genius evil

Chapter 704 Honey, Let's Go Kill

Chapter 704 Honey, Let's Go Kill

Tang Tian is in Anzhen Hospital.

From Xu's house to Anzhen Hospital, it takes nearly three to ten minutes, and this is without considering the traffic jam.

What Tang Tian said on the phone shocked Jiang Chen, and he drove the car on a rampage all the way. The 10-minute journey was abruptly compressed into 10 minutes, and he appeared in Tang Tian's ward.

"Xiao Tiantian, are you sure you are going to die? Why do I think that the biggest possibility is that I strangled you to death with my own hands?" As soon as he entered the ward, Jiang Chen suddenly felt like killing someone.

Just saw, on the hospital bed, Tang Tian was looking at Erlang's legs, eating iced watermelon with relish, a watermelon bigger than her face.

"Ah, why did you arrive so soon?" Tang Tian was slightly taken aback when she saw Jiang Chen.

She had calculated that it would take at least half an hour for Jiang Chen to come over. In this half an hour, there was enough time for her to finish eating a watermelon. Who knew that Jiang Chen came so fast, it was out of the ordinary.

"Should I wait until you finish eating this watermelon before I show up?" Jiang Chen asked angrily.

"Okay." Tang Tian nodded subconsciously.

As soon as the words fell, Tang Tian felt that something was wrong, and she quickly lay down on the bed, pretending to be in great pain, and said: "It hurts, it hurts so much, I'm going to die of pain."

"Xiao Tiantian, do you believe that I threw you from the upstairs window?" Jiang Chen walked over and said with a half-smile.

"Jiang Chen, it really hurts. If you don't believe me, look here." Tang Tian showed Jiang Chen a finger, frowning, as if the pain was unbearable.

"Is this what you call being injured?" Jiang Chen was in a mess in the wind.

Impressively, Tang Tian saw a faint red mark on Tang Tian's white and tender fingers, who knows what left the mark.

Anyway, the skin wasn't even broken, let alone bleeding.

"Oh, I thought I was seriously injured and was about to die, so I rushed to the hospital to save my life, but who knows, there was an oolong, Jiang Chen, you can forgive him, he didn't mean to lie to you. "Tang Tian is coquettish and cute.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Jiang Chen, you are leaving now, how can you be so cruel? Your woman, I was injured, and you didn't ask how she was hurt? You heartless man, you go, go far away Yes, it is best not to look back and never appear in front of me again, I, Tang Tian, ​​will live or die from now on, and have nothing to do with you." Tang Tian said weeping.

"Little aunt, what are you going to do?" Jiang Chen felt a headache.

Tang Tian quickly ran down from the hospital bed, slipped into Jiang Chen's arms, and said, "Jiang Chen, I knew that I was the woman you love the most, and it is impossible for you to leave me alone."

Jiang Chen's goosebumps popped out, and he grabbed Tang Tian away like an eagle catching a chicken, and said, "Speak well, don't touch your feet."

"Then quickly ask me why I got hurt." At some point, Tang Tian dug a large spoonful of watermelon, stuffed it into her mouth, and started eating.

"I'll just ask once, how did you get hurt." Jiang Chen now not only has a headache, but also a pain in the ass.

"Isn't it because of that bastard named Wang Laoliu, who is missing, and I will dominate the underground gangsters in Tiannan City." Tang Tian said angrily.

"It's fine if you kill him." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Jiang Chen, why are you so stupid? After I was injured, I came to the hospital immediately. In fact, I deliberately spared his life for you to kill." Tang Tian said.

"You guys want me to take action for such a shitty thing?" Now it was Jiang Chen's turn that his teeth started to hurt.

A few punks were fighting back and forth, and asking him to take action, wouldn't it be a dead end?
"Jiang Chen, I'm giving you a chance to show off. I was hurt by your woman. Tell me, should you avenge me?" Tang Tian said confidently.

"Tell me, where is the other person?" Jiang Chen talked so much nonsense so that Tang Tian would not be entangled endlessly, so he should finish killing and rest early.

"But I'm hungry." Tang Tian said pitifully.

"After eating your watermelon, we'll go kill people," Jiang Chen said.

"I can't get enough of watermelon. I want to eat. You can go eat with me." Tang Tian said, without saying a word, she pulled Jiang Chen out of the ward.

"Did you ask me to eat with you, or to help you kill someone?" After getting into the car, Jiang Chen was puzzled.

It's just a matter of killing someone, and it's necessary to make so many messes?
"Going to kill people after eating will not delay the matter at all." Tang Tian said with a smile.

"What do you want to eat?" Jiang Chen asked feebly.

"Let's go eat French food, it seems like I haven't eaten for a long time." After thinking about it, Tang Tian said.

It was hard to find a French restaurant. It took Jiang Chen half an hour to find a restaurant, and another four hours to eat. By the time Jiang Chen and Tang Tian walked out of the restaurant, it was already dark outside.

