genius evil

Chapter 699 Why are you so annoying

Chapter 699 Why are you so annoying
About half an hour later, Wu Junlan arranged a table of meals.

But it was obvious that apart from Jiang Chen who ate happily all by himself, Mei Lanting, Wu Junlan, and Mei Hongyi didn't have the appetite to eat.

The three of them just ate a little hastily, then put down their chopsticks and watched Jiang Chen eat alone.

"Don't look at me, eat them all." Jiang Chen said vaguely with his mouth full.

"Where do you have the appetite to eat?" Mei Hongyi said speechlessly.

"Auntie is so good at cooking. If you don't eat it, it will be a waste. I can only work harder and eat it all." Jiang Chen said.

"Are you a pig?" Mei Hongyi said angrily.

"Hongyi, what are you talking about, go pour water for Jiang Chen." Wu Junlan taught.

"That's right, I've never seen someone so heartless." Mei Hongyi said, but she still got up and went to pour Jiang Chen a big glass of water.


Mei Lanting and Wu Junlan looked at each other, thinking that Mei Hongyi was right, Jiang Chen was indeed too heartless.

Once Liu Zheng died, their family of three was full of worries, but Jiang Chen himself, like a normal person, should eat and drink, unambiguously.

"Jiang Chen, what did you just say, is it true or not that you are determined to join the Tianzu?" Handing the water glass to Jiang Chen, Mei Hongyi asked suspiciously.

Why hadn't Jiang Chen mentioned this matter before?

"Do you believe this too? Of course it's fake." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You still say it's fake." Mei Hongyi asked.

"Things like Liu Zheng can be reused by the Tian group. It is obvious how scarce talents are in the Tian group. Although it is impossible for me to join the Tian group, but this is to give the Tian group some hope, isn't it? Look, you will definitely feel that Liu Zheng's death is not so difficult to accept, isn't it?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Do you think everyone else is a fool?" Mei Hongyi was speechless.

Jiang Chen's calculation was too loud, right?
It is true that he is smart, but he is not the only smart person in this world.

"Red clothes, if Jiang Chen is really willing to join the Tianzu, the death of Liu Zheng really doesn't matter." Mei Lanting said while pondering.

The death of an inspection history is undoubtedly a huge matter, and it will easily cause shocks within the Tianzu.

But talent is hard to find.

For a talent like Jiang Chen, if given the opportunity, it is impossible for the Tianzu not to think of wooing him.

"But what Jiang Chen said was false." Mei Hongyi said.

Of course she knew how good Jiang Chen was, and it would not be an exaggeration to call him a freak.

But people like Jiang Chen, if they are just because of Liu Zheng, they will be restrained and disciplined, and it is impossible to beat him to death.

Mei Lanting just smiled wryly. Recalling that he tried so hard to win Jiang Chen into the ground group, Jiang Chen refused without exception. Jiang Chen's temperament can be seen.

"Jiang Chen, Liu Zheng is dead, and you won't join the Tianzu. You have to find a way to solve this problem." Mei Hongyi reminded.

"We'll talk about it when I'm full," Jiang Chen said.

"Hongyi, your mother and I will deal with this matter." Mei Lanting said.

"Uncle and aunt, don't blame me for speaking badly. May I ask, is Liu Zheng's death related to the two of you?" Jiang Chen asked.

"This—" Mei Lanting and Wu Junlan were left speechless by Jiang Chen's question.

"It's okay, I'll take care of this matter." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Jiang Chen, don't be so forceful, can you? My parents also have good intentions and want to share with you." Mei Hongyi said.

"There's no need for that. There's no need to alarm so many people for a mere trifle. If Auntie has time, it's true that I'll come to eat more." Jiang Chen said.

"Is it that delicious?" Mei Hongyi asked.

She has eaten the food made by Wu Junlan for many years, and she thinks it is just like that. Why can't Jiang Chen stop eating, and he still plans to have the cheek to eat it.

"Jiang Chen, you like to eat. Come here often in the future. Auntie will prepare delicious food for you." Wu Junlan said happily.

Just like what Huang Hongjiang said, she is currently in the ground group, but she has a false title, and basically doesn't care about outside things, and she is devoted to caring for her husband and teaching her children.

The daily tasks are washing and cooking. Jiang Chen likes to eat her cooking, which makes Wu Junlan very happy.

"Auntie, don't lie to me. I will take it seriously. When the time comes, don't throw me out." Jiang Chen joked.

"Of course not." Wu Junlan smiled.

After being interrupted by Jiang Chen, basically Jiang Chen and Wu Junlan were talking, and Mei Lanting and Mei Hongyi couldn't get in their mouths at all.

After finishing the meal, Jiang Chen was extremely satisfied, and said, "Uncle and aunt, I should go."

"Red clothes, you send Jiang Chen off." Wu Junlan ordered.

"Alright." Mei Hongyi stood up.

When Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi went out, Wu Junlan was not in a hurry to clean up the dishes, and asked Mei Lanting, "Now, what kind of person Jiang Chen is, is it enough to see clearly?"

