genius evil

Chapter 714 You Are Strange

Chapter 714 You Are Strange

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, grabbed Qin Wenyan's small hand, and said with a smile: "Miss Wenyan, you have already told me your name, and I have engraved it deeply in my mind long ago. I'll forget it... well, my little hands are so soft, it's so comfortable to touch."

Qin Wenyan didn't give Jiang Chen too many opportunities to take advantage of it, he pulled his hand away and said, "You are telling me, and you also knew early on that I am from the Tianzu, right?"

"In this world, how can there be lunch for no reason? Even a peerless handsome guy like me would not dare to ask for it. Besides, we have met before, haven't we?" Jiang Chen said.

The meeting Jiang Chen mentioned refers to the very tall beauty he met when he was in the orphanage.

Qin Wenyan's height was invisible when he was sitting in the car, but when he got out of the car and walked into the restaurant before, Jiang Chen found that Qin Wenyan was over 1.8 meters tall.

Even in the orphanage, he didn't see Qin Wenyan's face clearly.

But that pair of long legs, I have to say, impressed Jiang Chen too deeply.

Of course, meeting Qin Wenyan doesn't mean that he knew Qin Wenyan was from the Tianzu, but because Jiang Chen met the guy named Li Yang who claimed to be from the Tianzu in the police station.

Afterwards, as soon as Jiang Chen walked out of the police station, Qin Wenyan happened to drive over. Naturally, this was not a simple coincidence, but a deliberate arrangement.

In this way, Qin Wenyan's identity can be said to be revealed soon.

However, since Qin Wenyan didn't say anything directly, Jiang Chen was naturally happy to see what happened and just pretended he didn't know anything.

"Your observation ability is very good." Qin Wenyan said.

"To be exact, I have the ability to never forget beautiful women." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Since that's the case, I guess you don't need to go around in circles anymore. You know why I appeared in Tiannan City, and you know why I came to you." Qin Wenyan said.

"That's what I said, but there are a few questions that I don't understand. Can you help me and explain?" Jiang Chen said.

"Tell me." Qin Wenyan signaled.

"Two days ago, when I was in the orphanage, I met you, that is to say, you had already come to Tiannan City at that time, why did you clearly come to find me that time, why did you quietly Gone without a sound?" Jiang Chen asked.

After confirming Qin Wenyan's identity, Jiang Chen was quite confused by this matter.

Qin asked why Yan came to Tiannan City.

Qin asked why Yan came to him.

The answer is beyond doubt.

That is, Qin Wenyan came here because of Liu Zheng's affairs. In other words, if he didn't get in touch with Qin Wenyan, it was destined to be unpleasant.

However, no matter from the initial contact or until now, in fact, no unpleasantness has occurred.

When this happened, Jiang Chen was not so narcissistic that it was because he was too handsome. He emphasized that he was handsome earlier. You know, it was just to tease Qin Wenyan on purpose.

"It's very simple, because I found that you are a strange person, a bit different from what I imagined." Qin Wenyan said.

"He's more handsome than you imagined, right?" Jiang Chen smacked his mouth.

"When you were in the orphanage, even though you didn't play games with the children, I can still see that you are a very nice person. Afterwards, you even accompanied the two girls in the amusement park for half a day. God, I even discovered that you may not be a cruel person." Qin Wenyan ignored Jiang Chen's nonsense and said to himself.

"Of course I'm not a cruel person." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"I also know everything that happened inside the Dingtian Building. Your character is very extreme." Qin Wenyan said.

Jiang Chen chuckled and said, "So after I killed someone, you appeared."

"Don't you realize that I'm deliberately giving you time to deal with the funeral?" Qin Wenyan asked.

"Sorry, I really didn't find out, after all I have plenty of time." Jiang Chen said.

"You don't have much time left. If you still have something to do, you'd better hurry up. I can't give you too much time." Qin Wenyan said.

"Listen, why is there a forced marriage... Oh, what do you mean by forcing me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Liu Zheng, as the inspection history of the Tianzu, died at your hands. You must give an explanation for this matter. You must have been mentally prepared for this when you killed Liu Zheng." Qin Wenyan said .

"I want to say that I don't have one, so I don't need to explain... well, I do." Seeing Qin Wenyan glaring at him, Jiang Chen changed his words.

"Tell me, do you have anything else to do?" Qin Wenyan said.

"If you want to ask me this question, I can only say that there are too many. I haven't married a wife yet, and I haven't had children yet. When I have children in the future, I have to earn money for milk powder. When my children go to school, I have to earn money. In the future, if my children marry wives, I still have to pay for it. I have to make money..." Jiang Chen said without hesitation.

"Jiang Chen, let me remind you, if you say these meaningless words, it will only delay your own time." Qin Wenyan said.

