genius evil

Chapter 722 Fertilizer water does not flow outsiders field

Chapter 722 Fertilizer water does not flow outsiders field

"Jiang Chen, stop screaming." Hearing Jiang Chen's incomparably ecstatic cry, Qin Wenyan somehow thought of something, and his face suddenly flushed red.

"Brother Qing, your name is too ugly. If others don't know, they think someone is killing pigs." Huang Chan complained, looking extremely frightened.

"I'm about to be molested by you two women, can't I just scream?" Jiang Chen felt aggrieved.

"Jiang Chen, you can rest assured that I won't molest you even if I die." Gritting his teeth, Qin Wenyan said angrily.

Hearing the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, it seemed that she and Huang Chan were both very horny... She didn't know whether Huang Chan was hungry or not, but she definitely wasn't.

"Qin Wenyan, is it interesting for you to pretend like this? If you have the ability, swear, swear that you don't want a man now, do you dare?" Huang Chan exposed it unceremoniously.

"I—" Qin Wenyan's eyes looked a little dazed, she really wanted to say that she didn't want to, but the real reaction of her body, the desire from the bottom of her heart, betrayed her instantly.

"Hmph, I knew you didn't dare to say it. It's really boring to pretend to be like this." Huang Chan curled her lips and dismissed it.

Qin Wenyan was speechless at being squeezed by Huang Chan, a little annoyed, but more helpless.

She could clearly feel that her body was becoming more and more uncontrollable, and the gushing desire was like an invisible hand, tightly grasping every sensitive nerve of hers. .

Driven by that desire, Qin Wenyan felt that he was about to turn into a ball of flame, either burning others or burning himself to death.

"I'm leaving." After a short silence, Qin Wenyan said, struggling to stand up.

"Don't leave, Brother Qing, stop her and don't let her go." Seeing this, Huang Chan said hastily.

Things have come to this point, and the most crucial and most exciting plot is about to take place, Huang Chan will never let Qin Wenyan go no matter what.

"Jiang Chen, don't stop me." Qin Wenyan said.

"Qin Wenyan, please clear your mind, okay? With your current state, you go out?" Huang Chan said angrily.

"Then what should I do?" Qin Wenyan asked.

"I don't know what to do, you ask me." Huang Chan rolled her eyes.

"The antidote." Qin Wenyan stretched out his hand, Huang Chan could not let her go, but he had to give her the antidote.

"What about you, do you have an antidote?" Huang Chan asked back.

"I... didn't..." With a wry smile, Qin Wenyan shook his head.

"It's right if you don't have it. I thought you had an antidote, and it scared me to death." Huang Chan said in an exaggerated tone.

"Jiang Chen, then, can I trouble you to go out?" Qin Wenyan discussed with Jiang Chen.

She also understood that in her current state, if she walked out of this hotel, something might happen, and the risk was too great.

And letting Jiang Chen stay in the house was equally risky.

The best way to solve the problem is to let Jiang Chen leave the hotel room.




Jiang Chen and Huang Chan refused in unison.

"If I leave, what if the two of you fight?" Jiang Chen said.

"Brother Qing is gone, what should I do?" Huang Chan asked.

"Then what should we do?" Qin Wenyan was at his wit's end.

"Don't ask me, solve your own problems by yourself." Huang Chan said with a whimper.

Qin Wenyan just stopped talking and closed her eyes, but this was not enough for Qin Wenyan to concentrate. Her breathing gradually became hotter, and the trembling arc of her delicate body became bigger and bigger.

"Brother Qing, this woman stopped talking, you can talk with me." Huang Chan said with a charming smile.

"What do you want to say?" Jiang Chen asked.

"For example, between me and her, who do you like more? Don't tell me, you like both of them, so you have to choose one." Huang Chan asked.

"Sister Qing, you have made your brother Qing difficult for me." Jiang Chen laughed.

Jiang Chen naturally couldn't say against his will that the two of them didn't like each other, even if he did, he wouldn't be able to lie to himself, let alone others.

Of course, this kind of liking is not an emotional liking, but a man's desire to conquer in his bones when he sees a beautiful woman.

In Jiang Chen's feeling, Qin Wenyan's personality is undoubtedly more suitable to be a wife, while Huang Chan is more suitable to be a lover.

But a man probably can't tell whether he likes his wife more or his lover more. Otherwise, since he likes his wife so much, why bother to find a lover?

If there is a man who keeps saying that he loves his wife the most, but finds a lover anyway, it is not a lie, but an offense.

"Brother Qing, this question is very important, you have to think about it clearly." Huang Chan reminded.

"Which of the two of you has bigger breasts, I like the one more." Jiang Chen said slyly.

"Haha, then I know, you like me more." Huang Chan was full of confidence, and the branches of laughter trembled.

Listening to Jiang Chen and Huang Chan's words, Qin Wenyan was speechless. It's okay for Huang Chan's question to be messed up, but Jiang Chen's answer was even more messed up, typical of a pervert.

However, in the current situation, it is naturally impossible for her to argue with Huang Chan over who has bigger breasts, otherwise, Jiang Chen would probably think that the two of them are jealous because of him.

