genius evil

Chapter 700 I'm addicted to drinking medicine

Chapter 700 I'm addicted to drinking medicine

Jiang Chen returned to the Xu family's villa. He had just entered the gate of the villa when he saw Jiang Yanyan running out of the villa in a hurry.

"Jiang Chen, where did you go last night, causing me and An Qi to not sleep well all night." Jiang Yanyan complained.

"Squad leader Xu didn't sleep well, I can understand, but student Yanyan, you didn't sleep well, so what happened?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"I'm suffering from insomnia, is it alright?" Jiang Yanyan was taken aback by Jiang Chen's question, and hurriedly found an excuse for herself.

Otherwise, if Jiang Chen misunderstood that she couldn't fall asleep because she missed him, what should he do?
"Insomnia is not a disease." Jiang Chen said.

"What is that?" Jiang Yanyan asked curiously.

"It's pure hypocrisy. To put it simply, it's a panic when I'm full." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, you are going to die." Jiang Yanyan was so wronged that she thought she would not have said she had insomnia if she had known.

Not right, if you don't talk about insomnia, how can you explain that you didn't sleep well last night?

It should be, shouldn't tell Jiang Chen that he didn't sleep well last night.

It doesn't seem right, it seems that as long as she doesn't speak, it's all right.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and walked inside. Jiang Yanyan hurriedly followed, and said while walking, "Jiang Chen, walk slowly, An Qi has a question, let me ask you for her."

"What question?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"What An Qi wants to ask is, are you still making medicine tonight?" Jiang Yanyan blinked.

For the previous week, Jiang Chen had been brewing medicine every day, and Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan had also drank those medicines several times, and each time they drank very small amounts.

After drinking the medicine, the effect is naturally not as exaggerated as when he drank it for the first time, but it still has a good effect. No, every time Jiang Chen brews the medicine, whether it is Xu Anqi or Jiang Yanyan, his eyes are very greedy.

"Student Yanyan, if you want to drink the medicine, just say it, okay?" Jiang Chen said in a speechless manner, and actually used Xu Anqi's pretense to talk about it.

Jiang Yanyan smiled and said, "Jiang Chen, do you think I am addicted to the medicine you boiled? I didn't drink it last night, but I always wanted to drink it."

"Didn't sleep well because he didn't drink the medicine?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yes." Jiang Yanyan finally stopped looking for reasons.

"You're crazy." Jiang Chen cursed loudly.

Jiang Yanyan was still grinning, and asked, "Jiang Chen, are you brewing or not tonight? An Qi and I are waiting to drink."

"Don't boil, the medicine is finished." Jiang Chen said angrily.

He boiled medicine to temper his body, strengthen the blood in his body, and gave Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan to drink, but it was just a random thing.

However, after this week, he has almost consolidated, and if he continues to drink, his deficiency will not be replenished.

He was like this, and so were Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan.

This is because he tried his best to control the dose, and just let the second daughter taste it. Otherwise, with the overbearing properties of the medicine, the second daughter would have been unable to stand it for a long time, and showed the symptoms of lust~burning body, Jiang Chen would also be the same Not surprising at all.

"Jiang Chen, why are you so stingy?" Jiang Yanyan yelled, and said, "Just drink a little of your medicine. After you finish drinking, An Qi and I can continue to drink. You can't stop drinking. An Qi and I don’t drink either, right? You’re too selfish.”

No matter what Jiang Yanyan said now, she would just grab Xu Anqi by force.

Because Jiang Yanyan felt that it was unrealistic for Jiang Chen to boil medicine for her alone, but with Xu Anqi, it was different.

Xu Anqi is Jiang Chen's woman, and Jiang Chen is famous for being a pity and cherishing jade. Probably, whatever Xu Anqi wants, he will find ways to satisfy it.

"Student Yanyan, are you sure you really want to drink?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's not me, it's me and An Qi." Jiang Yanyan corrected.

"Alright then, I'll go out now to dispense medicine for you two." Jiang Chen said, took a car key, drove a car and left.

"Yanyan, why did Jiang Chen come back and leave again?" Xu Anqi asked suspiciously when she came down from the stairs just in time to hear the sound of the car engine.

"An Qi, have you noticed that Jiang Chen really loves you?" Jiang Yanyan said with a playful smile.

"What's the matter?" Xu Anqi blushed at what Jiang Yanyan said, and asked embarrassedly.

"An Qi, I just told Jiang Chen that you wanted to drink medicine. No, Jiang Chen immediately went to dispense the medicine. Tell me, did he treat you very well?" Jiang Yanyan Said.

"Really?" Xu Anqi was very suspicious.

"Really, I just said something casually." Jiang Yanyan was a little guilty, thinking that it seemed a little meaningless to lie to Xu Anqi like this.

However, if Xu Anqi wasn't lied to, wouldn't everything be exposed when Jiang Chen came back later?

Therefore, she could only lie to Xu Anqi.

"But I don't want to drink medicine." Xu Anqi said.

She felt that if she wanted to drink the medicine, she would take the initiative to tell Jiang Chen, although the medicine Jiang Chen boiled was very effective.

However, no matter how miraculous the medicine is, you can't always drink it, right?
"An Qi, you clearly told me." Jiang Yanyan became more and more guilty.

