genius evil

Chapter 693 My Mom Treats You to Zhang Family for Dinner

Chapter 693 My Mom Invites You Home For Dinner
After a while, Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi took the first step.

As for Meng Xin and the others, they wanted to stay and tidy up a little bit, and there was one person who died, and the body had to be dealt with aftermath.

After getting in the car, Mei Hongyi drove on the road, Jiang Chen seemed a little sleepy, and after a while, he yawned again.

"Why do you look so tired?" Mei Hongyi asked suspiciously.

In her impression, Jiang Chen has always been full of vigor and energy, but in such a short period of time, Jiang Chen has already yawned twice, and it seems that he can hardly keep his eyelids open. same.

"Didn't sleep well last night, I'll squint for a while." Jiang Chen said, eyes slowly closed.

"Don't sleep, I still have something to tell you." Mei Hongyi pushed Jiang Chen.

"Tell me, I listen to it." Jiang Chen said vaguely.

"I said you must have fooled around last night, right?" Mei Hongyi asked suspiciously.

Said these words, Mei Hongyi was a little speechless again, today's matter caused such a big battle, if Jiang Chen didn't prepare well, it's fine, if he still went to fool around, how much he thought, it's unavoidable Are you too confident in yourself?

"Girl in red, if you're jealous, just be direct. I like directness." Jiang Chen laughed.

He said he didn't sleep last night, but it was just an excuse he made up casually.

In fact, even if he didn't sleep well, his body would not have such a big reaction.

The reason why he looks so tired is that the sword attack just now consumed too much of his mind.

He inserted three silver needles in his head, just to stabilize his mind, otherwise how could his sword strike pose such a huge threat to the white-haired old man?
However, it is naturally impossible for Jiang Chen to tell Mei Hongyi about these things, lest Mei Hongyi be startled and worried.

"The devil is jealous of you." Mei Hongyi said angrily.

Even if she was really jealous, as a girl, she wouldn't be able to directly say whether it was good or not, because she didn't understand what was going on in Jiang Chen's mind.

"Girl in red, duplicity is the worst thing. I clearly smell a sour smell, sour, really sour." Sniffing his nose, Jiang Chen deliberately teased.

"Jiang Chen, I'm not in the mood to joke with you." Mei Hongyi said.

"Okay, I'm not kidding anymore. I just happened to be very sleepy too. Let's get down to business first. After I'm done, I'm going to sleep." Jiang Chen said.

"I... I didn't expect that today's matter would be dealt with so easily." Mei Hongyi said after hesitating for a while.

"Girl in red, are you sure you want to talk about this?" Jiang Chen looked at Mei Hongyi suspiciously.

"Otherwise, what else is there?" Mei Hongyi felt guilty for some reason.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "If you want to say that today's matter is easy to deal with, it is not easy. The main reason is that it depends on who is handling it."

"Wouldn't it be better if you stay here less?" Mei Hongyi said.

"Hey, isn't what I said the truth?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

From the arrangement of the seats, to Zhuang Mingxing jumping out, to his appearance... This step by step was all calculated by Jiang Chen.

Shoot the top bird, whoever is the top, Jiang Chen will hit the one first.

The purpose of the seat arrangement is to stimulate conflicts. After all, even if you want to make a move, you have to have a reason, right?
The so-called name is not right, words are not right, almost, that's what it means.

Jiang Chen felt that his careful calculations and his perfect personality charm made this matter so easy to deal with.

No matter how you calculate it, he has made great contributions, so what if he is a little bit prettier?
"Jiang Chen, if I hadn't cooperated with you without reservation, you wouldn't have thought it would be so easy." Mei Hongyi said unconvinced.

Why did Jiang Chen say that all the credit seems to belong to him alone, as if nothing happened to her?

This point naturally made Mei Hongyi very unconvinced.

"Girl in red, why are you cooperating with me and I cooperating with you? Didn't I and you already have me in you and you in me? It really makes me sad when you say so out of touch." Jiang Chen said very sadly.

"Whoever you are, you have me... I have you..." Mei Hongyi stammered, she was too shy, how could she say such good words from Jiang Chen's mouth, it became so ambiguous.

"Even if not now, it will be sooner or later. I'm really going to sleep." Jiang Chen yawned again.

"Wait, I haven't finished yet." Mei Hongyi was worried that Jiang Chen would fall asleep, so she hurriedly pushed Jiang Chen again.

"Girl in red, what do we have to say, can we finish it all at once?" Jiang Chen said depressedly.

"That's...that' mother, I want to invite you to my house for a meal..." Mei Hongyi said shyly.

At the beginning, all she wanted to talk about was this matter, and she was really embarrassed when she got to the point of her mouth. She just changed the topic, but seeing Jiang Chen tended to fall asleep at any time, it would be too late if she didn't say anything else, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet , said it.

"Your mother invited me to your house for dinner, what's going on?" Jiang Chen suddenly regained consciousness and asked in surprise.

"What's the matter, it's just to have a meal, are you going or not?" Mei Hongyi asked.

