genius evil

Chapter 711 This is what you should do

Chapter 711 This is what you should do
"Fang Gang, good tricks, I admire you so much." Jiang Chen also heard the sound of police sirens, and said.

Jiang Chen almost believed Fang Gang when he said he had no means.

I really didn't realize that this guy was quiet and inconspicuous on the surface, but in fact, he was more cunning and cunning than anyone else.

"Jiang Shao, I don't understand what you mean. Why is there the sound of a police car? Could it be that someone called the police?" Fang Gang said.

"You pretend to be a fart." Tang Tian burst into a foul language, feeling extremely disgusted.

That's right, it's disgusting.

Tang Tian didn't think it would have any impact on Jiang Chen or Tang Tianxiong when the police came forward. However, snakes have their own way, and rats have their way. It's disgusting that Fang Gang would use such a method.

"Tiantian, what did you say? Could it be because Young Master Jiang threw three people down, and some passers-by saw it and called the police?" Fang Gang said.

"Do you think we are idiots?" Tang Tian was about to laugh angrily.

"Don't you suspect that I called the police? You are all here. Did I call the police? If I called the police, you would have discovered it early in the morning." Fang Gang argued.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's not doubt, but certainty, you are the one who called the police." Tang Tian said.

"Tiantian, how could you slander me like that." Fang Gang's face flushed red in anger.

"I suddenly wanted to see if someone would call the police if you were thrown from here." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Shao, the police have already arrived. If there are more deaths here, it will definitely have a bad effect." Fang Gang said.

"It's okay, we're not afraid." Jiang Chen still smiled.

"Jiang Shao, you don't understand. We are doing underground business. What we are most afraid of is dealing with the police. Boss Tang has already washed his hands. How can we make Boss Tang wade into the sewage again?" Fang Gang said.

"Why didn't I know, why are you such a good old man?" Tang Tian listened strangely.

"Otherwise, do you think I'm greedy for life and afraid of death?" Fang Gang looked helpless.

"You are greedy for life and afraid of death, why are you talking so high-sounding?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Young Master Jiang, I can swear that I am completely thinking of Boss Tang." Fang Gang raised his right hand.

"If you really want to be Boss Tang, the most important thing you should do is to jump off this building, but obviously, you won't do that, so I decided to help you." Jiang Chen said, talking, already a hand , Lifting Fang Gang up.

"Jiang Shao, I misunderstood, what a misunderstanding." Fang Gang yelled.

Jiang Chen casually threw him out of the window.

"It's no wonder this guy said he's brave. He's really brave. It's a pity that he lost a drinking partner." After dropping Fang Gang, Jiang Chen said to himself.

"Jiang Chen, you and Tang Tian go first, I will handle the matter here," Tang Tianxiong said.

The police were called in. Although there may not be any major incidents, troubles are inevitable. In this case, the more people there are, the more passive they will be.

"No, I'll take care of it." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Jiang Chen, let me make it clear to you first, you are not allowed to kill the police." Tang Tian warned, a little worried that Jiang Chen had become addicted to killing people, indiscriminately, and killed the police along with him.

"Xiao Tiantian, do I look like an idiot?" Jiang Chen was speechless.

"Anyway, just don't kill the policeman." Tang Tian said.

While talking, a voice came from outside the living room.

"Listen, people inside, you are surrounded, put down your weapons, surrender on the spot... put down your weapons, surrender on the spot..."

Jiang Chen giggled, raised his hands, and walked over.

Half an hour later, inside the police station, in the interrogation room.

Jiang Chen sat there with a smile on his face, holding a pair of handcuffs in his hands, which were rounded up and flattened in a while, playing with them casually.

On the opposite side of Jiang Chen, there was a table with two chairs under the table, but the two police officers who were in charge of interrogating Jiang Chen were sitting there, no one dared to sit down.

"You two, don't stand still, sit down." Jiang Chen played with it for a while and greeted.

"Jiang Shao, this time, I really offended you." One of the tall, thin, middle-aged policemen said with an embarrassed look on his face.

"It's nothing, this is what you should do." Jiang Chen said.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, the two policemen felt a little strange.

What Jiang Chen said was correct. This matter was indeed what the two of them should do. However, they were the ones who said this. From Jiang Chen's point of view, this smell was too strange.

However, the two policemen had to treat them with caution.

What kind of person Jiang Chen is, there are countless records on the police station. This young man who has been in the limelight in Tiannan City recently, has great fame and energy, and has many forces involved. Looking at Tiannan City, anyone has to weigh it.

Arresting Jiang Chen in was destined not to be a good job.

But someone called the police, and Jiang Chen seemed to have really killed someone, so it was impossible not to arrest Jiang Chen.

