genius evil

Chapter 712 A Sudden Affair

Chapter 712 A Sudden Affair

When the car stopped, Jiang Chen turned his head and saw a face that dazzled him, because the woman driving in the car turned his head almost at the same time.

Therefore, Jiang Chen happened to be able to clearly see the appearance of the woman.

It was definitely a face so beautiful that it was suffocating. Even if Jiang Chen had seen countless women, he had to admit that this woman was too worthy of the heaven's favor.

It seems that when God created her, he did not hesitate to bestow all the good things on her, and he did not want to have the slightest compromise.

"What's your name?" Jiang Chen then asked.

Such a beautiful woman is definitely something that can be encountered but not found. If she passes by, Jiang Chen will definitely feel a great pity.

"Qin Wenyan." The woman said, her voice was slightly hoarse.

"Good name, as beautiful as you." Jiang Chen smiled.

"You asked my name just to praise me for being beautiful?" Qin Wenyan looked at Jiang Chen and asked.

"After all, you're sitting in the car. I can't tell what your figure is. I can't just praise your figure after asking your name." Jiang Chen said.

He thinks he is an honest man, beautiful is beautiful, and he will never say anything against his conscience.

Although, Jiang Chen felt that for a woman with such a beautiful face, no matter how bad her figure was, it was impossible for her to be so bad.

In other words, even if her figure is really too bad to bear to look at directly, for the sake of her perfect face, it can be tolerated and forgiven.

There was no way, Jiang Chen was such a superficial man from the bottom of his heart.

"Get in the car." Qin Wenyan motioned.

"Wait." Jiang Chen said hastily.

"Hmm?" Qin Wenyan was a little confused, slightly astonished.

Seeing Jiang Chen's squinting expression, she thought that Jiang Chen would get on the car right away, but Jiang Chen actually said slow, could it be that he refused?
But if he really refused, Jiang Chen would be too unavoidable, isn't it too much?

"I'm a little dizzy right now, happiness came too suddenly, can you give me 2 minutes to calm down?" Jiang Chen said in a discussing tone.

Qin Wenyan was once again astonished.

Dare to be honest, Jiang Chen said wait a minute, it's not that the outside and the inside are not the same, but that Jiang Chen was dazzled by the sudden happiness.

But is it that exaggerated?
"If 2 minutes is not enough, then 1 minute." Jiang Chen said.

"I'll give you 2 minutes." Qin Wenyan said.

"Thank you so much, I really need these 2 minutes, otherwise, I'm afraid I'm going to pass out." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

Qin Wenyan smiled lightly, and understood that Jiang Chen was talking nonsense, but maybe he thought it was interesting, and Jiang Chen's nonsense didn't cross the line, on the contrary, he didn't resist.

2 minutes is very short, so after a while, Jiang Chen just opened the car door, sat in the co-pilot's seat, and fastened his seat belt conveniently.

As soon as Jiang Chen fastened his seat belt, the woman took the steering wheel and drove on the road.

She didn't say where she was going, and Jiang Chen didn't mean to ask.

"What a good woman." Jiang Chen said with great emotion after the car drove on the road for a while.

"You mean me?" Qin Wenyan asked strangely.

good woman?
She didn't know if she was a good woman or not.

If Jiang Chen, the good woman in his mouth, was talking about her, she was very curious why Jiang Chen would express such emotion inexplicably.

You know, she has been concentrating on driving and has no other performance. How did Jiang Chen see that she is a good woman?

"Ask Miss Yan, you said that you are so beautiful, as long as you want, you can do whatever you want, and some men will give you money to spend, but you drive a car that costs less than 10 yuan. It's so rare, I feel that in this world, I can't find a better woman than you." Jiang Chen said.

"Just because of this?" Qin Wenyan was deeply surprised.

"Details determine everything." Jiang Chen nodded.

"I rented this car." Qin Wenyan said.

"So, you can't even afford a car? It looks like I have to re-examine you." Jiang Chen sighed.

"A car is just a means of transportation. I don't think it makes any difference whether it's expensive or cheap, bought or rented." Qin Wenyan said.

"That's the way it is said, but there is no one in a thousand women who can see the essence of the problem so sharply, and who don't like vanity." Jiang Chen said.

"I'm not as good as you think." Qin Wenyan shook his head.

"Don't you know that you have a face that men can't help but want to commit crimes when they see it?" Jiang Chen asked.

"So?" Qin Wenyan asked back.

She naturally knew that she was beautiful, not narcissistic, but an undeniable fact.

Probably only blind people would think she is not beautiful.

As for whether she would make a man commit a crime at a glance, it was not clear, because she would not give any man a chance to commit a crime.

"So, starting from today, you must learn to look in the mirror more, correctly understand how beautiful you are, and remind yourself at all times that you are the most beautiful." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"And then?" Hearing that Jiang Chen said it sounded decent, Qin Wenyan wanted to laugh, but finally held back.

