genius evil

Chapter 713 The most handsome man in the world

Chapter 713 The most handsome man in the world
After Qin Wenyan got off the car, he walked quickly, as if he didn't want to give Jiang Chen a chance to refuse.

Of course she didn't know that it was impossible for Jiang Chen to refuse a beautiful woman to invite him to dinner.

What's more, for a beautiful woman like Qin Wenyan, how stupid would Jiang Chen be to refuse?
"Ask Miss Yan, although you are very indifferent, I can clearly feel the fire in your heart. You invite me to dinner, does this mean that you have formally asked me for a date?" Jiang Chen then got out of the car, followed quickly, and said while walking.

"Have you always been this stinking and beautiful?" Qin Wenyan asked indifferently while walking, never looking at Jiang Chen.

"It's self-confidence." Jiang Chen said, pointing to his face again, and said: "A man's self-confidence is often directly proportional to his handsomeness. I am so handsome. Of course, I am more handsome than anyone in the world." A man must be confident."

"It means that you are the most handsome man in the world?" Qin Wenyan smiled, it was indeed not a smug beauty, but a hopeless narcissism.

"Ask Miss Yan, are you finally aware of this problem? That's right, I am the most handsome man in the world." Jiang Chen sighed.

"You told me before that you need to learn how to look in the mirror more. Now, I'll give you back the words." Qin Wenyan said, and had already entered the restaurant.

The restaurant is not big, there are only a few tables in the lobby, and naturally there are no boxes.

The appearance of Qin Wenyan was like a clear stream, causing everyone in the restaurant to look sideways at her, and everyone stared at her, distracted for a while.

Qin Wenyan didn't care, or she was already immune to such a situation, so she chose a table to sit down, and stretched out her hand to signal for the menu to be brought.

After a while, the fat boss realized what Qin Wenyan's gesture of reaching out meant, and hurriedly brought the menu.

"Recommend some special dishes." Qin Wenyan looked at the menu and said.

"Okay...okay..." The chubby boss swore that he had never seen such a beautiful woman as Qin Wenyan in all the years he had been running the restaurant. She was so beautiful that she didn't look like a real person, but more like she walked out of a painting. Same.

Quickly recommended a few special dishes, the fat boss said shyly: "Beauty, you came today just in time, the store is offering a [-]% off for the entire site... no, it's a [-]% off, [-]% off event .”

"Order to serve, better hurry up." Qin Wenyan said casually as if he didn't hear what the fat boss said.

"Okay." The chubby boss left immediately. It was a second, and he didn't dare to stay in front of Qin Wenyan any longer, as if he was afraid that he would insult Qin Wenyan if he stayed for a second longer.

Impressively, he saw that fat body, like a ball, walking so fast.

"Miss Wenyan, I look in the mirror every day, I am so handsome." Jiang Chen sat down opposite Qin Wenyan,
Qin Wenyan glanced at Jiang Chen, without saying a word, picked up the teapot, poured tea for himself, thought about it, and poured Jiang Chen another cup.

Jiang Chen picked up the teacup, drank a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and said, "This restaurant doesn't hold any activities at all, but when I came, the boss gave me a [-]% discount on the best price. With my face, They can all be used as card swipes, tell me, am I handsome?"

"I will pay the full price later." Qin Wenyan said.

"Ask Miss Yan, I don't understand what you're saying. The boss only discounted it for my sake. If you say you want to pay the full price, isn't that a disappointment to her good intentions?" Jiang Chen Said dissatisfied.

"Are you sure the discount is because of you?" Qin Wenyan was speechless. He had seen thick-skinned people before, but he had never seen one with such thick skin as Jiang Chen.

What kind of psychological quality does this have to open your eyes and say such nonsense?

"It's not because of me, maybe it's because of you?" Jiang Chen said.

"Forget it, there is no need to talk about this topic." Qin Wenyan was not in the mood to continue the chat.

"Then, you can now answer my initial question, are you dating me?" Jiang Chen then asked.

"It's just a meal, don't think too much, you must be hungry after a long day of tossing around today." Qin Wenyan said.

"Actually, I've already eaten a box lunch." Jiang Chen was a little embarrassed.

Although, the box lunch is not full.

However, Qin Wenyan was so careful, Jiang Chen was somewhat embarrassed.

However, Jiang Chen felt that he could not be blamed for this kind of thing. After all, he didn't know that as soon as he walked out of the police station, he would meet a beautiful woman.

After all, he didn't even know that this big beauty would invite him to dinner.

If you had known earlier, if you met Qin Wenyan and Qin Wenyan would invite him to dinner, he would definitely not eat the boxed lunch, even if there was abalone and lobster in the boxed lunch, he would definitely not eat it.

"So you're not hungry, no wonder you're so energetic, but I'm hungry, if you don't eat, just sit with me." Qin Wenyan said.

"Ask Miss Yan, there is a saying that beauty can be eaten. I was not very hungry at first, but when I saw you, my appetite was so great. I swear, I could eat a cow." Jiang Chen said.

