genius evil

Chapter 697 The best of a family

Chapter 697
The voice of talking came into the room, and soon two more people appeared in the room.

A man and a woman, both in their forties.

The woman had a straight face, because of her slightly dark skin, she seemed to be a little bit mean, as if she met someone casually on the road and owed her millions Not yet.

The middle-aged man has a gentle smile on his face. Whether it is the clothes on his body or his hairstyle, he is meticulously groomed and meticulous. He looks like a teacher in a certain university.

Unfortunately, his eyes betrayed his soul.

It is said that the eyes are right and the heart is right, and the eyes are not right and the heart is not right. The eyes of this middle-aged man can be said to be a perfect interpretation of this saying.

"Liu Zheng!"

After seeing clearly the appearance of this middle-aged man, Mei Lanting was surprised for a while, obviously he did not expect to see this man at all.

"Mei Lanting, I haven't seen you for so many years. It's an honor that you still remember me." Liu Zheng smiled slightly.

"Of course I remember you, it's impossible to forget." Mei Lanting said.

At first, these words sounded like disgusting and disgusting love words uttered by a couple who hadn't seen each other for a long time. However, when Mei Lanting said these words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. During those years of acquaintance, some unpleasant things were destined to happen.

"It just so happens that I always remember you too." Liu Zheng laughed.

"What are you doing here?" Mei Lanting asked.

"Mei Lanting, your personality hasn't changed at all. You don't understand what you say, you beat around the bush." ​​Liu Zheng sighed and looked at Wu Junlan.

"Jun Lan, I haven't seen you for so many years, and you are still so young and beautiful. It's really rare."

As he spoke, Liu Zheng's eyes fell on Mei Hongyi, and he said, "This little girl is the daughter of you and Jun Lan, Lan Ting. You are really, very lucky, and very enviable."

"Envy?" Mei Lanting sneered, as if Liu Zheng had told a joke.

"Liu Zheng, what happened back then, you almost ruined Lan Ting's reputation. Lan Ting let you go and gave you a chance to rectify your sins, which is already showing great kindness. If you have the intention of repenting, you shouldn't have appeared in the In front of us." Wu Junlan said, her face was also not very good-looking.

"I've long forgotten what happened back then, but it's hard for you. I always keep it in mind. What's the matter, are you threatening to ask for repayment?" Liu Zheng said sarcastically.

"Ask for a favor? My husband and I don't bother to do that kind of thing. But, if you forget, how can you show up? I warned you back then that you were not allowed to set foot in Jiangnan Province for life." Mei Lanting pondered Said loudly.

"I'm here because I have business to do." Liu Zheng said lightly.

"Business?" Mei Lanting was puzzled.

"Liu Zheng is the latest inspector appointed by our Tianzu. This visit to Jiangnan Province is a routine inspection." The black-faced woman said stiffly.

"What?" Upon hearing the sound, Mei Lanting's expression changed quietly.

"Lanting, you seem surprised." Liu Zheng smiled lightly.

"How is it possible?" Mei Lanting was truly astonished.

The Tianzu has a post of inspector, who walks on behalf of the Tianzu, inspects the Quartet, and has the right to supervise and enforce the law under special circumstances.

It can be seen from this that what kind of energy the identity of inspector history possesses.

To put it bluntly, once the inspection history is released, even the super family must be treated with caution and dare not offend easily.

Similarly, it is precisely because of the particularity and importance of this position that when this position was established, the selection criteria were extremely strict.

In addition to examining character and ability as usual, on the other hand, it is necessary to focus on examining his resume... The so-called resume is often to a large extent, inspecting whether he has a black history.

The reason why Mei Lanting was so surprised was that on the one hand, he did not expect that Liu Zheng would be appointed as the inspector by the Tianzu, and on the other hand, he did not expect that someone like Liu Zheng would be selected .

Especially the latter point made Mei Lanting very unbelievable.

But even though it was unimaginable, Mei Lanting would not think that the black-faced woman was lying, and no one would dare to lie, unless he was impatient.

"Why is it impossible?" Liu Zheng snorted coldly, and said: "I, Liu Zheng, have been diligent and conscientious all these years. But you don't have to be so obvious, because I'm afraid it will make me very unhappy."

"I always believe that the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change." Mei Lanting said displeased.

Liu Zheng chuckled and said, "I can understand that, are you regretting the benevolence of a woman you were?"

"If you don't show up, I won't regret it, but now, I do regret it." Mei Lanting said.

"That's a pity." Liu Zheng smiled.

"What a joke." Jiang Chen couldn't listen any longer, and said, "I don't understand what the inspection history is. After all, I haven't even figured out what the Tianzu is. You want to tell us that all these dog-skinned things are caused by you, right?"

