genius evil

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

"Chen Lin, you are right. This is not the Zhou family, but it is definitely not the Chen family. Why, I just beat a few dogs. Do I have to get your permission?" Zhou Ji stared at the man who was coming out of the villa. A young man said gruffly.

A young man named Chen Lin, about 25 or [-] years old, not tall, but rather lean, with a well-tailored black suit and tie, neat and meticulous.

From the appearance alone, there is a certain gap between Chen Lin and Zhou Ji, but that capable temperament is not what Zhou Ji can match.

"Of course this is not the Chen family." Hearing Zhou Ji's words, Chen Lin smiled lightly and said, "As for how many dogs you said you beat, it seems that you didn't figure it out. It was my elder brother who specially invited the old man What about the bodyguards who came here, they are responsible for the security here, if you hurt them like this, the old man knows, it’s not easy to explain, right?"

Zhou Ji's face changed slightly when he heard the words. Even if he was a fool, he understood that this was Chen Lin's backer.

No matter whether he was sent away or injured the bodyguards, he couldn't get the slightest benefit. Especially, those bodyguards were still here to protect Mr. Xu's safety, not security guards in the ordinary sense. It depends on the master, this is because of Mr. Xu's face.

"You bully me." Zhou Ji's eyes spewed fire.

"It doesn't matter whether you are slandering you or not. The facts just prove that you are too stupid. If I were you, I would leave as soon as possible and get as far away as possible." Chen Lin said noncommittally.

"Damn it!" Zhou Ji held his breath and almost suffocated.

If he had an almanac in his hand, he would want to open the almanac to see if his luck today is not suitable for going out.

After getting out of the car and talking to Jiang Chen, he was slapped in the face by the bodyguards. At this time, he finally solved the problem with the bodyguards. He was thinking of going in to ask for an explanation, but this door, looking at it now, is not so easy to enter. That's right, it's like being slapped in the face again.

"Why, why don't you get out?" Chen Lin said with a sideways glance at Zhou Ji.

"Chen Lin, you'd better be polite to me. What are you? You're just a dog of the Xu family. If it wasn't for the protection of the old man, you would be nothing at all." Zhou Ji said angrily.

Chen Lin's eyes darkened slightly, but unexpectedly, he did not get angry, but said lightly: "Zhou Ji, you are right, our Chen family is the dog raised by the Xu family. In addition to that, once the dog goes crazy, it will bite people."

"I'm standing here, come over and try to bite me?" Zhou Ji said tit for tat.

Chen Lin's eyes swept across Zhou Ji's body, with a half-smile, as if he really planned to bite Zhou Ji.

Zhou Ji shivered inexplicably, his face became a little strange for a while, and said: "Chen Lin, I am not here to talk nonsense with you today, I asked An Qi to come out to pick me up, and see why you still won't let me in."

The smile on Chen Lin's face grew stronger. Zhou Ji's words were meant to show weakness, which made him very amused, and said with a smile: "Zhou Ji, no wonder so many people outside call you a waste, you are really a waste .”

"Damn it, what are you talking about? Believe it or not, I'll beat you up." Zhou Ji exploded immediately, which was his biggest taboo.

"You can't beat me, don't take it upon yourself." Chen Lin said with contempt on his face.

How could Zhou Ji suffer from this, he rushed up and swung his fist and hit him.


Chen Lin kicked Zhou Ji in the stomach, and kicked Zhou Ji to the ground, making him unable to move.

"Damn it, I'm hurting to death, Jiang Chen, don't watch the show, hurry up and help me." Zhou Ji grinned in pain and said unhappily.

"Why should I help? He beat you and not me." Jiang Chen said casually.

"But I was beaten, you can't just ignore it, can you?" Zhou Ji said with a mournful face.

Previously, Jiang Chen severely injured the four bodyguards in an instant. Zhou Ji saw it. He thought that Jiang Chen would help him this time. How could he know that Jiang Chen had no intention of making a move at all.

"Then let's wait until you are beaten to death." Jiang Chen remained indifferent.

"No way, Jiang Chen, can you stop being so cruel?" Zhou Ji was confused for a while.

"It's not that I'm cruel, but that you're not cruel enough to yourself. If you don't want to be beaten to death, the only thing you can do is to knock him down. Do you want me to teach you such a simple truth?" Said dispensable.

"That's the truth, but I really can't beat him." Zhou Ji's eyeballs rolled around.

"It seems that you really like the title of scumbag, not to mention, it really suits you." Jiang Chen made up his mind to stand on the sidelines, not being moved by Zhou Ji's words in the slightest.

Zhou Ji's face turned red in an instant, and he quickly got up from the ground. He gritted his teeth and said, "Jiang Chen, do you know who passed on the title of this trash."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "You shouldn't ask me this question, but you should ask yourself."

"That's right, I should ask myself." Zhou Ji nodded vigorously, but before he finished speaking, he raised his fist and rushed towards Chen Lin again.

