genius evil

Chapter 727 You Will Be Beaten To Death Here

Chapter 727 You Will Be Beaten To Death Here
"Jiang Chen, what's the matter with you?" Qin Wenyan got out of the car and couldn't help asking when he saw Jiang Chen's expression was very strange.

"This is the Tianzu's base? Why is it so different from what I imagined? Are you sure we didn't come to the wrong place?" Jiang Chen asked like a ghost.

In his imagination, even if the base of Tianzu is not located in a first-tier big city, at least it must be seen at a glance. It must give people a very tall and mysterious atmosphere.

But what's the situation here?
"No, we are working on a case recently, and this is a temporary foothold." Qin Wenyan explained with a smile when he heard that Jiang Chen had misunderstood it.

Naturally, Tianzu's base would not be so shabby, and it would be even more impossible to be in such a remote area. Otherwise, if something happened, the traffic alone would kill people.

"That's it, that's good." Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked a little worriedly: "I see that there are not many houses here, and it seems that there are not many people living there. Where shall we sleep and eat tonight?" what?"

"Are you thinking too far?" Qin Wenyan said angrily.

"Since ancient times, even a sage has probably been unable to avoid eating, drinking, and messing around, right?" Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

"You don't need to worry about these, there will be a solution naturally, come with me." Qin Wenyan waved his hand, motioned for Jiang Chen to follow, and led Jiang Chen into a small courtyard not far away.

"Jiang Chen?" It was Jiang Chen and Qin Wenyan, who had just entered the courtyard when they saw a person walking out of the room.

The man saw Jiang Chen at a glance, frowned, and said in a deep voice.

"Wait." Jiang Chen waved his hand, signaling that person not to speak yet.

Then, Jiang Chen stepped forward, surrounded that person, looked up, down, back, left, and right several times, touched his chin and said, "Something is wrong, you must not be Huo Jiancheng."

"Oh, you know me." The man asked suspiciously.

He knew Jiang Chen because he had seen Jiang Chen's information, and on top of that information, there was Jiang Chen's photo.

Huo Jiancheng was sure that Jiang Chen had never seen him, but when he spoke, Jiang Chen recognized him.

"Who knows you, you are not Huo Jiancheng." Jiang Chen said.

This guy doesn't seem to have any problems with his eyes. Regardless of his height or appearance, he is considered good. Although he is far behind him, he can be regarded as a handsome guy.

"I am Huo Jiancheng." Huo Jiancheng said displeased.

He was obviously Huo Jiancheng, and Jiang Chen had recognized him long ago, but he said such things, which naturally made Huo Jiancheng very difficult to be happy.

"I've said it all, you're not, don't lie to me here. Hurry up and ask Huo Jiancheng to come out, I have something to tell him." Jiang Chen was even more displeased, looking at Huo Jiancheng like a liar.

"What do you want to say?" Huo Jiancheng said coldly.

"Damn it, you still want to lie to me, you're looking for something to do." Jiang Chen got angry, and slapped Huo Jiancheng on the head.

Huo Jiancheng probably didn't expect that Jiang Chen would do it as soon as he said he would do it. After a moment of astonishment, he clenched his fist and punched it with his backhand.

"Dare to fight, you are finished, you will definitely be beaten to death here today." Jiang Chen said loudly, turning his palm into a fist, and collided with Huo Jiancheng's fist forcefully.


The strong wind blew, Jiang Chen made a wrong step, and took a step back, while Huo Jiancheng also shook his upper body, evenly matched.

"Jiang Chen, you came here and dare to do something, you will definitely die today." Huo Jiancheng said gloomyly.

"Are liars so daring these days?" Jiang Chen wondered.

"Whether I'm a liar or not, you'll know soon." Huo Jiancheng sneered. This time, before Jiang Chen could make a move, he punched Jiang Chen directly.





In the blink of an eye, Jiang Chen and Huo Jiancheng fought into a fight.

Both of them seemed to be holding a bad breath in their hearts. The battle between each other was nothing fancy at all. One punch after another, punching to the flesh, was completely a collision of each other's strength.

"What happened, why did someone fight."

"Who is that young man who fought Captain Huo?"

"I remembered, it seems to be Jiang Chen."

"Has Jiang Chen been brought back?"


Along with the battle between Jiang Chen and Huo Jiancheng, there were people who were attracted by the sound. One after another, there were nearly 20 people standing in the yard.

As a result, except for the area where Jiang Chen and Huo Jiancheng fought, the small courtyard was basically crowded with people.

"Qian Yan, what's going on here, why did Jian Jiancheng fight Jiang Chen?" A middle-aged man saw Qin Wenyan, strode over and asked.

"I don't know." Qin Wenyan asked indifferently.

She knew very well why Jiang Chen took the initiative to criticize, but in terms of the reason, she just couldn't say it out.

"Captain Shan, do you want to stop the two of them?" Another person came over, glanced at Qin Wenyan, and asked the middle-aged man.

Qin Wenyan is the captain of the Tianzu Mobile Squad codenamed Feng, Huo Jiancheng is the captain of the Mobile Squad codenamed Fire, and the two who appeared here are the captains of the Mobile Squad codenamed Linzi and Shanzi respectively.