"Then, you will deeply realize how beautiful you are, and you will no longer belittle yourself." Jiang Chen said.

"I don't understand why you told me this." Qin Wenyan said.

"Ask Miss Yan, based on your conditions, if it weren't for your lack of confidence in yourself, how could you not even be able to afford a car?" Jiang Chen said confidently.

"You are wrong." Qin Wenyan said.

"Ask Miss Yan, if there is a problem, we have to face it, and running away will not solve the problem. Fortunately, you have met me, and I will definitely build up your confidence in the shortest possible time." Jiang Chen Said.

"No need." Qin Wenyan said.

"It's really necessary." Jiang Chen said.

"You don't know me well, don't you think it's a little bit more than me?" Qin Wenyan said.

"Maybe it's because I'm a good person. As a good person, I can't bear to see a beautiful woman like you, because of lack of self-confidence, unable to live a good life worthy of you." Jiang Dust said.

"It's not necessarily that my current life is not good." Qin Wenyan said.

"Maybe you are a woman who is satisfied with the status quo and doesn't pursue material things, but you have to believe in me, you deserve something better, listen to me, there will be nothing wrong." Jiang Chen said.

Qin Wenyan smiled and asked, "Then can you tell me how you can help me build up my self-confidence?"

"This question, it's very difficult to say it's difficult, but it's also very simple to say it simple, I'll give you a chance to be my girlfriend." Jiang Chen thought for a while, then pondered and said, as if he had made a big decision, Just made such a decision.

"To be your girlfriend?" Qin Wenyan's expression darkened.

"Ask Miss Yan, when you hear this at first, you must think that I am taking advantage of you, but in fact, it is not, and you will immediately understand why I said that." Jiang Chen said, taking Pointing to his face, he said, "Am I handsome?"

"It's okay." Qin Wenyan said after glancing at Jiang Chen from the corner of his eye.

"Ask Miss Yan, you have bad eyesight. No wonder you don't even have confidence in yourself. I look like this. Is it okay? I'm obviously too handsome, okay?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

"Go ahead." Qin Wenyan didn't argue with Jiang Chen on this issue.

"A handsome man like me, let me ask you, is he particularly attractive to girls?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Can I not answer this question?" Qin Wenyan was almost speechless by Jiang Chen's narcissistic attitude.

"Silence, right? Silence is tacit consent, that is to say, I am indeed very attractive to girls." Jiang Chen said.

This time, without waiting for Qin Wenyan to speak, Jiang Chen immediately said: "I am a super handsome guy who attracts girls, and I became your boyfriend. Will other girls be very angry when they see it? Special jealousy? Will you use any means to snatch me away from you?"

"Are you thinking a little too much?" Qin Wenyan almost wondered if Jiang Chen was delusional.

"How could it be that I was thinking too much? Everything I said was based on factual associations. If you were my girlfriend, this is the only and most correct way to unfold." Jiang Chen was a little confused. happy.

"You have already said a lot. Unfortunately, I still haven't understood what you want to do to build up my confidence." Qin Wenyan reminded.

She was not at all interested in Jiang Chen's nonsense.

"Ask Miss Yan, have you ever thought that your poor life may have an inseparable relationship with your IQ?" Jiang Chen asked cautiously.

Although a woman's beauty is often negatively proportional to her IQ, but if such a beautiful woman has a lack of IQ, it will still make Jiang Chen extremely regretful.

"Pretending to be smart is not a good thing." Qin Wenyan's tone became indifferent.

"Haha, I was just joking with you, why did I take it seriously? I forgot to tell you, but I am actually a very humorous man." Jiang Chen laughed.

"I don't understand your humor." Qin Wenyan said.

"Okay, let's continue with the topic just now." A smart man would never engage in pointless arguments with a woman. A person as smart as Jiang Chen would naturally not make such low-level mistakes.

"When other girls are crazy and want to snatch me away from you, I will always be firm and unwavering, and I will not give anyone a chance to take advantage of it. I only care about you alone, and treat you wholeheartedly. Hello, whatever you want, I will satisfy you unconditionally. In this way, all women will understand how important your position in my heart is, and then, each of them will go crazy I envy you the same, and in this way, your confidence will be erected. After all, if you are not so outstanding, how can I, Jiang Chen, have such a soft spot for you." Jiang Chen swore Said.

"Finished?" Qin Wenyan didn't respond.

"After talking, what do you think? Are you very excited and want to date me right away?" Jiang Chen asked impatiently.

"You think too much." Qin Wenyan was incomparably indifferent, braked, and the car stopped at the entrance of a restaurant. Qin Wenyan pushed the door to get out of the car, and said lightly, "Let's go, have dinner with me."

(End of this chapter)

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