genius evil

Chapter 723 Dao is 1 foot high and magic is 1 foot high

Chapter 723 Dao is one foot high and the devil is one foot high

"Leave her alone and take care of your own problems first." Jiang Chen reminded.

"I don't understand why the medicine on her body will lose its effect." Qin Wenyan murmured.

"Ask Miss Yan, let me tell you, don't you think that Huang Chan has really been tricked?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

Even though I don't know much about Huang Chan, but judging from Huang Chan's various performances, even if there are ten Qin Wenyans, they may not be Huang Chan's opponent.

"Jiang Chen, are you saying that I was tricked by Huang Chan?" Qin Wenyan's face changed dramatically, looking very ugly.

"The reality is already obvious. That's right, you were cheated by her... However, it's fine if she cheated on you, but she still cheated on me. I can't bear it. If I had known this, I should have called her a few more times. Needle." Jiang Chen said unhappily.

"Jiang Chen, wait a minute..." Qin Wenyan waved his hand, signaling Jiang Chen not to speak, took a light breath, adjusted his mood, Qin Wenyan asked: "What did you mean just now, You already knew that I was deceived by Huang Chan, right or wrong?"

"According to reason, it's almost like this." Jiang Chen muttered.

"Then, you actually already knew the reason why my body has such a strange situation, why, right or wrong?" Immediately afterwards, Qin Wenyan asked again.

"Ask Miss Yan, I think that's not the point." Jiang Chen said vaguely.

Even though Qin Wenyan was not Huang Chan's opponent, his IQ was not low at all. He only said one sentence. Qin Wenyan easily found several flaws, which made Jiang Chen a little bit toothless. pain.

Misfortune uttered this sentence, and it was true.

If I had known earlier, it would be better for him not to talk.

"For me, this is the point. If you don't deny it, it means that what I said is correct." Qin Wenyan stared closely at Jiang Chen.

"Okay, I admit it, I did know it a long time ago." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen said helplessly.

As early as in the elevator, when the elevator was ascending, Jiang Chen smelled two strange fragrances. Naturally, the fragrance was not the body fragrance of Qin Wenyan and Huang Chan, but the special fragrance of the medicine.

For Jiang Chen, it was really too simple to tell what a certain fragrance represented.

As soon as that scent came out, Jiang Chen immediately understood what it was.

However, that also surprised Jiang Chen somewhat.

This woman Huang Chan was originally extremely weird and elusive, so Jiang Chen was not surprised at all if she had aphrodisiac drugs on her body.

However, it's fine for Huang Chan to have that kind of thing, but Qin Wenyan also has it, but you have to know, Qin Wenyan is a member of the Tianzu, where did her thing come from?

The most important thing is, what is Qin Wenyan going to do with that thing?
With such doubts, Jiang Chen didn't expose the two daughters' ulterior motives. If things continued like this, after entering the room, the two daughters would naturally start hurting each other.

As the saying goes, the Tao is one foot tall, and the devil is one foot tall.

Even if it is medicine, decent people are obviously not the opponents of the Demon Cultists. No, although Qin Wenyan also used aphrodisiac drugs on Huang Chan, Huang Chan was never tricked.

As for Jiang Chen, there was no other reason why he found out that Huang Chan hadn't been tricked, but because he was acting too hard.

Not to mention, Huang Chan is clearly just a chick, but she insists on showing an attitude of not caring about matters between men and women.

If you really don't care, then with Huang Chan's enchanting beauty, chasing her man, wouldn't it be like eating dumplings?

This kind of inconsistency, even if Jiang Chen didn't want to discover the flaws in Huang Chan's body, it would be difficult.

In vain, Qin Wenyan thought that he and Huang Chan would end up losing both sides today, but in the end, he was played around by Huang Chan.

Of course, the reason why Qin Wenyan was cheated so miserably was also because he was secretly fueling the flames, and had a lot to do with it.

However, regarding this matter, Jiang Chen could not admit it no matter what.

To be exact, instead of admitting it, he had to disguise himself as a victim, a heartbroken man who was cheated by his mistress.

Otherwise, once Qin Wenyan figured out the truth of the matter, he might have the desire to kill him.

"Jiang Chen, in this way, you say you don't know anything about medicine, it's also a lie, right?" Qin Wenyan asked immediately, looking at Jiang Chen with hope in his eyes, waiting for Jiang Chen's answer .

Looking at Qin Wenyan's eyes, Jiang Chen couldn't understand what Qin Wenyan was hoping for. He said regretfully, "Although it's fake, it's really not that bad. If you have a headache Fever and minor cold, etc., I can solve it for you in minutes, but in your current situation, there is nothing I can do."

"Jiang Chen, it's come to this point, do you still want to lie to me?" Qin Wenyan asked angrily, obviously not believing it.

