genius evil

Chapter 731

Chapter 731
Inside the forest, the environment is deep and the trees are towering. It is not difficult to see that the ecological environment here is well protected.

But it was also true that it gave Jiang Chen and Qin Wenyan a chance to run and dodge.

Otherwise, if it is on flat ground, with the speed of the old monster, at this time, it must have caught up, and a fierce fight is inevitable.

Although Jiang Chen was not afraid of fighting, the strength of this old monster was too strong, and the old monster in a state of madness was extremely violent.

Even if he is no longer afraid of fighting, facing such an opponent, Yu Jiang Chen is doomed, and he will only be in a state of desperation.

Of course, the most important thing is that Jiang Chen felt that this old monster's opponent should be people from the Tianzu. He is just an outsider, and this disaster was completely innocent.

If you want him to take the blame, there is no way.

Therefore, at this time, Jiang Chen was pulling Qin Wenyan and running with all his heart, without any desire to fight at all.

Then, I saw, deep in the woods, two figures galloping at extreme speed, so fast that with the naked eye, only two faint shadows could be seen.

The figure disappeared in a flash, bypassing one big tree after another, and forced a way through the thorny and bushy grove.

These two people were Jiang Chen and Qin Wenyan.

Not far behind the two, the old monster was also running wildly. Compared with Jiang Chen and Qin Wenyan, the old monster's sense of direction was obviously much worse.

But his strength is too strong, whenever there is a tree blocking the way, it will be broken with a bang, and suddenly, in the depths of this deep forest, random birds will fly, animals will flee, and it will become a mess.

"It's too domineering." While running away, while paying attention to the movement of the old monster behind, Qin Wenyan gasped for air.

You know, the reason why the members of the Tianzu appeared in this remote village this time was because they received information that they found the whereabouts of the old monster in the nearby area.

Inside the Tianzu, Fenghuolinshan and the captains of the four mobile teams were all dispatched to hunt down the old monster.

However, the reality is so cruel.

In terms of the old monster's ferocious strength and terrifying destructive power, these people are not the old monster's opponent at all. Let alone hunting the old monster, it is unknown whether they can leave alive in front of the old monster.

"Miss Wenyan, please take a quick look, is my hair messy?" Jiang Chen's voice rang in Qin Wenyan's ear.

"What?" Qin Wenyan was dumbfounded, what's going on, Jiang Chen was still thinking about his hairstyle.

"Is it messed up? Do you have a mirror on your body? Hurry up and take a picture of it for me." Jiang Chen said again.

"No mess." Qin Wenyan was speechless.

"Ask Miss Yan, is it really all right? Don't lie to me." Jiang Chen didn't quite believe Qin Wenyan's words.

"It's really not messy." Qin Wenyan shook his head.

"That's good, you don't know, I have a problem, that is, my head can be cut off, and my hairstyle can't be messed up. If anyone messes up my hairstyle, I'll cut off his head." Jiang Chen said.

"It's not about talking about these things now." Qin Wenyan reminded.

"For a handsome man, he must have his own demeanor no matter what the circumstances are." Jiang Chen grinned.

The two of them were talking without slowing down at all.

But the two of them are fast, and the speed of the old monster is faster. Even if there are trees blocking it, after a little longer, the distance between the two parties will be infinitely shortened.

"No, I'm going to catch up." Qin Wenyan exclaimed.

"It's okay, look at me." Jiang Chen said, just in time to see a pile of rocks in front of him, he let go of Qin Wenyan's hand and lifted the rock.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing, let's go." Qin Wenyan was confused by Jiang Chen. Is Jiang Chen going to throw stones at the old monster?
"Give me ten seconds." Jiang Chen said, moving the stone faster, and after ten seconds passed, he pulled Qin Wenyan again and fled away quickly.


The two had just run a distance of tens of meters when they saw the old monster break into the pile of rocks that Jiang Chen had moved just now.

I don't know what happened, but the old monster was running around in circles, but it still couldn't get out of the pile of rocks, it couldn't help roaring, it looked like a trapped wild animal.

"Jiang Chen, what did you do?" Qin Wenyan was amazed, what exactly did Jiang Chen do to trap the old monster with a few stones.

"It's just a simple small formation, but it can only trap him for about 1 minute at most, don't waste time, let's go." Jiang Chen ordered.

"Formation?" Qin Wenyan gave Jiang Chen a weird look.

Arrays, aren't they all things from strange novels?Does it really exist in reality?
It should exist, otherwise, how could Jiang Chen block the way of the old monster with just a few rocks?

Qin Wenyan's mind was extremely weird, this guy, at this age, his cultivation level is so amazing, not to mention, he even dabbled in a battle technique.What's more, his medical practice is quite profound.

You must know that a person's energy is limited after all.

In such a limited amount of energy, the more things involved, the easier it is to superficial.

