genius evil

Chapter 734

Chapter 734

The old monster remained unmoved and approached step by step.

"Hey, did you not hear me or do you think I won't jump off? I warn you, if you take another step forward, I will really jump off." Jiang Chen said angrily.


Deep in the throat, there was a low voice, full of the taste of death.

"Old bastard, why don't we have a good chat? Why don't you let me go?" Jiang Chen said in a negotiating tone.


The old monster had no expression on his face, from the beginning to the end, there was only this one word.

"Very good, you have completely offended me." Jiang Chen was very angry, and then, seeing Jiang Chen's figure move, he rushed towards the direction of the Great Rift Valley.

In an instant, Jiang Chen disappeared.


The tone of the old monster's speech remained unchanged, and the brown figure also flashed past, disappeared in place in an instant, and rushed into the Great Rift Valley like lightning.

There was a wind blowing, with a faint earthy smell. On the edge of the Great Rift Valley, a large piece of lush grass was blown away, giving off an exceptionally cold atmosphere.

After Jiang Chen and the old monster disappeared one after the other, there was no third figure to be seen here, as if this place had never changed, and no one had ever been here.


A bird flew by and dropped a feather, and the feather floated down along the Great Rift Valley.

But when that feather was about to fall into the Great Rift Valley, suddenly, a hand was stretched out, and that hand, with a light grasping of the palm, grabbed that piece of feather in the hand superior.

Immediately after that, a head popped out from the bottom of the Great Rift Valley, and then a face popped up, grinning lightly, that person jumped up and stood on the edge of the Great Rift Valley.

"Sure enough, things like IQ are very important." After sighing softly for a while, the man opened his mouth more and more, and finally turned into a wanton laugh.

The one laughing so presumptuously and arrogantly was none other than Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen jumped into the Great Rift Valley just now. On the surface, he was forced to jump because he had nowhere to go. However, considering Jiang Chen's temperament, even if he died tragically in battle, it is impossible for him to choose to commit suicide.

Jiang Chen jumped down the Great Rift Valley, but he was only advancing by retreating to survive in a desperate situation.

For one thing, Jiang Chen jumped into the Great Rift Valley. This kind of behavior is undoubtedly close to death. He is already dead. Even if the old monster wants to kill him, there is no way to kill him.

Secondly, it was Jiang Chen who was betting that the old monster still had some sanity left, betting that when he jumped into the Great Rift Valley, the old monster would jump down with him.

As expected, Jiang Chen made the right bet.

The old monster tried his best to retain his sanity, but that ray of remaining sanity could not control the old monster's actions at all. In essence, the old monster was no different from a puppet.

The old monster jumped down the Great Rift Valley and disappeared, but Jiang Chen reappeared. It was because Jiang Chen had chosen the place to jump into long before he jumped down.

Where he was, a few meters below, there was a thuja. After Jiang Chen jumped into the Great Rift Valley, he quietly grabbed that twig.

It has to be said that it was a very lucky thing, if it wasn't for the fact that there happened to be a thuja cypress on the cliff, if it wasn't for the old monster being insane, and under his guidance, he jumped down...

Once the old monster sensed that something was wrong, he didn't have to do anything at all, he just had to stay here. Then, he, Jiang Chen, would have no chance of showing his head, and he would definitely die today.

After laughing, Jiang Chen didn't leave immediately, but stood on the edge of the Great Rift Valley, looking at the surrounding environment.

"It's okay, let's make some arrangements." After a while, Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

He jumped into the Great Rift Valley and survived, not necessarily, after the old monster jumped down, he must have died.

If the old monster survived by luck, once it reappears, it will be an endless disaster, and Jiang Chen will bear the brunt of it.

Cutting grass must be rooted out, this is Jiang Chen's consistent principle of doing things.

He didn't know if the old monster was dead or not, but Jiang Chen didn't plan to leave here until he was sure that the old monster was dead. He had to make sure that the old monster died before he could leave in peace.

Jiang Chen decided to wait here for three days. If he waits here, there will be two possibilities.

The first one is that after three days, the old monster has never appeared, which means that the old monster jumped off the Great Rift Valley and fell to his death.

The second possibility is that during the waiting time, the old monster did not die, but appeared instead.

If it is the first situation, it is naturally the best thing for Jiang Chen. After all, the old monster is powerful, and he is not willing to fight the old monster unless it is necessary.

But Jiang Chen also had to prepare for the worst, that is, the old monster would reappear.

In the second case, once it happened, a fierce battle would be unavoidable. In this way, Jiang Chen must make preparations in advance to meet the battle.

His strength is far inferior to that of the old monster. A frontal battle is all about seeking abuse. In this case, Jiang Chen should arrange it properly.

Just do what you said, Jiang Chen acted quickly.

Jiang Chen decided to arrange several formations.

That's right, just arrange a few, to be precise, arrange a chain formation.

With his current strength, the formations he has arranged are not very lethal, at best they are just blindfolds.