Or, in today's matter, she has been deceived too many times, and she can no longer trust anyone or anything.

"Ask Miss Yan, why did I lie to you? If I lie to you, will it do me any good?" Jiang Chen called him innocent.

"What's the benefit, you know it well." Qin Wenyan said with a frosty face.


She was stimulated by the drugs, it was difficult to control herself, sooner or later she would fall into an inexplicable state of madness, and Jiang Chen, as the only man in this room.

Qin Wenyan didn't dare to think about what would happen to a man and a crazy woman.

If this kind of thing is not good for Jiang Chen, Qin Wenyan doesn't know what is good.

"Ask Miss Yan, it's your fault. How can you accuse me of knowingly asking? After all, if I lie to you, it really won't do me any good... Don't look at me on the surface. An extremely conservative man, even if you take the initiative to throw yourself into my arms, I will push you away, and I will never take advantage of you." Jiang Chen said righteously.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Chen realized that two soft arms were wrapped around his neck, and the fragrance of orchids came to his nostrils.

Smelling the alluring fragrance, Jiang Chen almost subconsciously stretched out his hand and hugged Qin Wenyan's slender waist.

However, Qin Wenyan pushed hard, pushed Jiang Chen away, and said angrily: "Jiang Chen, didn't you say that you are an unusually conservative man? Now, what else can you say?"

"Ask Miss Yan, you are fishing for law enforcement." Jiang Chen wanted to cry but had no tears.

It is said that those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black. These words are too evil. How long did Qin Wenyan get along with Huang Chan? How did he learn Huang Chan's tricks?

But for this matter, Jiang Chen felt that he could not be blamed at all. Who would have thought that Qin Wenyan would really throw himself into his arms.

What's more, Qin Wenyan smells so fragrant, the scent is too tempting.

Not to mention him, any man in this world would be unable to help himself when faced with such a good thing, and would respond instinctively.

He just made a mistake that any man in this world would make.

"Anyway, I can now confirm that everything you say is a lie." Qin Wenyan said coldly.

"Ask Miss Yan, what's the difference between your fishing law enforcement and wanting to commit crimes without excuse?" Jiang Chen became a little angry.

Qin Wenyan just sighed, and said quietly: "Jiang Chen, if you really don't want to help me, I can understand it, but, I beg you, don't lie to me, okay?"

"Again!" Jiang Chen was sweating profusely, a little frightened.

If one temptation is not enough, a second time will come.

If he accidentally said that he was bald, indicating that he didn't want to help Qin Wenyan, it is estimated that in the next second, Qin Wenyan's two hands would not be hooked around his neck, but on his neck. .

"Ask Miss Yan, if I had the ability to help you, I would definitely have done so long ago, so how could it have been delayed until now?" Jiang Chen also sighed.

As he was speaking, Jiang Chen's face changed suddenly, his facial features were slightly deformed, and he said in a low voice, "No, I thought that the medicine would not work for me, but I didn't realize that I cared too much...Damn..."

While talking, Jiang Chen's face quickly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his breathing also quietly became rapid.

Especially, when Jiang Chen looked at Qin Wenyan, his bloodshot eyes looked like a wolf in the jungle saw a piece of delicious fat.

"Jiang Chen, you..." Qin Wenyan was taken aback, and instinctively stepped back a few steps, looking at Jiang Chen in amazement.

Jiang Chen was fine before, how could he suddenly become like this, Qin Wenyan was a little hard to understand, but looking at Jiang Chen's symptoms, it didn't look like he was pretending at all.

Qin Wenyan became confused as to what was going on.

"Ask Miss Yan, this medicine is too overbearing. If I do something to offend you later, you must kill me." Jiang Chen yelled.

"Kill you?" Qin Wenyan was stunned.

"Miss Yan, you are like a goddess in my heart. Even if I die, I will not be willing to slander you even if I die, but I can't control myself, so you must kill me." Jiang Chen said through gritted teeth. .

"Jiang Chen, stop pretending." Qin Wenyan said blankly.

Jiang Chen stopped talking, and walked towards Qin Wenyan step by step.

"Jiang Chen, I warn you, don't pretend." Qin Wenyan raised his voice and angrily reprimanded.

She still couldn't trust Jiang Chen, and her intuition told her that Jiang Chen was just pretending, even though Jiang Chen's pretending was no different from the real one.

Jiang Chen still didn't speak, he grabbed Qin Wenyan's arm with a big hand, and hugged Qin Wenyan into his arms.


Under Jiang Chen's domineering actions, Qin Wenyan could only feel that something exploded inside his body, and his remaining rationality disappeared in an instant.

Trembling, her two hands hugged Jiang Chen's waist, and her soft body cuddled up tightly. All movements were so natural, with primitive desire, just like this The action, between her and Jiang Chen, was repeated a thousand times ten thousand times at a certain point...

(End of this chapter)

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