genius evil

Chapter 732 Are You Willing To Kill Me?

Chapter 732 Are You Willing To Kill Me?
Qin Wenyan watched from the side, dumbfounded.

How could she not understand the principle of friction to make a fire, but Jiang Chen Jiang Chen didn't use friction to make a fire, but directly used the silver needle as a match.

This seems to be a very simple matter, but not everyone is as perverted as Jiang Chen. You must know that the hard stone that Jiang Chen swiped with the silver needle was given by Jiang Chen. Draw a deep imprint.

And all of this is just to make a fire and roast a rabbit, which is too dishonest.

After the fire ignited, Jiang Chen added some firewood, and then skillfully found two fresh bamboos, threaded the rabbit, put it on the fire, and grilled it.

"It's a pity." After a while, Jiang Chen smacked his mouth and said regretfully.

This rabbit is extraordinarily fat and tender, and after a little roasting, the meaty fragrance overflows, making people very greedy. There is no doubt that even if no condiments are added, it must be a rare delicacy.

"What are you sorry about?" Qin Wenyan asked.

"Of course it's a pity that there is no beer. It's better to have it chilled, with a little frost. Think about how pleasant it is to eat a bite of rabbit meat and drink a sip of beer." Jiang Chen looked forward to it.

Qin Wenyan was speechless for a moment, this was the case, Jiang Chen was still thinking about beer, but for some reason, it was fine not to say what Jiang Chen said, but when he said it, Qin Wenyan quietly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Jiang Chen was right. Barbecue and cold beer are a perfect match.

"After leaving here, I will treat you to eat meat and drink." Jiang Chen said again.

"Okay." Qin Wenyan readily agreed.

"Then, I'll get you drunk." Jiang Chen said.

"Concentrate on roasting your rabbit." Qin Wenyan was a little messy, and the atmosphere was obviously good, but Jiang Chen's superfluous words ruined it.

"Haha..." Jiang Chen laughed loudly, and said, "Ask Miss Yan, don't let your imagination run wild, it's rare to get drunk a few times in life, isn't it, sometimes, once in a while, it's not a bad thing."

"The rabbit is about to be scorched by you." Qin Wenyan reminded.

In her opinion, maybe getting drunk once in a while is not a bad thing, but if you get drunk in front of Jiang Chen, it's not certain what will happen.

This guy's mind is too difficult to figure out, and it is always difficult to tell which sentence is true and which sentence is false.

What is often believed to be true is actually false; what is believed to be false is unbelievably true.

However, no matter what Jiang Chen said, whether it is true or false, just don't believe it easily, otherwise, sooner or later, Jiang Chen will have to count the money if he is sold.

"Ask Miss Yan, don't keep staring at the rabbit, what's so good about the rabbit, it's impossible, it looks better than me, right?" Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.

"I'm hungry." Qin Wenyan had no choice but to say.

"You two, it's really a good time to relax." Just after Qin Wenyan's voice fell, he heard rustling footsteps in the woods.

Listen to the voice, there are two people.

Those two people quickly walked out of the woods and appeared by the pool. One of them looked at Jiang Chen and Qin Wenyan with a strange expression, and it was Lin Yi.

The other person was Huo Jiancheng.

"Idiot." Huo Jiancheng also looked at Jiang Chen and Qin Wenyan, and said coldly.

"I'm sorry, even if you're an idiot, I can't give you this rabbit for free." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, that old monster is right here. You roast rabbits here, and the smell wafts out. Could it be that you think you died not early enough and want to attract the old monster to kill you earlier?" Huo Jiancheng said in a deep voice.

He and Ji Dong, after being separated, unintentionally met in the woods. It was because of the smell of barbecue that they were attracted to them along the way.

"Huo Jiancheng, if you want to eat rabbit meat, you can order it directly, although I will never give it to you no matter what." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"If I want to eat, won't I grab it by myself?" Huo Jiancheng was very annoyed, why no matter what he said, Jiang Chen always answered in such an understatement?
He tried to anger Jiang Chen several times but failed, instead, he was provoked by Jiang Chen again and again.

Huo Jiancheng wished he could cut off Jiang Chen's tongue. At that time, he wanted to see if Jiang Chen could still be as sharp-tongued as he is now.

"Then you go catch it, what are you doing in front of me?" Jiang Chen challenged.

Huo Jiancheng didn't like him, why did he like Huo Jiancheng?
"Captain Lin, let's go." Huo Jiancheng just waved and said.

"Captain Huo, right now everyone is scattered in fours and fives, and the fighting power has been greatly weakened. Do you think the four of us are joining forces to fight against the enemy?" Lin Yi said thoughtfully.

Huo Jiancheng glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "Captain Lin, I'm afraid that your good intentions will only be exchanged for the malicious intentions of some people who don't know good and bad in the end. If you believe it, come with me and stay here, what? It's hard to guarantee."

Ji Dong hesitated.

To be honest, no matter whether it is Qin Wenyan or Jiang Chen, their strengths are very good. If the four of them can join forces, even if they face the old monster head-on, they may not be invincible in a fight.

