genius evil

Chapter 715

Chapter 715
"Jiang Chen, what is he going to do?" Qin Wenyan was stunned for a moment, his first thought was, is Jiang Chen going to abandon the car and run away?
When this idea popped up in his mind, Qin Wenyan's expression turned extremely ugly.

She thought she was pretty good to Jiang Chen. Since the first contact, she didn't do anything to embarrass Jiang Chen. She left time for Jiang Chen to deal with the funeral, and even promised Jiang Chen to help find his father.

In these matters, Qin Wenyan thought that he had already done his best.

Even though Jiang Chen might be punished extremely harshly for killing Liu Zheng, he still has no worries.

She treated Jiang Chen well, but what did Jiang Chen do?

After the danger came, it would be fine if Jiang Chen couldn't fight side by side with her, but he couldn't, just leave her alone and run away alone, right?
This is so hateful, it made Qin Wenyan grit his teeth and was very angry.

But soon, Qin Wenyan realized that he seemed to be thinking too much.

Because, suddenly, in her line of sight, a figure appeared, and that figure was galloping towards the two large trucks at an extremely fast speed.

The speed was so fast that only a faint shadow could be seen.

That figure was none other than Jiang Chen.

"He—" Qin Wenyan's eyes widened instantly, staring at Jiang Chen firmly, his mood gradually became complicated.

It turned out that she misunderstood Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't abandon the car and escape, on the contrary, Jiang Chen was thinking of a way to solve the threat posed by the two large trucks.

You must know that although the speed of reversing is very fast, no matter how fast it is, it is incomparably compared with the speed of the car driving in front.

If this situation continues, it won't take long for two large trucks to collide head-on.

To solve this trouble, there are only two ways.

First, she turned the car around in the shortest time, and second, she stopped the two big trucks.

Turning the car around is only theoretically feasible, but practically impossible.

One is that the speed of the large truck is too fast, and the other is that the road is too narrow. If you really want to turn around in this situation, it will be death.

As a result, the only way to stop the two large trucks was the second way.

Jiang Chen did exactly that.

"Jiang Chen, I'm sorry, be careful." Muttering to himself, Qin Wenyan said.

Jiang Chen naturally didn't know that in such a short period of time, Qin Wenyan's state of mind had undergone two huge changes.

If he knew, Jiang Chen would definitely be amused.

Running away is not his style.

What's more, the current situation seems dangerous, but in fact, it can only be regarded as a small fight, and it is not enough for him to make an escape.

The reason why Jiang Chen wanted to solve the troubles caused by the two large trucks was largely because the two vehicles disturbed his sleep.

In the airtight compartment, with the air conditioner blowing and breathing the faint scent of Qin Wenyan's body, Jiang Chen slept sweetly, but was interrupted by these two cars that came out of nowhere.

"It's really damn good." Jiang Chen said to himself.

As he spoke, Jiang Chen stomped his right foot on the ground vigorously. Taking advantage of the momentum, the figure flew up, and in the next second, it appeared on the front of the big truck on the left.

He raised his fist, and Jiang Chen's fist smashed against the glass of the front of the car.

There was a cracking sound, and the front glass shattered. Jiang Chen punched the driver again.

But at this time, the driver of the car grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing a hideous look, and punched Jiang Chen.

"Huh, ancient martial arts practitioner?" Jiang Chen was a little surprised, his fist remained unchanged, and he punched the driver's fist.

There was another cracking sound, and the driver's fist was shattered by Jiang Chen's punch, and the sound of screams followed.

"It sounds so ugly, you'd better go die." Jiang Chen said, and the third punch hit the driver's forehead.

After this punch, Jiang Chen flew out again and landed on another truck. One minute later, the driver of another truck was also violently blasted to death by Jiang Chen.

The two drivers died one after the other. The two trucks, which lost control, drove forward for a certain distance, and finally stopped slowly.

"Jiang Chen, are you alright?" The two large trucks stopped, Qin Wenyan also stopped the truck, pushed the door open, and got out of the truck.

"No, I seem to be injured, I'm about to vomit blood, hurry up, give me a loving hug." Jiang Chen stretched out his arms, pretending to be in pain.

Seeing this, Qin Wenyan took two steps back, how could he hug Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen took advantage of her handshake before, if it was a hug, maybe Jiang Chen would take advantage of her.

"Ask Miss Yan, why are you so cruel? I'm about to vomit blood. Is it difficult to hug one?" Jiang Chen said aggrieved.

Qin Wenyan simply ignored Jiang Chen lazily, otherwise she would not know how messed up this guy would be. She stepped forward and pulled the two drivers who were killed by Jiang Chen from the cockpit.

"Jiang Chen, I just saw the driver attack you. Could it be that these two are ancient martial arts practitioners?" After watching for a while, Qin Wenyan asked without seeing anything.

