genius evil

Chapter 705 Don't You Know Who I Am

Chapter 705 Don't You Know Who I Am
It was Jiang Chen who spoke, and while talking, Jiang Chen walked out.

"Who are you, do you have a place to speak here?" Wang Laoliu casually glanced at Jiang Chen with an expression of displeasure.

"Don't you know who I am?" Jiang Chen had a look of surprise on his face.

Wang Laoliu sneered: "Do I need to know who you are? Get the hell out of me before I get angry, or you will be the first to die."

"Why don't you take a closer look and see who I am." Jiang Chen pointed to his face and said unhappily.

He is so handsome and recognizable, it's unreasonable that Wang Lao Liu doesn't know who he is.

"Then who are you?" Wang Laoliu was a little impatient, and had the urge to shoot at any time.

"Okay, I've lost to you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said helplessly, the name he agreed to is all over the world, and who doesn't know you in the world?

"Who is Jiang Chen? I don't know him." Wang Laoliu said dismissively.

"Excuse me, are you brain-dead?" Jiang Chen was so depressed.

Even if this Wang Lao Liu doesn't know what he looks like, he must have heard of his name.But unexpectedly, he even reported his family name, and Wang Laoliu still said he didn't know him, which made Jiang Chen have the urge to kill every minute.

"From what you said, you are famous, right?" Wang Laoliu asked.

"You can inquire casually, and you'll know if I'm famous." Jiang Chen signaled.

"You guys, does anyone know this idiot?" Wang Laoliu turned around and asked the group of people who followed him.

"Who knows this idiot?"

"A douchebag who feels good about himself."

"I'm impatient to live, is this?"


Those people responded one after another, none of them knew Jiang Chen.

"Xiao Tiantian, I'm very angry now, you have to give me an explanation." Jiang Chen asked angrily.

"Explain what, explain. Didn't you just say that this is a bunch of idiots. A group of guys nestled in this corner, watching the sky from a well, and they don't know how they will die sooner or later." Curling her lips, Tang Tian said.

"It turned out to be like this." Jiang Chen was finally relieved, otherwise he would have doubted whether he was really that unknown.

"Boy, have you finished talking nonsense? If you finish talking, we have to do it." Wang Laoliu said to Jiang Chen.

"I'll give you a suggestion, do you want to hear it?" Jiang Chen said.

"Say something quickly, fart quickly, I don't have time to talk to you." Wang Laoliu scolded.

"That's the suggestion. You put down your weapons and surrender obediently. After all, it's really not my style to bully a group of idiots," Jiang Chen said.

"Looking for death." Wang Laoliu was furious, pointed at Jiang Chen, and said, "Big fellows, remember this fellow's face, and take him down for me."

"Wait." Jiang Chen raised his hand and stopped again.

"What else do you want to say?" Wang Laoliu asked.

"Let me give you another suggestion, don't mess with me, or you will regret it." Jiang Chen said kindly.

"Fuck, kill him." Wang Laoliu couldn't help it.

The group of people following Wang Laoliu had been gearing up for a long time and were eager to try. As soon as they heard Wang Laoliu's order, they immediately started to move, and more than a dozen people rushed towards Jiang Chen.

"Do it." Seeing this, Gong Xi said immediately.

"Whoever tells you to do it, stay with me, and don't move anyone." Tang Tian said.

"Miss, how can these bastards get your hands dirty." Gong Xi said.

"Gong Xi, don't you think Jiang Chen is handsome when he beats someone up?" Tang Tian asked.

"Um, yes, very handsome." Gong Xi responded with black lines all over his head.

"Jiang Chen was so handsome when he beat someone up, and if you still tell someone to do it, wouldn't that delay my appreciation of Jiang Chen's beating?" Tang Tian said.

"Miss, I know I was wrong." Gong Xi said, wiping the cold sweat off his forehead.

And over there, Jiang Chen, who is very handsome in beating people, has already started beating people.

Although it is not Jiang Chen's style to bully the idiots, but this group of idiots tried to bully him, so he can't be blamed.


Jiang Chen casually raised his hand and punched a guy to the ground.


Another random slap, knocking over a person.


Another random kick kicked a person and sent him flying like a ball.


Those dozen or so people came rushing forward, and the momentum seemed quite spectacular. Each of them held a steel pipe machete, as if they wanted to chop Jiang Chen up like melons and vegetables.

But in just a dozen seconds, no one could stand up anymore.

"Boy, you're good at it." Seeing how easily Jiang Chen had overthrowed more than a dozen people, Wang Laoliu's expression turned a little ugly.

He saw that Jiang Chen had a pretty face, and originally thought that Jiang Chen was just a pretty face with no strength to restrain a chicken. Who would have thought that this pretty face was so evil that a dozen or so people couldn't even get close to him? , and all lay down.

"It's okay." Jiang Chen said without humility.

"Give it all to me, whoever kills this kid, I will reward 1 yuan." Wang Laoliu said.

