genius evil

Chapter 733 A thorn in the eye

Chapter 733 A thorn in the eye

Just as Qin Wenyan said these words, Jiang Chen was already with the old monster and punched him head-on.

The old monster seemed to strike at random, but his punching style was extremely domineering.

As expected, this punch once again sent Jiang Chen flying.

"Ask Miss Yan, why don't you leave? Do I have to die in front of you?" Jiang Chen yelled loudly.

"Jiang Chen, it's impossible for me to leave you alone." Qin Wenyan said firmly, wanting to make a move.

"Idiot woman, I, Jiang Chen, haven't got you yet, do you think I'm willing to die?" Jiang Chen said unhappily.

Qin Wenyan's hair was full of black lines, Jiang Chen, no matter what time he was, he couldn't change his nature of talking nonsense.

But in a vague way, Qin Wenyan felt that what Jiang Chen said was right, and Jiang Chen was not tired of work, so how could he seek his own death?
As for what Jiang Chen said he didn't get her yet, Qin Wenyan automatically ignored this sentence.

"Jiang Chen, be careful." Biting his lip, Qin Wenyan said.

Facing a powerhouse like the old monster, Qin Wenyan knew that there was no difference between her and Jiang Chen, or alone.

On the contrary, if two people are together, they have to worry about each other's safety, and they will become restrained. If this is the case, it is better to leave.

However, such a premise is that Jiang Chen can guarantee his own safety, otherwise, it would be impossible for Qin Wenyan to leave alone.

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't stay here, just whimper." Jiang Chen urged impatiently.

"Then I'm leaving." Qin Wenyan gave Jiang Chen a complicated look, and immediately stopped hesitating, turned around, chose a direction, and rushed away.

"Old man, come again, young master, I will kill you today." Watching Qin Wenyan leave, Jiang Chen hooked his fingers at the old monster and said provocatively.

The old monster didn't know if he heard Jiang Chen's words, but in the next second, he appeared in front of Jiang Chen, clenched his fist, and slammed it out fiercely.

"As soon as the agreed domineering spirit comes out, the Quartet surrenders? In the fairy tales, they are all deceitful, unreliable, too unreliable." Jiang Chen muttered, right at the old monster's side. When the punch came, the side of the foot quickly floated backward.

Qin Wenyan had already left, Jiang Chen would not be so stupid as to confront the old monster head-on, he is not a masochist, why would he seek abuse for himself?
And the reason why Jiang Chen let Qin Wenyan go first is because Qin Wenyan stayed here and couldn't help at all. Since he couldn't help, there would be no more Qin Wenyan, and no less Qin Wenyan. few.

Secondly, Jiang Chen was alone in turning the tide when the enemy was at hand. Thinking about it, he seemed very moved. It would be strange if Qin Wenyan was not moved and talked in a muddle.

Of course, what Jiang Chen wanted most was the second result, otherwise, wouldn't his play be for nothing?
Qin Wenyan, the audience, was not there, so Jiang Chen didn't need to act any more. After the figure flew out, Jiang Chen's feet were different, and he pushed a little harder to the ground, bringing a gust of cold wind, and rushed out.

As soon as Jiang Chen moved, the old monster also moved, and followed closely behind.

"Old monster, I think you should not be called an old monster in the future, but an old bastard. In broad daylight, you chase me a big man, are you embarrassed?" Jiang Chen cursed incessantly while running.

But he completely forgot that the old monster was not the name of the brown figure, but a code name given to him by the Tianzu.


A tree, under the punch of the old monster, broke in half and fell to the ground, making a shocking sound.

"Old monster, do you think that the name Old Bastard is very suitable for you? You are too excited, but you are a mute and can't express the excitement in your heart. You can only tell me in this way. Are you very excited?" Jiang Chen moved and jumped, talking non-stop.

"you die……"

But listening to that, the old monster who had never spoken from the beginning to the end, stuttered and said bluntly.

"Huh?" Hearing the old monster's words, Jiang Chen frowned suddenly.

According to Qin Wenyan, this old monster failed to attack the innate realm, went mad and lost all sanity.

However, listening to the old monster now, although his accent is extremely strange, it shows that he still has a little bit of sanity.

This made Jiang Chen secretly unhappy.

You must know that an old monster who has completely lost his mind is terrifying, but it is no different from a walking puppet. With a little trick, it is not impossible to kill it.

However, an old monster with a mind is undoubtedly more terrifying. It should be noted that the mind controls actions. When one's own actions are controlled, the danger level of an old monster may be increased several times.

After realizing this, Jiang Chen sped up again, and ran in the depths of the woods.


Accompanied by another punch from the old monster, another big tree was broken by it, and the trunk fell towards Jiang Chen's head.


