genius evil

Chapter 725 I Like Your Duplicity

Chapter 725 I Like Your Duplicity
"Ask Miss Yan, did you sleep well last night?" Jiang Chen yawned in the fast-moving car and asked lazily.

"If you haven't slept well, you can continue to sleep now." Qin Wenyan said expressionlessly.

"I think I'm sleeping well, but I'm mainly worried about asking Miss Yan that you didn't sleep well, so, did you sleep well?" Jiang Chen said.

"Yes." Qin Wenyan's answer was a bit blunt.

"Okay, then I can rest assured. I didn't know what was going on yesterday. I was in a daze, so I went to sleep on the sofa and asked Miss Yan, you won't blame me, right?" Jiang Chen continued to ask. .

"Jiang Chen, what exactly do you want to ask?" Qin Wenyan was a little annoyed.

What she didn't want to mention the most was what happened yesterday, but Jiang Chen kept hinting at her here, which made Qin Wenyan a little angry.

"Oh, just chatting casually. After all, driving like this is quite boring, isn't it?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I don't really want to chat, can you be quiet?" Qin Wenyan said angrily.

"Yes, yes, but I have a bad habit, that is, when I see beautiful women, I talk too much, and I can't control it." Jiang Chen looked helpless.

Almost as soon as Jiang Chen's words fell, the window glass of the co-pilot was lowered, Qin Wenyan said: "From now on, don't look at me, look at the scenery outside."

"Ask Miss Yan, this is your fault, the most beautiful scenery is in the car, you let me see the scenery outside, it is clear that you deliberately do not let me enjoy the most beautiful scenery." Jiang Chen was not happy.

Qin Wenyan flicked a small hand, gave Jiang Chen a pair of sunglasses, and said, "Then you put them on."

Jiang Chen took the sunglasses, put them on, stared at Qin Wenyan, and said with a smile: "A beauty is a beauty, and there are no dead ends at 360 degrees. Even if she looks hazy wearing sunglasses, she is still beautiful. Don't dare to look directly."

"Now, I will give you 10 minutes. No matter what you want to say, I ask you to finish all what you want to say within these 10 minutes, and then shut up, is that okay?" Qin asked Yan couldn't stand Jiang Chen anymore.

In her opinion, Jiang Chen was just looking for something to talk about when he said such nonsense.

However, if Jiang Chen's desire to speak cannot be satisfied, then Jiang Chen will inevitably chatter endlessly along the way.

Rather than that, it is better to let Jiang Chen finish what he wants to say at once, and when there is nothing to say, Jiang Chen will not say any more.

"Ask Miss Yan, what do you mean, do I talk too much?" Jiang Chen asked.

Qin Wenyan really wanted to answer, don't you know if it's too much or not?After thinking about it, Qin Wenyan didn't say this after all, but said: "10 minutes is enough for you to say a lot."

"Ask Miss Yan, you just think I talk too much." Jiang Chen was a little sad, and said aggrievedly: "If that's the case, then I'd better not talk."

"Whatever you want." Qin Wenyan neither admitted nor denied it, Jiang Chen must know himself and shut up on his own initiative, that would be the best.

"Ask Miss Yan, what do I mean, do I say it or not?" Jiang Chen asked without knowing why.

"You still have 9 minutes." Jiang Chen was so angry.

Seeing a sentence, Jiang Chen was about to be speechless, but Jiang Chen actually brought the topic to her.

"Ask Miss Yan, 9 minutes is quite long, what should we talk about? Why don't we talk about some topics that can promote mutual understanding?" Jiang Chen asked patiently.

"Not interested." Qin Wenyan didn't even think about it, so she refused.

She had read Jiang Chen's archives. In other words, she didn't say she was [-]% clear about what kind of person Jiang Chen was, but she still knew [-]% to [-]%.

Through the archives, she knew enough about Jiang Chen, and she didn't need Jiang Chen to know her too much, so there was no need to talk about this topic.

"Ask Miss Yan, I don't understand what you said. Are you saying you're not interested in this topic, or are you not interested in me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I'm not interested." Qin Wenyan's answer was direct and crisp.

He thought, since he was so straightforward, Jiang Chen should have nothing to say.

But soon, Qin Wenyan realized that he was too naive, as long as Jiang Chen wanted to talk, no one could make him shut up.

No, I heard Jiang Chen say: "Ask Miss Yan, you know me too little, if you know a little more, you will be very interested."

"I know you very well." Qin Wenyan's hair was full of black lines.

"Really?" Jiang Chen's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, "What is this? We have only known each other for a few days, and you actually know me very well. It seems that my Jiang Chen's charm is really true. It's so big that even Miss Yan, a beautiful woman like you, took the initiative to understand me."

"Liu Zheng was killed by you, and all your information is no longer a secret within the Tianzu." Qin Wenyan had to remind, lest Jiang Chen insist on smearing.

