genius evil

Chapter 735 In fact, my strongest is not strength

Chapter 735 In fact, my strongest is not strength
"I originally thought that I was a foodie, but I didn't realize it. You are better than me. For a few bites of rabbit meat, you didn't hesitate to kill me." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Jiang Chen, are you enough?" Huo Jiancheng couldn't listen to half a sentence, and was very annoyed.

"What's the matter, you are allowed to do it, and I am not allowed to say it?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

Just when he saw the rabbit meat, it was almost roasted. Jiang Chen casually tore off a rabbit leg, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it, and sighed while eating: "It's really delicious, no wonder you want to kill people for it. If If I see other people eating such delicious rabbit meat, but I don't eat it myself, I will also kill people."

"Jiang Chen, eat, you're full, and you just have the strength to go on the road. Just treat me as a kindness, and let you be a dead ghost." Huo Jiancheng said in a dark voice.

"Why don't I give you something to eat." Jiang Chen pretended to hesitate, and said very embarrassed and reluctant.

"Jiang Chen, I figured it out. Are you delaying time on purpose?" Huo Jiancheng suddenly came to his senses and said.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Huo Jiancheng, what do you mean by that? Why can't I understand at all?"

"Jiang Chen, don't pretend to be in front of me. Do you really think that I can't see that you are injured? Besides, today you were chased by the old monster and ran all over the mountain, but several people saw it with their own eyes. You are procrastinating now, nothing more than a fluke, waiting for Qin Wenyan to appear to save you." Huo Jiancheng said without a doubt.

"So, do you think this is your best chance to kill me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"That's right." Huo Jiancheng did not deny it.

"Even the old monster failed to kill me, but you want to kill me? Are you sure you're not courting death?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

Huo Jiancheng laughed, but his smile was extremely cold, and he said: "Jiang Chen, I don't need to know how you escaped from the old monster's pursuit, that's not important at all, the important thing is that today, you must will die at my hands."

"Oh, is it?" Jiang Chen didn't care about Huo Jiancheng's words, he ate the roasted rabbit meat slowly, and said: "I did suffer a little injury, but unfortunately, I want to kill me , is not an easy task, and what I must remind you is that my strongest is not strength."

Hearing this, Huo Jiancheng frowned slightly, wondering what Jiang Chen meant by this?
Seeing Jiang Chen's incomparable determination, he didn't seem to take him seriously at all, could it be that Jiang Chen has other reliance?

However, besides Qin Wenyan, Jiang Chen's greatest reliance, what else could he have?
Damn it, I was almost cheated, this guy must be playing tricks.

Otherwise, if Jiang Chen really had something else to rely on, he would only use it secretly, so how could he say it directly?
"Then tell me, what is your strongest?" On the surface, Huo Jiancheng said calmly.

Jiang Chen was good at pointing to his own head, and said, "It's IQ."

"IQ?" Huo Jiancheng laughed again, as if he had heard an extremely funny joke, and said contemptuously, "Jiang Chen, are you sure you're not telling a joke?"

"If you don't believe me, hurry up and kill me." Jiang Chen said mockingly.

"You—" Huo Jiancheng hesitated for a while.

Although he concluded that Jiang Chen was playing tricks, but Jiang Chen was too calm, and Jiang Chen's calm showed almost no trace of camouflage.

It seemed that Jiang Chen had a plan in mind.

Huo Jiancheng was greatly puzzled and puzzled as to what kind of situation this was.

After all, if Jiang Chen was really pretending, no matter how well he pretended, there would still be traces. It is impossible to have no traces at all as he is doing now.

"Don't dare? If you don't dare, just get out, don't delay my time to eat." Jiang Chen shouted in a low voice.

"Looking for death." Huo Jiancheng was furious, and then made a bold move.

No matter what strangeness Jiang Chen had, Jiang Chen would definitely die today. No matter what, he wanted to kill Jiang Chen. It was absolutely impossible for him to be scared away by Jiang Chen.

Clenching his fist and bringing the cold wind, Huo Jiancheng rushed towards Jiang Chen and blasted towards Jiang Chen.

Seeing that the fist was so close to Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen was sitting there, devoting himself to eating roasted rabbit meat, a sneer appeared on the corner of Huo Jiancheng's mouth.

At this time, he didn't think Jiang Chen had anything to rely on. It was clear that Jiang Chen didn't even have the strength to fight. Taking advantage of the last time in his life, he worked hard to eat more, trying to be a hungry ghost.

But soon, Huo Jiancheng felt that something was wrong. He punched Jiang Chen, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer. It stands to reason that his punch should have hit Jiang Chen's head long ago. , directly exploded Jiang Chen's head.

But for some reason, when the distance between his fist and Jiang Chen reached a certain point, he couldn't get through with this punch anymore.

"What's the situation?" Huo Jiancheng was horrified when the incident happened suddenly, and he couldn't understand what happened at all.

He could clearly see that Jiang Chen had been sitting there eating from the beginning to the end, and never moved his position. However, his punch could not hurt Jiang Chen at all.

This was so weird that in an instant, cold sweat broke out on Huo Jiancheng's forehead.

"How do you feel?" Grinning, Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"Jiang Chen, what did you do to me?" Huo Jiancheng said loudly, while speaking, he rushed towards Jiang Chen again, but the result was the same as last time, he couldn't get close to Jiang Chen at all.