"You don't need to eat a cow, just try not to leave any leftovers." Qin Wenyan said.

"Ask Miss Yan, I suddenly realized that I have to look at you again. These days, such a thrifty girl can't be found even with a lantern." Jiang Chen said.

"I'm just not used to waste." Qin Wenyan said, quite helpless, unable to understand why no matter what he said or did, in Jiang Chen's eyes, all of them were merits?

Is she really that good?

If it wasn't for his determination and being so sought after by Jiang Chen, Qin Wenyan would have doubted whether he was perfect enough to have no blemishes.

"Ask Miss Yan, don't be modest. This has nothing to do with habits, but that you are too simple. At least, I have never seen a beautiful woman like you eat in such a small restaurant." Jiang Chen said.

"Rare is more strange." Qin Wenyan said.

When she eats, she doesn't choose a place, she doesn't even pick the taste, the only requirement is to cook it well and eat enough.

You can eat whatever you want, whether you go to a five-star restaurant or a street shop, there is no difference.

"Ask Miss Yan, I am such a well-informed man, and you actually say that I am rare and strange, which makes me sad... If you don't believe me, you can ask the boss if you have never seen a beautiful woman like you come to eat before. Yes." Jiang Chen said.

The fat boss just happened to bring a plate of food over.

"No, never." The fat boss responded.

Not before, and probably not in the future.

If it wasn't for his lack of courage, the chubby boss would have wanted to take Qin Wenyan to take a photo, and then hang Qin Wenyan's photo on the gate to attract customers.

Presumably, with Qin Wenyan's photo, the business of this restaurant will be improved to a higher level in the shortest possible time.

"Eat." Qin Wenyan picked up the chopsticks and ignored the fat boss again.

The fat boss doesn't mind, beautiful women are all proud, right? Maybe only a handsome guy like Jiang Chen is qualified to drag a beautiful woman like Qin Wenyan to eat in small shops on the street.

He wasn't envious either, in the eyes of the chubby boss, Jiang Chen and Qin Wenyan were talented men and women.

Soon, the fat boss walked away.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't know what the fat boss was thinking, otherwise, Jiang Chen would never let the fat boss give a [-]% discount, at most a [-]% discount would be fine.

Jiang Chen also picked up the chopsticks, picked up some food, stuffed it into his mouth, took a bite, his eyes lit up, and said, "Ask Miss Yan, your vision is really good, you can choose a restaurant at random, and the dishes are just like this." tasty."

"Eat more if it tastes good." Qin Wenyan said, hoping to shut Jiang Chen's mouth with food.

"I will definitely eat more. This is the dish you ordered when I asked Yan girl, and I don't know what happened. There is a tacit understanding between us. The tastes are so similar. The dishes you ordered are just right. All of them are what I like to eat." Jiang Chen said.

"When I'm eating, I don't like to talk." Qin Wenyan reminded, there was an urge to throw chopsticks, Jiang Chen is endless, right?

"It's okay, you eat yours, I'll say mine. It doesn't matter if you don't like to talk when you eat, as long as you like to listen to me." Jiang Chen said.

Qin Wenyan responded silently, lowered his head to eat.

Dishes were brought over one by one, each dish was full of portion, a table of five dishes, according to this amount, not to mention two people, even seven or eight people, it is definitely enough.

Qin Wenyan ate food very quickly, but it had an unexpected aesthetic feeling. When he chewed, he didn't make any sound.

Although he ate very quickly, the food was gentle and sweet. Just watching Qin Wenyan eat something gave people the most beautiful sensory enjoyment.

Matching Qin Wenyan's eating speed, Jiang Chen also ate very fast, but even though he couldn't stop eating, Jiang Chen couldn't stop talking.

He kept chattering on and on, a good-natured person, involuntarily turned into a chatterbox.

Ten minutes later, Qin Wenyan put down his chopsticks and said, "I'm full, eat slowly."

Jiang Chen swept away the clouds, ate the rest of the food in one go, took a sip of tea, and said, "Ask Miss Yan, have you thought about it, where should we go on a date next? If you haven't thought about it If so, I will arrange it as well."

Jiang Chen said, beckoning to pay the bill, although it was Qin Wenyan's treat, but as a gentleman, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to ask Qin Wenyan to pay the bill.

Qin Wenyan didn't stop her either. When Jiang Chen finished paying the bill, she stood up and said, "Let's go, follow me."

"Ask Miss Yan, can you tell me first, where are we going on a date?" Jiang Chen followed.

After a while, Qin Wenyan got into the car, and Jiang Chen got into the car in a hurry. Qin Wenyan drove on the road and asked, "Are you full?"

"Too full." Jiang Chen burped.

"That's good." Qin Wenyan nodded, stretched out his hand, and said, "Let me introduce myself formally, Tianzu, Qin Wenyan!"

(End of this chapter)

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