"Excuses, these are all excuses." Jiang Chen shook his head, and said sternly: "Liu Zheng is a small person, he will die as soon as he dies, who would care about it, he must be asking Miss Yan after you read my file, He thought I was too good, so he ran to Tiannan City to find me."

"I'm the captain of the Mobile Squad, codenamed Fengzi. I'm currently in charge of your case." Qin Wenyan gave Jiang Chen a white look.

Of course, Jiang Chen's experience in those archives is quite astonishing, but it is far from enough to say that she is excellent enough to make a trip in person.

"I understand the truth, but why is someone else responsible? Ask Miss Yan, and you don't need to explain. Anyway, I already understand what you want." Jiang Chen said.

"You still have 1 minute." Qin Wenyan stopped explaining, checked the time, and said.

"Ask Miss Yan, don't you think that the two of us have met each other so late, and we have so many topics in common, that even in three days and three nights, we can't finish talking?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Sorry, you think too much." Qin Wenyan said, she didn't think there was any common topic between herself and Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen thinks there is, it must be Jiang Chen's illusion.

"Ask Miss Yan, I like your duplicity." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"It's time." Qin Wenyan said in a deep voice.

"Time flies, I still have too much to say, ask Miss Yan, how about you give me another 10 minutes, I will work hard, and try to finish my words within 10 minutes, how about it?" Jiang Chen discussed.

"No." Qin Wenyan shook his head.

It's 10 minutes as promised, and you must not let go, otherwise, Jiang Chen thought she was easy to talk, and it was destined to be restless along the way.

"Ask Miss Yan, you are too stingy, you don't even give me 10 minutes." Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

Qin Wenyan just stopped talking and didn't give Jiang Chen a chance to make progress.

However, Jiang Chen didn't need her to give him a chance at all. After all, what Jiang Chen had always believed in was that opportunities were created by himself.

Therefore, Jiang Chen asked the last question rather desperately: "Ask Miss Yan, I vaguely remember that the two of us haven't eaten breakfast yet, have we? Are you hungry?"

Qin Wenyan subconsciously wanted to say that he was not hungry, but before he could say anything, his stomach rumbled, his pink face turned red, Qin Wenyan was very embarrassed.

"Ask Miss Yan, look at the front, there are two people there, does it look like they are delivering food? Or, let's go and buy the food they want to deliver, just one for each person." Jiang Chen is good at it. With one finger, he pointed not far ahead.

Looking in the direction Jiang Chen was pointing at, Qin Wenyan saw two people appearing there, one standing by the side of the road and the other standing in the middle of the road.

The man standing in the middle of the road was waving his hands in the motion of blocking traffic.

"Ask Miss Yan, stop the car quickly, I'm about to starve to death." Jiang Chen urged.

In fact, without Jiang Chen's reminder, Qin Wenyan had already stepped on the brakes slowly, and just stopped when the car was driving about two meters in front of the person blocking the road.

The car stopped, and the person blocking the way came over quickly, reached out and knocked on the window glass.

Qin Wenyan glanced at the man through the car window, frowned slightly, but still put the glass down.

"Qin..." As soon as the car window was lowered, the person blocking the way said.

"Where's the takeaway?" But, he only uttered a word before being interrupted by Jiang Chen.

"What?" The person blocking the way was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he couldn't understand what Jiang Chen was saying.

"Aren't you delivering food? Let me ask you, what about food delivery? Why didn't you see it?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Me? The food delivery man?" The man blocking the way pointed at himself, then looked at his clothes up and down, thinking very depressed, does he look like a food delivery man?
"Yes, you are delivering food, where is the food, hurry up and get it, I'm about to starve to death." Jiang Chen yelled.

"Captain Qin, what's the situation?" the person blocking the way asked.

"Name." Qin Wenyan ignored his question.

"Pang Zhe." The person blocking the way responded, pointing to the other person who was coming, and said: "His name is Ma Wei, and the two of us came to meet you, Captain Qin, under the order of Captain Huo."

"No need." Qin Wenyan's face darkened slightly, a little displeased.

"Captain Qin, Captain Huo also said that as soon as they respond, Jiang Chen will be killed on the spot." Pang Zhe didn't seem to have heard Qin Wenyan's words, let alone noticed that Qin Wenyan's complexion was not good. Same, said.

"Jiang Chen's case has been entrusted to me to solve it. Huo Jiancheng is too lenient. You two, get out of the way." Qin Wenyan was a little angry.

"Captain Qin, this is Captain Huo's meaning. Captain Huo said that it is fine to bring Jiang Chen back to the Sky Group, but what he wants to see is Jiang Chen's body." Pang Zhe did not step aside, but said.

"Why, you don't even listen to me?" Qin Wenyan's face became even more ugly.

"Captain Qin, it's not that we don't give you face, but that's what Captain Huo said. If we fail to perform the mission, Captain Huo will punish us." Pang Zhe said in a very embarrassed way.

"Who is Huo Jiancheng?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment after listening for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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