genius evil

Chapter 709

Chapter 709
"I really don't understand at all, where does your self-confidence come from?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"There is no need to be confident. The reality is that we have guns in our hands, but you don't. To kill you, only one bullet is enough." Liu Desheng said.

"Li Liankai is like this, Liu Desheng, do you have to be like this?" Tang Tianxiong rubbed his head with his hand and said.

"If you hadn't waited too aggressively, how could I have come to this point if I waited? What's the matter, now that I think about it, I have to be a good person?" Liu Desheng said eccentrically.

"Liu Desheng, let me ask you, have I ever treated you badly in these years?" Tang Tianxiong asked.

"What do you mean by bad treatment? Our brothers, who worked hard outside, worked hard, but only got less than one-tenth of the money? Is this what you mean by not treating me badly? I can only say , You are really a good brother, a good big brother." Liu Desheng said angrily.

"Regarding this matter, I know that it is not fair to you to wait, so, all these years, if I can turn a blind eye, I have never bothered with you." Tang Tianxiong said.

He thought that what he did was considered benevolent, but he didn't expect that in the end, he would get such a result, which would not prevent Tang Tianxiong from being angry.

"Boss Tang, what do you mean, I have to thank you later, thank you for giving me a bite of food?" Liu Desheng said teasingly.

"The matter has come to this point, I'm afraid it's useless to talk too much." Tang Tianxiong sighed.

"The reason why I said so much is just to let you understand." Liu Desheng said.

"You two, do you think so too?" Tang Tianxiong asked Fang Gang and Guo Fuqi.

Fang Gang and Guo Fuqi looked at each other, but they had a tacit understanding and did not answer.

"Boss Tang, you don't need to ask them what they think. In this situation, what they think is not important at all. The important thing is that if you do something wrong, you have to bear the consequences." Liu Desheng said.

"Did something wrong?" Tang Tianxiong frowned, not quite sure what he did wrong.

"The worst thing you ever did in your life was that you asked for a golden basin to wash your hands. Tang Tian was in charge, and Jiang Chen was by your side. We could have followed you and had a sip of soup, but soon, even the soup You are almost out of drink, don't you realize how serious this mistake is?" Liu Desheng reminded.

"So it's because of this reason." Tang Tianxiong suddenly realized.

No wonder, when he announced today that he would wash his hands, Liu Desheng and the others reacted more and more.

In the final analysis, it was actually because of Jiang Chen.

The pressure Jiang Chen brought to them was too great. Under that pressure, in order to protect their own interests, they even did not hesitate to take risks.

After figuring this out, Tang Tianxiong's mood suddenly became extremely complicated.

"That's right, that's the reason, Boss Tang, if you die here today, I can only say that you will be to blame." Liu Desheng said.

"Although you are rebellious and talented, is it really okay to speak so loudly?" Jiang Chen asked speechlessly.

"Jiang Chen, you said that I'm rebellious, if I don't rebel today, wouldn't I be sorry for your kind words?" Liu Desheng asked back.

"You are going to die soon." Jiang Chen suddenly said this inexplicably.

Liu Desheng looked at Jiang Chen inexplicably, a little confused about the logic of Jiang Chen's words.

"Every word I say is a golden word. I said you will die soon, you will die soon." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Liu Desheng laughed loudly and said, "Jiang Chen, I didn't expect you to be quite humorous."

"Could it be that you think I'm joking?" Jiang Chen said displeased.

"You are not joking, but you, in my opinion, are a joke." Liu Desheng said.

While talking, Liu Desheng stretched out his hand, pointed to the window, and said, "Jiang Chen, do you think you jumped off by yourself, or should I let someone shoot you to death, and then throw your body down."

"Just now, Li Liankai chose to die by jumping from here. You intend to make the same choice as him, right?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Chen, as I said before, the difference between me and Li Liankai is that I am more ruthless than him. I will let people shoot without hesitation, and I will not give you a chance to do so." Liu Desheng said.


Jiang Chen suddenly appeared in front of Liu Desheng, raised his hand and slapped Liu Desheng on the face.

Immediately, five bright red finger prints appeared on Liu Desheng's face.

"You won't give me a chance, but the question is, do I need you to give me a chance?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

Liu Desheng stared wide-eyed, staring at Jiang Chen with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

what is this?
Why does it feel like Jiang Chen appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye? Why is Jiang Chen so fast? Is he still human?
"Shoot...shoot..." flustered, Liu Desheng ordered loudly.


There was a gunshot, and with the sound of the gunshot, a figure fell to the ground together.


Looking at the fallen figure, Liu Desheng suddenly saw that there was a bloody hole on the bald head at the temple.

It wasn't Jiang Chen who died, but the little bald head.

