genius evil

Chapter 703 You have to work hard to have more girlfriends

Chapter 703 You have to work hard to have more girlfriends

"Yanyan, what are you talking nonsense about?" Xu Anqi couldn't laugh or cry, it was broad daylight, there would be no ghosts.

"An Qi, don't take it to heart. I just mentioned one of the possibilities. Otherwise, where would she have gone in such a short time? It's impossible for her to fly away, right?" Jiang Yanyan was a little uneasy .

"Student Yanyan, haven't you noticed that his parents are tall?" Jiang Chen said.

"Yes, but what can it explain?" Jiang Yanyan asked in a daze.

"If you grow taller, you will naturally have long legs. If you have long legs, you will naturally walk faster." Jiang Chen said with a faint smile.

Jiang Yanyan was dumbfounded, thinking, this is the advantage of being tall.


This morning, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan played games with the children.

At noon, the three of them had a simple meal in the orphanage, and then drove away.

"Amusement park." The car was driving on the road, Jiang Yanyan said suddenly, and showed Xu Anqi her finger.

"Student Yanyan, I said you are quite old..." Jiang Chen jokingly said, before he finished speaking, he glanced through the rearview mirror and saw Xu Anqi staring at the amusement park without blinking. Looking in the direction, it seems that he is yearning for it.

"Jiang Chen, am I very old?" Jiang Yanyan said unconvinced, wondering why she was so old for no reason.

Is she good or not? It's the time when the cardamom years are blooming.

"I don't know why, but I suddenly want to go to the amusement park. Do the two beauties have time?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, not continuing what he said before.

"Huh." Jiang Yanyan imitated Jiang Chen with a disgusted expression on her face, "Student Jiang Chen, I said you are quite old..."

Then, before Jiang Yanyan could finish her words, she was interrupted by Jiang Chen: "Squad Leader Xu, do you have time?"

"Jiang Chen, do you want to play?" Xu Anqi asked.

"It's not that I think about it, I think about it too much." Jiang Chen smiled and drove the car over.

After a while, after buying three tickets, Jiang Chen led Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan into the amusement park while the conductor looked at him like a monster.

This is a children's amusement park, the area is not large, and the internal facilities are not complete.

Scattered, some children were playing with their parents, but there was no adult who appeared alone. It's no wonder that the conductor looked at the three of them very strangely.

"Have you seen the bumper car? It looks like fun. Let's go play." Jiang Chen signaled.

"I don't know why, but I feel a little ashamed. If you call them children, will you say that we are pretending to be young?" Jiang Yanyan said, feeling a little embarrassed.

No way, the facilities in this children's playground are relatively small.

"No, I'm very tender." Jiang Chen smiled, and pulled Xu Anqi over.

"Brother, sister, are you here to play bumper cars too? Shall we play together?" A little boy said with a smile when he saw Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi.

"Okay, but, if you lose in a while, don't cry." Jiang Chen said.

"Hmph, I'm five years old, so I don't know how to cry." The little boy said.

Xu Anqi was amused and said, "Jiang Chen, you are not allowed to bully others."

"Sister, you should tell me not to bully this big brother, I am very good at driving bumper cars." The little boy said.

"Little friend, don't bully big brother, okay?" Xu Anqi said with a light smile.

"Okay, sister, you are so beautiful, I promise you." The little boy nodded heavily.

"Not bad, very much like me back then." Jiang Chen praised.

"Jiang Chen, are you telling An Qi and me that you have been picking up girls since you were five years old?" Jiang Yanyan followed and said mockingly.

"To be precise, I started being attracted to little beauties when I was five years old." Jiang Chen said sternly.

"Wow, another beautiful sister, big brother, you are as good as me." The little boy said.

"Why?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

"Because big brother, you have two girlfriends just like me." The little boy said, and at the end, he seemed worried that Jiang Chen would not believe him, so he quickly waved his hand and said, "Xiaoqi, Xiaoya, you two come here quickly, big brother Can't believe I have two girlfriends."

The three of Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing out loud when they saw this.

"Don't laugh, Xiaoqi and Xiaoya really belong to my girlfriend." The little boy said with a serious face.

"Little handsome guy, I think you are much better than this big brother. You have two girlfriends, but he only has one." Jiang Yanyan said.

"Really?" The little boy glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "Big brother, even if you only have one girlfriend, don't be discouraged. As long as you work hard, you will always have more girlfriends. Otherwise, I will teach you How about it?"

"Okay." Jiang Chen smiled and nodded.

"Then do you have money?" the little boy asked.

"Yes." Jiang Chen still nodded.

"Brother, if you have money, you will give gifts to the girl you like. When I was chasing Xiaoqi, I bought her a lollipop, and she agreed to be my girlfriend." The boy said solemnly.

