genius evil

Chapter 721 The Highest Level of Mutual Injury

Chapter 721 The Highest Level of Mutual Injury

Just when Huang Chan's complexion changed, one could clearly see that Qin Wenyan, who was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his eyes slightly closed, was also quietly changing.

"Qin Wenyan, what did you do to me?" Huang Chan questioned extremely angrily, looking at Qin Wenyan like that, as if fire was about to burst out of her eyes.

When Huang Chan was laughing at Qin Wen's cigarette dress just now, she was talking when she suddenly felt a bit itchy all over her body. The itching was subtle at first, but soon, her whole body started to itch.

It wasn't an itchy skin, but an itching emanating from the inside out, as if ten thousand ants were crawling through her body.

At the same time, Huang Chan only felt that a ball of flame was burning in her abdomen, and that flame quickly spread all over her body in a very short time, as if her body was about to be burned.

The desire hidden in the depths of the heart, through the burning of the flame, is like a volcanic eruption, and quickly spews out.

In such a short period of less than a minute, her sanity was devoured extremely quickly at an extremely terrifying speed.

Even though she has never experienced sex between a man and a woman, and has no experience in that area, such an eruption of physical desire actually told Huang Chan that she had accidentally been tricked, and the murderer was extremely powerful. Maybe it was Qin Wenyan who questioned him out of anger.

"Huang Chan, what did you do to me?" Qin Wenyan stared at Huang Chan, and asked in a deep voice.

It can be clearly seen that when Qin Wenyan said this, there was a fine layer of fragrant sweat on Qin Wenyan's smooth and plump forehead, oozing out.

Even, as if he was forcibly enduring something, even if he was sitting on the ground, it was easy to see that Qin Wenyan's body was trembling uncontrollably.

After the two girls each asked this sentence, they looked at each other, and then turned into wide-eyed and small-eyed, both of them were stunned.

"Haha, Qin Wenyan, you're finished. After a while, I'll see how you pretend to be innocent." Each of them quickly saw the reason for the other's physical reaction. Huang Chan laughed out loud, almost crying Almost laughed out loud.

"Huang Chan, have you ever heard a saying that cleverness is misled by cleverness?" Qin Wenyan said with difficulty.

She is having a hard time, Huang Chan, and it is destined not to be.

"It's not smart, it's cunning. Qin Wenyan, I underestimated how cunning you are. I didn't expect you to be such a woman. But no matter how cunning you are, you still fall into my hands." Huang Chan Keep laughing, can't stop at all.

"What about you?" Qin Wenyan asked back.

"I, it's okay, I think I'm fine." Huang Chan's eyes flickered, and she said.

Qin Wenyan smiled coldly, and said, "You won't last long, and soon, you will feel bad."

"Thank you for your concern, but I'm really fine." Huang Chan said firmly.

"You have 10 minutes at most." Qin Wenyan reminded.

"Sorry, you only have 7 minutes at most." Huang Chan also reminded.

"You two, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand anything?" Jiang Chen looked puzzled.

"Brother Qing, don't worry, you will understand soon." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"A good thing or a bad thing?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Of course it's a good thing. It's a great thing. Brother Qing, after a while, I guarantee you will die laughing." Huang Chan said confidently.

"Jiang Chen, can you help me?" It was Qin Wenyan who said to Jiang Chen.

"Qin Wenyan, I have already said that you are fake and pure, and you don't know how coquettish you are in your bones. It's not a big deal, you just took the initiative. If something happens later, you can't help it Throw my brother Qing on the ground?" Huang Chan said contemptuously.

"Jiang Chen, you know medical skills, help me." Qin Wenyan ignored Huang Chan's cynicism, and said again.

She had seen Jiang Chen give Huang Chan an injection, and a mere silver needle was enough to completely incapacitate Huang Chan. It was obvious that Jiang Chen not only knew medical skills, but was also quite brilliant.

Otherwise, considering Huang Chan's strength, it would not be so easy to subdue.

Moreover, Huang Chan is now acting so submissive in front of Jiang Chen, it is not difficult to see that after that injection, Huang Chan is basically at the mercy of Jiang Chen.

She didn't quite know how domineering the medicine Huang Chan gave her was, but since Huang Chan said that it only takes 7 minutes, then, when the medicine's effect completely erupts in the body, there is no doubt that the time is only a short time. not long.

That is to say, she still has 7 minutes to go.

She had to solve her own troubles in just a few minutes, Huang Chan had no hope, her only hope lay in Jiang Chen.

As long as Jiang Chen is willing to help, even if it can't be completely relieved, it is good for Qin Wenyan to temporarily relieve the symptoms in his body.

Otherwise, when the time comes, her situation will become extremely embarrassing.

But the reality is that now, she is a little unbearable and quite embarrassed.

"Brother Qing, do you know medical skills? Why don't I know anything about it?" Huang Chan asked curiously, blinking.