"As the old saying goes, sickness comes from the mouth, and misfortune comes from the mouth. Jiang Chen, I hope to share this with you." Liu Zheng said.

"What are you pretending to be? Can you speak human language?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"Young people are full of vigor. There is nothing wrong with being arrogant, but if you are too arrogant, you will be in bad luck." Liu Zheng warned.

"Even a guy like you doesn't believe in retribution. I'm going to be retribution if I'm just a little arrogant? God can't be so blind, right?" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"If God doesn't report it, someone will." Liu Zheng said.

"So, you actually still tell me that you are the one who messed up everything, right?" Jiang Chen smacked his mouth and asked.

"Tell me?" Liu Zheng chuckled and said, "Inspector Shi inspects all directions. I, Liu Zheng, am impartial and selfless. I never target anyone... Remember, I'm talking about anyone..."

"Finally admitted." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction.

"Liu Zheng, you have good means." Mei Lanting's face turned black.

No wonder, after he was called out by a phone call today, he met someone from Tianzu, and he was so rude to him, controlling him even more.

Dare to love, because Liu is playing tricks behind his back.

With Liu Zheng's acknowledgment, Mei Lanting straightened out all the causes and consequences.

"You ungrateful bastard." Wu Junlan cursed.

"Mom, calling him a beast is an insult to a beast. From my point of view, he is worse than a beast." Mei Hongyi said.

Regarding this Liu Zheng, Mei Hongyi had heard from Mei Lanting and Wu Junlan when she was a child that this person was extremely utilitarian, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was blinded by profit.

"Have you scolded enough? If not, why don't I give you some time to scold a few more words?" Faced with such insults, Liu Zhengna didn't take it to heart at all.

"I can't see that you look like a human being, but you are so cheap. If you want to be scolded a few more times, there is no reason for us not to fulfill you." Jiang Chen said.

Having said that, after a slight pause, Jiang Chen continued, "It's right, Liu. It's not your fault to give up the treatment, but after you give up the treatment, you become a mad dog biting people everywhere, that's your fault...Only you You look like this, your brain is as small as a sesame seed, and you haven't fully evolved yet. Where does this sense of superiority come from? Does your mother know that you are so embarrassing all the time? Does she open the door for you when you come home? It doesn't matter to others if you're disgusting, but it's your fault that your mother is so disgusting, you can't every time you go home, your mother has to complain about being disgusting, right?"

"Shut up!" Liu Zheng was furious.

He said that Rang would swear a few more words, but that was just a run-on remark, how could Rang really swear?
Jiang Chen was kind, not only did he really scold him, but he scolded him so harshly, he didn't spare any sympathy at all.

"What are you doing in such a hurry, I haven't scolded enough yet. I'm not afraid to tell you that I can scold you for an hour without repeating or panting." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"Jiang Chen, you will regret it. No one has ever insulted me like this. I will make you regret it forever." Liu Zheng said darkly.

"It's as if if I don't scold you, it will make me feel better." Jiang Chen said lightly, but he didn't take Liu Zheng's threat to heart at all.

"That's right, I suddenly understand you a little bit, you are the so-called jumping over the wall in a hurry." Liu Zheng said.

Jiang Chen laughed, and said: "You are so ignorant, surely your mother doesn't know?"

"Do it, kill him." Liu Zheng couldn't take it anymore and ordered.

"Okay." The black-faced woman nodded and walked out.

"Wait a minute." Mei Lanting raised his hand to stop him and said, "Liu Zheng, you are using public tools for private purposes and avenging private revenge. If you are exposed, you are well aware of the consequences."

"Mei Lanting, are you underestimating me, or yourself?" Liu Zheng teased.

"I will report this matter immediately and ask for an explanation." Mei Lanting said righteously.

He was not afraid of Liu Zheng, what he was afraid of was Liu Zheng's identity.

Liu Zheng has such a heavy status as inspector history, he is doomed to be tied up in many things, only Liu Zheng voluntarily withdraws, otherwise today's matter may not be good.

But it was not easy for Liu Zheng to withdraw voluntarily. Mei Lanting could only warn Liu Zheng not to act rashly.

"Mei Lanting, I really didn't realize that you are so naive before. It's a waste of me to look up to you all these years. It really disappoints me." Liu Zheng said with disdain.

Speaking of this, Liu Zheng pointed at Jiang Chen and said, "Mei Lanting, do I have to tell you that your daughter has such good eyesight that she found a good boyfriend?"

"Of course I have a good eye, so you don't need to say more." Mei Hongyi said.

"I'm already fine, so you don't need to say more." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It's true, the whole family is the best, it's not a family, if you don't enter a family, the ancients will not deceive me!" Liu Zheng looked at Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi like an idiot, and said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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