"So confident?" Jiang Chen glanced at Huang Chan and asked with a smile.

"He's in good shape, that's why he's so confident." Huang Chan smugly smug, said this, but didn't forget to stick out her chest, as if to let Jiang Chen see clearly, it's really big.

"I see Miss Wenyan's figure is quite good, and she doesn't seem to be inferior to yours." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Brother Qing, her figure is also good, but your vision is too bad. A good figure has to be like mine, with protruding front and back, S-shaped curve." Huang Chan said with contempt.

"Don't get involved with me when you two talk," Qin Wenyan said.

"Qin Wenyan, I'm just saying that your figure is worse than mine. Is there any need for you to be so stingy? Besides, this is the truth, okay?" Huang Chan was dissatisfied.

"I don't want to argue with you, I just want to calm down now." Qin Wenyan reluctantly said.

"I didn't tell you, I was just talking to my brother Qing, you can't calm down, blame me?" Huang Chan curled her lips.

Qin Wenyan said that she was blaming you, but she couldn't say it out loud. Of course she blamed Huang Chan, but why would Huang Chan blame her?
"Brother Qing, this woman doesn't talk and doesn't let me talk to you. I think she must be jealous that I have such a good relationship with you. Go over there quickly and give her a loving hug to comfort her." Huang Chan whispered Said softly.

"Don't." Qin Wenyan hastily stopped.

She was already trying her best to restrain the gushing desire deep in her heart, and even though she was trying her best to remain calm, it was still because she was about to collapse. If Jiang Chen came to hug her, Qin Wenyan couldn't guarantee what would happen.

"Qin Wenyan, what's the matter with you, can't I even care about you? Brother Qing, hurry up, some women just like duplicity. They say no, but they don't know what they want in their hearts. , you must not believe it easily." Huang Chan said solemnly.

"Then... well..." Jiang Chen reluctantly nodded.

"Jiang Chen, don't come here." Qin Wenyan turned his head and glanced at the window.

"Not good." Jiang Chen said in a low voice, the figure appeared in front of Qin Wenyan as soon as he moved, he pulled Qin Wenyan into his arms, hugged Qin Wenyan, and appeared beside Huang Chan .

"Ask Miss Yan, even if you have something you can't think about, you must not jump off the building." Jiang Chen said urgently.

"Jiang Chen, you did it on purpose." Qin Wenyan was about to cry.

She just glanced at the window, Jiang Chen just hugged her up, and let Jiang Chen's words be high-sounding, and the reason was correct, but Qin Wenyan couldn't laugh or cry.

You know, her current body is like a bomb, and it still belongs to the type that will explode at the first touch.

At this time, Jiang Chen held her in his arms, giving Qin Wenyan the feeling that he was going to explode in minutes.

Her breathing quietly became hotter and hotter, and even her hands couldn't help but hugged Jiang Chen's body tightly. The delicate~soft body was squeezed into Jiang Chen's embrace, so that she could feel more more comfortable.

But this level was not enough, the primitive longing deep in her heart made Qin Wenyan eager to need more, so she hugged Jiang Chen even tighter, wishing to integrate herself into Jiang Chen's body.

"Finally, you don't pretend to be innocent, so it's interesting." Huang Chan said in Qin Wenyan's ear.

Qin Wenyan didn't pay attention to Huang Chan, her little rationality was being washed away wave by wave by the gushing desire, desire was like a flood breaking a bank, almost surrounding her.

"Brother Qing, they are so proactive, what are you waiting for?" Huang Chan said mischievously.

"What about you?" Jiang Chen looked at Huang Chan with a half-smile.

"Brother Qing, don't be too greedy. Although Qin Wenyan's figure is not as good as mine, it's enough to have her with you today, isn't it?" Huang Chan blinked.

"What you said seems quite reasonable." Jiang Chen said.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go, a spring night is worth a thousand gold." Huang Chan urged.

"It's true that a moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold, but there is another saying that fat water should not flow into other people's fields." Jiang Chen said, and as he spoke, he grabbed Huang Chan with one hand.

"Brother Qing, why are you so bad, I am your sister Qing, sooner or later it will be yours." Huang Chan jumped away, shot out, and the next moment, she appeared at the door of the room.

"Qin Wenyan, I'll see you next time. You have to tell me what it's like to be a man." Huang Chan couldn't stop smiling, and in the next second, she pushed the door open and left.

"Damn, careless." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Jiang Chen, you did it on purpose, right?" As soon as Huang Chan left, perhaps because of this stimulation, Qin Wenyan suddenly became sober, pushed Jiang Chen away, and said coldly.

"On purpose? Ask Miss Yan, don't you mean that I let Huang Chan go on purpose?" Jiang Chen asked puzzled.

"I can be sure now that you did it on purpose." Qin Wenyan said angrily.

"Ask Miss Yan, is it really okay for you to misunderstand me like this? Am I, Jiang Chen, the kind of man who would let a cooked duck fly away?" Jiang Chen argued.

"But, Huang Chan..." Qin Wenyan hesitated, not knowing whether to believe Jiang Chen's words or not to believe Huang Chan's words...

(End of this chapter)

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