"Then let's talk about something meaningful. Your Tianzu's ability seems to be great, right? Isn't it easy to find someone with such great ability?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Who are you looking for?" Qin Wenyan said.

"Look for my old man. Oh, I'm talking about my dad. I don't need to say more about the specific information. Anyway, you have plenty of ways to get them." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay, I'll ask the people below to help and try to search for it, but I can't guarantee to find it." Qin Wenyan said.

"Don't, we must find it." Jiang Chen said.

The old man left him 500 yuan and disappeared from the world. Although the old man had done this kind of thing before, the time he disappeared this time was too long.

Even though it was less than three months old, Jiang Chen still faintly felt something was wrong.

It is naturally difficult for him to find the old man alone, but if Tianzu is willing to help, it must not be very difficult to find the old man.

It is rare to have such an opportunity, Jiang Chen naturally cannot miss it.

"Jiang Chen, when I say try my best, I mean I will do my best." Qin Wenyan said.

"With your words, I feel at ease." Jiang Chen was finally satisfied.

"Is there anything else? If not, you can follow me now." Qin Wenyan said.

"Of course, the biggest thing is to marry a wife and have children. As the saying goes, there are three ways to be unfilial and have no offspring. Of course, if you are willing to be my wife, then nothing will happen." Jiang Chen shouted stand up.

"Totally boring." Qin Wenyan said, stepped on the gas pedal heavily, the car speeded up, and shuttled on the roads in the city.

Afterwards, Qin Wenyan just drove the car, no matter what questions Jiang Chen asked, he stopped talking, Jiang Chen bumped into a wall and made himself miserable, so he gradually calmed down and fell asleep leaning on the seat.

"This guy really has a big heart." Hearing Jiang Chen's shallow breathing, Qin Wenyan was quite speechless.

After the news of Liu Zheng's death was transmitted back to the Tian Group, there was inevitably a commotion within the Tian Group. She came to Tiannan City this time for this matter.

The order Qin Wenyan received was to either bring Jiang Chen back, or Jiang Chen resisted and beheaded on the spot.

So far, Qin Wenyan has no reason to kill Jiang Chen. On the contrary, Jiang Chen's cooperation is a bit outrageous, like a super pervert meeting a super beautiful woman, and then being dazed by that super beautiful woman generally.

Qin Wenyan wouldn't doubt his own charm, but he wouldn't naively think that his own charm was so great that it could make Jiang Chen dizzy.

Therefore, Qin Wenyan felt a little strange about Jiang Chen's cooperation in this book.

But no matter what, Jiang Chen still cooperated, which made Qin Wenyan feel much more comfortable.

The car drove very fast, Qin Wenyan drove the car all the way, heading out of the city, and after about half an hour, the car reached the national highway.

Not far ahead, there was a turning intersection. Qin Wenyan had walked this road and was very familiar with the road conditions. Subconsciously slowing down, Qin Wenyan was about to turn the corner.

But suddenly, in Qin Wenyan's line of sight, a large truck appeared, no, not one, but two.

The two large trucks were driving on the two roads at the intersection and were making a turn. Seeing this scene, Qin Wenyan stepped on the brake quickly, intending to let the two large trucks go first.

But soon, Qin Wenyan sensed that something was wrong, because when the two large trucks were turning, the speed seemed to be a little too fast.

Due to the high speed of the vehicle, the body of the large truck is tilted. When people see it, they are very worried, whether the large truck may overturn at any time.

Qin Wenyan's worry was obviously superfluous. Instead of overturning, the two large trucks drove side by side after turning at an extremely fast speed, accelerated again, and drove over.

"Not good." Qin Wenyan's expression changed accordingly.

This is a two-lane national road. When two large trucks drive side by side, they occupy the entire road. Her car doesn't even have room to move.

500 m.

300 m.

200 m.


The speed of the big truck was too fast, and the distance of only a few hundred meters was reached in an instant. After Qin Wenyan realized that something was wrong, she had no time to do anything.

"Step on the gas pedal." It was Jiang Chen's voice, which rang in Qin Wenyan's ear.

Hearing Jiang Chen's voice, Qin Wenyan almost involuntarily stomped heavily on the gas pedal, and the car retreated backward like an arrow flying off the string.

"Step on again." Jiang Chen said in a low voice.

Qin Wenyan nodded. She didn't even know when Jiang Chen put it in reverse gear, because Jiang Chen was obviously asleep before, and he continued to step on the accelerator, and the car reversed rapidly.

And just when Qin Wenyan stepped on the gas pedal to reverse the car for the second time, the car door opened at some unknown time, and Jiang Chen's figure disappeared from the car without making a sound...

(End of this chapter)

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