genius evil

Chapter 696 Your Problem Is Big

Chapter 696 Your Problem Is Big
"Dad, who are they, why are they treating you like this?" After her face changed, Mei Hongyi became angry and asked angrily.


Hearing Mei Hongyi's voice, Jiang Chen followed the sound, and at a glance, he saw three people standing at the door.

One of them is Mei Lanting. On the left and right sides of Mei Lanting, there is a person standing on each side. The two of them are one on the left and the other on the right, and they happen to lock Mei Lanting in the middle.

Then, Jiang Chen saw that Mei Lanting was wearing a pair of handcuffs on his wrists. No wonder Mei Hongyi's reaction was so great.

"Little girl is really not polite. There are guests coming, why don't you rush to serve tea and water?" The middle-aged man on the left said with a strange smile.

"You haven't answered my question yet. What did my dad do that you treated him like this?" Mei Hongyi blocked the door, not intending to let them in.

"Hongyi, what happened?" Wu Junlan, who heard the movement outside, came out of the kitchen with a cooking spatula in her hand.

After seeing the situation at the door, Wu Junlan's face also changed slightly, and said in a deep voice, "People from the Tianzu?"

"Wu Junlan, isn't it? You've stayed in the ground for a false title all these years, doing nothing. You're no different than an ordinary housewife. Your eyesight doesn't seem to have deteriorated." Still It was the man on the left who said.

"I need an explanation." Wu Junlan said indifferently, ignoring the person's ridicule.

"Are you sure you want us to stand here and say, don't you invite us in for a cup of tea?" the man on the left said with a smile.

"Hongyi, step aside and let them in." Wu Junlan ordered.

Mei Hongyi was very unhappy in her heart, but after listening to Wu Junlan's words, she was also slightly shocked when she learned that these two people were actually members of the Tianzu.

Although he was reluctant, he took two steps away to make room.

The two men took Mei Lanting into the room and saw Jiang Chen sitting on the sofa. The man on the left asked with a smile, "What's the matter? Is there a guest? It seems that we are here." unfortunately."

"My daughter's boyfriend." Wu Junlan said.

"When did Jiang Chen become your daughter's boyfriend? We didn't know about it too late. So you became a family early in the morning. No wonder it's like this." The man on the left suddenly realized.

"So, is there any problem with this?" Jiang Chen asked lazily.

"Hmph, there's a big problem." The man on the right who hadn't spoken all this time said grimly.

"So, what's the problem?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"I think, before talking about this issue, it's necessary to introduce myself. My lord, Huang Hongjiang, is a member of the Tianzu. He is Yao Zhifen, also a member of the Tianzu." The man on the left spoke unhurriedly. .

"What sky group, I've never heard of it." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

His intuition told him that things were a little strange.

You must know that the sky group and the ground group are subordinates and subordinates who assist each other. As members of the sky group, the two Huang Hongjiang directly controlled Mei Lanting and brought them here.

Jiang Chen wouldn't think it was a coincidence or an accident, so it was very likely that Huang Hongjiang and the others came after him.

In this way, Jiang Chen will not have a good face.

He didn't make a direct move, which can be regarded as being quite polite and restrained.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it, you just need to know that your problem is really big." Huang Hongjiang said.

"I said a lot of nonsense, but it's the same as not saying anything." Jiang Chen said.

"Collude with senior members of the ground group, seek profit without permission, harm innocent people, and even disturb the order of the ancient martial arts cultivation world, Jiang Chen, are you guilty?" Huang Hongjiang said with a loud shout.

"Where's the evidence?" Jiang Chen naturally couldn't be frightened by this.

"You want evidence, we have some, but we can't give it to you now, come with us, don't think about resisting, otherwise, like this one, you will suffer a lot." Huang Hongjiang said.

"If there is no evidence, what's the use of talking nonsense?" Jiang Chen dismissed it, and said, "Let him go, I'm in a pretty good mood today, and I don't really want to do anything."

"Jiang Chen, if you want us to release people, do we have to release them? What kind of a person are you?" Yao Zhifen, who looked like a hot-tempered master, immediately flew into a rage.

"You charged Jiang Chen with that kind of crime, right and wrong, it's fair, but what's wrong with my husband?" Wu Junlan asked.

"Mei Lanting, as a gold-level member of the local group, is the highest-ranking existence in the local group in Jiangnan Province. He is responsible for supervising the affairs of Jiangnan Province, but it is a mistake to collude with Jiang Chen and work for a tiger." That Huang Hongjiang said.

"It's nonsense." Wu Junlan was furious.

"The evidence is conclusive and beyond doubt." Huang Hongjiang said coldly.

"As for the evidence, if you don't have evidence, I, Mei Hongyi, will definitely pay back a hundred times what happened today." Mei Hongyi couldn't bear it anymore.

What about the people in the Tian group?
Could it be that people from the Tianzu Group can convict people casually?
The two talked here for a long time, but they still couldn't come up with any evidence. No matter how much they talked, they were not convincing at all, which naturally made Mei Hongyi feel quite angry.

If it weren't for the consideration that the two have the identity of the Tianzu, I'm afraid they couldn't help but want to do it.