"The reward is only 1 yuan, why are you so stingy." Jiang Chen said jokingly.

"That's one hundred thousand, let me do it." Wang Laoliu said.

It is said that money can turn ghosts, this is true.

If we say that when Wang Laoliu offered [-] chips, those people still hesitated because of Jiang Chen's vigor.

Then, when Wang Laoliu offered [-] chips, the way those people looked at Jiang Chen changed immediately.

It was as if Jiang Chen was no longer a person, but stacks of 10 yuan in cash piled together.

"Kill him."

"Brothers, kill."

"Shoot quickly."


The remaining 23 people waved the weapons in their hands and killed Jiang Chen one by one as if they had been spayed with chicken blood.

"Just for 10 yuan, you don't hesitate to lose your own life. Your lives are really cheap." Jiang Chen sighed.

This time, before these people rushed over, Jiang Chen took the initiative to meet them.

The person facing him was directly hit by Jiang Chen and flew backwards. Jiang Chen grabbed a steel pipe in that guy's hand with a big hand, without even looking at it, he slapped it casually.


The sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves suddenly sounded one after another, one after another, each sounded more brutal and penetrating, it sounded like someone was killing a pig.

Every time Jiang Chen took a step, someone must fall down. When Jiang Chen happened to walk in front of Wang Laoliu, there was no one standing up on Wang Laoliu's side except Wang Laoliu himself.


Seeing Jiang Chen appearing in front of him, Wang Laoliu swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, and looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

From the fact that Jiang Chen easily overthrew more than a dozen people, Wang Laoliu could see that Jiang Chen was very good at fighting, but Jiang Chen was too good at fighting.

Those twenty or thirty people looked no different from one person in front of Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen charged all the way, and no one could stop his footsteps.

"What did I just say, did I say, don't mess with me?" Jiang Chen asked while playing with the steel rod in his hand.

"Boy, you are amazing, I admit it." Wang Laoliu's face turned red.

"My name is Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, I admit it." Wang Laoliu had no choice but to say, even though he didn't understand the meaning of this name at all.

"But you have already provoked me." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Everyone is a fool on the road. When I say admit it, it means admitting it. There will never be two hearts." Wang Laoliu said.

"You really are an idiot." Jiang Chen expressed regret, and slapped Wang Laoliu on the forehead with a steel rod, and Wang Laoliu fell to the ground instantly.

"Xiao Tiantian, the work is done, can I go back and rest?" Jiang Chen threw away the steel pipe in his hand and asked.

"Jiang Chen, you are so handsome." Tang Tian didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, she flew up and hung herself on Jiang Chen's body.

"It's not like I'm so handsome the first day, and it's not like you don't know." Jiang Chen said triumphantly.

"Hurry up and drive away, I'm going to burn myself on fire." Tang Tian whispered in Jiang Chen's ear, with a voice that only Jiang Chen could hear.

"So, after all, you've lied to me for so long, and you're actually trying to trick me into going to bed?" Jiang Chen said angrily in a voice that only Tang Tian could hear.

"So what? Hurry up, I'm already hungry and thirsty." Tang Tian was very arrogant.

The beauty has such a need, even if it is a bit hard and tiring, Jiang Chen must fully satisfy it. He hugged Tang Tian into the car, kicked the accelerator, and drove away.

"Brother Xi, how do we deal with these people?" One person asked Gong Xi.

"You ask me who do I ask?" Gong Xi said with a sad face, Jiang Chen and Tang Tian, ​​just leave as soon as they say, don't bring such irresponsible people.

Tang Tian could be in front of Jiang Chen anytime, anywhere. Of course, she also has a special skill, that is, she can make Jiang Chen desire for her in the shortest possible time.

When a pair of men and women who are burning with desire ~ fire appear on the big bed in the hotel room, one can imagine what will happen, it is like dry wood meeting a raging fire, and it seems that the bastard has taken a fancy to mung beans and is about to explode , going straight to the final topic.

The bed was shaking, and Tang Tian didn't know how long she was tortured by Jiang Chen. In the end, her voice was almost hoarse. This battle was finally temporarily over.

"Jiang Chen, congratulate me, hurry up and congratulate me." Tang Tian said.

"Xiao Tiantian, have you lost your nerve again?" Jiang Chen was speechless.

"After tomorrow, I, Tang Tian, ​​will be the underground queen of Tiannan City, shouldn't you congratulate me?" Tang Tian said.

"Why tomorrow, not tonight?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"Because tomorrow, my dad will organize a meeting at various halls to announce the washing of the golden basin. From now on, this Tiannan City will be my Tang Tian's world... Hahahaha..." Tang Tian laughed triumphantly.

"Did you just call it, the waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves ahead, and by the way, slapped my own father to death on the beach?" Jiang Chen said.

"I don't care what the waves are. Anyway, I'm going to fly tonight." Tang Tiansu was bold, she dared to say anything, and when she turned over, she pressed Jiang Chen under her body and started the second round. The battle between sticks and fire...

(End of this chapter)

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