As a result, such a weird situation occurred.

"Jiang Shao, then we will start the interrogation, please cooperate." The middle-aged policeman said.

"Let's get started, I'm ready." Jiang Chen said.

The middle-aged policeman nodded, and then sat down. He sat down, and the other policeman, after a moment of hesitation, also sat down.

After that, it took less than half an hour for the two to conduct a simple interrogation of Jiang Chen.

However, it is said to be an interrogation, but it is actually no different from chatting about family affairs.

After all, it was impossible for them to yell at Jiang Chen like they did to other suspects, not to mention yelling, they didn't even dare to show face.

"Thank you." After the interrogation, Jiang Chen said.

"It should should be..." The middle-aged policeman nodded and led another policeman out.

It was these two policemen who had just walked out of the interrogation room when they saw two people walking towards them.

"Director." The two greeted one of them.

"Well, you guys go first." The director nodded and said to the other person: "He's right there, I'll leave it to you."

It was a middle-aged man with a white spot on his face. He glanced at Jiang Chen and walked into the interrogation room without saying a word, closing the door behind him.

"Jiang Chen, right? I have some questions to ask. Please be sure to cooperate honestly." Unlike the previous two police officers who were stiff, this man entered the interrogation room and sat down behind the table. He pulled out his pen, opened the notebook, and said.

"Sorry, I don't think I have any obligation to cooperate with you." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"You have to cooperate with me," the man said.

"Don't make fun of me." Jiang Chen said unhappily.

"You think I'm joking with you?" The man was even more upset and said angrily.

"That's right, you're just kidding me." Jiang Chen said seriously.

The man laughed and said, "It seems that you have recognized my identity, Tianzu, Li Yang."

"I don't care about your identity at all. I just need to know that you are not a policeman." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"But now that you know my identity, you should understand that you can only cooperate with me." Li Yang said.

"Don't talk so much, you are just a small role in charge of running around. If I hadn't killed enough people today, I would have slapped you to death." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Li Yang's expression changed slightly, and he immediately said displeasedly: "Jiang Chen, it's not enough to kill my Tianzu for a patrol history, and you dare to kill other people in my Tianzu, are you impatient?"

"Stop talking nonsense here. If you really want to ask me something, ask the Lord to come over. Besides, I'm a little hungry. If you don't mind, order me a takeaway." Jiang Chen ordered.

"I mind very much." Li Yang said angrily.

It's fine that Jiang Chen didn't take him seriously at all, but he actually asked him to help order takeaway, he really didn't treat himself as an outsider at all.

"As for me, I can't be hungry. When I'm hungry, I'm in a bad mood. If I'm in a bad mood, I lose my temper." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Jiang Chen, I'm starting to ask questions now. You have no right to refuse. You must answer me for every question." Li Yang said.

"It seems that your ears are not very good, and you didn't understand what I said." Jiang Chen sighed and stood up suddenly.

"What are you doing?" Following Jiang Chen's standing up, Li Yang was startled, then got up and took two steps back.

"Order a takeaway, or I'll throw you out, choose one." Jiang Chen looked at Li Yang and said.

Li Yang was sweating profusely. When Jiang Chen looked at it like that, he felt an invisible sense of oppression. He was almost out of breath due to the oppression.

"Okay, I'll order you takeaway." Gritting his teeth, Li Yang made a compromise.

The look in Jiang Chen's eyes was too terrifying. Li Yang wondered if Jiang Chen would kill him if he didn't order takeaway.

Li Yang can clearly tell which is more important than risking his own life just for a takeaway.

"It should have been like this a long time ago." Jiang Chen sat down again.

Li Yang pretended not to hear Jiang Chen's words, took out his mobile phone and called for takeaway.

Ten minutes later, a takeaway was brought in. Jiang Chen took the takeaway, opened the box as if Li Yang didn't exist, and ate it.

Li Yang watched Jiang Chen eat the takeaway. His state was the same as the two police officers who interrogated Jiang Chen before.

Jiang Chen finished eating a takeaway quickly, wiped his mouth, Jiang Chen shook his head: "The portion is too small, it's not enough, why don't you order another... Forget it, I'd better go out for a big meal .”

As if talking to himself, after saying this, Jiang Chen really got up and walked outside.

"Jiang Chen, stop for me." Seeing that Jiang Chen was about to leave, Li Yang hurriedly said.


Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, he just kicked Li Yang and sent him flying.

Walking out of the door of the interrogation room, ignoring the surprised eyes of the policemen, Jiang Chen staggered out of the police station as if nothing had happened.

However, just as Jiang Chen walked out of the police station, a car drove over and stopped in front of him...

(End of this chapter)

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