genius evil

Chapter 730 The Super Powerful Bewildered

Chapter 730 The Super Powerful Bewildered

This small village is located at the junction of Jiangnan Province and Jiangbei Province, in a remote location.

Perhaps affected by this, there are very few villagers living in this small village, which makes the village feel a bit deserted and lonely.

Not far from that yard, there is a stream.

Qin Wenyan stopped by the creek, and said, "Jiang Chen, I didn't discuss with you about letting you join the Tianzu, but it might not be the right choice for you."

"Correct, but not necessarily what I like." Jiang Chen said with a faint smile.

"Are you worried? If you are worried about Huo Jiancheng, then there is no need." Qin Wenyan said.

"You think too much." Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I just don't like other people making the rules of the game."

"Jiang Chen, this is not a big problem. If you join my Fengzi Mobile Squad, I will give you the greatest degree of freedom. Even, if there are tasks that require you to perform them, your life will be the same as it is now. , there is no difference." Qin Wenyan said.

What she valued was not Jiang Chen's ability to handle affairs, but Jiang Chen's huge potential.

Jiang Chen is too young, no one can guarantee how much he will grow if given time.

This means simply speaking, it is a bit of a cultivated taste.

"Needless to say." Jiang Chen still shook his head.

The conditions Qin Wenyan promised were not unreasonable, and it could even be said that if Qin Wenyan carried out, he would become the most free one in the Tianzu.

But this kind of freedom is just relative freedom. What Jiang Chen wants is absolute freedom.

"Jiang Chen, there is one thing that I may not have made clear. Joining the sky group is not as simple as you may see on the surface. You will have a systematic cultivation system, and at the same time, you will have countless cultivation resources. , These two will have endless benefits for your future cultivation." Qin Wenyan said.

"Ask Miss Yan, if you tell me, for your sake, if you would like to stay in Tianzu, maybe I will consider it." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Jiang Chen, I'm not joking with you." Qin Wenyan was very annoyed.

Let her use herself as a condition to keep Jiang Chen in the Tianzu, this kind of thing, she can't do it.

"Probably, and only in this way, I will consider staying in Tianzu. For the rest, there is no temptation for me." Jiang Chen shook his head.

Whether it is the cultivation system or the cultivation resources.

For some ancient martial arts practitioners, it may be a rare thing, but for Jiang Chen, he does not need to have this burden at all.

All he needs is time.

When the time comes, it will happen.

It's just that, it's impossible for him to talk about it with Qin Wenyan.

"Jiang Chen, this matter is not trivial. I don't want you to make a hasty decision. If you still refuse by tomorrow, I will personally send you back." Qin Wenyan said.

"Then, you have to arrange a place for me to sleep tonight, and also prepare some food for me." Jiang Chen said, let's do it tomorrow, and don't worry about this day's time.

Qin Wenyan nodded. After she finished what she wanted to say, she had to walk away, so as not to be guessed by others about her relationship with Jiang Chen.

However, just as Qin Wenyan moved his feet, there was a "boom", a sound that shook the sky.

What fell was a wall, and that wall was directly hit by a brown figure and collapsed.

That brown figure, I don't know where it came from, nor when it appeared, the speed is incredible, after colliding with a wall, the brown figure appeared in the car driven by Qin Wenyan. next to the car.

Then, I saw the brown figure, raised his foot, and kicked on the car.


With the kick of the brown figure, the car flew out in an instant, and fell to a distance of more than ten meters, turning into a pile of scrap iron.

"Terrifying strength." Eyes narrowed slightly, even though Jiang Chen was well-informed, he couldn't help but secretly frightened.

As far as his strength is concerned, it is not difficult to crash into a wall or kick a car, but it is absolutely impossible to do it effortlessly like that brown figure.

From this point, Jiang Chen can conclude that the brown figure is an extremely terrifying existence.

"No, this person is exactly the target of our mission this time. We have been searching for him for a long time, but we have never found him. He will appear on his own initiative." Qin Wenyan's face changed drastically, and he was about to rush over.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, grabbed Qin Wenyan's arm, and said in a low voice, "What are you going to do, to die?"

"But--" Qin Wenyan was very anxious.

"Tell me first, what's the situation." Jiang Chen stared at the brown figure's every move, and said.

However, it was discovered that the behavior of the brown figure was obviously a little abnormal. The figure was erratic, going east for a while, and going west for a while, but every time it appeared in a place, it would cause huge destructive power.

The destruction had already alarmed all the people in the yard, and they all ran out one by one. Huo Jiancheng and the three stood at the forefront of the crowd, with ugly faces, as if they were facing an enemy.

