genius evil

Chapter 720 One Room, One Bed

Chapter 720 One Room, One Bed
Half an hour later, Jiang Chen just drove and appeared in the downtown area of ​​Tiannan City. When he saw a hotel, he drove directly in the direction of the hotel.

Open the door, get out of the car, and then open the door of the rear seat, one in each hand, carried Qin Wenyan and Huang Chan out, Jiang Chen carried them into the hotel.

"Open the room." Jiang Chen said.

"Sir, how many rooms are available?" The girl at the front desk looked at Qin Wenyan and Huang Chan in amazement. Even though they were both women, they still had a strong sense of amazement and an inexplicable sense of inferiority in their hearts. They didn't dare to take a second look.

"Little sister, how can you ask such an idiotic question? Of course, you need to open a room." Before Jiang Chen could speak, Huang Chan rushed to speak, fully displaying the style of "If you don't die, you won't die." extreme.

"Two... no, three." Qin Wenyan said hastily upon hearing this.

According to Qin Wenyan's plan, open two rooms, one for her, and one for Jiang Chen and Huang Chan. It was a disaster, and that was her own fault.

But when she thought about it, Qin Wenyan felt something was wrong again. If Jiang Chen couldn't control it and really harmed Huang Chan, then Jiang Chen and Huang Chan joined forces, and her situation would become extremely embarrassing.

What's more, with Huang Chan's flawed personality, she must be unwilling to be harmed by Jiang Chen. After being harmed by Jiang Chen, she will be determined to drag her into the water. , she will inevitably be harmed by Jiang Chen.

Instead, in order to avoid possible troubles, it is better to open three rooms, three rooms, one for each person, each has nothing to do with it.And she can also have a relatively quiet space to heal her injuries.

"Qin Wenyan, what's the matter with you, my brother Qing doesn't work hard to make money, how much does it cost to open three rooms? Besides, what is the relationship between the three of us now, if you insist on opening three rooms , and then the two rooms are empty, why are you so worried about wasting my brother's money on purpose?" Huang Chan retorted quickly.

"What's the relationship between the three of us?" Qin Wenyan asked bluntly.

Why didn't she know what was the relationship between the three?

Even if Huang Chan yelled at my brother Qing one by one, in fact, Huang Chan still has nothing to do with Jiang Chen.

And she herself, whether it was with Jiang Chen or Huang Chan, had nothing to do with her at all.

It's embarrassing for Huang Chan to be able to say something out of nothing so confidently that people who don't know have heard this, as if there really is some kind of shady relationship between the three of them.

"The relationship between the three of us can be seen by others. What are you pretending to do here? No one here knows you." Huang Chan rolled her eyes.

"I don't understand what you're talking about at all." With Qin Wenyan's IQ, it was impossible for Huang Chan to get involved so easily.

"Qin Wenyan, just play dumb here." Huang Chan curled her lips and turned to Jiang Chen, "Brother Qing, can we just open one room? I only like one room."

"As long as you like it." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Although opening a room is something he is extremely happy to see happen, but Jiang Chen will not participate in the war between these two women.

He just watched quietly, and then just picked up a little cheap.

Open one room or open two rooms, anyway, he will be the one who gets the cheapest in the end.

As for opening three rooms, Jiang Chen just pretended that Qin Wenyan hadn't said that. Anyway, Huang Chan objected, which was exciting. There was no need for him to intervene in this kind of matter.

"Three rooms, at least two. I will pay for this room myself." Qin Wenyan said without doubt.

"Qin Wenyan, I simply don't understand, why do you have the nerve to say such a thing?" Upon hearing this, Huang Chan yelled loudly.

"I don't take advantage of others, and no one else can take advantage of me." Qin Wenyan said coldly.

These words were firstly for Huang Chan, and secondly, for Jiang Chen.

When she said that she would not take advantage of others, she meant that she would not spend Jiang Chen a penny. If she wanted to open a room for herself, then no one would care about it. In this way, naturally, no one would want to take advantage of her.

"I'm so pissed off, how can there be such a shameless woman like you in this world." Huang Chan yelled angrily, almost jumping up and down, the premise was, if she could move.

But even though she couldn't jump and her body reacted, it still didn't prevent Huang Chan from expressing her anger. She pointed at Qin Wenyan and asked, "Qin Wenyan, you, a person without a job, spend every cent , It's all earned by my brother Qing's hard work. It's my brother Qing's hard-earned money. Every penny you spend has the blood and tears of my brother Qing. You are too selfish and cruel. "

"Sister Qing, is it a bit exaggerated?" Jiang Chen reminded appropriately.

The so-called hard work and the so-called hard-earned money, these two adjectives, are definitely not compatible with him.

Dare to ask, is there anyone in this world who makes money more easily than him?

Although he often talks nonsense, but it's not enough.

