genius evil

Chapter 708 The more you dance, the faster you die

Chapter 708 The more you dance, the faster you die

"Jiang Chen, I didn't let you talk, so you shut up too." Li Liankai said fiercely.

"Jiang Chen, what should we do?" Tang Tian said worriedly.

If she had known early on that Li Liankai had brought a gun, she would never have had the chance to ask Li Liankai to take out the gun.

Now, Li Liankai controls Tang Tianxiong, and the situation is not optimistic.

Even with Jiang Chen around, Li Liankai might not be able to endanger Tang Tianxiong's life, but even if he was injured, that was something Tang Tian didn't want to see.

"It's very simple, I plan to teach him an ideological and political education class." Jiang Chen said lazily.


Tang Tian looked at Jiang Chen with black lines all over her head. Could it be that this guy is planning to use his three-inch tongue to commit suicide with shame from what Li Liankai said?

Is it a little too much?

"Ahem... I'm going to start class now, are you ready?" Jiang Chen said to Li Liankai after clearing his throat.

"Tang Tian, ​​I'll give you ten seconds to make a decision. If you have any objections, I'll send Boss Tang to die immediately," Li Liankai said.

"Li Liankai, have you ever heard a saying that the more joyful this person dances, the faster he will die?" Jiang Chen said calmly as if he hadn't heard Li Liankai's threat to Tang Tian .

"Curse me?" Li Liankai said blankly.

"I'm trying to reason with you, how can it be considered a curse. In other words, have you heard of it, or haven't you?" Jiang Chen asked urgently.

"You said I danced very happily, right? What about you? The matter of the Tang family has nothing to do with you. You are just an outsider, and you want to join in. Your arms are too long." Li Liankai said.

"So, you've heard of it, right? Then, I don't understand. Since you've heard of it, why are you jumping out in such a hurry? Don't tell me, do you really want to die that much?" Jiang Chen Looking at Li Liankai like an idiot.

Immediately, Jiang Chen pointed to the three of Liu Desheng and said, "See, the three of them seem to be much smarter than you."

"Jiang Chen, ten seconds is very short." Li Liankai reminded.

"To be exact, ten seconds have passed, but you still haven't shot anyone. Do you know what that means?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

Tang Tian was still a little nervous, but when she heard Jiang Chen's words, she realized that ten seconds had indeed passed. She thought to herself, could it be that Jiang Chen's lessons for Li Liankai were really so effective?
"What does it mean?" Li Liankai asked.

He didn't shoot because he didn't calculate the time in detail, saying ten seconds was just putting pressure on Tang Tian, ​​and he didn't think so much about it.

"This means that you still have a little bit of conscience, for the sake of you still have a little bit of conscience, you should kill yourself," Jiang Chen said.

"Ha ha--"

As if hearing a joke, Li Liankai burst into laughter, looked at Jiang Chen, and said, "Jiang Chen, your mouth is really powerful, but when you mentioned suicide, it reminded me of one thing. Give you a chance, kill yourself."

"You want me to commit suicide, did you make a mistake?" Jiang Chen jumped, furious.

"See that window, now, open the window for me and jump down." Li Liankai pointed to a window and ordered.

Li Liankai had heard a lot about Jiang Chen's deeds. He was a freak. Anyone would feel pressured in front of Jiang Chen.

This is also the reason why he deliberately chose to ignore Jiang Chen when he came here today and saw Jiang Chen.

Originally, Jiang Chen didn't come, but with the relationship between Jiang Chen and Tang Tian, ​​they had to consider Jiang Chen's reaction whenever they took any action.

Not to mention, Jiang Chen himself was present, so no matter what he did, even if Jiang Chen didn't participate or express his opinion, Jiang Chen's existence couldn't be ignored no matter what.

Li Liankai knew very well that Jiang Chen was a dangerous person.

It can even be said that right now, Jiang Chen is Tang Tianxiong and Tang Tian's biggest backer.

If Jiang Chen could be dealt with, then it would be much easier to deal with Tang Tianxiong and Tang Tian in the future.

Jiang Chen's words really reminded Li Liankai that he was no longer in a hurry to kill Tang Tianxiong, nor was he in a hurry to force Tang Tian to express his opinion. He wanted to kill Jiang Chen first.

But killing Jiang Chen was obviously not an easy matter. Even with a gun in his hand, Li Liankai was not completely sure that he could kill Jiang Chen.

Then, letting Jiang Chen commit suicide is undoubtedly the best choice.

This is the thirteenth floor, and Li Liankai couldn't believe that Jiang Chen could survive jumping from such a high place.

"Li Liankai, are you out of your mind?" Jiang Chen cursed.

"Jiang Chen, you don't need to jump down, but in the next second, I will pull the trigger and kill Boss Tang." Li Liankai threatened.

