genius evil

Chapter 716 Good Brother and Good Sister

Chapter 716 Good Brother and Good Sister

Qin Wenyan's head was covered with black lines. What kind of trouble is Jiang Chen making at this time?
Don't you think things are not troublesome enough?

Don't look at the woman in the yellow dress as beautiful and charming, but she is actually very femme fatale.

You know, the reason why she had a conflict with the woman in the yellow dress last time was because she saw with her own eyes that the woman in the yellow dress brutally killed a person.

Fighting and killing between ancient martial arts practitioners and ancient martial arts practitioners is a common thing.

Especially on the eve of the upcoming meeting of the ancient martial arts alliance, the land of Huaxia is full of demons dancing wildly, and there are countless ancient martial arts practitioners who die every day.

Even if he is a member of the Tianzu and has the responsibility of supervision, Qin Wenyan will not interfere in everything.

But the biggest problem was that the woman in the yellow skirt wanted to kill the opponent, she would kill her, but she killed her opponent in an extremely cruel way when the opponent was obviously not her opponent.

When this happens, it's fine if you don't see it. Once you see it, Qin Wenyan has no choice but to take care of it, so he and the woman in the yellow skirt have a conflict and become grudges.

When this happened today, Qin Wenyan had thought about many possibilities, but he really did not expect that it would be arranged by the woman in the yellow skirt.

I have to say that this woman in the yellow skirt perfectly interprets what it means to report flaws!

"Little brother, if you call me sister beautiful, I will take you seriously." The woman in the yellow skirt said with a smile.

"Okay, beautiful sister." Jiang Chen nodded seriously.

"Call me sister." The woman in the yellow skirt gave Jiang Chen a coquettish look.

"Sister." Jiang Chen said honestly.

"Heck..." Jiang Chen called his sister twice in a row, but the woman in the yellow skirt didn't seem to be angry, instead she laughed coquettishly, cast a wink at Jiang Chen, and said, "Sister, am I pretty?"

"Nature is beautiful." Jiang Chen became more honest.

In this kind of matter, Jiang Chen has always said one thing, never lie, beautiful is beautiful, on the other hand, if he is allowed to praise an ugly girl for being beautiful without conscience, he will never say it if he is killed .

"Then tell me, your sister, me, or this woman, who is more beautiful?" The woman in the yellow dress pointed at Qin Wenyan and asked with a light smile.

After being told by the woman in the yellow skirt, Qin Wenyan subconsciously looked at Jiang Chen.

Beautiful women and beautiful women are natural enemies. If you praise another woman for being more beautiful in front of a beautiful woman, you are undoubtedly playing with fire.

Under such circumstances, no matter who is said to be beautiful, it is bound to offend the other woman severely, and there is no room for redress.

"Equally beautiful." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

If you want him to jump into such an obvious trap, you might underestimate his IQ too much.

"No, you have to make it clear that who is beautiful can't be equally beautiful." The woman in the yellow skirt said dissatisfied.

"Good sister, if you ask me this question, you might as well ask me, if the two of you fall into the water together, who will I save first." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay, if the two of us fell into the water together, who would you save first?" The woman in the yellow skirt asked like a follower of kindness.

"It depends first, you two, who can swim and who can't swim." Jiang Chen said.

"What if you can't swim?" The woman in the yellow skirt blinked.

"That depends on how deep the river is, whether it can drown people." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Of course the river is deep, otherwise why do you want to save someone? Hurry up and tell me who to save first." The woman in the yellow skirt urged.

"My good sister, you still forgot the most important prerequisite. You forgot to ask me if I can swim." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Little brother, you are dishonest." The woman in the yellow skirt stomped her feet with an angry look on her face.

"Good sister, I call you sister, how can you call me little brother, this seniority, isn't it messed up, hurry up, call good brother to listen." Jiang Chen said.

"You are so dishonest, I will not recognize you as a brother, unless you say that I am more beautiful than her, then I will call you a good brother." The woman in the yellow skirt curled her lips.

"You are my good sister. In my eyes, of course you are the most beautiful. Although, in fact, you are as beautiful as Miss Wenyan." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Big liar." The woman in the yellow skirt complained coquettishly.

"Have you two finished talking?" Qin Wenyan couldn't help it after listening for a while.

They didn't know whether to say that women in yellow skirts were too casual, or that Jiang Chen's methods of picking up girls were too superb. In the blink of an eye, it was his brothers and sisters who got him.

"Hehe, Qin Wenyan, you are jealous, right?" the woman in the yellow skirt said with a smile.

"Full of nonsense." Qin Wenyan snorted coldly.

She and Jiang Chen don't have any special relationship, so why are they jealous?

"If you're jealous, you're jealous. What's there to hide? Could it be that you're not jealous just because I can laugh at you?" The woman in the yellow skirt smiled even more happily.

"Good sister, don't talk nonsense, Miss Wenyan and I have an incomparably pure relationship between men and women." Jiang Chen said.