"That's right, they are ancient martial arts practitioners, but unfortunately, their strength is too rubbish." Jiang Chen said.

"Have you offended anyone?" Qin Wenyan asked again.

"Ask Miss Yan, what do you mean by that? Could it be that I, Jiang Chen, seem to be the kind of person who likes to cause trouble everywhere? From my point of view, it must be because your Tianzu is too ostentatious and makes enemies everywhere, which is why people Revenge will put you to death." Jiang Chen yelled.

"It's not impossible." Qin Wenyan pondered.

The two drivers are both dead, and it is impossible for a dead person to speak.

Maybe it was for Jiang Chen, or maybe it was for her.

Moreover, what Jiang Chen said was correct, there were indeed quite a few enemies in the Tianzu, and when Jiang Chen said this, Qin Wenyan faintly felt that it might be more likely that the other party came to her.

"What do you mean there is no such possibility? This is the fact, okay?" Jiang Chen said.

"There's no point arguing about this now." Qin Wenyan reminded.

"How can it be meaningless? If I don't argue with you, you will definitely pour dirty water on me." Jiang Chen said.

Qin Wenyan couldn't laugh or cry, is this guy a little too sensitive?

What do you mean pouring dirty water on him?She just raised the possibility of the problem, but she didn't insist that this matter was done by Jiang Chen's enemies.

On the contrary, Jiang Chen danced so happily that Qin Wenyan wondered if it was because of a guilty conscience.

But since he said that arguing is meaningless, Qin Wenyan would not argue with Jiang Chen, and said: "Get in the car, I will let people investigate the matter here."

"There's no need to investigate, they've already arrived." Jiang Chen said.

The sound of the roaring engine came from afar. A yellow sports car was coming from a distance at an extremely fast speed. Seeing the sports car, Qin Wenyan frowned slightly. She knew what Jiang Chen was talking about. Yes, indeed, someone delivered it to the door.

The speed of the sports car was very fast, and after a while, it stopped not far from Jiang Chen and Qin Wenyan.

As soon as the car stopped, the door opened, and a yellow figure got out of the car.

"Another big beauty, what's going on, do beauties appear in groups these days?" Looking at the yellow figure that emerged from the sports car, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up slightly.

Even with Qin Wenyan Zhuyu in front, the woman in the yellow dress was not at all inferior, her temperament was bright, her eyes were smiling, giving people a feeling of extraordinarily affectionate.

"Fairy." Jiang Chen smacked his mouth.

He took a few more glances at the woman in the yellow dress, and he felt as if her soul would be taken away.

"It's you." Seeing the woman in the yellow skirt get out of the car, Qin Wenyan's expression changed quietly, whether it was an accident or something else.

"Surprised to see me, right?" The woman in the yellow dress smiled slightly. She was already charming, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that this smile captivated all beings.

"Scared." Qin Wenyan corrected coldly.

"Are you so timid? I don't believe it." The woman in the yellow dress smiled enchantingly, and walked over step by step, her waist like a thin willow, and she walked gracefully.

"You arranged what happened here?" Qin Wenyan asked.

"It's me." The woman in the yellow dress didn't even have the slightest intention to deny it, and said with a light smile, "Qin Wenyan, you said you were frightened, so it must be such a small situation that frightened you."

"Last time, I told you not to appear in front of me again, do you remember what I said?" Qin Wenyan ignored the teasing of the woman in yellow skirt and questioned.

"I remember, but what can I do? I just like to appear in front of you, and I just like to see you crazy. If you are not convinced, hit me." The woman in the yellow skirt said with a smile.

"Last time, I let you go. If you don't know what's good, don't blame me for being rude to you." Qin Wenyan's face was very ugly.

"I should be the one who said that, right? Last time I lost half a trick to you, this time, I'm here to collect debt from you." The woman in the yellow skirt said slowly.

"If I had known this, I shouldn't have let you leave alive." Qin Wenyan said.

"It's as if you can kill me." The woman in the yellow skirt said confrontationally.

"You will pay the price for what you did today." Qin Wenyan said indifferently, moved his feet, and walked towards the beauty in the yellow dress.

"Wait...wait first..." But as soon as Qin Wenyan moved, Jiang Chen cried out impatiently.

"Jiang Chen, what's the matter?" Qin Wenyan asked.

"Ask Miss Yan, and this beauty. Although, I don't know exactly what kind of conflict there is between the two of you, but didn't you two realize that you forgot something?" Jiang Chen said.

"What?" Qin Wenyan was puzzled.

"Forget about me, I am such a handsome guy standing here, you two beautiful women, if you disagree, you will fight and kill me, have you taken me seriously?" Jiang Chen was furious. Said.

(End of this chapter)

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