"Zhou Ji, I think you are not only a waste, but also an idiot. You are so excited just by saying a few words, do you really think you can defeat me?" Chen Lin smiled coldly, looking at Jiang Chen like that, It also became unfriendly.


Accompanied by Chen Lin's voice, Chen Lin kicked Zhou Ji to the ground for the second time.

Zhou Ji quickly got up and rushed towards Chen Lin for the third time...then the fourth time...the fifth time...

Like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, Zhou Ji was kicked to the ground again and again, and then attacked Chen Lin again and again.

Chen Lin claimed to be a dog before, but from the current situation, Zhou Ji is more like a dog, or a mad dog who wants to die.

Chen Lin was quite calm at first, with a smirk on his face, but watching Zhou Ji fall and get up again and again, his expression gradually became unsightly.

Because every time Zhou Ji was kicked over, he also paid a price, although the price he paid was much lighter than that of Zhou Ji.

But, Zhou Ji is like a mad dog, he adopts a completely lose-lose style of play. He can parry once or twice, or three times or four times, but it is absolutely impossible for him to parry every time.


After being kicked and turned over many times, Zhou Ji's body bumped into Chen Lin suddenly while Chen Lin was not paying attention, knocking Chen Lin to the ground.

Zhou Ji pushed Chen Lin down, clasped Chen Lin's neck with both hands, and exhausted all his strength, as if he would not give up until he strangled Chen Lin.

"You trash, how dare you pinch me, let me go."


"Ah, I can't breathe, idiot, do you really want to strangle me?"


"Zhou Ji, are you crazy, let go, let go."


"Zhou Ji, I was wrong. I shouldn't have said that you are trash. I am trash. Please let me go. I'm really going to die."


After being strangled by Zhou Ji, Chen Lin was still roaring hysterically at the beginning, as if he was convinced by Zhou Ji, but then he gradually felt that something was wrong, he just became flustered, and later, he realized that Zhou Ji did not want to let go at all It seemed that he was really going to strangle him to death, but he was completely confused and begged, and even said such nonsense as I was talking nonsense.

No matter how much Chen Lin begged for mercy, Zhou Ji did not intend to let go at all. The veins on the back of his hands were exposed, and his eyes were even more bloody, shining with crazy light.

Seeing the madness in Zhou Ji's eyes, Chen Lin's eyes turned ashamed. He never thought that Zhou Ji would have such a side.

"Could it be that I'm going to die like this?" Chen Lin's body was trembling, he really wanted to push Zhou Ji away, but he couldn't do anything at all, he could only feel the passing of his anger bit by bit.

"Cousin, Brother Xiaolin, what are you doing?" But at this moment, a panicked voice came.

It was Xu Anqi who spoke, and Xu Anqi ran over. She was extremely happy when she saw Jiang Chen, but after seeing the appearance of Zhou Ji and Chen Lin, she was shocked again, and her voice changed.

"Yeah, what am I doing?" Hearing that voice, Zhou Jicai woke up like a dream. He glanced at Chen Lin in a daze, then he let go of his hands and got up in a daze.

"Cousin, brother Xiaolin, why did you fight?" Xu Anqi didn't know what happened, and couldn't understand the situation at all.

"It's okay, we're just kidding around." Chen Lin coughed suddenly, struggled to get up from the ground, and looked at Zhou Ji like that, which was extremely complicated.

"Yeah, it's just a joke." Zhou Ji chuckled, although he was in pain everywhere, but seeing Chen Lin's miserable appearance, he felt an unprecedented sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"Zhou Ji, how do you feel?" Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

"Very good, very relieved." Zhou Ji said loudly, this is definitely his most manly time in more than 20 years.

"Since it's good, then remember this feeling." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I will remember it, and I will remember it for the rest of my life." Zhou Ji's voice became louder. Even if Jiang Chen didn't remind him, it would be impossible for him to forget what happened today in his life.

"It's good if you can remember." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction.

"Jiang Chen, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word?" Xu Anqi said in confusion. It seems that Zhou Ji and Jiang Chen only met today, so they seem to have a very good relationship.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, it's fine if you're here, just to say hello to you, I should go." Jiang Chen didn't say much.

"Jiang Chen, you just came, why are you leaving? You won't treat my grandfather?" Xu Anqi was stunned, and accidentally revealed her real purpose for inviting Jiang Chen to come.

Jiang Chen looked at Xu Anqi with a smile, and said, "Now is not the time, you can go in and tell your grandfather later that I will come back in three days."

"Wait three days and come again? Why do you have to wait three days and come again?" Xu Anqi was anxious, and the more she listened, the more confused she became.

"If Mr. Xu is not too confused, he will understand what I mean." Jiang Chen replied casually, and walked straight to the car parking place.

Although Zhou Ji was also a bit puzzled, he followed quickly. After getting in the car, he started the car and left...

(End of this chapter)

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