"Can we kill people now?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Wait, let me make a call first to ask what's going on." Tang Tian said, picked up the phone, dialed a number, and said carelessly: "Gong Xi, what's the situation with you now?"

After saying a few words, the phone hung up, and Tang Tian said, "Honey, we can kill people now."

"Xiao Tiantian, you've made progress, and you actually know how to play hard to get, is this going to catch them all?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

Gong Xi was originally in Yilan City, because Tang Tian was ambitious and wanted to dominate the underground gangsters in Tiannan City, so she called Gong Xi over.

Listening to what Gong Xi said on the other end of the phone, it was clearly on Tang Tian's side who deliberately set up a trap for Wang Laoliu and the others to sneak in and close the net in one fell swoop.

"Jiang Chen, you underestimate me, your woman. If I didn't plan to wipe them all out, how could I bother you." Tang Tian was very happy to be praised by Jiang Chen.

Under Tang Tian's command, Jiang Chen drove on the road, and finally stopped the car in an abandoned factory area.

This place was once a banner of Tiannan City's industrial development. Later, due to the expansion of Tiannan City's urban area, this piece of land was forcibly requisitioned.

The land was requisitioned, and the factory was abandoned. I just don't know why the development of this land was left idle.

Due to the large number of factory children living in this area, after the factory closed, chaos arose, and over time, it basically became a no-nonsense area.

Wang Laoliu's territory is in this area.

As soon as the car stopped, Gong Xi popped his head and ran over in small steps.

"Young Master Jiang, miss." Gong Xi greeted him respectfully.

"Wang Lao Liu, where is it? Tell him to get out." Tang Tian said.

"Miss, be careful later, I heard gunshots just now." Gong Xi reminded.

It was Gong Xi who had just finished speaking, "bang", there was a sharp sound, and someone fired a gun into the sky.

Soon, not far away, a dilapidated big iron gate was pushed open from the inside, and dozens of people walked out from there.

Walking in the front is a guy who looks a bit carefree, with a toothpick in his mouth and a pistol in his hand.

Looking at his pair of trousers, which were loosely worn, Jiang Chen was very worried, whether this guy would disappear at any time.

"Young master, that person is Wang Lao Liu." Gong Xi said.

After finishing speaking, Gong Xi waved his hand, and when he saw it, dozens of people quickly appeared and greeted him.

"Miss Tang, what's the matter, so many people are here to fight me? I, Wang Laoliu, live obediently in this place where no birds shit, and never touch Boss Tang's bad luck. It's a bully, so you can't treat me as a dead person, Wang Laoliu?" With a bah, he spat out the toothpick in his mouth, and Wang Laoliu said in a strange way.

"I gave you a chance to resolve this matter peacefully," Tang Tian said.

"Opportunity?" Wang Laoliu laughed and said, "I, Wang Laoliu, even refused to accept Boss Tang back then. If you want me to work under your command, you can just kill me."

"So don't blame me for doing things too badly, it's because you don't want to seize the opportunity." Tang Tian said.

"Miss Tang, you really speak loudly. It's not certain who will do what happened tonight. Don't think that with the backing of Boss Tang, I won't dare to touch you." Wang Laoliu dismissively Said.

"Brother Six is ​​right, Miss Tang, where did you come from, go back there."

"Miss Tang, this territory is not something you can get your hands on, so get out as soon as possible."

"Miss Tang, our sixth brother doesn't even look down on Tang Boss, who are you?"


When the group of people following Wang Laoliu heard what Wang Laoliu said, they immediately clamored.

"Gong Xi, give it to me." Tang Tian waved.

"Miss, are you going to do it now?" Gong Xi asked.

"You idiot, I want you to scold me back." Tang Tian said loudly.

"Have you heard that? Hurry up and curse back." Gong Xi then ordered.

"Wang Laoliu, our young lady is giving you a way to survive because she sees you as pitiful. Don't toast or eat fine wine."

"Wang Lao Liu, with your strength, our young lady will destroy you in minutes."

"Wang Lao Liu, be sensible, kneel down and beg for mercy as soon as possible, otherwise your parents won't know you when you beat me up."


It has to be said that the group of people brought by Tang Tian is still very powerful in combat, no, everyone spit at each other and scolded them all back.

Wang Laoliu was still careless at first, but he was scolded too harshly. His face gradually became gloomy, and he said, "Miss Tang, you said you gave me a chance, and I will give you a chance tonight too. If you let your people leave, I will act as if nothing happened, which is a great way to give you face."

"I, Tang Tian, ​​let go of my words and said that I want to dominate the underground gangsters in Tiannan City. Do you think I am joking?" Tang Tian said dissatisfied.

"The appetite is too big, be careful. Even Boss Tang didn't dare to do this back then. You take yourself too seriously." Wang Laoliu warned.

"You don't understand, I'm called green out of blue and better than blue." Tang Tian rolled her eyes.

"Then don't blame me for being rude." Wang Laoliu said in a deep voice, waved his hand, and said in a low voice, "Give me a hand."

"Wait." But at this moment, a lazy voice sounded...

(End of this chapter)

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