"Why, you want to take advantage of your large number of people to bully us?" Yao Zhifen said with a dark face.

"It's clear that you are the ones bullying others, turning black and white, calling a deer a horse, but you are beating a deer like a horse, where is your conscience?" Mei Hong's body shivered uncontrollably.

"It's a good mouth, but unfortunately, what you say is useless." Huang Hongjiang said.

"If I knew this earlier, why bother?" Yao Zhifen snorted coldly.

No matter how much Mei Hongyi said, no matter whether it was Huang Hongjiang or Yao Zhifen, they would remain completely indifferent.

"You said that what the girl in red said was useless, but you never thought that what you said might not be useful?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"From what you said, do you mean that you don't want to go with us, or you want to violently resist arrest?" Huang Hongjiang looked at Jiang Chen.

"Resisting arrest violently or something is too serious. I just suspect that the two of you are not members of the Tianzu." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"We are members of Tianzu, why doubt it?" Huang Hongjiang was displeased.

"You say yes? Could it be that it's all about the two of you, giving you a minute to let him go, otherwise don't blame me, Jiang Chen, for being rude to you." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Ha ha……"

Hearing the sound, Huang Hongjiang and Yao Zhifen looked at each other and laughed wantonly.

"You're welcome, but I want to see why you are so rude to us, you don't care about life and death." Huang Hongjiang said.

"There are almost 40 seconds left. If you have something to say, hurry up, or you may not have the chance to say it again." Jiang Chen didn't care much about Huang Hongjiang's cynicism.

"Jiang Chen, what happened to Mei Lanting is a lesson for you. If you want to bring shame on yourself, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance." Huang Hongjiang said.

"There are still 20 seconds." Jiang Chen said silently.

"Jiang Chen..." Mei Hongyi looked at Jiang Chen with deep worry in her eyes.

She could hear that Jiang Chen was angry, and he was still very angry. If Jiang Chen was so angry, if he wanted to do something, he would definitely not give up easily.

But these two people are members of the Tian Group, if Jiang Chen did something, he would not only offend these two, he would offend the entire Tian Group.

"Ten seconds left." Jiang Chen said with a grin.

"Jiang Chen, I will report this matter to everyone, and I won't let the despicable villains cover the sky with one hand." Wu Junlan also saw that Jiang Chen was angry.

Wu Junlan naturally considered what Mei Hongyi was worried about.

In addition, Wu Junlan faintly felt that things were a bit weird, that is, the timing of Huang Hongjiang and Yao Zhifen's appearance was too coincidental, as if they had been calculated in advance, otherwise, some details could not be explained.

"Wu Junlan, you have to understand that in this Jiangnan Province, it is you and your husband who cover the sky with one hand, oh, and this kid, the three of you, it's time to settle the score after autumn when the ups and downs of this Jiangnan Province are caused by the three of you." Huang Hongjiang said righteously.

"There is still one second." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Boy, could it be you..." Huang Hongjiang said.

Huang Hongjiang originally said, Could it be that you really dare to do it, but Jiang Chen appeared in front of him before he finished speaking. At the same time, Jiang Chen's fist was caught in his eyes.

He doesn't need to say more, Jiang Chen has already started.

The huge fist was as fast as lightning. Huang Hongjiang didn't have time to feel it. It was a sudden pain. Jiang Chen's punch came down, giving Huang Hongjiang the feeling that his head was about to shatter, and he staggered. Yes, step back.

"court death!"

Yao Zhifen's reaction was also quite quick, he shot together with Jiang Chen, that is, rose up and attacked Jiang Chen.

It's a pity that a guy like him really couldn't get into Jiang Chen's eyes, Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, just kicked him casually, and kicked him flying out.

Then, Jiang Chen grabbed Mei Lanting's hands, twisted them casually, the handcuffs broke, and then slapped Mei Lanting lightly on the chest, Mei Lanting opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Hongyi, take good care of your dad." Jiang Chen said, handing Mei Lanting to Mei Hongyi, and walked towards Huang Hongjiang and Yao Zhifen step by step.

"Jiang Chen, we are members of the Tianzu. Do you know what the consequences will be if you offend us?" Huang Hongjiang yelled. He felt it was too humiliating, and he couldn't even block Jiang Chen's move.

"Then do you know what the consequences will be if you offend me?" Jiang Chen sneered, grabbed Huang Hongjiang with one hand, raised his hand, and slapped him a dozen times in a row.

He whipped Huang Hongjiang all over the place, his nose, mouth and ears were full of blood, Jiang Chen threw it away like a torn sack, then grabbed Yao Zhifen, and did the same thing, so that his parents would not be able to recognize him who is he.

"Jiang Chen, show mercy." Mei Lanting's voice sounded at this moment.

Jiang Chen turned his head and smiled, and said, "I didn't kill them directly, it's because I showed mercy."

"Well, if you don't kill someone, you are being merciful. Jiang Chen said that you are very arrogant. I didn't quite believe it at first, but now I see it with my own eyes. You really are very arrogant." Following Jiang Chen's words, the voice just fell , that is, there was a voice full of cynicism, which passed into Jiang Chen's ears...

(End of this chapter)

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