"Brother, you said that the two of you are both men and women, can you still be called pure?" the woman in the yellow skirt said, and the sound of "good brother" was called a ecstasy.

Jiang Chen heard it, and felt that every bone in his body was crisp.

"My good sister, this is your fault. There are two types of relationships between men and women, one is pure and the other is impure." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Then, even if the relationship between the two of you is pure for the time being, do you want to become impure?" the woman in the yellow dress bewitched.

Jiang Chen was moved.

Of course he wanted to.

He, Jiang Chen, is not Liu Xiahui, who is not in trouble or anything, that has nothing to do with him.

"Good brother, you must really want to, right? Then I will catch her in a while and leave it to you to deal with. You have to seize the opportunity. I can see that she is still a big girl, cheap Good brother, you." The woman in the yellow skirt continued to bewitch.

"Good sister, you may not know, hello brother, I pick up girls based on my real skills, and I never do forced things." Jiang Chen said without changing his face and heartbeat.

"Good brother, this is a bit difficult, but I will work hard to let this woman take the initiative to make the relationship with you impure." The woman in the yellow skirt thought for a while and said.

"Enough." Qin Wenyan was annoyed.

Jiang Chen and the woman in the yellow skirt, you talked to each other with great joy, did you put her in your eyes?
Jiang Chen is also extremely hateful, he is obviously very excited, it can't be so easy, just bewitched by this woman in yellow skirt, right?

If Jiang Chen was really bewitched by the woman in the yellow dress and joined hands with the woman in the yellow dress to deal with her, then today's matter would be troublesome.

"Qin Wenyan, you don't have to pretend to be indifferent in front of me. My good brother is so handsome, and he is more than enough to match you. If I hadn't recognized him as my brother, I wouldn't have put him on He will give it to you." The woman in the yellow skirt said leisurely.

Jiang Chen grinned happily.

After all, this good sister of his has a good vision, not as low as Qin Wenyan gave him.

"You like it, you can take it, you don't need to involve me in anything." Qin Wenyan was a little annoyed.

"The liking between a brother and a younger sister is different from the liking between a man and a woman. What's more, I can tell that my good brother likes you. You don't have a boyfriend anyway, so give me this good brother." , be your girlfriend." The woman in the yellow skirt said with a playful smile.

"I said, if you fall in love with Jiang Chen, you can look for him anyway, it has nothing to do with me." Qin Wenyan gritted his teeth.

"Qin Wenyan, why do you think you are so stupid? How could my sister fall in love with my brother? If it spreads out, people will laugh at you." The woman in the yellow skirt frowned and said, as if she was very unhappy.

"Then you shut up. Take action." Qin Wenyan was very annoyed.

"Good brother, you remember, my name is Huang Chan, now your good sister, I, want to fight for your sexual life, you must cheer for me." The woman in the yellow skirt clenched her small fist and waved it. said.

"Jiang Chen, how dare you!" Qin Wenyan was a little mad.

"Come on, both of you, and I'll just watch. I don't have any other hobbies. My biggest hobby is watching beautiful women fight. You two, you must fight well and don't let me down. "Jiang Chen laughed.

"Good brother, why are you so bad, what do you mean by liking to watch beautiful women fight, is it for pity, okay, no wonder this Qin Wenyan looks down on you a little bit, as for you, you just don't understand the style. "Huang Chan said in disbelief.

"Good sister, I only have such a little hobby, you don't want to take it away?" Jiang Chen looked aggrieved.

"Well, good brother, since you like to watch it, I'll make it look better and let you see enough. But, you can't just look at her, you have to look at me more, otherwise I won't be motivated Yes." Huang Chan thought for a while and said, very understanding.

"No problem." Jiang Chen nodded.

Of course, we can't just look at Qin Wenyan, it is necessary to look at Huang Chan. Jiang Chen never does things that favor one person over another.

As for Qin Wenyan, hearing these words at this moment, he let out a little sigh of relief.

The biggest thing about her is that Jiang Chen was bewitched by Huang Chan, and the two teamed up to deal with her.

Moreover, she had no position at all to ask Jiang Chen not to do anything. After all, she wanted to bring Jiang Chen back. What Jiang Chen had to face was the anger from the Tianzu.

To Jiang Chen, that kind of anger would undoubtedly be a disaster.

In other words, even if Jiang Chen and Huang Chan join forces, it is a matter of course.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't intend to do anything, which made Qin Wenyan heave a sigh of relief, but gave Jiang Chen a faint look.

Although Jiang Chen seemed to be easily led by the nose when he saw a beautiful woman, it seemed that it wasn't that bad, and there were still some merits.

"Good brother, since there is no problem, then I will take action." Huang Chan signaled.

"Go ahead." Jiang Chen said.

Almost as soon as Jiang Chen's words fell, Huang Chan's two wrists shook slightly, and the two long sleeves flew out, sweeping towards Qin Wenyan's neck...

(End of this chapter)

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