn't care about the white-haired old man's reaction, the silver needles appeared, and with a lift of his wrist, the three silver needles were all inserted on top of his head.

"He is actually a doctor with excellent medical skills." The white-haired old man said in a deep voice.

"You can prepare to die now." Jiang Chen said coldly.

What Jiang Chen couldn't tolerate the most was not a sneak attack, but that someone he cared about was injured under his nose.

If he hadn't always felt that something was wrong with the white-haired old man, and had been on guard, Mei Hongyi would have suffered a severe blow if the white-haired old man made a move.

That kind of situation is absolutely not allowed by Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen said a word, killing intent.

"Use your sword." The white-haired old man said.

Naturally, Jiang Chen wouldn't be polite to the white-haired old man, he swung the air with his sword, and struck fiercely.

"No that's how it is..." Seeing Jiang Chen's sword strike, which seemed to be an ordinary sword gesture, the expression of the white-haired old man changed slightly.

The white-haired old man realized that he had made a joke by asking Jiang Chen curiously about how to use a sword earlier.

Jiang Chen was not just as simple as knowing how to use a sword.

As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

Looking at Jiang Chen's sword movement, the white-haired old man is enough to see that Jiang Chen not only knows how to use a sword, but is definitely a master of swordsmanship.

The emergence of this situation suddenly made the white-haired old man regret it.

The white-haired old man knew that he was underestimating himself, and he shouldn't have given Jiang Chen a chance to find a sword. It is no exaggeration to say that after Jiang Chen had a sword in his hand, Jiang Chen's threat to him was absolutely ten percent. doubled.

However, it was too late to regret, Jiang Chen had already made a move with this sword.

The point of the sword is invincible, an ordinary long sword, in Jiang Chen's hand, transformed into a supreme sharp weapon, unstoppable.

The white-haired old man slapped wildly with his big hand, two palms in succession, at the same time, and slapped Jiang Chen.

But after these two palms were struck, the white-haired old man noticed that Jiang Chen's right hand holding the sword remained motionless, and his face changed again, becoming a bit uglier.

At the beginning, the white-haired old man thought that no matter how talented Jiang Chen was, no matter how much he had the demeanor of everyone when he drew his sword, considering his age, he should be nothing more than a ostentatious show.

The reality made the white-haired old man realize once again that he was wrong. Jiang Chen is definitely not just a showman. Even everyone in the way of swords has underestimated him.

It is no exaggeration to describe him as a sword master.

"This, how is it possible?" The white-haired old man frowned and muttered to himself, his mind wandering.

Some people like to support the existence of genius, while others like to kill it. The white-haired old man happens to be the latter.

The reason why he didn't leave was not because he was angered by being driven out of Jiang Chen by Jiang Chen, but because he intended to be the last one to stay. This can be seen from the fact that he took the initiative to attack Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was very young, and his cultivation was extremely high. Before the fight, the white-haired old man already thought he was a genius. Ever since Jiang Chen casually injured Zhuang Mingxing, the white-haired old man had already had the idea of ​​killing Zhuang Mingxing in his heart.

After the fight, realizing that Jiang Chen is a peerless genius, the white-haired old man became even more interested in killing Jiang Chen.

The birth of a genius is not easy.

The pleasure of killing a genius can be said to be indescribable. Ever since he accidentally killed a genius once, the white-haired old man fell in love with this pleasure deeply.

The white-haired old man agreed with Jiang Chen to take the sword. Although there was suspicion in his original intention, but in fact, he wanted to see just how talented Jiang Chen was.

Now, the white-haired old man knew what a genius Jiang Chen was.

The blocking of the palm wind did not destroy the trajectory of Jiang Chen's sword, and stabbed with a straight and straight sword, seemingly without any fancy or skill.

"Good sword!"

The white-haired old man shouted, and quickly struck out. This time, he didn't strike a palm, but punched, and the strong wind of the fist blasted towards the long sword in Jiang Chen's hand.

But the kendo trajectory pointed by the long sword remained unchanged, as if his extremely fierce and domineering punch had hit the air.


With a thought, the white-haired old man burst out, and retreated a full two meters away, which was unbearable, avoiding the sharpness of Jiang Chen's sword.

"Why, don't you even dare to take my sword?" Jiang Chen said mockingly.

"Young man, you are too strange." The white-haired old man said with a frown.

"So you're telling me, are you scared? It's okay if you're scared, just kneel down and kowtow to me three times, maybe I can consider letting you go, how about that?" Jiang Chen asked.

"At my age, kowtow to others is really not very good-looking. Otherwise, let's fight next time, and I will learn from you. Your sword is peerless." The white-haired old man laughed, It flashed out again, and in an instant, it was out of the hall, and it was far away.

"It's a pity." With the sword drawn, Jiang Chen heaved a long sigh.

The white-haired old man was undoubtedly an extremely thug. Seeing that the wind direction was wrong, he didn't even want to take any risks, so he turned around and ran away. It has to be said, it was a bit unexpected for Jiang Chen.

But looking at the white-haired old man, who was quite old and seemed to be living quite well, Jiang Chen was not too surprised.

People who are afraid of death are often the ones who live best.

The existence of the white-haired old man just verified this statement from the side.

"Jiang Chen, are you okay?" Looking at the three silver needles on Jiang Chen's head, Mei Hongyi asked worriedly.

"It's okay, it's over." Jiang Chen smiled, pulled out the silver needle, and put it away.

Mei Hongyi was speechless, how could anyone play with needles like this?
He asked again, "Are you all right?"

"Looking at me like this, does something seem to be wrong?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Smiling so nastyly, it must be all right." Mei Hongyi rolled her eyes.

Jiang Chen nodded, and with a flick of his wrist, the long sword in his hand flew out and was nailed to a long pillar. Then he turned to the members of the ground team and said, "You'd better pay more attention to the whereabouts of the white-haired old man." , as soon as there is news, report to me immediately."

"Okay." Meng Xin and the others nodded in unison.

The confrontation between Jiang Chen and the white-haired old man was not so exciting, but Jiang Chen was so cautious that they realized how dangerous the white-haired old man was, so naturally they dared not neglect it.

"There shouldn't be anything else to deal with, shouldn't it be time to go?" Yawning, Jiang Chen asked lazily.

(End of this chapter)

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