"So, IQ is very important." Jiang Chen said earnestly.

"Tell me, what exactly did you do?" The two strikes were exactly the same. Even if Huo Jiancheng was an idiot, he understood that he had fallen into the trap set by Jiang Chen.

"It's nothing, it's just that I prepared a little something. I was going to play a little game with the old monster. Who knows, if you take the initiative to send it to your door, then I will play with you first." Jiang Chen lazily Said.

The appearance of Huo Jiancheng can be said to be what Jiang Chen is happy to see.

He had planned to kill Huo Jiancheng, but he was worried that after leaving this jungle, it would be difficult to find Huo Jiancheng. Even if he did find him, killing him in front of too many people would inevitably bring him some unnecessary trouble. trouble.

I simply don't know whether to say that Huo Jiancheng was lucky or unlucky. This mountain forest is so big, but it happened to appear in front of him twice.

From Jiang Chen's point of view, Huo Jiancheng's behavior was no different from courting death.

What's more, after the chain formation was successfully arranged, the appearance of Huo Jiancheng just allowed him to verify the power of the formation.

Firstly, Huo Jiancheng could be killed, and secondly, Huo Jiancheng took the initiative to come over as a test subject. There is nothing that would satisfy Jiang Chen more than this.

"What?" Huo Jiancheng's expression changed dramatically.

Jiang Chen didn't make it clear, but Huo Jiancheng also realized how bad his situation was.

According to what Jiang Chen said, the current situation was prepared for the old monster. Regardless of the strength of the old monster, there is no doubt that since Jiang Chen said he was prepared for the old monster, his situation must be extremely dangerous.

This couldn't help but make Huo Jiancheng regret it. He should have realized that Jiang Chen could never be putting on airs. After all, no matter how much a person pretends, he can't pretend to this level.

Just regretting is useless, he has already stepped into Jiang Chen's trap.

"Next, the game will start soon, are you mentally prepared?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, let me go, I will let go of all the grievances between you and me." Huo Jiancheng said in a deep voice.

"Sorry, I wanted to kill someone today." Jiang Chen shook his head, how stupid was he to let Huo Jiancheng go?
As he spoke, Jiang Chen flicked his finger, and a silver needle disappeared into the air without a sound. With the disappearance of the silver needle, Huo Jiancheng suddenly felt that there was a gap between him and Jiang Chen. The distance is constantly being pulled away.

Then, there was a strong sense of dizziness, Huo Jiancheng was dizzy suddenly, his stomach was churning, and he almost vomited out.

But this is just the beginning.

A tree appeared on Huo Jiancheng's left. Huo Jiancheng subconsciously stretched out his hand to help it. The next second, the tree turned into a poisonous snake.

The poisonous snake spat out the letter, its fangs were terrifying, and it opened its mouth to bite his hand.

Huo Jiancheng was startled, and hurriedly backed away, but when he did, he found a broken rift appeared behind him, half of his body was suspended in the air, and he almost fell.

Huo Jiancheng's face turned pale, he forcibly controlled his body, and ran, but, as he ran, Huo Jiancheng realized that he ran into a swamp without knowing it. All of them were swallowed by the swamp, unable to move an inch.

The swamp was getting deeper and deeper, and it was about to swallow him whole. Huo Jiancheng backed away in panic with his hands and feet.

Withdrew far away, and finally got rid of the swamp, Huo Jiancheng heaved a little sigh of relief, his breath was only half relieved, Huo Jiancheng just saw that in front of him, there was a sudden addition of a rocky mountain, one piece after another The stone rolled down from the mountain of stone...

Jiang Chen ate rabbit meat, watching Huo Jiancheng's every move inside the formation with a blank expression.

Huo Jiancheng danced and danced, as funny as he wanted. As for what Huo Jiancheng experienced, they were all just blindfolds. However, after being improved by Jiang Chen, these blindfolds became incomparably realistic.

And this set of formations already has hallucinogenic effects, so that, within the formation, what Huo Jiancheng experienced and saw was exactly the same as in reality.

Of course, no matter how powerful the method of blinding the eyes is, it is only a method of blinding the eyes after all. If Huo Jiancheng sticks to his heart, as far as Huo Jiancheng's cultivation base is concerned, even if he is affected by the formation, it will be difficult to reach this goal. kind of degree.

"Huo Jiancheng, I have to say, I overestimated you." Jiang Chen said silently in his heart.

The set of serial formations he arranged was aimed at the old monster. To deal with Huo Jiancheng, it was completely like killing chickens with a sledgehammer.

It's only been a few minutes, and Huo Jiancheng is already on the verge of collapse. Not to mention the rapid consumption of his physical strength, he is even more insane, and has become the end of his strength.

In the serial formation, Huo Jiancheng ran around like a headless chicken. He had doubts that everything he experienced was fake, but he didn't dare to take risks, lest he would die if he took risks.

One danger after another constantly stimulated Huo Jiancheng's nerves. In the end, Huo Jiancheng completely became a frightened bird.

"The game can be over." Jiang Chen said, got up, stepped into the formation, and appeared in front of Huo Jiancheng...

(End of this chapter)

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