"How come I still can't understand what you are talking about? I'm sorry, I don't know anything about medical skills. But, ask Miss Yan, if you don't feel well, I can help take you to the hospital." Jiang Chen Shi said calmly.

"Jiang Chen, you..."

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Qin Wenyan's heart instantly fell to the bottom.

She could clearly see that Jiang Chen knew medical skills, but Jiang Chen was all about cooperating with Huang Chan in acting, saying that he knew nothing about medical skills.

It goes without saying that Qin Wenyan already understood that Jiang Chen would not help him.

This inevitably made Qin Wenyan a little desperate. She looked at Jiang Chen with an extremely complicated look in her eyes.

Although, whether Jiang Chen helps her or not depends entirely on Jiang Chen's personal preference, she can't force it at all, even because she is a member of the Tianzu, and because of Liu Zhengzhi's death, she and Jiang Chen are considered to be on opposite sides , and couldn't extravagantly ask for Jiang Chen's help.

But even if Jiang Chen was unwilling to take action for various reasons, Qin Wenyan felt that Jiang Chen could actually refuse directly, and there was no need to lie and say that he knew nothing about medical skills.

Jiang Chen's words like this would only make her feel that Jiang Chen was bewitched by Huang Chan and that he was in cahoots with Huang Chan.

"Qin Wenyan, my brother Qing has already said that he doesn't know anything about medical skills, please don't force others to make things difficult for you? Besides, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you really need my brother Qing to take you to the hospital? ?” Huang Chan pretended to be a good person and said.

"Huang Chan, shut up." Qin Wenyan scolded, her delicate face flushed red, a little bit angry.

What happened to her, Huang Chan knew very well, because it was Huang Chan who did the tricks, but Huang Chan asked knowingly and used this matter to ridicule her, which made her unbearable.

What's more, even if she wants to tell her about the abnormal condition of her body, how can she say it out?
"Qin Wenyan, let me tell you what's the matter with you. I care about you with good intentions. It's fine if you don't appreciate it. You still scold me. It's too biting for Lu Dongbin, and you don't know good people." Huang Chan A little unhappy.

"Huang Chan, you don't have to gloat here, I don't believe it. You didn't ask for help in today's matter." Qin Wenyan gritted his teeth.

"Qin Wenyan, why are you such an idiot, my brother Qing is here, I'm different from you." Huang Chan said triumphantly.

Qin Wenyan's expression changed quietly, and he suddenly realized that after all his calculations, he had missed one thing after all.

That is, with Huang Chan's indifferent personality, Huang Chan may not think it is a bad thing. With her personality, it is entirely possible to turn a bad thing into a good thing.

"You two, can you stop talking for now? I see that the expressions of both of you are not very good-looking, did you eat something wrong? But it seems that we haven't eaten yet?" Jiang Chen interjected.

"Brother Qing, have you seen the animal world?" Huang Chan didn't directly answer Jiang Chen's question, she giggled coquettishly.

"No." Jiang Chen shook his head, indeed he hadn't read it.

"I've seen it. There is a saying about the animal world that I am very impressed with... Spring is here, everything is revived, and the prairie is here again..." Huang Chan said with a playful smile.

"Don't say it." Before Huang Chan could finish speaking, Qin Wenyan hurriedly stopped her.

Regardless of whether Jiang Chen really didn't know, or pretended to be on purpose, Qin Wenyan felt that Huang Chan shouldn't deliberately tease Jiang Chen.

Maybe Huang Chan didn't know what kind of person Jiang Chen was, but she had read Jiang Chen's files, and she couldn't understand that Jiang Chen was not as gentle and harmless as he appeared on the surface. It is no exaggeration for the master who eats people without spit out the bones.

Such a man, once his true nature is exposed, it will only be her and Huang Chan who will suffer.

After all, Qin Wenyan would not naively think that Jiang Chen is Liu Xiahui who is not in trouble. On this point, since Jiang Chen brought her and Huang Chan to the hotel, but did not go anywhere else, and acquiesced to Huang Chan to open a room, It can be seen.

"Qin Wenyan, is there anything wrong with this? I think it's quite normal, that is, it's just the season for animals to mate on the prairie again." How could Huang Chan listen to Qin Wenyan's words? How would she act in a typical way? How did death come, seemingly inadvertently, just said these words.

Qin Wenyan nodded, if possible, she really wanted to cover her face with her hands.

It was so shameful, such shameful words came out of Huang Chan's mouth, but it was so light, as if everything was so insignificant.

"I understand." Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

While talking, he glanced at Qin Wenyan, then at Huang Chan, and said with great concern: "I never thought you two would be this kind of person. Let me warn you, I, Jiang Chen, am not a casual person. Don't mess around, or I'll call..."


Jiang Chen called as soon as he said it, that was called a ecstasy, Qin Wenyan and Huang Chan looked at each other, both of them were full of black lines, especially Qin Wenyan, who wanted to tear Jiang Chen's heart...

(End of this chapter)

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