genius evil

Chapter 72

Chapter 72
Zhou Ji is an unreliable person, but his driving skills are quite reliable. About an hour later, the Audi car stopped outside a villa in the eastern suburbs of Yilan City.

Zhou Ji opened the car door and got out of the car, led Jiang Chen inside, and said, "Jiang Chen, we're here, let me take you in, otherwise, you can't get in this place alone."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, noncommittal.

This is a single-family villa with an astonishingly large area. Although from the outside, it is impossible to tell how rich the interior is, there is no doubt that the security must be extremely meticulous. It is difficult for ordinary people to enter under normal circumstances, but Jiang Chen naturally He doesn't think he's an ordinary person, it's just that he won't tell Zhou Jiduo about this kind of problem.

"Master Zhou, please stay." Zhou Ji's words had just finished when one of the four bodyguards guarding in front of the big iron gate stretched out his hand and stopped Zhou Ji.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Ji frowned, a little displeased.

"Master Biao, Uncle Fu has ordered that today's day is a bit special, and no one else is allowed to enter." The bodyguard said in a straightforward manner.

"You mean to say, I'm an idler?" Zhou Ji's face immediately changed. Although what he said to Jiang Chen just now was not bragging, but just telling Jiang Chen a fact, what the bodyguard said immediately Time gave Zhou Ji the feeling of being slapped in the face.

"Master Biao, of course you are not an idler, but Uncle Fu also said, Master Biao, you like to make friends. If there are too many friends, there will be mixed good and bad. In order to avoid disturbing the old man's rest, Master Biao, you and this friend, it is better to have another day. Come again." The bodyguard's reply was neither humble nor overbearing, and when he said this, he even glanced at Jiang Chen.

"Uncle Fu is too lenient. He even cares about the friends I make. If this outsider didn't know, he would think that the person in charge of the Xu family's surname is not Xu, but Chen." Zhou Ji was furious.

"I'm just a bodyguard. I'll do what Uncle Fu says, and please don't embarrass us servants." The bodyguard said slowly, as if he wasn't worried about offending Zhou Ji, the young master. He waved his hand, The other three black-clothed bodyguards standing in front of the iron gate came over and completely blocked Jiang Chen and Zhou Ji's way.

"Get out, good dogs don't get in the way, get out of here." Zhou Ji broke out completely. The bodyguard kept saying not to embarrass them, but he came to embarrass him. He obviously didn't take him seriously at all. Keep him from getting angry.

"Master Biao, we have said what we have to say. If you insist on doing this, then we can only be rude." The bodyguard's voice was a little dull.

"What, you still dare to do something to me? I'll lend you a hundred guts, and you try to touch a hair of mine?" Zhou Ji roared like thunder.

In the Xu family, he used to enter whenever he wanted, and leave whenever he wanted. No one had ever set him any rules, Mr. Xu did not. He, Uncle Fu, was just an outsider who added others, and so many rules were listed for him. , He hasn't done it yet, these few bodyguards who don't open their eyes want to do it?

He really wanted to see if these guys had taken the guts out of ambition.

"Master Biao, you misunderstood, how can we do anything to you, just let you leave temporarily." The bodyguard said calmly.

"I'll just stand here and see who of you dares to let me go." Zhou Ji lost his temper, not to mention that he answered Xu Anqi's call and went to pick up Jiang Chen, even if there was nothing wrong with it, this happened , where to put his face.

"Master Biao, I offended you." The bodyguard said something, and then walked towards Zhou Ji. As soon as the man moved, the three bodyguards behind him walked towards Zhou Ji. Zhou Ji resisted a little, and lifted Zhou Ji up.

After lifting Zhou Ji, the four of them walked like flying towards a commercial van parked a little further away. It seemed that they planned to stuff Zhou Ji into the car and send Zhou Ji away.

Zhou Ji never thought that these bodyguards would be so courageous. After their bodies were suspended in the air, they were all stunned. Chen called out: "Jiang Chen, help, help quickly."

"Stop it all, put people down." Even if Zhou Ji didn't shout, Jiang Chen planned to prevent this from happening.

Jiang Chen had been silent before, because he was a little unclear about the situation for the time being, so he handed over the full power to Zhou Jilai to intervene. The final result of the interference, I have to say, surprised Jiang Chen.

The Xu family, of course, is surnamed Xu, but the current situation seems to be that Uncle Fu is in charge of the family. According to what Zhou Ji said just now, Uncle Fu's surname is Chen, and the exact name Jiang Chen is not clear, but it is undoubtedly not the Xu family in the true sense.

Zhou Ji is a cousin of the Xu family. Although he is not a member of the Xu family, his relationship is naturally a bit more natural in blood than Fu Bo, whose surname is Chen.

However, the bodyguards unilaterally obeyed Uncle Fu's words and did not give Zhou Ji any face. This situation is undoubtedly a bit abnormal.