"Brother Qing, why are you so stupid? I call it rhetorical tricks, do you understand rhetorical tricks?" Huang Chan asked bitterly.

"Be careful it will backfire." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Hmph, that's impossible. There's only one room today, and no one is going to open another room." Huang Chan said without doubt.

"Sir, have you discussed it? How many rooms will you open?" The girl at the front desk listened for a while, but couldn't help asking after all.

She felt that she seemed to understand the relationship between Jiang Chen and the two women, but it seemed that she didn't understand at all, and she was very confused.

"One, little sister, you have to be obedient, don't be swayed by some shameless women, or I will be very angry, and when I get angry, I will beat people." Huang Chan said with a smile, while While speaking, he gave Qin Wenyan a provocative look.

Seen by Huang Chan's glance, Qin Wenyan's face changed slightly.

Huang Chan's words may sound nothing to the girl at the front desk, but to her, they are a naked threat.

Huang Chan's threat was very simple, that is, if she insisted on opening two or three rooms, Huang Chan would get angry with the girl at the front desk.

Once Huang Chan got angry with the young girl at the front desk, it was not as simple as beating someone, but killing someone.

In terms of Huang Chan's method, if she wants to kill someone, no one can stop her.

"Beauty, are you sure you want to open a room? Please provide your ID card." The girl at the front desk didn't think there was anything wrong with Huang Chan's words.

What's more, Huang Chan is bright and charming, and her beauty is a bit unreal. The girl at the front desk probably broke her head, but she may not be able to detect that this woman is a real witch.

"Brother Qing, where's the ID card?" Huang Chan squinted her eyes, feeling the thrill of winning the battle.

Jiang Chen just took out his ID card and handed it over. The room was opened quickly, and after taking the room card, Jiang Chen carried a person in one hand, entered the elevator, and went upstairs.

"Brother Qing, I did you a huge favor this time, you must seize the opportunity." In the elevator, Huang Chan smiled strangely.

Qin Wenyan, on the other hand, was full of unease. She didn't want to be threatened by Huang Chan, but she had to be threatened by Huang Chan, otherwise, the girl at the front desk might die because of her.

This made Qin Wenyan annoyed to the extreme, but he couldn't vent his anger, so naturally his expression was not good-looking.

"No problem, I'm your elder brother, but I'm the man who is most good at seizing opportunities." Jiang Chen said with a smile, saw the elevator arrived, hugged the second daughter, swiped his card to open the door, and entered the room.

This is a star hotel, and the room I live in is a deluxe double bed room. The room is indeed very luxurious, but after Qin Wenyan entered the room, she didn't think about the interior decoration at all. Her eyes were fixed on the big bed. The bed took a look, then hastily averted his gaze.

"Jiang Chen, put me down." Qin Wenyan said.

"Qin Wenyan, it's okay to let you go, but you don't want to run away... No, Brother Qing, just to be on the safe side, you should give her an injection too." Huang Chan urged.

"She was injured, she couldn't run even if she wanted to." Jiang Chen said lightly, and put Qin Wenyan down casually.

"Brother Qing, I think it's important to be fair. You've already given me an injection, so why can't you give her an injection?" Huang Chan asked.

"Because you are not good." Jiang Chen smiled, the answer is that simple.

"Then if I am obedient, will you stop giving me injections?" Huang Chan blinked, acting coquettishly.

"It depends on my mood, if I'm in a good mood." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Brother Qing, I can rest assured that you will be in a very good mood today." Huang Chan said happily.

"Don't come up with wrong ideas, I, Jiang Chen, am a decent person." Jiang Chen said righteously.

"Brother Qing, you are so handsome, if you stop casually on the street, there will be countless women rushing in to recommend the pillow mat. Qin Wenyan, don't look at her sanctimonious appearance and indifferent personality. I don't know how hot she looks like, and she is ready to move. I guess, she won't be able to pretend for a long time, and she will pounce on it." Huang Chan said confidently.

"The vision is so good." Jiang Chen sighed endlessly.

"Otherwise, why am I your love sister and others are not." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"You two, can you be a little quieter?" Qin Wenyan walked to the French window, sat down cross-legged, and said with a frown.

She wanted to heal her wounds, but Jiang Chen and Huang Chan kept talking like this and couldn't be quiet for a moment, how could this make her heal?

"Qin Wenyan, just keep pretending, sooner or later your true colors will be revealed." Huang Chan ran on.

"I hope you're not talking about yourself." Qin Wenyan was very cold, Huang Chan kept saying that she was pretending, but she was the one who pretended the most. Qin Wenyan was a little curious, if Huang Chan continued to pretend like this, would he be able to pretend? How long does it take to pretend, will it be revealed as she said.

"I'm different from you, I never pretend." Huang Chan said humbly, just as she finished speaking, she didn't know what happened, Huang Chan's face suddenly became strange...

(End of this chapter)

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