"Good idea." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Also, when I chased Xiaoya, I gave her a rose." The little boy said showing off.

"It's amazing." Jiang Chen praised.

"Big brother, I have taught you everything, you have to work hard, now, let's start." The little boy said.

Jiang Chen barely squeezed into the bumper car, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan got on the car quickly, and started playing in this small venue.

Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan were still a little bit reluctant to let go, but after seeing Jiang Chen and the little boy, they had gone crazy early in the morning, and they slowly relaxed.

After playing the bumper car for about [-] minutes, Xu Anqi was pulled onto the merry-go-round by Jiang Chen, and then went to play the self-controlled spaceship... After playing like this, Jiang Chen will lead Xu Anqi to play all the games that adults can play. Played it again.

"Jiang Chen, did Dean Zhang tell you something before?" Jiang Yanyan went to chase the little train, Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi sat watching, Xu Anqi asked softly.

Jiang Chen was unprecedentedly patient and gentle today.

It was hard for Xu Anqi to imagine that with Jiang Chen's character, she could do this. She vaguely understood that Jiang Chen was probably doing it for her sake.

Otherwise, how could Jiang Chen enter the children's amusement park to play.

"I said it, and I said a lot." Jiang Chen said.

"Dean Zhang didn't say anything bad about me, did he?" Xu Anqi suddenly became nervous.

"Oh, basically I haven't said much about you. Most of the time, Dean Zhang is praising me, saying that the young man is handsome, mature and stable at first glance, and he is a young talent that is rare in a hundred years." Jiang Chen Said with a grin.

"Be serious." Xu Anqi couldn't laugh or cry, she would never believe that Dean Zhang would say such a thing.

"Squad leader Xu, how can you not believe it, I said it very seriously, oh, by the way, Dean Zhang also asked me to tell you a word, saying that if you meet such an excellent boy as me, you should marry him. "Jiang Chen said.

Xu Anqi took out her mobile phone and said, "I'll make a call and ask Dean Zhang."

"Squad Leader Xu, you make me sad." Jiang Chen snatched the phone.

Xu Anqi said with a smile: "Who made you always refuse to tell the truth."

"Well, to be honest, Dean Zhang didn't actually say anything. What I just said was all my Huang Po selling melons and boasting. You despise me." Jiang Chen said with a sigh.

"Jiang Chen, in fact, I didn't have any regrets in my childhood." Xu Anqi stretched out her hand, gently grabbed Jiang Chen's hand, and said softly.

Jiang Chen was still reluctant to say some things, but Xu Anqi knew that it was because Jiang Chen was protecting her.

However, even though she lost her parents since she was a child, Xu Anqi didn't feel that her childhood was gloomy. She had a grandfather who spoiled her so much. In terms of family affection, Xu Anqi never thought that she had any regrets.

"Squad leader Xu, don't you think that I brought you to the amusement park because of this?" Jiang Chen looked surprised.

"Isn't it?" Xu Anqi froze for a moment.

"Of course not, you don't, but I do." Jiang Chen said.

Before Xu Anqi could speak, Jiang Chen said again: "In my impression, I have never played in a place like the Future Amusement Park. Although it seems inappropriate to come here now, I still want to try it. What kind of place is it?" a feeling of."

"Jiang Chen, how do you say it's true?" Xu Anqi was extremely puzzled. For a while, she couldn't tell which sentence Jiang Chen said was true and which sentence was false.

Or, everything Jiang Chen said was false.

Undoubtedly, the possibility that all of them are false is the greatest.

"Squad Leader Xu, the reason why you feel as if it's real is because it's real." Jiang Chen sighed and said slowly, "Today you and Yanyan will accompany me to play here. I finally have no regrets."

"Jiang Chen, are you two still playing? If you don't, let's go back first. It's getting hot. I want to take a bath?" Jiang Yanyan came over sweating profusely and said.

"Jiang Chen, let's go back." Xu Anqi looked at Jiang Chen, hesitated to speak, and didn't notice that the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth, inadvertently, showed a hint of narrowness.

The weather was very hot, so I went to play in the amusement park at noon, purely looking for abuse, Jiang Chen was fine, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan were sweating profusely, so Jiang Chen drove back to Xu's house.

As soon as they got back to Xu's villa, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan hurried upstairs after getting off the car. Jiang Chen was also planning to take a shower and change clothes. At this moment, the phone rang.

Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone to look at it, couldn't help but smile, and said to himself: "Xiao Tiantian, I thought you forgot me?"

After that, Jiang Chen connected to the phone without any hassle.

"Jiang Chen, where are you, I'm injured, I'm going to die, you hurry up and save me." As soon as the call was connected, Tang Tian's voice came from the other end of the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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