"This person is a super strong man, but for some reason, he failed to attack the innate realm, which led to his madness and loss of sanity..." Qin Wenyan said quickly.

"The top one, a strong man with nine levels of cultivation in ancient martial arts? No, it's a strong man with half a foot who has stepped into the innate realm." Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

Of the ones he has seen so far, the strongest is undoubtedly Wen Qingxin, and then Qin Wenyan, Huang Chan and the others.

But today, all of this has changed, all because of the brown figure.

A strong man who has stepped into the innate realm with half a foot, this is a more powerful existence than Wen Qingxin. In front of such strong men, the strong man of the ninth level of the ancient martial arts, to put it bluntly, can only be There is absolutely no possibility of a World War I due to the devastation.

You must know that the awareness between the innate cultivation base and the acquired cultivation base is like a gap.

Even if the brown figure failed to attack the innate, it must go one step further than Wen Qingxin and half-stepped into the innate threshold, otherwise he would not suffer such an astonishing backlash and completely lose his sanity.

"That's right, it's a strong man who has half a foot in the innate realm." Taking a breath of cold air, Qin Wenyan said concentratingly.

"Do you know, what is his background?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"I don't know. This person appeared quite suddenly. No one knows who he is or what kind of identity he is. Our Tianzu has been working hard to verify this, but there is no clue. It seems that this person came out of thin air. The one that appeared was the same, our Tian group gave him a code name, old monster." Qin Wenyan's expression was very serious.

As soon as the words were finished, Qin Wenyan couldn't restrain himself, and exclaimed in a low voice: "It's not good."

As far as the eye can see, it can be seen that the figure of the old monster is like a whirlwind, rushing towards the entrance of the small courtyard.

The reaction speed of Huo Jiancheng, Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi was not slow. The moment the old monster rushed over, the three of them moved one after another, and rushed forward together, trying to stop the old monster.

The strength of the old monster is too terrifying, and he is in a state of confusion. If he is allowed to kill, it is uncertain how many people will die.

Those elite members of the Tian group usually have the ability to act alone, but in the face of this old monster, each of them has only to die.

In order to avoid heavy casualties, it is necessary to divert the battle circle away. In fact, Huo Jiancheng and the three did exactly that.


Huo Jiancheng and the old monster exchanged palms, and the figure flew out instantly.

Taking advantage of Huo Jiancheng's short chance to fight the old monster, Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi, one left and one behind, attacked and attacked.

Shan Qixiong is holding a big knife, while Lin Yi is holding a spear.

The broadsword pierced through the air and slashed straight down.

The spear pierced out like a poisonous snake.

"Not bad." Jiang Chen said secretly.

The Tian group is worthy of being the Tian group. When Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi made a move, they showed extremely powerful fighting ability.

However, that's just not bad. The siege of the two only slightly hindered the old monster's speed of action. In less than a minute, Shan Qixiong and Lin Yi flew out with one left and one behind. Said that the weapons in the hands of the two were broken inch by inch.

"Quick, spread out and leave." Qin Wenyan exclaimed, ordering loudly.

Everyone was crowded together, and since no one could stop the old monster, once the old monster was killed, maybe everyone would die.

"Ask Miss Yan, you killed me." Jiang Chen complained endlessly.

Following Qin Wenyan's exclamation, Huo Jiancheng and the three of them immediately moved in all directions and scattered like birds. The members of the Tian group who were slightly weaker in strength simply hated their parents for missing two children. leg.

But in this way, the old monster was startled by Qin Wenyan, turned his head, and looked over from afar.

In the next second, the figure soared up, and the old monster came over.

"Let's go." Jiang Chen pulled Qin Wenyan forcefully, and walked away without any explanation.

The combination of Huo Jiancheng and the three of them is not an all-in-one enemy for this old monster, let alone him and Qin Wenyan.

"Jiang Chen, don't worry about me, let's go separately." Qin Wenyan realized that he was the one who caused Jiang Chen, so he hurriedly said.

"Stupid woman, do you think you didn't die fast enough? The two of us can resist a little bit if we walk together. If we run separately, we will only die." Jiang Chen cursed.

"Okay, let's go together." Qin Wenyan was right after thinking about it, no longer hesitated, and together with Jiang Chen, he used his own speed to the extreme and escaped quickly.

"Damn it, you're being targeted." After a while, Jiang Chen found that the old monster was still following behind him and Qin Wenyan, and didn't turn around, looking for other people, and was extremely annoyed.

"Jiang Chen, what should we do?" Qin Wenyan also discovered this.

"What else can I do, run away..." Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, just happened to see a forest in front of him, and without hesitation, he pulled Qin Wenyan and got into it...

(End of this chapter)

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