genius evil

Chapter 701 Poor Jiang Yanyan

Chapter 701 Poor Jiang Yanyan

Half an hour later, Xu Anqi was soundly asleep, and in a daze, she heard the knock on the door again.

"Yanyan, is that you?" Xu Anqi asked, barely opening her eyes.

"An Qi, it's me, are you asleep?" Jiang Yanyan's voice came from outside the door.

"Yanyan, what's the matter with you?" Xu Anqi asked, dragging her delicate body to open the door, looking at Jiang Yanyan, who was standing at the door, looking energetic.

"It's nothing, I just came to see if you are asleep." Jiang Yanyan said.

"I'm already asleep. You haven't taken a shower yet? Hurry up and take a shower, it's getting late, go to bed early." Xu Anqi said.

"Okay then, An Qi, go back to sleep, I'm going to take a shower." Jiang Yanyan scratched her head and walked away.

"It feels so strange." Xu Anqi watched Jiang Yanyan walk away, and muttered.

But she was too sleepy, so she didn't think much, closed the bedroom door, went back to bed, and continued to sleep.

Jiang Yanyan's bedroom is also upstairs, right next to Xu Anqi's bedroom. After opening the door and entering the room, Jiang Yanyan thought about it and decided to take a shower first.

Although, she herself didn't know why she had to take a bath, because she wasn't sleepy at all.

This bath took a long time, and it was already an hour after Jiang Yanyan came out of the bath.

Jiang Yanyan walked out of the bathroom in her pajamas, took out her phone and checked the time, it was exactly 11:30.

"It seems really late." Jiang Yanyan said to herself.

Then, Jiang Yanyan threw the phone aside, lay down on the bed, and began to sleep, but soon, Jiang Yanyan found that she was really not sleepy at all.

Although in the past at this time, she had fallen asleep every time, but tonight, she didn't know what was going on, but she was not sleepy, and she didn't feel sleepy at all.

"What's going on tonight?" Jiang Yanyan muttered, grabbed her phone and lay down on the bed to play.

Jiang Yanyan planned to play games for a while, and she would feel sleepy after playing. She used to be like this when she couldn't fall asleep occasionally.

Jiang Yanyan felt that she had a lot of experience in dealing with insomnia, but she didn't take it to heart. She opened a small game on her mobile phone and played it with relish.

I don't know how long I played this game, but Jiang Yanyan noticed the time on the phone when her fingers became sore from playing.

"It's one o'clock in the morning." Jiang Yanyan stared at the phone screen, looking and looking. At first, she thought she was too tired and had hallucinations, but when she looked again, she was right, it was one o'clock in the morning.

"Why am I still not sleepy?" Jiang Yanyan was always careless and dazed, but at this time, she was a little worried.

Not being sleepy means not being able to fall asleep, even if you force yourself to lie on the bed and hypnotize yourself, you won't be able to fall asleep at all.

"Could it be because of the medicine? Did you drink too much? It seems that the medicine is very effective." Instead, Jiang Yanyan muttered again.

"It must be because I drank too much medicine. I used to take a small sip, but tonight I drank a big bowl. If I knew it, I wouldn't drink so much." Jiang Yanyan complained softly.

After complaining, Jiang Yanyan got up from the bed with a grunt, and got into the bathroom. She wanted to see how the effect of drinking such a large bowl of medicine would be.

Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, she touched her face, her arms, and her thighs. Jiang Yanyan was inexplicably melancholy. She found that there seemed to be no obvious effect.

"Is it because I have been taking medicine recently, so the effect is slower?" Jiang Yanyan said, convincing herself.

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Yanyan thought it was very possible.

After all, every time you take medicine, you can't have an immediate effect.

The medicine Jiang Chen gave her and Xu Anqi was miraculous, but it was not a panacea.

So, after staying in the bathroom for more than ten minutes, Jiang Yanyan ran to the bed again, took out her phone again, and started playing with it.

"No, the phone is out of battery." At about three o'clock in the morning, seeing that the phone showed that there was only 5.00% of the battery left, Jiang Yanyan hurriedly took out the charger placed by the bedside, plugged it in and put it down to charge.

"It's three o'clock." Jiang Yanyan patted her face with her hand, feeling a little hungry again, and couldn't sleep at all, so she got out of bed, ran downstairs in her slippers, and went to the kitchen.

There was a lot of food in the refrigerator. Jiang Yanyan washed an apple for herself and finished it quickly, but found that she was not hungry at all, so she turned on the gas, added water to the pot, took out noodles, eggs and tomatoes, and decided to make a tomato egg noodle.

Jiang Yanyan usually likes to eat tomato and egg noodles the most. If she eats too much, she will cook it. She is very familiar with it. After a while, a big pot of noodles is cooked.

"No, you'll get fat if you eat so much." Jiang Yanyan said while scooping noodles into a bowl.

Rolling her eyes, Jiang Yanyan decided to ask Xu Anqi to come down to eat noodles together. Anyway, if she wants to gain weight by then, it will be two of them getting fat together.

Isn't that what good girlfriends are like?
One cannot gain weight quietly while the other loses weight secretly, right?
"Boom...boom..." After a while, there was a knock on the bedroom door upstairs.

"Yanyan, are you still asleep?" Xu Anqi was woken up again, and asked vaguely.

"An Qi, I cooked supper, you can get up and eat something." Jiang Yanyan said.