Jiang Chen cursed secretly, and kicked towards the fallen tree.


With one kick, he kicked the big tree several feet sideways, barely avoiding being knocked down by the big tree, but in this way, Jiang Chen's action speed inevitably slowed down.

At the moment when Jiang Chen's speed slowed down, under the flickering figure of the old monster, he had already appeared in front of him.


A cold word spit out from the old monster's mouth, and he punched Jiang Chen's head fiercely and domineeringly.

"Old bastard, will you die if you say a few more words?" Jiang Chen said angrily, stretching out his hands like door bolts, tightly protecting his head.


The old monster punched down, and instantly, Jiang Chen felt like a stone weighing more than [-] catties hit his two arms.

The astonishing force caused Jiang Chen to lose control of his whole body, and walked a few steps crookedly before he managed to stabilize his figure.

"It hurts too much." Grinning his teeth, Jiang Chen yelled, not daring to hesitate at all, and ran away.


The old monster's voice sounded in Jiang Chen's ears again, it was gloomy, like the low growl of a wild beast.

"Old bastard, I'm still young, so it's not a problem to live to be hundreds of years old. If you want to die, just slap your own head off with a slap, or else." Jiang Chen scolded.

Then I saw Jiang Chen and the old monster, one in front, one behind, one running wildly, and the other full of murderous intent.

While the old monster was chasing and killing Jiang Chen, the word "death" appeared from his mouth from time to time, which was extremely infiltrating.

If someone was a little more timid, they would probably be scared to death without the old monster.

Jiang Chen was naturally courageous, but what he had to say was that after listening too much, it was inevitable that he would become a little irritable.

Another reason why Jiang Chen was so upset was that he was too embarrassed now.

Whether he was in the True Spirit Continent in his previous life or in this life, how could he, Jiang Chen, have encountered such a predicament?
Even in the True Spirit Continent, during the last massacre that shook the entire continent, he had never been so embarrassed.

It has to be said that this kind of taste made Jiang Chen too unhappy.

"Listen, is there any movement over there?"

"Is there a beast?"

"No, the old monster is chasing you."


While running, Jiang Chen suddenly heard a voice talking, and after he jumped over a low bush, he saw clearly a few figures behind the bush.

These people are none other than members of the Tian group who escaped from the small village.

When these people saw the old monster chasing after Jiang Chen not far away, they were all scared out of their wits and scattered like birds.

"Is it difficult for a bunch of disloyal guys to help?" Jiang Chen was a little speechless.

It was an accident, I ran into these guys, and I don't know if it was because these guys were too unlucky.

However, Jiang Chen didn't mean to drag them into the water. It wasn't that Jiang Chen was too good, but that the strength of these people was too insignificant. Even if he wanted to use them to restrain the old monster a little, he couldn't do it.

Jiang Chen chose a direction where no one was around, and ran wildly. Fortunately, the old monster seemed to have identified him and had to kill him. behind him.

"It's really not good to be too handsome, but if I have a choice, I will still choose to be so handsome in my next life." Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

He originally thought that even if he didn't intend to use those guys, the old monster should be like ants, chasing up and killing a few of them.

Who would have thought that the old monster had no such thoughts at all, and completely regarded him as a thorn in his side, and would not give up until he was killed.

Unknowingly, he became the number one target of the old monster. Jiang Chen was so depressed, he never thought that it was he who completely angered the old monster.


While running, Jiang Chen's field of vision suddenly widened. The tall and towering trees gradually disappeared, and a flat land appeared in front of him.

This situation suddenly caused Jiang Chen's complexion to change dramatically. In the mountains and forests, he still couldn't get rid of the old monster, let alone in the open ground.

However, the old monster was chasing after him, even if he wanted to turn back, he couldn't do it, so Jiang Chen rushed out of the woods and rushed towards the flat ground.

And about a minute later, when he saw what he saw in front of him, Jiang Chen's expression changed again, and he, who was running at high speed, had to stop.

Impressively, one can see that there is a bottomless rift about one meter away from Jiang Chen. In the rift, clouds can be vaguely seen floating. From this, it is not difficult to imagine that this rift, How deep is it.

A large rift valley stretches from one end of the mountain to this end, separating the two mountains and forming a natural moat.

At the other end of the moat, there is a distance of nearly 30 meters by visual inspection, and this distance of 30 meters is definitely a chasm in terms of Jiang Chen's current strength.

"Is it possible that I, Jiang Chen, am going to die here today?" Jiang Chen muttered, then waved his hands at the chasing old monster again and again, and said, "Stand, don't come over, if you come over again, I'll jump!" down..."

(End of this chapter)

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