"Can I not go?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Of course not, we have to go." Mei Hongyi said without thinking.

"Then you still ask me if I'm going?" Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines.

"I'm just being polite to you casually. Don't tell me you're serious? Then make an appointment like this. You will come home with me for dinner tomorrow afternoon." Mei Hongyi said decisively, not giving Jiang Chen a chance to think about it.

"Afternoon, then there's no problem." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

He wants to sleep, and this sleep will definitely take a long time, but by tomorrow afternoon, there will be enough time for him to have a good sleep.

"Also, remember to get up early tomorrow morning, I'll find you, or, I'll give you the address, you can also find me." Mei Hongyi said again.

"Didn't you say tomorrow afternoon?" Jiang Chen was a little unhappy, it was intentional not to let him sleep well.

That is Mei Hongyi, if it were someone else, Jiang Chen would definitely turn his face every minute.

"I have other things, anyway, your cell phone is always on." Mei Hongyi didn't say anything, just perfunctory.

Jiang Chen didn't go to Xu's house anymore. He was too sleepy, so he asked Mei Hongyi to find a hotel for him. After getting a room, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

"Are you so tired?" The man in Mei Hong hadn't left yet, when he heard Jiang Chen, who was lying on the bed, breathing lightly. It was obvious that he was asleep.

Looking at the bed for a while, Mei Hongyi walked towards the door lightly, walked a few steps, turned around again, and walked to the head of the bed.

"Really, it's fine if you don't take off your clothes when you sleep, and you don't take off your shoes." Mei Hongyi complained in a low voice, and carefully took off Jiang Chen's shoes and socks.

After hesitating for a while, Mei Hongyi decided that a good person would do it to the end, and it would be laborious, so she helped Jiang Chen take off his clothes and trousers.

He didn't wear much summer clothes, so once he took off his trousers, Jiang Chen only had a pair of underwear left on his body.

Mei Hongyi held Jiang Chen's trousers in her hand, somewhat embarrassed, and a little dumbfounded.

She took off Jiang Chen's clothes and trousers in order to let him sleep well, but when Jiang Chen woke up tomorrow morning, he found that his clothes and trousers had been taken off, what would he think?
What should I do if I suspect that she molested him while he was asleep?
"Forget it, just take it off if you take it off." Mei Hongyi muttered, she couldn't help Jiang Chen put it on, could she?

Mei Hongyi put the clothes and trousers on the bedside, and adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner in the room before leaving.

The consumption of mind is far more terrifying than the consumption of physical strength.

The exhaustion of physical strength, for an existence like Jiang Chen, can be completely repaired in a very short time.

But the exhaustion of the mind is a very slow recovery process. Jiang Chen slept from dawn to dusk, and then from dusk to dawn. He slept for nearly twenty hours, but No sign of waking up.

"Bang bang... bang bang..."

At around eight o'clock the next morning, Jiang Chen was sleeping soundly when he was awakened by a sudden knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Eyes opened, Jiang Chen was so angry.

"Jiang Chen, open the door, it's me, have you woken up yet, I bought you breakfast." Mei Hongyi's voice came from outside the door.

"Girl in red, I suddenly discovered that I probably owed you in my previous life." Jiang Chen sighed, dragging his slightly tired body helplessly to open the door.

As soon as Mei Hongyi entered the door and saw Jiang Chen's appearance, she was shocked.

"Jiang Chen, did you go fooling around again last night?" Mei Hongyi questioned.

Jiang Chen's hair was disheveled, his eyelids were slightly sunken, and he didn't have enough sleep at first glance... Oh, no, he looked like he was overindulgent.

"Look at me, do I seem to have the strength to go out and fool around?" Jiang Chen grabbed the breakfast that Mei Hongyi had bought, and ate it like a jujube.

Fortunately, Mei Hongyi knew his appetite and bought a lot for breakfast.

"Isn't it because you went out to fool around that you have no strength?" Mei Hongyi asked.

"Little aunt, grandma, just spare my life, okay? I've accepted breakfast with a smile, so you can go back first." Jiang Chen issued an order to evict the guests.

"Hurry up and have breakfast, take a shower first, and then we'll go out together." Mei Hongyi said.

After finishing speaking, she realized that Jiang Chen's underwear hadn't been changed, and Mei Hongyi suddenly realized that she might have made a mistake. Jiang Chen didn't go fooling around, but was really too tired, and fell asleep until now.

But what Mei Hongyi couldn't understand was, what happened to make Jiang Chen so tired?
"No." Jiang Chen directly refused, he had to continue to sleep.

"Jiang Chen, you have to go, otherwise you look at you like this, how can you meet people." Mei Hongyi said, seeing that Jiang Chen had almost eaten breakfast, she couldn't help but push Jiang Chen into the bathroom.

"It's really killing me." Jiang Chen swallowed speechlessly, turned on the faucet, leaned his head to rinse it, and rinsed it for nearly 10 minutes. He finally recovered a little bit, and he didn't look so sleepy anymore. ...

(End of this chapter)

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