Jiang Chen did the opposite. He seemed to have dabbled in a lot, but each of them had astonishing achievements. Qin Wenyan found that he couldn't understand Jiang Chen more and more now.

How could Jiang Chen know that what Qin Wenyan was thinking in his heart had an extraordinary background, and these things were nothing more than natural things to him.

The only thing that made Jiang Chen feel regretful was that his cultivation base was too low, even if he arranged formations, it was just some simple tricks.

This kind of formation can only trap the old monster for a short time, but within 1 minute, it can go far away.

With figures like the wind, Jiang Chen and Qin Wenyan kept shuttling through the woods.

This seemingly inconspicuous forest was actually surprisingly large inside. The deeper it went, the darker and more lush it became. In the end, Jiang Chen and Qin Wenyan had to slow down.

"Ask Miss Yan, I think we might get lost." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Aren't we far away from the old monster?" Qin Wenyan didn't answer Jiang Chen's words, but asked.

At this moment, she already knew that what Jiang Chen said just now about whether the hairstyle was messed up or not messed up was to divert her attention and make her less nervous.

Now, Jiang Chen started talking nonsense again, and Qin Wenyan knew that Jiang Chen was going to divert her attention again.But she was not nervous a long time ago, so she didn't need Jiang Chen to make jokes anymore.

"We're going to get lost, and of course the old monster will get lost too." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Where are we going next?" Qin Wenyan asked again.

As far as the eye can see, there are all trees, and it is impossible to recognize the direction ahead, let alone know where it is.

"Walk around casually, if you don't mind, treat me as your boyfriend, as the two of us, and we're dating here." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Let's go to the left." Qin Wenyan pretended not to hear Jiang Chen's words, and pointed in one direction.

"Ask Miss Yan, whatever you say is right, let's go." Jiang Chen still smiled.

Qin Wenyan couldn't stand Jiang Chen's smirk, so he took a step ahead and led the way.


Suddenly, a group of gray shadows rushed past Qin Wenyan. Qin Wenyan was startled and retreated hastily.

"Ask Miss Yan, when did you become so timid?" Jiang Chen said jokingly as he stretched out his hand and grabbed the gray shadow in his hand.

"Rabbit?" Qin Wenyan was stunned for a moment, realizing that he was too nervous, and he was a bit like an underdog.

"Jiang Chen, put down the rabbit, let's continue walking." Qin Wenyan said.

"If we let this rabbit go, what will we eat soon? Don't tell you that you're not hungry, anyway, I'm hungry." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Eat rabbits?" Qin Wenyan was stunned again.

"You don't have to eat it, but I will definitely eat it." Jiang Chen laughed.

This rabbit was very fat, and it weighed about three catties in his hand. It was a rare game. If he hadn't had to avoid the old monster now, Jiang Chen would definitely eat it on the spot.

"Uh, that's fine." Qin Wenyan is not a hypocritical person, so he doesn't think that rabbits are so cute, how can they eat rabbits.

What's more, this forest is so big, I don't know when I can go out, and I can't just eat nothing. Eating rabbits is much better than eating snakes and rats.

You know, along the way, Qin Wenyan saw quite a few big snakes. If she persuaded Jiang Chen to let go of the rabbit and Jiang Chen caught a snake, he would definitely be disgusted to death.

"Little rabbit, although you are very obedient, who made you bump into my hand so actively, just obediently wait to be eaten by me." Jiang Chen chuckled, held the rabbit's ears, and Qin Wen Yan continued on his way.

In this way, the two walked forward for another hour.

During this hour, the old monster did not appear, nor did he see any other people in the Tian group. There happened to be a small pool in front of him. Jiang Chen just signaled Qin Wenyan to rest for a while. Baked and ate.

The work of packing firewood was handed over to Qin Wenyan, and Jiang Chen was in charge of slaughtering the rabbit, bloodletting, skinning and viscera, a series of tasks, Jiang Chen completed a series of tasks in one go, a rabbit, within a few minutes, was cleaned up by him.

Qin Wenyan picked up some litter and fallen leaves, piled them together, and realized a problem when he was about to light the fire.

"Jiang Chen, we don't seem to have a lighter." Qin Wenyan said dumbfounded.

The firewood was picked up, and the rabbit was killed, but there was no fire. How could the rabbit eat it? It couldn’t be eaten raw, right?

"Ask Miss Yan, such a simple question, how could it be difficult for me." Jiang Chen chuckled, searched around, found a suitable stone, and then took out a silver needle.

Immediately, seeing Jiang Chen's right hand move, the silver needle quickly slid across the stone, bringing up a cloud of sparks, sparks splashed everywhere, and the pyrotechnic debris that had been prepared earlier suddenly emitted smoke, and Jiang Chen gently blew on it. Down, blazing flames, burning up...

(End of this chapter)

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