genius evil

Chapter 710

Chapter 710

"You say I'm stupid?" Guo Fuqi pointed at himself, as if to confirm whether the person Jiang Chen mentioned was actually him.

"Otherwise, do you think you are very smart? Li Liankai wanted to kill me, and then he died, and Liu Desheng wanted to kill me, and then he died too. How do you think your end will be better?" Jiang Chen said .

"Do you know what the greatest strength of me is?" Guo Fuqi asked instead of answering Jiang Chen's question.

"I would like to hear the details." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"The biggest advantage of me is that I have never been self-righteous, I have never been the first to show off, and I must think twice before doing anything, so no matter what I do, I will never Make a mistake." Guo Fuqi said extremely conceited.

"You don't need to make too many mistakes, one mistake is enough." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"I haven't made any mistakes before, and this time, I won't make any mistakes either," Guo Fuqi said.

While talking, Guo Fuqi pointed at the dozen or so men with guns, and said, "Did you see them? I have another great advantage, that is, when I do something, I either don't do it, or I do it." Big ones, and never leave any chance for the opponent to come back."

"What you rely on is just a dozen guns." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, you don't have to act nonchalant in front of me, it will only make me feel that you are guilty... You are right, what I rely on is a dozen guns." Guo Fuqi said noncommittally .

"If I tell you that I want to kill them, the guns in their hands are no different from toy guns to me, would you believe me?" Jiang Chen asked with a faint smile.

"Of course I don't believe it." Without even thinking about it, Guo Fuqi just said: "I forgot to tell you, these dozen people are all retired from the top domestic special forces, and they are also my trump cards to save my life. Five, it’s no problem, with a gun in hand, one against ten, it’s easy. No matter how good your martial arts are, it doesn’t matter how good you are at fighting, as the old saying goes, no matter how good your martial arts are, you are afraid of gang fights.”

"It seems reasonable." Jiang Chen smiled.

"As I said just now, you don't need to act nonchalant in front of me. This will not make me appreciate you, but will only make me feel disgusted from the bottom of my heart." Guo Fuqi shook his head.

"Guo Fuqi, I only know that you are careful, but I didn't expect you to be so careful." Hearing this, Tang Tianxiong spoke, and he never thought that Guo Fuqi would take this care on his head.

"If you are not careful, you will only die. I don't want to die, so I have to be careful." Guo Fuqi said as a matter of course.

"The organ is too smart to calculate. People like you will not end well." Tang Tianxiong said in a deep voice.

"I don't need to worry about this point, Boss Tang. If you have this leisure, you might as well think about your own life and death." Guo Fuqi didn't care much.

"Jiang Chen, how sure are you?" Tang Tian asked.

More than a dozen people, more than a dozen guns, this situation made Tang Tian's pressure increase sharply.

What's more, Guo Fuqi also said that these dozen or so people are all retired from the top special forces.

Tang Tian didn't think Guo Fuqi was lying. At this point, if Guo Fuqi lied, it would be of no benefit to himself.

Tang Tian knew that Jiang Chen was very powerful, but after all, the opponent was also extraordinary, so she was a little nervous.

"Ten." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Okay." Tang Tian grinned and smiled happily.

Guo Fuqi can't lie, Jiang Chen can't lie even more, Jiang Chen said ten, it must be ten, Tang Tian knows, she can let go of all worries.

"Ten?" Guo Fuqi also smiled, and said, "Jiang Chen, may I ask you, where does your confidence come from?"

Jiang Chen did not answer Guo Fuqi's question, but told him with practical actions, where did his self-confidence come from.

The figure disappeared in an instant, and in the next second, someone fell to the ground with a thud.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of plop plop rang out endlessly, as if someone was making dumplings.

In less than ten seconds, none of the dozen or so people was still standing, and there was a deep bloodstain on each of their necks.

And in Jiang Chen's hand, at some point, there was an extra car key.

At the end of the key, there were a few drops of blood flowing down.

"See, that's how my self-confidence came about." Jiang Chen was the one who killed more than a dozen people in one breath, and said calmly.

Confidence is such a thing, no matter how much it is said, it is better to do it. No, Jiang Chen thinks there is no need to waste saliva, and directly uses the way of doing it, very directly telling Guo Fuqi the source of his self-confidence.

"It's impossible." Guo Fuqi's expression changed drastically.

That was more than a dozen people. Even if they stood there unarmed and let them go without any resistance, they probably wouldn't be able to kill all of them in such a short period of time.

Not to mention, each of these people is an elite retired from the top special forces, and everyone still has a gun in their hand.

But Jiang Chen did it. In less than ten seconds, Jiang Chen killed all of a dozen people in an unimaginable way.

Just like what Jiang Chen said, these dozens of guns, in his eyes, are no different from toy guns, because they never caused him the slightest deterrence.

Even if he watched such a scene happen under his nose, Guo Fuqi felt like he was dreaming.

He couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it.

"Now, you can talk about how you want to die." Jiang Chen ignored Guo Fuqi's bewilderment and said casually.

With his current strength, even if he meets a strong man with the nine-level cultivation base of Gu Wu Houtian, he can still fight.

In Jiang Chen's eyes, the so-called retired elites of the top special forces are no different from ants. Let alone a dozen, even if there are a hundred, they can kill them in one go without even breathing.

In vain, Guo Fuqi's tricks were exhausted, and the only thing he didn't count was how terrifying his strength was.

Just this one mistake was enough to kill Guo Fuqi.

"Jiang Chen, you are dreaming, I will not give you a chance to kill me." Guo Fuqi said loudly, with a movement of his right hand, he took out a gun, and shot Jiang Chen without hesitation.


The trigger was pulled, and the gunfire rang out.

"Haha, Jiang Chen, you are dead." Guo Fuqi smiled, with a ferocious expression on his face.

Li Liankai died, Liu Desheng and Xiaobald died, and the dozen or so people he brought with him also died.

Died too fast, too fast, without even a chance to shoot.

Guo Fuqi believed that Jiang Chen's astonishing strength was the reason why they would die. On the other hand, none of them had ever fired a single shot.

Instead, Jiang Chen fired a single shot, killing the little bald head.

No matter how high the kung fu is, it is impossible to withstand the bullet.

At the moment when the trigger was pulled and the bullet was fired, Guo Fuqi was extremely proud and happy. He was very confident in his marksmanship.

Now that the shot had been successfully fired, Guo Fuqi decided that Jiang Chen was doomed.

"Idiot, what are you laughing at?" Guo Fuqi was smiling when Jiang Chen's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Jiang Chen, you're not dead?" Looking up at Jiang Chen standing in front of him, Guo Fuqi's eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets.

Even more like a duck being choked by its neck, the laughter stopped abruptly.

"Have you figured out how to die?" Jiang Chen asked, ignoring Guo Fuqi's question.

"I'll kill you." Guo Fuqi was a little unbelieving and wanted to shoot.

Regrettably, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to give him another chance to pull the trigger. With a casual shot, the gun flew out of Guo Fuqi's hand.

Then, Jiang Chen grabbed Guo Fuqi like an eagle grabbing a chicken, and threw it out of the window.

"Fang Gang, congratulations. You managed to survive to the end. If you have any means, use it quickly." After throwing Guo Fuqi out, Jiang Chen glanced at the stunned Fang Gang and said.

"No." Fang Gang shook his head with a bitter expression.

"I said you are an old man, what are you doing so coyly?" Jiang Chen glared at Fang Gang.

"It's true." Fang Gang shook his head again, his expression becoming more bitter.

"Old Fang..." Tang Tianxiong said.

"Dad, no matter what means he has, he must die." Tang Tianxiong only said two words, and Tang Tian interrupted Tang Tianxiong's words.

Tang Tianxiong is not the kind of benevolent woman, but Tang Tian knows very well what the relationship between Tang Tianxiong and Fang Gang for decades means.

Not a real brother, but a real brother.

If Fang Gang didn't have any means, I'm afraid Tang Tianxiong would spare Fang Gang if his heart softened.

But Tang Tian definitely didn't want to let Fang Gang go, so he had to interrupt Tang Tianxiong and not let Tang Tianxiong say more.

Tang Tianxiong glanced at Tang Tian, ​​smiled bitterly, and said, "It seems that I am really old."

"Dad, if you break it, you will break it, otherwise you will suffer chaos. Since you have decided to wash your hands in the golden basin, don't get involved in the disputes between the rivers and lakes." Tang Tian reminded.

"Tiantian, you are right." Tang Tianxiong nodded, picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip of tea, and stopped talking.

"Tiantian, I have watched you grow up since I was a child, but in the end I still misjudged you. You are more ruthless than Boss Tang." Fang Gang said with emotion.

"You're wrong, I'm not more ruthless than my father, I'm just ruthless to the person who is ruthless." Tang Tian said with a curled lip.

"That's not bad, but I don't know how the dead old man would feel if he heard you say this." Fang Gang said.

"This question is very simple. After you die and go underground, you can tell them no." Tang Tian said.

"I, Fang Gang, have never had any ambitions. Boss Tang, I don't expect you to let me go, but can you give me a few days so that I can die with dignity?" Fang Gang asked.

"This—" Tang Tianxiong hesitated again.

Tang Tian sneered, this guy is really playing the emotional card. When there was a conflict before, he didn't fart. At this point, he is talking about brotherhood, which is ridiculous.

In order to prevent Fang Gang from bewitching Tang Tianxiong, Tang Tian was about to signal Jiang Chen to kill him, but before he could say anything, Tang Tian heard the sound of a police car honking from the downstairs of the Dingtian Building...

(End of this chapter)

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