genius evil

Chapter 726

Chapter 726

Who the hell is this Huo Jiancheng, and what kind of grudges do he have with him? He actually sent two people to block the way and kill people. If there is no mutual hatred, I am afraid that such a thing will never be done, right?
But who does he know Huo Jiancheng?

If you don't even know people, let alone any kindness or resentment.

Where does the words of kindness, grievance, and hatred come from?

"Jiang Chen, Captain Huo's name, you can call it, get out of the car." Pang Zhe said, he was polite to Qin Wenyan, but he was polite to Jiang Chen. there is none left.

"Hey, let me ask you something, who is Huo Jiancheng?" Jiang Chen continued to ask.

"Jiang Chen, stop talking nonsense here, get out of the car quickly, or you will suffer a lot." Pang Zhe said impatiently.

"A question, I've asked it twice, are you sure you want to challenge my patience?" Jiang Chen was very upset.

"Get off." Jiang Chen was impatient, and Pang Zhe was even more impatient, and sweared directly.

"Looking for death." Angry, Jiang Chen pushed the door and got out of the car. The next second, with a bang, a figure flew out, it was Pang Zhe.

"This—" Ma Wei was shocked when he saw this scene.


In fact, he didn't see clearly what Jiang Chen did at all. The only thing he saw was Jiang Chen's movement of pushing the car door. Other than that, he saw Pang Zhe fly out.

Too fast, Jiang Chen's speed is too fast.

Even if Jiang Chen made a move right under his nose, he still couldn't see clearly what Jiang Chen had done.

This involuntarily made Ma Wei gasp, and the cold sweat on his back suddenly broke out.

Ma Wei realized that neither Huo Jiancheng nor he and Pang Zhe had greatly underestimated Jiang Chen.

You know, they originally thought that even if Qin Wenyan was unwilling to take action after meeting Qin Wenyan, it would be enough for him and Pang Zhe to kill Jiang Chen.

But as soon as Jiang Chen made a move, Ma Wei realized that in front of Jiang Chen, Pang Zhe didn't even have a chance to make a move.

His cultivation was comparable to Pang Zhe's. If Pang Zhe had no chance to make a move, it was naturally impossible for him to have one.

"Just now I heard that idiot Pang Zhe said that he wanted to kill me on the spot, didn't you come to kill me, why don't you hurry up and do it." Jiang Chen said, glancing at Ma Wei.

"This—" Ma Wei became embarrassed.

Ma Wei is indeed here to kill Jiang Chen, but he also needs to have that strength.If you want to kill without strength, you are courting death.

Furthermore, Pang Zhe was hit hard by Jiang Chen, and it was obvious that he was going to die. When Jiang Chen made a move, he severely injured Pang Zhe. Unless he really wanted to die, how could he dare to attack Jiang Chen?

"Hurry up, don't waste my time, I haven't had breakfast yet." Jiang Chen said with a dark face.

"Jiang Chen, if you didn't eat breakfast, we happen to have something to eat here, if you don't mind..." Ma Wei said hastily.

"Do you have something to eat?" Jiang Chen gave a half-smile.

"I'll get it right away." Ma Wei said, and quickly ran to the side of the road, under a tree, grabbed a backpack, and ran back.

As soon as the backpack was opened, Jiang Chen saw that in addition to a few bottles of mineral water, there were actually bread and chocolates inside, and of course, the strangest thing was that there was actually a pack of melon seeds.

"Ask Miss Yan, do you eat chocolate bread, or melon seeds?" Jiang Chen grabbed it casually and asked.

"Bread." Qin Wenyan said casually.

She also didn't have breakfast, and because she went to bed too early yesterday, she didn't eat dinner, and she was already hungry.

"Then you eat bread, I eat chocolate, and eat melon seeds by the way." Jiang Chen smiled, threw a piece of bread and a bottle of mineral water to Qin Wenyan, and picked up the chocolate and ate it himself.

"It tastes good." After taking a bite, Jiang Chen said happily.

"As long as you like it." Ma Wei was sweating profusely.

I feel that the current situation is a bit weird.

You know, after Jiang Chen seriously injured Pang Zhe, he was going to deal with him next, but, unexpectedly, he brought over something to eat, and Jiang Chen was still eating happily, as if he forgot to deal with him up.

"Free things are not free, but I have a very good advantage, that is, even if I eat other people's things, my mouth is not short at all." Jiang Dust said solemnly.

Ma Wei was stunned. He was thinking about what Jiang Chen meant when he suddenly felt a strong wind, and then an incomparably powerful force hit his chest heavily. His whole body was like a broken sack. Yes, flew out.


Ma Wei fell heavily on the ground, opened his mouth and sprayed out a big mouthful of blood. He stared at Jiang Chen bitterly, and wanted to ask Jiang Chen why Jiang Chen wanted to do something after eating his food.

However, soon, Ma Wei realized what Jiang Chen meant by what he said just now. What Jiang Chen said was clearly a sign that he was going to do something, but he didn't react for a while.