A mere formation can't trap the old monster for too long at all. The chain formation is different, one ring within another, Jiang Chen is absolutely sure that once the chain formation is arranged, the old monster will be trapped for a long time. hours, no problem.

Of course, just trapping the old monster would not satisfy Jiang Chen. What he had to do was not just trapping the old monster, but killing the old monster completely.

In this way, Jiang Chen must start to improve this set of serial formations.

Fortunately, there are various formations in Jiang Chen's mind. Except for some formations that cannot be arranged with his current strength, Jiang Chen is very familiar with those simple small formations. Improve it without difficulty.

Jiang Chen had looked at this place before, and he had to say that the location here is unique, and it doesn't need to expend too much effort and energy to arrange the formation. It only needs to use the geographical factors and make the best use of the situation.

Jiang Chen moved very fast, surrounding the edge of this great rift valley, using the trees, rocks, and even the seemingly unnecessary weeds that grew in the jungle to quickly arrange them.

However, even though Jiang Chen had no difficulty in arranging the formation, after Jiang Chen successfully arranged the formation, it still took several hours.

"It's getting dark, it looks like we need to find something to eat." Looking up at the darkness in the sky, Jiang Chen said.

He already had an amazing appetite, and since he set off from Tiannan City early this morning, he hadn't eaten much at all. At noon, the rabbit he ate was just a drop in the bucket, and he had already digested it clean.


With a movement of Jiang Chen's figure, he rushed into the jungle. A few minutes later, when Jiang Chen reappeared, he held two rabbits in his hands.

In terms of eating, Jiang Chen never treats himself badly. These four rabbits are his dinner today.

After skillfully bloodletting, skinning and viscerating, Jiang Chen put the four rabbits on bamboo, put them on the fire, and grilled them.

Almost, when the four rabbits were about to be cooked, Jiang Chen's ears moved slightly, and he heard footsteps coming from far and near.

"Huo Jiancheng, you really have a grievance, do you want to eat my roasted rabbit so much?" Jiang Chen said lazily, there was no need to look back, from the sound of footsteps, Jiang Chen was enough to judge, come who is who.

The person who came was Huo Jiancheng.

When Huo Jiancheng saw Jiang Chen, he subconsciously froze for a moment, and the expression on his face became extraordinarily exciting for no reason.

This time, Huo Jiancheng was still attracted by the aroma of barbecue.

However, Huo Jiancheng still had a feeling of hell when he saw that it was Jiang Chen who was grilling meat.

Huo Jiancheng simply couldn't understand, Jiang Chen was thinking about something all day long, why did he only think about eating?

I ate roasted rabbit meat at noon, and I am still roasting rabbits now.

Even if the rabbit meat is delicious, Jiang Chen doesn't need it, he should always think about it, especially in such an environment.

Could it be that Jiang Chen has no sense of crisis at all?
Or, in order to eat, Jiang Chen could even give up his own life?

"Hey, let me say yes first, even if you want to eat my rabbit meat, there is no way." Jiang Chen said again before Huo Jiancheng could reply.

"Jiang Chen, do you think I'm rare?" Huo Jiancheng said unhappily.

"Isn't it rare?" Jiang Chen chuckled and said, "At noon, you were attracted by the smell of roasted rabbit meat, and now you appeared in front of me. Needless to say, this is also the case, right? Accidentally, it happened twice, that is inevitable.”

"Fart." Huo Jiancheng naturally couldn't admit it.

"Don't be stubborn in front of me, I can already hear you swallowing your saliva, but let me give you a suggestion, if you really want to eat it so much, you can just grab a few of them yourself, why are you always What about coveting my things?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

When Jiang Chen said this, Huo Jiancheng's face turned blue and purple. Hearing the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, he almost suspected that what he hit was Jiang Chen's idea of ​​roasting rabbit meat.

"Oh, if you're going to tell me that besides your brain, you also have hands, then just pretend I didn't say that, just stand aside and watch me eat meat." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, if you really like eating rabbits, I don't mind at all. I'll grab a few more and feed you, because this will be your last dinner." Huo Jiancheng ignored Jiang Chen lazily. Chen's teasing, said through gritted teeth.

"Why, you want to kill me just because I don't give you rabbit meat, do you still have any humanity?" Jiang Chen cursed angrily.

"Jiang Chen, why do people with discerning eyes speak dark words, if you let your tongue grow like a lotus today, you will surely die." Huo Jiancheng said viciously.

Jiang Chen's premonition was not wrong. As early as noon, he had indeed planned to instigate Lin Yi to join him in killing Jiang Chen, but Qin Wenyan was there, so there was no chance to do it.

The situation is different now, Qin Wenyan has left, and Jiang Chen, it seems, his face is not very good-looking, vaguely, it seems that he has been injured.

For Huo Jiancheng, this situation is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If he hadn't seized this opportunity, even he would not forgive himself...

(End of this chapter)

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