But Jiang Chen is undoubtedly an unknown number, just like what Huo Jiancheng said, in a battle, he cannot entrust his life safety to Jiang Chen.

Rather than being suspicious of each other when the time comes, it's better to leave now.

"Okay, let's go." Lin Yi said.

"Hey, if you want to go, go a little farther. Also, when you are killed by the old monster later, don't betray me and Miss Wenyan." Jiang Chen yelled.

"I don't know who will die first." Huo Jiancheng said angrily, walking quickly with Lin Yi.

"Jiang Chen, Huo Jiancheng is right, we are roasting rabbits here, it's really too ostentatious." Qin Wenyan said with a frown as soon as the two left.

When Huo Jiancheng and Lin Yi appeared just now, she didn't speak because she felt that it was better for her not to talk, so as not to embarrass Huo Jiancheng.

"The words are correct, but if you think that he is doing it for my own good, that is a big mistake." Jiang Chen flipped the rabbit on the fire and said casually.

"Jiang Chen, I hope you can temporarily let go of your prejudices." Qin Wenyan said softly.

"Ask Miss Yan, I want to tell you that if Huo Jiancheng came over just now and only saw me grilling meat, he would use all means to instigate Lin Yi to kill me, do you believe it or not?" Jiang Chen smiled. Said.

"Why is this happening?" Qin Wenyan's face changed slightly.

Although Jiang Chen was not upright in his speech, Qin Wenyan felt that Jiang Chen should not be alarmist in this kind of matter.

"So, I have to thank Miss Wenyan for saving my life, otherwise I might not be able to eat this rabbit." Jiang Chen smiled lightly, tore off a rabbit leg and handed it to Qin Wenyan, saying: " Let's eat."

"Jiang Chen, if you had the chance, would you kill Huo Jiancheng too?" Qin Wenyan took the rabbit's leg and asked instead of rushing to eat it.

"I won't hide it from you, it's true." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

As soon as Huo Jiancheng appeared just now, his killing intent was revealed. The gaze staring at him from behind was like a cold light on his back, and his murderous intent was evident.

It was impossible for Jiang Chen to allow a guy with such a strong killing intent towards him to live in this world.

If given the chance, he would definitely kill Huo Jiancheng.

"If you tell me so honestly, you are not afraid that I will stop you? Even, join hands with Huo Jiancheng to deal with you?" Qin Wenyan said.

Suddenly, she regretted asking Jiang Chen this question, mainly because she didn't expect that Jiang Chen had no intention of hiding anything.

But you must know that she and Huo Jiancheng are both members of the Tianzu. Jiang Chen wants to kill Huo Jiancheng. It's fine if she is not at the scene. If she is at the scene, she will definitely not be able to stand by and watch.

In that case, she would be embarrassed, and Jiang Chen would also be embarrassed.

"Ask Miss Yan, are you willing to kill me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Eat, it will be cold in a while." Qin Wenyan didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, but said, sighing lightly in his heart.

"Ask Miss Yan, even if you don't speak, I know that you are reluctant." Jiang Chen smiled like a flower, tore off a piece of rabbit meat, stuffed it into his mouth, and started to eat.

Twenty minutes later, after a rabbit had finished eating, Qin Wenyan got up, intending to go to the pool to wash his hands, but just as Qin Wenyan walked to the edge of the pool, he felt a gust of cold wind blowing behind him.

At the same time, an extremely dangerous breath locked it.

At this moment, his complexion changed quietly. Before Qin Wenyan could figure out what was going on, he heard a bang, and someone behind him fought.

Immediately afterwards, a figure staggered a few times and flew backwards. It was Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, are you alright?" Qin Wenyan stopped washing his hands, jumped up and appeared beside Jiang Chen, and asked worriedly.

"It's nothing serious." He stuck out his tongue, licked his slightly salty lips, Jiang Chen's eyes fixed on the brown figure not far away, and said, "That bastard Huo Jiancheng is really a crow's mouth. "

"Perhaps we should have thought earlier that the smell of barbecue would attract the old monster." Qin Wenyan also looked at the brown figure.

This is Jiang Chen's first time seeing the appearance of the old monster up close. It is difficult to tell how old it is, maybe seventy, maybe eighty, with gray hair and ragged clothes. The biggest feature is that its eyes are full of blood. The color of dead gray.

It gives people the feeling that this is a walking dead man.

"Ask Miss Yan, I'll stop him, you go first." Jiang Chen said.

"No." Qin Wenyan shook his head without even thinking about it. Previously, Huo Jiancheng and the three of them were not the old monster's all-in-one enemy. If Jiang Chen wanted to stop the old monster alone, he would definitely die.

"Listen to me, I'm young, but I haven't lived enough yet." Jiang Chen smiled and said, the figure suddenly swooped down, took the initiative to charge towards the old monster, and cursed viciously: "Old man, how dare you hurt me, you will die today..."

"Jiang Chen, you..." Qin Wenyan was taken aback. Why did Jiang Chen take the initiative to attack? What is the difference between this and courting death?
(End of this chapter)

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