"Is there? Why don't I remember." Xu Anqi was confused for a moment, a little unsure whether she had said it or not.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chen drove back with an extra medicine bag in his hand, then got into the kitchen and got busy.

"Jiang Chen, have you had dinner yet? If not, I'll ask the servant to make some for you." Jiang Yanyan brought Jiang Chen a bottle of iced Coke and said courteously.

"The medicine will be boiled very quickly this time, wait four or ten minutes." Jiang Chen took the Coke, unscrewed the lid and took a sip, then said with a smile.

"An Qi, in four or ten minutes, we can drink the medicine." Jiang Yanyan then said to Xu Anqi.

"Jiang Chen, what kind of medicine did you boil this time, and why is it so fast?" Xu Anqi asked.

Before this, Jiang Chen had to boil the medicine for at least several hours, and sometimes it took more than half a day. As a result, Jiang Chen had spent almost half a day in the kitchen in the previous week. Other than that, it didn't do anything.

But this time, it only took four to ten minutes. Compared with before, it was very fast.

"The medicine is specially prepared for classmate Yanyan." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, you are so kind. Are you tired? How about I give you a massage?" Jiang Yanyan's eyes lit up, and she said happily.

Jiang Chen said that the medicine was specially formulated for her, and the effect must be amazing.

Could it be that after drinking the medicine, her whole body will undergo a radical change, transforming herself into a beautiful woman who can overwhelm the country and the city?
Thinking about it this way, Jiang Yanyan couldn't stop acting. Naturally, she was a bit of a dog's leg.

"Not to mention, the shoulders are indeed a little sore, just press it for a while." Jiang Yanyan wanted to show her hospitality, and Jiang Chen would naturally not refuse.

"No problem, look at me." Jiang Yanyan said, standing behind the sofa, rubbing Jiang Chen's shoulders.

Xu Anqi watched from the side, speechless.

I wonder if Jiang Yanyan is addicted to drugs, right?In order to drink medicine, even this kind of thing is done.

"Squad Leader Xu, my legs are also a little sore." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, don't worry, I'll help you massage your shoulders later, and I'll massage your legs." Before Xu Anqi could speak, Jiang Yanyan hurriedly said.

Jiang Yanyan felt that she was using Xu Anqi's name to drink medicine from Jiang Chen, so how could she let Xu Anqi do things.

Four and 10 minutes passed quickly. Jiang Chen realized that the time was up after Jiang Yanyan reminded him, and he was somewhat unsatisfied.

Not to mention, Jiang Yanyan's massage technique is quite good, with soft little hands and moderate strength. Of course, the most important thing is that no matter what request he has, Jiang Yanyan will fully satisfy it without a single complaint.

This simply made Jiang Chen wonder if Jiang Yanyan would warm his bed without saying a word if he said that he lacked a bed warmer tonight.

After all, Jiang Yanyan is too stupid.

"It's so comfortable." Standing up from the sofa, Jiang Chen stretched.

"Really? Then I'll press it for you next time." Jiang Yanyan said with a smile.

"Don't, what if you become addicted to the button?" Jiang Chen refused and went into the kitchen.

After a while, Jiang Chen came out with a large bowl of medicine in his hand, put it on the table, and said, "Student Yanyan, you can drink the medicine now."

"For me alone?" Jiang Yanyan asked, as if there was only one bowl, and Xu Anqi didn't seem to have prepared it.

"Didn't I just say that the medicine specially formulated for you, squad leader Xu's medicine, will be boiled next time." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, you are really kind to me." Jiang Yanyan was so moved that she ran to the edge of the table and sat down, gulping down the medicine while it was hot, not afraid of the heat at all.

"Jiang Chen, what did you give Yanyan to drink?" Lowering her voice, Xu Anqi said in a voice that only Jiang Chen could hear, with a strange look on her face.

"It's a good thing, it cost me dozens of dollars." Jiang Chen said.

"Dozens of dollars?" Xu Anqi was stunned.

Those medicines that Jiang Chen boiled before cost 10,000+ hundreds of thousands or even 200 million yuan. Jiang Yanyan's medicine only cost a few dozen yuan. What's the situation?
"Will Yanyan be okay if she drinks it?" Xu Anqi was suddenly a little worried, and also a little funny.

If Jiang Yanyan knew that she served Jiang Chen so diligently, and she only got such a reward, would she be pissed to death?

Maybe they might have to fight Jiang Chen desperately.

"Squad Leader Xu, I can't say anything about other things for the time being. The only thing I can guarantee is that the effect of this medicine will be very good." Jiang Chen made a fool of himself.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Xu Anqi became a little curious. Jiang Chen said that the effect of this medicine will definitely be very good. What kind of good method is it?

A few hours later, around ten o'clock in the evening, Xu Anqi took a shower and was about to go to bed when she heard a knock on the door. She opened the bedroom door and saw Jiang Yanyan standing outside the door.

"Yanyan, what's the matter?" Xu Anqi asked, she noticed that Jiang Yanyan hadn't taken a shower yet.

"An Qi, are you sleepy? Why are you sleeping now?" Jiang Yanyan walked into Xu Anqi's bedroom and asked.

"I'm a little sleepy." Xu Anqi yawned slightly.

"Oh, then go to sleep." Jiang Yanyan walked out again, looking at Xu Anqi inexplicably...

(End of this chapter)

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