Ma Wei spat out another mouthful of blood, his eyes dimmed, and he passed out.

A punch sent Ma Wei flying, Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, he took melon seeds and mineral water from his backpack, threw the backpack away, opened the door and got in the car.

"You can go." Tearing off the packaging bag, Jiang Chen threw a melon seed into his mouth and said.

"The two of them?" Qin Wenyan felt a little inappropriate.

No matter how displeased she was with what Pang Zhe and Ma Wei did, they were still members of the Tianzu. They wanted to kill Jiang Chen, but she didn't do it. Jiang Chen hurt them, so she didn't do it either.

However, Qin Wenyan couldn't bear to let the seriously injured two people fend for themselves here.

"It seems that I'm still too soft-hearted. How about I go down now and crush the two of them to death?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile after spitting out the melon seeds.

"Forget it." Qin Wenyan shook his head.

It's fine for the two of them to be seriously injured, and they won't die so soon. If Jiang Chen is upset, if he really gets out of the car and crushes Pang Zhe and Ma Wei to death, it means she indirectly killed them.

Afterwards, Qin Wenyan stepped on the gas pedal and continued to drive on the road.

At this time, Jiang Chen didn't have so much to say, he concentrated on knocking melon seeds, not to mention, I don't know if eating melon seeds would be addictive or what, Jiang Chen knocked one after another, and couldn't stop at all.

"The two of them, why did they bring so much food?" After a while, Qin Wenyan suddenly realized this problem, and asked suspiciously.

"It's been a few days since you came to Tiannan City." Jiang Chen didn't answer Qin Wenyan's question, but said.

"You mean, the behavior of the two of them has something to do with me?" Qin Wenyan is not stupid. When Jiang Chen said this, she immediately realized that Jiang Chen would not say that casually.

"Otherwise? I can only say that that Huo Jiancheng is too insignificant, even if he is blind." Jiang Chen scolded.

"What does this have to do with Huo Jiancheng?" Qin Wenyan was puzzled.

"Ask Miss Yan, don't tell me you haven't understood yet, have you offended Huo Jiancheng?" Jiang Chen asked depressedly. He felt that what he had said was straightforward enough.

"If you heard correctly, those two people came to kill you just now." Qin Wenyan also felt very depressed, and it was clear that Huo Jiancheng was targeting Jiang Chen, why did these words come out of Jiang Chen's mouth? When the time comes, it becomes, is Huo Jiancheng going to target her?

"Ask Miss Yan, you really haven't understood what I'm going to say... Look at these two guys, with so much food on them, they are clearly in this place and have been guarding for several days. If I didn't guess If it's wrong, they should have been squatting here since the day you appeared in Tiannan City." Jiang Chen said with a sigh.

"So what? Their target is you." Qin Wenyan asked confusedly.

"On the surface, yes, it is indeed me, but if you think about it carefully, you don't realize that you are actually Huo Jiancheng's target?" Jiang Chen asked.

After a pause, Jiang Chen continued: "You said you knew me very well, so could it be that Huo Jiancheng didn't understand? Given that he knew me, and he sent these two trash over here, are you here to kill people, or are you here to kill me? The one who came to die, or the one who came to disgust you?"

Frowning, Qin Wenyan's expression turned a little ugly.

Although Jiang Chen's logic is very blunt, the strength of Pang Zhe and Ma Wei is a big flaw, these two people can't kill Jiang Chen at all.

If Jiang Chen couldn't be killed, the only effect would be to disgust her.

Although, Qin Wenyan couldn't figure out why Huo Jiancheng disgusted her.

"Ask Miss Yan, you are such a beautiful woman, Huo Jiancheng, it's fine if you don't know how to care and love, but you still make people disgust you. Isn't this blind, what is it?" Jiang Chen sighed road.

"Not every man is like you." Qin Wenyan snorted coldly.

"Every man, this word is used very well. Unfortunately, in fact, every man is basically the same as me. It's just that most men in this world are ruled by various rules and regulations. Constrained by the rules, their daily lives are too depressing, to put it simply, they have lust, but no lust." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Bandit logic." Qin Wenyan was speechless for a moment.

If, as Jiang Chen said, every man's essence is the same as his, how chaotic this world would be.It is estimated that women with a little bit of beauty are afraid to go out.

"But it is also the most correct logic." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Knock your melon seeds, don't disturb my driving." Qin Wenyan just didn't want to go on talking. Fortunately, Jiang Chen had a bag of melon seeds in his hand and probably didn't have time to talk, which meant that the next The journey, her ears, will be much cleaner.

The car was on the road, driving at high speed. It took about four hours, and finally arrived at a dilapidated small village at the junction of Jiangnan Province and Jiangbei Province. The car stopped. Jiang Chen got out of the car and looked at the The scattered dilapidated buildings, the small village where there are probably not many people, can't help being a little stunned...

(End of this chapter)

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