Abnormal at the same time, obviously also extremely interesting.

"Boy, you're not from our Xu family, so it's best not to meddle in other people's business." It was still the bodyguard who was speaking, obviously he was the spokesperson of the four bodyguards.

"I told you to put him down, didn't you hear?" Jiang Chen's voice turned cold, and he stared at the bodyguard coldly.He didn't know whether this situation was aimed at Zhou Ji or him, but this attack was really big enough.

Zhou Ji was really sent away, it was one thing to embarrass Zhou Ji, but he was also disgraced.

As soon as he met Jiang Chen's eyes, the bodyguard's heart tightened. He felt as if he was being targeted by a poisonous snake, and his face turned slightly pale.

"Boy, I heard what you said, but you didn't seem to hear me. Just because we're being polite to Young Master Biao doesn't mean we're being polite to you." Soon, the bodyguard responded coldly.

"Fart, it's all fart, when have you been polite to me?" Zhou Ji yelled loudly.

"Master Biao, you'd better not yell, or you will be the one to lose face." The bodyguard said with a dark face.

"Damn it, you dare to threaten me." Zhou Ji almost vomited blood. Although he was just a little playboy, he had never been threatened like this, let alone by a bodyguard.

"Boy, what are you still standing there for? We don't care what relationship you have with Young Master Biao. If you don't go away, you will suffer a lot later." The bodyguard said to Jiang Chen again.

"Interesting, really interesting." The corners of Jiang Chen's lips parted, Jiang Chen suddenly laughed, and the next second, Jiang Chen appeared in front of the four bodyguards.




The sound of bones breaking came out one after another. Accompanied by that sound, there were painful ghost howls. In just an instant, the chests of the four bodyguards were sunken in, and an unknown number of ribs were broken.

They didn't know when they let go, Zhou Ji fell to the ground on his buttocks, but Zhou Ji didn't care about the pain in his buttocks at all, he was completely stunned by the sound.

Seeing the miserable condition of the four bodyguards, Zhou Ji opened his mouth wide enough to stuff a duck egg in.

The bodyguards hired by Xu's family were all elites from big security companies. Not to mention one against ten, one against five is absolutely no problem.

But the few of them, in front of Jiang Chen, were like three-year-old children, so vulnerable, they didn't even see how Jiang Chen did it, these four were still showing off their might just a second ago Guys, it's all scrapped.

"Is this kid still human?" Zhou Ji shuddered again, and finally understood why he had an instinctive fear of Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen's thin body was completely dormant with a terrifying head. Fierce beast.

Such a scene made Zhou Ji a little bit lucky. Fortunately, Jiang Chen only kicked him a few times, otherwise his end would definitely not be much better than these four bodyguards.

After staying for a while, Zhou Ji laughed happily: "Good job Jiang Chen, relieve your anger, it's so fucking relieved."

"Oh, aren't you afraid?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Why should I be afraid? They were the ones who got hurt and not me. They deserve it...Speaking of which, I still need to thank you, otherwise I would be sent away in a traffic jam. I'm so ashamed today." Zhou Jiyi Looks very happy.

Zhou Ji's words made Jiang Chen give him a high look, and after listening to Zhou Ji's words, Jiang Chen just glanced at the business van.

"Whose car is this car?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it before." Zhou Ji looked at the license plate and shook his head.

"Don't you think it's strange that a car you haven't seen before is parked here?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Is it strange? It seems that the Xu family has a lot of cars, so it's not surprising that I haven't seen them before?" Zhou Ji didn't quite understand Jiang Chen's logic.

"Suppose, this car is parked here, is it specially used to send you away, or send me away?" Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

Zhou Ji's face suddenly changed. He is not a fool. If Jiang Chen is like this, even if he doesn't want to have some associations, it is impossible.

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean?" Zhou Ji said after taking a breath of air.

"I didn't say anything." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen smiled jokingly.

"Yes, you didn't say anything, but I know, this is someone who is specifically targeting me... No, it should be targeting you, they don't want you to enter this door." Zhou Ji pointed to the direction of the big iron gate Said.

Jiang Chen is not from the Xu family, Jiang Chen can be indifferent to many things, but he is a cousin of the Xu family, since he has seen such things, there is no way he can be indifferent.

"You said those words, but I didn't say anything." Jiang Chen had an innocent look on his face.

Zhou Ji scratched his head, feeling faintly in his heart, this Jiang Chen is obviously just a high school student, why does he look like an old fox.

But right now is not the time to think about these things, Zhou Ji waved his hand, and said to Jiang Chen: "Come on, let's go in, this matter needs someone to give an explanation, I Zhou Ji, not everyone can bully."

"Zhou Ji, what the hell are you doing? Who asked you to make trouble and even hurt the security guard? Do you really think this Xu family is your Zhou family?" The voice came over!
(End of this chapter)

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