Somehow, the gun in the little bald head's hand appeared in Jiang Chen's hand, and Jiang Chen shot the little bald head dead.

"Liu Desheng, as you wish, I have already shot." Jiang Chen said while playing with the gun in his hand.

"" Liu Desheng was so terrified that half of his body became stiff.

"Liu Desheng, don't you think naively that Li Liankai dare not shoot?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"Jiang Chen, I underestimated you, Boss Tang, you really found a good son-in-law." Liu Desheng's face turned pale.

No matter how idiot he is, if this kind of thing happened, he would understand that it wasn't that Li Liankai didn't dare to shoot, but that in front of Jiang Chen, Li Liankai had no chance to shoot at all.

It's like the little bald head who didn't have the chance to shoot, but was killed by Jiang Chen with a single shot. Jiang Chen's ability cannot be viewed with the eyes of normal people at all.

"Obviously I found a good boyfriend, so what does it have to do with my dad?" Tang Tian said dissatisfied. Hearing the meaning of Liu Desheng's words, it seemed that Jiang Chen was found by Tang Tianxiong for her, but she obviously found it by herself .

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and Liu Desheng said: "Tang Tian, ​​your luck is indeed very good, to be able to find someone like Jiang Chen as a boyfriend."

"That's it." Tang Tian said that she was very proud and very useful.

"Boss Tang, do me a favor. As long as you don't kill me, from now on, I, Liu Desheng, will be your dog. I will bite whoever you ask me to bite." Liu Desheng said.

"Wait..." Before Tang Tianxiong could respond, Jiang Chen was stunned.

One second, Liu Desheng wanted to kill them wholeheartedly, and the next second, he wanted to be Tang Tianxiong's dog. This style of painting also changed too fast.

"Jiang Chen, the old saying is good, you have to let others go around." Liu Desheng thought that Jiang Chen had to kill himself, so he couldn't help but said without leaving the slightest chance.

"Why did I get confused by you." Jiang Chen said puzzledly, "It's just a dog that bit its master, do you think the master would still want that dog?"

"This moment and that moment, I, Liu Desheng, am overestimated. If Boss Tang doesn't need me as a dog, just pretend I didn't say anything." Liu Desheng said.

"I thought you were farting, it's just that you feel too good about yourself." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, do you have to kill them all like this?" Liu Desheng said bitterly.

"Yes, I just want to kill them all." Jiang Chen said in an extremely sure tone, grabbed Liu Desheng with one hand, and threw it from the window without saying a word.

"There are two people missing all of a sudden, it seems to be a lot cleaner." After leaving Liu Desheng behind, Jiang Chen said with a smile as if nothing had happened.

But I don't know if it was because someone insisted on going against Jiang Chen and was unwilling to let Jiang Chen be clean for a second. Just as Jiang Chen said this, there was a burst of intensive footsteps outside the living room.

Soon, the door of the living room was pushed open, and a group of more than a dozen people rushed in with guns.

"Boss Guo." After a dozen people rushed in, they greeted Guo Fuqi suspiciously.

"Haha, it's just right." Guo Fuqi laughed.

"Old Guo, what do you mean?" Looking at the dozens of people shooting each other, how could Tang Tianxiong not know that all the people he had arranged in the Dingtian Building had been pulled out.

It is not difficult to see from this that Guo Fuqi has planned for a long time.

"Boss Tang, there is a saying that you have to, you must forgive me, after all, I have difficulties." Guo Fuqi said hypocritically.

"Forbearance for such a long time, until today, I only showed my fox's tail. I, Tang Tianxiong, thought I had a pair of piercing eyes, but I was the first to see you wrong." Tang Tianxiong said angrily.

"Boss Tang, at this moment, it's meaningless to say this," Guo Fuqi said.

Tang Tianxiong was extremely angry and wanted to speak, but Jiang Chen waved his hand to let him come.

"Guo Fuqi, two people have already died, how hard are you going to figure it out? Even if you are impatient, you don't have to be so impatient, right?" Jiang Chen asked.

"People make money and birds die for food. It's not that I, Guo Fuqi, haven't figured it out, it's because I think it through too well." Guo Fuqi snorted coldly.

"This person's life is only a few decades. What's the use of so much money? Think about it, after you die, someone will spend your money, sleep with your daughter, and bully your wife by the way, isn't it sad?" ?” Jiang Chen said earnestly.

"Jiang Chen, it's you who should feel the most sorrow, right? It seems that you have already won the game, but in the end, you will still be turned over by me, and even your own life will be lost. This kind of feeling must be quite unpleasant. ?” Guo Fuqi’s city is extremely deep, and he is not so easily irritated by Jiang Chen, he said gloomily.

"Guo Fuqi, when I was outside just now, I thought you were pretty smart. I didn't realize that you were so stupid to hide." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

(End of this chapter)

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