"Lao Li, you can kill me. My brother who has been with me for decades, if he dies in your hands, I won't die. I will die in peace." Tang Tianxiong said.

How could Tang Tianxiong not understand what Li Liankai was planning.

Jiang Chen definitely couldn't die. Once Jiang Chen died, both he and Tang Tian were doomed to die. Rather than that, he might as well die.

"Boss Tang, are you so anxious? However, I still have time to play with you." Li Liankai said jokingly, and said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, hurry up, my patience is limited."

"I don't think you're mentally ill, but completely complete. You don't have any brains. I'm very curious now. How did you survive until now? Is this the so-called, stupid people have stupid luck?" Jiang Chen said in bewilderment.

"Ten seconds, you have ten seconds to think, this time, I will kill one person." Li Liankai said.

"Come here again, can't you play something new?" Jiang Chen said helplessly, and walked towards Li Liankai step by step while talking.

"Stop." Seeing Jiang Chen approaching, Li Liankai's eyebrows twitched, and he thought to himself how courageous, is Jiang Chen crazy and doesn't care about Tang Tianxiong's life or death?
It was Li Liankai's voice, just after falling, Jiang Chen appeared in front of him like a ghost, and then, a huge fist hit him on the forehead without any defense.


After the punch, Li Liankai fell to the ground on his back, tears of pain bursting out.

As soon as Li Liankai fell to the ground, it felt wrong. Jiang Chen's speed was too fast. There was still a little distance between him and Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen's punch just hit him.

Fortunately, the gun in his hand was not lost, Li Liankai struggled to get up, stepped back, pointed the gun at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen walked forward calmly, as if he didn't see the gun in Li Liankai's hand.

"Jiang Chen, stop for me, or I will shoot." Li Liankai said hastily, his face turning pale.

"I bet you can't shoot, you don't have the courage to shoot at all." Jiang Chen said dismissively, the closer he got, Li Liankai could only keep backing away.

While backing away, Li Liankai quickly pulled the trigger.

But at the moment when the trigger was about to be pulled, Li Liankai discovered strangely that his right hand holding the gun, for some reason, had no strength at all, and even the gun was about to become unstable.

There was cold sweat on his forehead, and immediately burst out wildly. Li Liankai was shocked. He didn't know what went wrong. Could it be that, as Jiang Chen said, he didn't have the courage to shoot at all, otherwise, his hand would , How could it be so soft that you can't even pull the trigger.

"Li Liankai, congratulations, you have chosen a very wonderful way to die." Jiang Chen's voice rang in Li Liankai's ears.

Li Liankai was still in great shock, and before he had time to realize what Jiang Chen meant, he felt a hand grabbing his collar, and immediately his feet left the ground, and then, a wind blew into Li Liankai's body. In his eyes, Li Liankai felt that he was flying.

After barely opening his eyes, Li Liankai realized that he did not know when he had appeared outside the Dingtian Building. He had seen Jiang Chen standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with a gentle smile on his face.


Before it was too late, Li Liankai uttered a scream and disappeared.

"It's really stupid, since you dare not shoot, why take out the gun, isn't this courting death?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

"Jiang Chen, Li Liankai is stupid. I didn't expect him to be so timid. He has a gun in his hand, but he doesn't even have the courage to shoot. But, I'm different from him. You'd better Just stand there and don't move, otherwise, you will die."

Almost as soon as Jiang Chen's words fell, Liu Desheng's mocking voice sounded.

As soon as Jiang Chen turned his head, he saw a gun appeared in the hand of the little bald man standing beside Liu Desheng, and the muzzle of the gun was pointing at him from afar.

"Okay, I won't move, but you'd better not move." Jiang Chen raised his hand and said with a smile.

"A person who is about to die, and still laughing so happily, you are really heartless." Liu Desheng looked at Jiang Chen as if watching a joke.

Jiang Chen managed to get rid of Li Liankai so easily. Liu Desheng was amazed when he saw it. I have to say that Jiang Chen was too daring to treat the gun in Li Liankai's hand as if it was nothing.

But the reason why Jiang Chen was able to deal with Li Liankai, in Liu Desheng's view, was that Li Liankai was too timid to shoot. Otherwise, it is not certain who died between Li Liankai and Jiang Chen.

And Liu Desheng felt that the greatest possibility was that Jiang Chen was killed.

Jiang Chen didn't die, but Li Liankai died instead. This matter did not make Liu Desheng feel very regretful. After all, it would save him a lot of energy without Jiang Chen, the biggest threat.

"Really? From my point of view, your heart is not very good. I said it just now. The more you dance, the faster you die. You are not afraid. You will follow in the footsteps of Li Liankai?" Jiang Chen smiled but not smiled. Said.

"Speaking of it, how do I feel that you are the one who dances the most? So I think that if someone dies next, the one who dies must be you." Liu Desheng said in an extremely firm tone. Said.

(End of this chapter)

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