"I don't want to eat anymore, I want to sleep." Xu Anqi couldn't even get out of bed to eat noodles, so she fell asleep again while talking.

"An Qi, you are too disrespectful." Jiang Yanyan felt angry, what about gaining weight together?

But seeing Xu Anqi, it seemed that she really didn't want to eat noodles, so Jiang Yanyan had no choice but to run downstairs in despair, carrying a bowl, and started eating noodles by herself in the kitchen.

"No, An Qi doesn't eat it, but Jiang Chen can eat it." After taking a few mouthfuls, Jiang Yanyan said, then ran to knock on Jiang Chen's door.

"Jiang Chen, it's dawn, the sun is drying your ass." Jiang Yanyan yelled.

"Well, the door is not closed." After knocking on the door a few times, Jiang Yanyan found that the door was ajar. She poked her head around to look inside, but found that Jiang Chen was not in the room at all.

"What's the situation? When did Jiang Chen leave?" Jiang Yanyan said, a little sad.

Xu Anqi didn't eat, and Jiang Chen wasn't around. In this case, she had to eat alone.

The portion of the noodles was a bit too much, but I don't know if it was because of her high spirits, but Jiang Yanyan's appetite was surprisingly good. She ate a large pot of noodles by herself.

"I'm so full, I'm full, I can go to sleep." Patting her belly, Jiang Yanyan went upstairs.

After half an hour.

"No, I'm so thirsty." Jiang Yanyan went downstairs again.

Another half hour later.

"Not good, I seem to have eaten too much and my stomach hurts." Jiang Yanyan hurried into the bathroom.

Another half an hour later.

Jiang Yanyan took the phone and took a look. The battery of the phone was almost fully charged. She unplugged the charger, lay on the bed, and started playing.

Time passed unknowingly, and when there was a ray of dawn in the sky, the dawn, through the gaps in the curtains, shone in from the outside, Jiang Yanyan realized that it was dawn.

"It seems to be a little hungry again. What's the situation? It's the rhythm of gaining weight." Jiang Yanyan said.

She tossed herself all night alone, her waist was sore and her back hurt, although she was a little hungry, she was lazy to move, and she continued to play games.

It wasn't until daybreak that Jiang Yanyan was so hungry that she had no choice but to get out of bed and go downstairs to find something to eat.

This time, Jiang Yanyan was too lazy to cook the noodles. She directly took out the milk bread, sat on the sofa, and gnawed it indistinctly.

"Yanyan, what are you doing?" When Xu Anqi got up and went downstairs, she immediately saw Jiang Yanyan gobbling it up.

"An Qi, why did you get up so early?" Jiang Yanyan looked up and asked.

"It's getting late, it's 07:30, I'm going for a run... You slept so late last night, why did you get up so early this morning?" Xu Anqi asked.

"It's not that I got up, it's that I didn't sleep at all." Jiang Yanyan sighed.

He suddenly remembered what he said to Jiang Chen last night about insomnia. He didn't think about it, and he really had insomnia last night. This is really a reward for the world.

This made Jiang Yanyan very upset, because the retribution came too fast.

"Didn't sleep? Didn't sleep all night?" Xu Anqi's expression quietly became weird.

"I don't know what's going on, I can't sleep at all." Jiang Yanyan said with a bitter face.

"Then go to sleep after eating, I'll go for a run." Xu Anqi thought for a while and left the room.

Jiang Yanyan ate the bread and drank the milk, and didn't go upstairs to sleep, but leaned on the sofa and played with her mobile phone. After a few ten minutes, Xu Anqi came back and urged: "Yanyan, stop playing, go to sleep quickly, otherwise I have no energy during the day."

Hearing what Xu Anqi said, Jiang Yanyan pointed to her face and asked, "Anqi, look at me, do you seem to have no energy? Let me tell you, I think I can even run a marathon .”

Xu Anqi looked at Jiang Yanyan, and was surprised to find that Jiang Yanyan was indeed full of energy. If Jiang Yanyan hadn't said that she didn't sleep last night, Xu Anqi would have wondered whether Jiang Yanyan had slept for three days and three nights before she just woke up. time.

"What's the situation?" Xu Anqi asked wonderingly.

"You ask me, I don't know, I didn't eat anything, I just drank the medicine Jiang Chen gave me." Jiang Yanyan said aggrieved.


Xu Anqi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered what Jiang Chen said last night. Jiang Chen said that the effect of this medicine will definitely be very good.

Seeing that Jiang Yanyan didn't sleep all night, but her face was still glowing red, isn't the effect of this medicine really as Jiang Chen said, very good.

After figuring this out, Xu Anqi couldn't help crying and laughing, Jiang Chen was too bad, how could he play tricks on people like this.

Fortunately, Jiang Yanyan hadn't reacted yet, and didn't realize that it was the medicine that had a problem.

But paper can't cover fire, Jiang Yanyan will suspect that there is something wrong with the medicine sooner or later, if that happens, Jiang Yanyan will probably go crazy, right?
After a while, the servant made breakfast, Jiang Yanyan stopped eating after eating, Xu Anqi ate alone, almost finished breakfast when Xu Anqi opened the door of a guest room, Jiang Chen dragged his feet, walked from the inside walked out.

"Student Yanyan, did you sleep well last night?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

(End of this chapter)

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