The list of middle-aged men was Qixiong, and the man who appeared later was named Lin Yi.

The rest of the people are the elites of the four mobile teams, and there are people in each mobile team. Among them, the figures of a few women are particularly conspicuous. They are all members of the Fengzi mobile team .

"I'm afraid, it's a bit difficult." Shan Qixiong said after staring at the direction of the battlefield.

On the surface, the battle between Jiang Chen and Huo Jiancheng was not considered intense, and the battle scenes were not very attractive.

But people with a discerning eye can tell at a glance, whether it is Jiang Chen or Huo Jiancheng, they are all playing real fire. When they make a move, they spare no effort, and are ready to kill the opponent anytime, anywhere.

"Wen Yan, Jiang Chen was brought back by you, you see?" Lin Yi was asking Qin Wenyan.

"I can't discipline him." Qin Wenyan said lightly.

Lin Yi smiled wryly, but he also knew Qin Wenyan's temper, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"How about, Captain Shan, you and I make a move and tell them to stop?" Lin Yi said to Shan Qixiong.

Shan Qixiong thought for a while and nodded. This was the only way to go. Judging from the situation of the battle between Jiang Chen and Huo Jiancheng, this battle would not end soon.

With so many people onlookers, it is estimated that it will cause adverse effects.

"What are you all doing? You're watching a big show, and you don't have to hurry up and kill this damn liar." However, before Lin Yi and Shan Qixiong could intervene in the future, they heard that Jiang Chen The sound of drinking sounded.

Hearing this, both of them were confused and couldn't understand what Jiang Chen meant.

"I'm ordering you all to take action now, and don't let this damn liar run away." Jiang Chen's voice came again.

"Complete, what's going on?" Shan Qixiong asked in astonishment.

"Captain Shan, this guy is so daring, he provokes our Tianzu without saying a word, and wants to kill me, Huo Jiancheng, if he disagrees with me, please both of you, let's kill this person together." Huo Jiancheng said venomously.

Before he said anything, Jiang Chen took the lead in beating him upside down and pouring dirty water on him. This made Huo Jiancheng mad with hatred, wishing he could blow Jiang Chen to death with one punch.

However, although Jiang Chen was talking about running the train, his strength was very strong. It was helpless to let him attack with all his strength. Under the circumstances, Huo Jiancheng could only pull Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi together.

"Hey, it makes sense that you're a liar, right? You two, listen to me, and accompany me to kill this liar. Also, ask Miss Yan, you also take action." Jiang Chen urged.

Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi were both in a mess. They hesitated for a while before deciding to make a move.

But naturally, instead of helping Jiang Chen behead Huo Jiancheng, but helping Huo Jiancheng, beheading Jiang Chen.

They couldn't understand why Jiang Chen kept calling Huo Jiancheng a liar, but this was not important, what was important was that Huo Jiancheng was a member of the Tianzu.

"Captain Shan, Captain Lin, wait a minute." Seeing that Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi were about to make a move, Qin Wenyan stretched out his hand to stop them.

"Qin Wenyan, what do you mean?" Huo Jiancheng asked angrily.

It was fine if Qin Wenyan didn't make a move, but he actually blocked Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi from making a move, which made Huo Jian extremely angry.

"Jiang Chen, how long do you need?" Qin Wenyan ignored Huo Jiancheng and asked Jiang Chen.

"No, it's probably a bit difficult for me to kill him alone." Jiang Chen said with a bitter face.

Huo Jiancheng wanted to kill Jiang Chen, so Jiang Chen didn't want to kill Huo Jiancheng. This guy sent someone to block the way to kill him for no reason. As the chief culprit, Jiang Chen really wanted to slap Huo Jiancheng to death.

But even if he has a breakthrough in cultivation, it is not easy to kill Huo Jiancheng. Huo Jiancheng is worthy of being the captain of a mobile team in Tianzu. His strength is extraordinary and his combat experience is extremely rich. Unless he No matter what the cost, it will hurt both sides.

But unless it was absolutely necessary and he had no choice, Jiang Chen would not do that.

"Then, stop it." Qin Wenyan said.

"Forget it, let this liar have fun for a while." After Jiang Chen finished speaking, his figure jumped back, leaving the battle circle, and appeared beside Qin Wenyan.

"Qin Wenyan, what did you mean by what you said just now?" Jiang Chen ceased fighting, and Huo Jiancheng didn't make any further moves. He looked at Qin Wenyan and asked coldly.

"Captain Huo is so majestic, could it be that he wants to kill me too?" Qin Wenyan said indifferently.

"Qin Wenyan, if I find out that you colluded with Jiang Chen, I don't mind at all, clean up the house." Huo Jiancheng said through gritted teeth.

"Whatever." Qin Wenyan was very indifferent, and didn't take Huo Jiancheng's threats to heart at all.

"Captain Qin, Captain Huo, you two, each of you should say less, let's go in and talk." Shan Qixiong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said to Jiang Chen again: "Jiang Chen, you come in too."

"Ask Miss Yan, do I want to go in?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Go in, just right, I have something to say." Qin Wenyan said, and walked into the room first...

(End of this chapter)

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