"I never said he was bad." Mei Lanting said.

"But you used to guard him like a thief." Wu Junlan complained.

"The greater the ability, the greater the destructive power. Don't you understand this truth?" Mei Lanting asked, and then, Mei Lanting sighed, and said: "Our family owes Jiang Chen a huge debt for today's matter. Favor."


"Jiang Chen, where are you going? I'll drive you there." Downstairs, Mei Hongyi said.

"Girl in red, when did you become so nice to me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, he would not refuse someone to give him a gift, he opened the car door and got in the car.

"Did I treat you badly before?" Mei Hongyi asked back.

"How come, that's great." Jiang Chen smiled.

Mei Hongyi was a little embarrassed when Jiang Chen said it. It seemed that she was really not very kind to Jiang Chen.

Started the car, drove on the road, hesitated for a moment, Mei Hongyi said sincerely: "Jiang Chen, thank you for today."

"Your father's matter was originally caused by me, and it is only natural for me to solve it." Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

"You understand, that's not what I said." Mei Hongyi said.

"There seems to be nothing else." Jiang Chen said deliberately.

"I'm talking about Liu Zheng's matter." Seeing Jiang Chen pretending to be stupid, Mei Hongyi had no choice but to be straightforward.

Liu Zhengjin's appearance today, and his identity as the inspector of the Tianzu, for the Mei family, it is conceivable that it will be a disaster.

Mei Hongyi was not so naive as to think that without what happened yesterday, Liu Zheng would not have troubled the Mei family. Although it was not very clear what happened that year, it was clear that the relationship between Liu Zheng and Mei Lanting The contradiction is not small.

As soon as Liu Zheng gained power, it was time to show off his might. Even if there was no incident yesterday, he would still find other excuses to make things difficult for Mei Lanting.

However, I have to say that Liu Zheng was too unlucky. Just when he had the idea of ​​showing off his power, he was mercilessly beheaded by Jiang Chen, which directly made him unable to do anything. Save his life.

As for Jiang Chen killing Liu Zheng, Mei Hongyi could see clearly that there was no reason why he had to kill Liu Zheng.

On the contrary, once Jiang Chen killed Liu Zheng, it would mean offending the Tianzu, which would only bring endless troubles to Jiang Chen.

But Jiang Chen still killed Liu Zheng.

Even though Jiang Chen didn't mention this matter, Mei Hongyi could see clearly that Jiang Chen killed Liu Zheng for the Mei family, to be precise, for her, so as to avoid future troubles.

Therefore, Mei Hongyi said thank you to Jiang Chen.

This thank you, on the one hand, was grateful to Jiang Chen for what he had done for her, and on the other hand, it was to tell Jiang Chen that she understood Jiang Chen's intentions.

"What happened to Liu Zheng?" Jiang Chen continued to pretend to be stupid and said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, why are you so annoying?" Mei Hongyi complained, she said it so bluntly, yet Jiang Chen still pretended.

Jiang Chen laughed, and said, "It's not me who hates people, but Liu Zheng, but fortunately, he won't be hated by people anymore. I killed him, it's a great achievement."

"You didn't kill him for your own reasons at all." Mei Hongyi felt a little helpless, did Jiang Chen pretend to be addicted or what happened?

"Otherwise?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You understand it yourself." Mei Hongyi gave Jiang Chen a white look.

"Okay, I understand, but what I don't quite understand is what you mean." Jiang Chen said.

"Could it be that I still have to promise you with my body?" Mei Hongyi said angrily.

"That's right, that's what it means, girl in red, if you want to make a promise to me, you can be more straightforward. Although, I, Jiang Chen, have never been a casual man, but since it is you who made the promise , I will definitely consider it carefully." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Consider?" Mei Hongyi was dumbfounded.

If she really agrees with her body, Jiang Chen still needs to think about it?

It's not been a day or two since Jiang Chen has been thinking about her, so don't think she doesn't know.

"Yeah, I have to consider whether to stay in a hotel, or in a car, or if you like excitement, choose the outdoors..." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, get the hell out of here." If it wasn't inconvenient, Mei Hongyi would have wanted to kick Jiang Chen a little bit.

"Girl in red, I've considered your needs in all aspects. Why are you so confused? Or, do you think it's not exciting enough? Want to be more exciting?" Jiang Chen asked.

Mei Hongyi almost didn't go crazy, she gritted her teeth and said, "Jiang Chen, if you talk nonsense again, I will die with you."

"Girl in red, what kind of trouble are you trying to make? Or, I'll leave this matter to you. When you decide on a place, I'll go to the appointment at any time, right?" Jiang Chen said helplessly.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen was sent to the destination without any risk. Mei Hongyi waited for Jiang Chen to get off the car, and immediately drove away. During this half hour of torture, she felt that her body and mind had suffered a terrible blow. It is necessary to find a place to purify and purify the soul for the extremely tragic torment.

Watching the car leave, Jiang Chen smiled and murmured: "Girl in red, don't think I'm joking, I'm really not joking."

(End of this chapter)

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